

In a world where monsters lurk in the dark. A boy named Kyler Pearce aims to eradicate the monsters that slaughtered his family

DaoistL8MLSc · ファンタジー
53 Chs


'Don't tell me she will die because of me' Pearce thought as he eyes began to redden.

"How dare you interrupt my interrogation?" Lord Fang calmly said but a really intense killing intent had began to radiate on him.

"You still haven't answered my question boy" Diana asked with angry look on her face.

"Presumptuous!!" The middle aged scholar roared with a livid expression on his face.

"How dare you talk to my Lord like that!?"

"Do you have a death wish!?"

The twins spoke with livid expression also on their faces. But Diana totally ignored the middle aged scholar and the twins as she stared at Lord Fang with a chilling cold gaze.

"Diana, They aren't your match so please leave!!" Pearce tried to warn her with bloodshot eyes but Diana didn't seem to even hear what he said.

"What did you just call me?" Lord Fang suddenly asked in a deep voice as an unprecedented gloomy aura burst out of him as it charged towards Diana with frightening speed.

"Diana!!" Pearce shouted with a aghast expression on his face.

<I will leave this to you my replica> Diana suddenly spoke internally to a girl that looks exactly like her.

<Don't worry, you will escape from this place with your man safely> Her replica said with a deep feminine voice as she closed her eyes.


'What in the world?' Pearce thought as he looked at veiled girl with a shocked expression on his face. Not only him, but the middle aged scholar and the twins has similar expression on their faces.

Right now Diana looks extremely calm as she forces the gloomy aura radiating out of Lord Fang back with her own aura.

"Who are you?" Lord Fang suddenly asked with a solemn expression on his face.

"You are not qualified to know" Diana spoke with a calm look on her face. When Pearce saw this, he quickly became more shocked as he thought.

'That is clearly not Diana, those she also have a soul in her?'





"Young Mistress!!" an old man wearing a suit suddenly appeared beside Diana as three other men came along with him

"What is it Steward James?" Diana asked with an annoyed expression on her face. The old man that previously spoke out loud was none other than the Steward of the Harold family name Steward James. While the three men that came along with him are Sir Long who is the head of the Thomas District Monster Slaying Regiment station, Venerable Menacing Demon and Venerable Dreadful.

"Why did you run off like that?" Steward James asked with a helpless expression on his face.

"To get him" Diana replied as she pointed at Pearce who is currently on the floor in front of Lord Fang. When Steward James and the other men looked towards where Diana pointed, they all had mixed expression on their faces.

"Kyler Pearce!!" Menacing Demon exclaimed with an incredulous expression on his face.

"Greetings senior" Pearce greeted with a wry smile on his face.

"What are you doing here?" Menacing Demon asked with a curious expression on his face.

"I got captured senior" Pearce answered as he thought with a strange look on his face...

'Can't you read the situation?'

"Who is so bold to capture the son of a great man?" Menacing Demon exclaimed with a livid expression on his face.

"I did" Lord Fang suddenly spoke deeply as he slightly began to tremble from extreme anger. When Menacing Demon and the rest raised up their eyes and saw Lord Fang standing right before Pearce, they all had a change of expressions.

"Young Mistress, quickly get the boy and escape. I and the others will hold them off" Steward James quickly said as he stepped forward while a strange aura began to radiate from his body.

But before Diana could answer Steward James, Lord Fang quickly spoke with a frightening deep voice...

"No one is leaving the building"

"Don't worry my Lord, you can leave it to us" The middle aged scholar hurriedly said as he quickly dashed towards Diana's group along with the twins.

While dashing towards the Diana's group, their aura burst out as black qi filled the area. Not only that, but there were four glittering stars above their heads.

Among the four glittering stars, two were on the twins while two were on the middle aged scholar.

'Two peak phase 3rd stage Qi Fusion Rank monster and a middle phase 1st stage Qi King Rank Monster' Sir Long thought as he finally eased himself up since he find out his side can win.

But what he thought quickly dissolved when he heard what Lord Fang said....

"You guys can't win, I will do it myself"

Then suddenly, a suffocating demonic aura burst out all around the hall as it brought down a tremendous pressure upon Diana's group.

'Oh no...' Pearce thought as he looked at Diana's group that is now lying flat on the floor with despair in his eyes.

