

In a world where monsters lurk in the dark. A boy named Kyler Pearce aims to eradicate the monsters that slaughtered his family

DaoistL8MLSc · ファンタジー
53 Chs


The next day…

Knock!! Knock!! Knock!!

The sound of someone knocking could be heard in front of a small white colored building. Are group of teens could be seen in front of this building as the burly looking one among the rest was the one knocking.

"I wonder why he still hasn't come out"one the teens that is tanned suddenly asked with a confused look on his face.

"Am sure it's something important" the burly teen suddenly said with a solemn look on his face.

"But if this keeps up, we are going to be la–" the teen suddenly said before he suddenly paused. We he paused was because the door him and along with the rest were standing at in front of suddenly opened.

"He's out!" One of the girls that has short hairs suddenly said joyfully.

When the door in front of them opened, they could see a 13 year old boy that has long silky green hairs which he tied all back with an hair band, bright green eyes and shockingly fair skin. This boy wore a light green military uniform along with the others.

"Sorry for the lateness guys, I overslept" The boy said with a wry smile on his face.

"It's ok Captain. Besides, it wasn't easy for someone to rack both his brains and his body at the same day" the burly teen said with an understanding look on his face.

Right now the people who are in the scene are none other than Pearce and his Monster Slayers.

'Thank the heavens' Pearce thought as he sighed in relief before he said.

"Ok guys, let's go"

And so, The Monster Slayers began to walk towards the building their group was formed. When they got there, they could only see a few people lingering around the area outside the wide building

"It looks like we are super late"Goerge suddenly said with a gloomy look on his face. But no else replied after Goerge as Pearce solemnly said.

"Let's go"

When they finally got into the building, they could see a lot of soldiers seated but no one was currently on the podium.

'Looks like we are not too late' Pearce thought as he sighed in relief. But not long after, he saw 8 empty seats that were at the middle of the 5th row.

"Ok guys, let's go get seated before the gathering starts"Pearce suddenly said after confirming that no one owned that seats.

"Have you founded a seat already?" Robert asked with a surprised expression on his face. But Pearce didn't answer him as he ordered…

"Follow me"

And so, the Monster Slayers walked through the 7th and 6th row of seats before they got to the 8 empty seats Pearce saw earlier.

"You really have sharp eyesight Captain" Robert praised as the Monster Slayers seated.

"Thanks" Pearce said with a light smile on his face.

"Hey look! Someone is coming out from the back stage!!" A random soldier suddenly exclaimed which made all the soldiers in the hall to put their gazes in the podium.

'We does that man feels familiar in me?' Oear e suddenly thought as he looked at one of the men coming out from the backstage with a complicated look on his face.

The poeple that came out of from the backstage are two old men and a middle aged man. One of the old men wore a golden colored military uniform while the other old man and the middle aged man wore an azure colored military uniform.

"I don't think I have seen these people in the HQ before" Robert suddenly said with knitted brows.

"Me neither" Goerge also said with knitted brows.

Of cause, them not knowing who these people were doesn't mean the other soldiers doesn't.

"Oh my God! Isn't that one of the Vice Generals of our Monster Slaying Regiment!?"

"What!? Who?"

"Who else except the old man wearing the golden colored military uniform"

"What would such a mighty figure be doing here?"

'Oh? The old man with the golden colored military uniform is actually one of our Vice Generals' Pearce thought with a surprised look on his face.

"Silence!!" Suddenly, the middle aged man in the azure colored military uniform exclaimed as a suffocating aura surrounded the whole building.


'This aura is actually not one bit inferior to an aura of a peak Qi King Powerhouse' Pearce thought with a shocked expression on his face as he tries to withstand the aura with everything he has.

'Hmm?' Suddenly, the middle aged man suddenly turned his gaze to where Pearce was seated since he could feel his aura being pushed back slightly at that area.

'How is this possible!?' the middle aged man thought as a look of disbelief was in the depths of his eyes.

One must know that the middle aged man is at the peak phase of the 3rd stage of the Qi King Rank. But his aura is bing pushed back slightly by a 13 year old boy that was in the peak phase of the 1st stage at the Spirit Fusion Rank!

That's right, Pearce has made a minor breakthrough last night to get into the peak phase of the 1st stage at the Spirit Fusion Rank. If an ordinary person say that this was possible, they might beat that person to death.

"James, is something the matter?" The Vice General emotionlessly said as he glanced at the middle aged man that wore the azure colored military uniform indifferently.

"N.. No Vice General"James said as he hurriedly withdrew his aura back into his body.

"Haha!! I can finally breathe well"

"What's with that middle aged man. Just to make us to keep quiet, he actually wants to choke us to death"

"Doesn't he think that is too ruthless?"

"It seems he doesn't"

While ignoring the harsh remarks the soldiers were giving him, he silently gazed at the area Pearce was seated as he thought.

'i can't believe he can actually push back my aura with his Power Rank. I wondet who he is'

But what he didn't know is that the boy he was currently looking at is actually the grandson of the old man that stood next to him.

As for the old man that is actually Pearce's grandpa, he silently gazed at Pearce's group before he locked his gaze on Pearce as he thought with a light smile on his face.

'Now that I have gifted you with this group of talents. I hope you could avenge my son, daughter in law and my granddaughter for this old geezer'

"Sorry for the inconvenience my surbodinate caused you all. You have my apologies"The Vice General suddenly with a calm look on his face.

When all the soldiers heard that, they suddenly calmed down from the irritation they had earlier.

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