
Divine Rivalry: Sons Of Ascendance

Title: "Divine Rivalry: Sons of Ascendance" Outline: I. Introduction A. Setting the stage: A surreal, luminescent forest bathed in the soft glow of an otherworldly moon. B. Introducing the two main characters: Kuramoto, a determined young man in his early 20s with snow-white hair, and Higashi, a mischievous man in his mid-30s with chestnut brown hair. II. Character Introductions A. Kuramoto: 1. Description: Snow-white hair flowing to his waist, dressed in traditional samurai attire with a pristine white robe. 2. Personality: Determined and focused, with an unwavering sense of purpose. 3. Motivation: Seeking to fulfill his destiny as a warrior and protector of the forest. B. Higashi: 1. Description: Medium-length chestnut brown hair, wearing a dark hooded robe adorned with mysterious symbols. 2. Personality: Mischievous and playful, with a penchant for trickery and cunning. 3. Motivation: Drawn to the forest's secrets and mysteries, seeking to unravel its hidden truths. III. The Encounter A. Kuramoto's Determination: 1. Kuramoto stands tall amidst the ancient trees, his Katana sheathed by his side, ready for action. 2. He senses an intruder in the forest and prepares to confront them with unwavering resolve. B. Higashi's Mischief: 1. Higashi lounges on an ancient tree stump, a sly grin playing on his lips as he observes Kuramoto's approach. 2. He delights in the opportunity to play a trick on the unsuspecting warrior, eager to test his wit against Kuramoto's strength. IV. The Confrontation A. Clash of Personalities: 1. Kuramoto confronts Higashi, his determination unwavering in the face of Higashi's mischief. 2. Higashi taunts Kuramoto with cryptic riddles and illusions, testing the warrior's resolve. B. Unexpected Alliance: 1. Despite their differences, Kuramoto and Higashi find common ground amidst the chaos of the forest. 2. They join forces to unravel the mysteries of the forest, each bringing their unique strengths to the table. V. Unraveling the Mysteries A. Journey into the Unknown: 1. Kuramoto and Higashi embark on a journey deep into the heart of the forest, braving its hidden dangers and challenges. 2. Along the way, they uncover ancient secrets and long-forgotten legends, piecing together the truth of their intertwined destinies. B. Bonds of Friendship: 1. Through their shared adventures and trials, Kuramoto and Higashi forge a deep bond of friendship and mutual respect. 2. They come to realize that their differences are what make them strong, and that together, they can overcome any obstacle. VI. Resolution A. A New Dawn: 1. As the sun rises over the horizon, casting its golden light upon the forest, Kuramoto and Higashi emerge victorious. 2. They stand together, united in purpose and friendship, ready to face whatever challenges the future may hold. B. The Journey Continues: 1. With their newfound bond as allies and companions, Kuramoto and Higashi set off on new adventures, eager to explore the wonders of the world beyond the forest. 2. Theirs is a journey filled with mystery, magic, and the enduring power of friendship. "Divine Rivalry: Sons of Ascendance" is an epic tale of two unlikely allies brought together by fate and bound by destiny. In a world where light and darkness coexist in perfect harmony, Kuramoto and Higashi's journey is a testament to the strength of friendship and the power of unity in the face of adversity.

Hyumino_ig · ファンタジー
59 Chs

Cultivation Journey

With a timeskip of about 1 months,

It was about time he broke through,

He was at the bottle neck of nascent realm.

"A-Argh! So close! Yet so far!"(meme reference lmao)

"Almost! This pill will easily let me break through the bottleneck of it!"

He takes out a nascent stage pull to increase his chances of surviving the divine tribulations.

"This pill isn't enough, I need more, Guess I need to learn alchemy now."

He called out to Shinzo.

"Yo dude! Give me one alchemy furnace of the highest level with the materials written down here!"

"On it!" Replied Shinzo.

After a few hours,

He returned with an alchemy furnace.

"This, pretty much alright, thanks man, Appreciate it!"

"You're my honoured guest, Ofcourse I have to." He replied, "This guy is super strong, I have to be in good terms with him." He thought in his mind.

Kuramoto sensed a strange look on his face as he was drooling with greed all over his face, but didn't ask anything.

He began with his experiments directed as in the guide book for alchemy.

"So, I have to put this in here and it's done." He places the last ingredient and closes the container, controlling the fire at a limited amount with his spirit Qi.

"Shit, it's listed that there's 5 more hours until it's done."

"I will just try to breakthrough without it before it's done."

He walks outside, forming a large spirit filled mountain made up of swords purely out of Qi. (Qi=internal energy)

He sits, crossed legged on the mountain of swords.

Soon, dark clouds filled up the sky.

The heavenly tribulations for the next realm were about to begin.

"ITS ABOUT TO BEGIN." Was a voice, that came, purely from the clouds, as though the heavenly father himself was preparing cultivators for their breakthroughs.

After a few minutes, it began.

The day where cultivators become stronger.

The lightning struck Kuramoto.

But he was unfazed by it.

Though it looked like he broke through, that wasn't the case, He was just acting tough, losing a bit of his cultivated Qi.

"Ah, I didn't do it."

"The heavenly tribulations are all just a mirage for weak people, Only pills can help stronger people break through.

Half an hour had passed, but the pills still weren't ready.

"Hey, SYSTEM show me the shop."

"Ok." It responded.

A window appeared infront of him, visible only to him.

He scrolled up and down but there was nothing that caught his eye the most.

"I have this gun that can fire rounds repeatedly , but it got wiped out by then, I have nothing, Maybe I should just purchase a handgun."


He recieved the gun on his right hand, it was a simple desert eagle.

"Let me try firing those birds."

He pointed and aimed carefully at the birds.

"Bang." He pulled the trigger.

The gun shot down the birds as well as piercing the skies.


"System, show me it's information and skills."

The window panel appeared infront of him.

"Handgun-Variety Desert eagle.

Information:Weapon used by modern civilization to hunt down enemies, Modified for special reasons, Gets stronger by each realm the user breaks through, The Qi refining realm is equivalent to a normal bullet but the immortal emperor is strong enough to tear the strongest god in half."

"Skills:Dragon Bullet-Single bullet with the power of your realm compressed for maximum use."

"Goodness, This is terrifying!"

"I have to level up to immortal emperor quickly, or even higher than that if it exists."

The pills were ready by then.

An exquisite smell with a golden fragnance resembling the Chinese golden dragon, the pill itself was godlike, it wasn't the nascent realm pill anymore, it was the immortal King pill, it might help Kuramoto break through atleast to Nihility or even Immortal commander.

"Woah! What a treasure, with this treasure, I will be able to beat atleast 1 realm above me to death!"

He quickly swallowed the pill.

The nearby area, blown away and destroyed.

His hair tie was teared apart with his hair now, floating upwards in a point shape, changing its smooth white color to now an even more beautiful crystal color.

"THIS! I FEEL AMAZING! I CAN BEAT ANYONE IN THE WORLD WITH THIS! LETS GO!" He was now granted the ability to fly without his wings, levitating through the air, he went straight to Shinzo to inform him about his treasure.

"WOAH! YOU HAVE GOTTEN EVEN STRONGER!" He thanked himself for not becoming an enemy of Kuramoto, this saving his life.


The whole day later, was spent by Kuramoto mastering his flight ability.


This shit more unhinged than my release schedule

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