'Qi Monarch Rank!' Sir Long thought as he stared at the numerous stars on Lord Fang head with a horrified expression on his face.

'Sh*t, this body is too weak' Diana's replica thought with a worried look on her face. But her expression quickly turned grave when she heard what Lord Fang said next.

"Kill them"

"Yes my Lord" both the middle aged scholar and the twins said before they dashed towards Diana's group.

'No... No, I can't let this happen!!' Pearce thought as he looked at the middle aged scholar and the twins with bloodshot eyes and a resolute expression on his face. But he didn't know that while he became agitated within him, a cold and ancient aura suddenly appeared in his mind.

"If you dare lay even a finger on the Young Mistress, the Harold family won't let you live" Steward James warned with a murderous intent on him. But Lord Fang simply behaved as if he didn't hear him as he stared at them indifferently.

"You dare threaten my Lord, Die!!" said one of the twins that has red hair as he quickly used his now razor sharp long nails to hack down towards Steward James.

<No!!> Diana screamed within her as she wore a grave expression on her face. But before the red haired boy's sharp nails could land on Steward James, something unexpected happened.




"Brother!!" the blue haired boy shouted with a aghast expression on his face as he quickly dashed towards his flying brother who was continuously coughing out blood.

'What just happened?' Steward James thought as he decided to open his eyes to see what was going on. Earlier when he saw the red haired boy hacking down on him, he quickly turned stiff as he closed his eyes and prepared himself for his looming death.

But now, when he open his eyes, he saw the back of a 13 year old boy that has a silky long green hair which was now hanging on the air like snakes, two dark colored sabers that was radiating a dark and terrifying aura and a dark colored mist that was hovering all around him. But he didn't see that this 13 years old boy now has eyes that were completely black.

"Looks like they were right" Lord Fang suddenly said with glittering eyes as he thought.

'I have finally found what Father wants'

<What is this terrifying thing?> Diana said in her mind as she became pale.

<I don't know but I can feel that it's power is unfathomable> Diana's replica said with a solemn expression on her face.

<Will he be ok?> Diana quickly asked with a worried expression on her face.

<That I don't know> Diana's replica said as she shook her head.

"You, get him" Lord Fang suddenly said as he gazed at the middle aged scholar with a calm look on his face. But his expression quickly changed when he felt a threatening force approaching him.


Qi Burst!!



"Lord Fang!!" The middle aged scholar exclaimed with a grave expression on his face as he quickly dashed towards where Lord Fang flew off too.

"Wha... What just happened?" Sir Long asked with a disbelieving expression on his face. Even the others except Menacing Demon has the same expression on their faces.

'He can actually defeat Qi Monarch monsters using that mysterious power' Menacing Demon thought with a shocked expression on his face.

'Looks like I messed up' Lord Fang thought as he struggled to stand on his feet as blood could be seen at the corner of his mouth.

"Let's retreat" Lord Fang eventually said as he saw both the middle aged scholar and the blue haired boy who was carrying his unconscious brother coming towards him.

And so, after they grouped up, they quickly dashed towards another entrance at the other side of the throne room.

"They are getting away!!" Sir Long exclaimed as he prepared himself to chase after Lord Fang's group. But he quickly stopped when something unexpected happened...


"AARGH!!!" Screamed Pearce as his aura burst out uncontrollably. Not only that, but the mist that was previously hovering around him suddenly gathered right in front of him which later formed into four ancient looking slabs.

These four slabs were radiating a black ancient mist as golden ink were written in a strange language all over them.

"What is that?" Sir Long asked with a curious expression on his face. But unfortunately, even the other men that came with him also has curious expression on their faces. Only Diana has a disbelieving look on her face.

<Why are these things here?> Diana's replica asked with a look of disbelief on her face.

<Do you know what these are?> Diana quickly asked with a curious expression on her face.

<Those slabs are actually the Origin Slabs of legends> Diana's replica said with a solemn look now on her face.

<Origin Slabs?> Diana asked again with a bewildered expression on her face.

<The Origin Slabs are what the Sovereign Emperor in the legends used to create the multiverse. Although I don't know the specifics about these Slabs, I do know that they are five. So where is the remaining one?> Diana's replica explained with a solemn look on her face.

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