Fukuhara Kazuya, an ordinary guy who was on his way to the university entry exam, got accidentally hit by a truck and became an employee of "Divine Reincarnation" HR Company, specialized in transferring souls to parallel worlds. The ordinary Fukuhara is now being surrounded by eccentric and strange individuals, how will he maintain his mental health?
Thanks to Ogawa's talent in old-style speaking, we somehow managed to save our budget this month and not get a salary cut. However, fate was definitely not on our side. Soon after the Winast Deal, our company's server got several problems, and while our precious never-working IT department tried to fix the matter, our team stagnated, waiting for the servers to get fixed and to get access to CanPool again. But, until that moment, we are as good as useful, just spending time on looking and spitting at the ceiling. Funny enough, today is the day our branch manager is going to inspect us. He can't be harsh on us this time, it's not our fault… Anyway! We will not be those who have to listen to complaints. This honorary role had to be played by Yamazaki. What a relief…
"How long do you plan to spend the company's salary budget without attempting to replenish it? Yamazaki, this is not the appropriate course of action. How will you explain this to me?!"
Huh, seems the branch manager is in a bad mood? Anyway, I enjoy watching Yamazaki getting scolded. Continue your holy work, branch manager, sir! I could do nothing, but support him from the back seats. My fellow colleagues were doing the same as me. Even Ogawa looked back to see what was happening.
"If your men's hands are free, dispatch some of them to the recruiting department! They are always in need of new employees", – Yamazaki then instantly turned his head and gave me a glance… W-wait… I don't like where it's going.
"Alright sir. I'll make sure to lend some of my guys to the recruiting department. We will take care of it" – I was aware that when Yamazaki said "we" he precisely meant me. In my final attempt to avoid being doomed alone, I turned to the seats next to me, Saru's trace having already gone cold and Ogawa's chair spinning forlornly in place. You damn traitors!
At the same moment, I felt a hand on my shoulder. Feeling menace at it, I slowly moved my head back. Then I regretted it: Yamazaki's sadistic smile was just too close to me – "I'll lend them one of my best employees, sir."
The recruiting department, also called the recruiting center, has its place on the 6th floor of our building, right under us. We don't usually contact them, except when we can't find anyone in CanPool and ask if they have any new candidates. Sporadically, they send us CVs of candidates. The floor is almost identical to our one, all the rooms, desks, lights, everything almost the same. Yet, I had a weird feeling being here. Maybe because of the different order and places of all those things.
"Well, here I am, room 6.40" – Yamazaki ordered me to wait for my superior in this room. Let's see what awaits my poor and innocent soul here…
Almost half an hour passed. No one appeared. I was about to leave for home at this point, when a lady entirely out of her breath appeared in front of me.
Gasp, gasp – "Please, excuse me." — gasp, gasp. She entered the room, greeted me firmly and sat on the chair.
However, I could do nothing but stare at her for a few seconds. She was beautiful, indeed. Her brunette hair fell in silky waves over her shoulders. Thin eyebrows, long and beautiful eyelashes emphasized the beauty of her eyes — green as emerald stones were looking at me from a tilted head. Her soft scarlet lips were curved in a guilty, affectionate smile. A red dress with one open shoulder allowed others to see her pure, soft skin. I was stunned by this view. If there were gods, would it mean that there were angels as well? But… what did an angel forget here? In this mere place, but hell? My head became completely blank.
The angel opened a notebook, took her pen, fixed her hair and began – "My name is Tachibana, nice to meet you. Then, shall we get started? Please, introduce yourself."
I didn't reply, still looking at hers.
"Ahem… Sorry…" — Tachibana chuckled softly, trying to call me back to consciousness. She could be confused by my silence — "Is everything…"
"Sure. Alright." — I regained my composure and proceeded to the cabinet.
Tachibana blinked with a smile, seeming to be satisfied by the fact that I was fine.
"So… Can you introduce yourself? Sorry for asking that again."
"Um, my name's Fukuhara Kazuya, nice to meet you. Please take care of me."
"Mr. Fukuhara Kazuya! I see! Thank you! So, Mr. Fukuhara, talk a little bit about yourself. Does Mr. Fukuhara have a hobby that he is excellent at? Any skills?"
Huh, I guess their work habits take over even outside the work? Whatever. She was very nice to me, and I didn't mind if there were some strange things about the way she works.
"I am very patient and hardworking. Hm, I don't think I have any hobbies."
For some reason, she kept writing everything down in her notebook. Maybe it's a practice to remember new people – I thought.
"Well! Then, does Mr. Fukuhara have any specific wishes?"
I am starting to like the recruiting center. The managers here seem to care for their men. Why do I have such a weird team manager as Yamazaki.…
"It's not a wish, rather a question. I like to go take small breaks in the kitchen sometimes, and I would like to ask you if it's okay for you."
Tachibana's face turned slightly red. — "Um, we met only a few minutes ago… but, we can see how things will continue."
Huh, okay, that was a strange reaction, but whatever. I am quite used to eccentric personalities now. One more, one less, does not make any difference for me. After saying goodbye, we both left the room. I found an empty desk, was about to turn my PC on out of habit, but remembered that the server was still down. Well, the workflow here is different from ours, it's still possible to do the tasks analogue, without the PC. Now the only thing is missing, is to work…
An hour had passed, and I was still sitting on my chair, bored and almost fallen asleep. What was the point of dispatching me here? Finally, I saw Tachibana walking by. I wanted to ask if she could give me a job. Sitting and chilling is fun, but if it's all day, it can be exhausting.
"Ah, Miss Tachibana!"
She turned her head, saw me. Green eyes wide as pennies. She looked as if she had seen a ghost. She ran onto me, holding her notes with both hands.
"Mr. Fukuhara, why are you here? You can't sit here!"
I can't? Does the "it belongs to whom it saw first" rule only exist in our department? I thought it was the same everywhere.
"Ah, beg your pardon. Then, where can I sit? And I would like to ask if there is any task for me?"
"You cannot sit anywhere. I admire your persistence, but I need time. Sorry for not telling you earlier, but…"
Time for what? What's wrong with her? The situation started to become frustrating. However, I just couldn't be angry at such an angel as she was.
"Ms. Tachibana, I cannot leave, I was ordered to…"
"Mr. Fukuhara, when my colleagues find a suitable task for your candidature, they will inform you. Until then, Mr. Fukuhara has to be patient and wait" — Tachibana didn't let me finish my sentence. Be patient and wait? What am I? … wait.
"Ms. Tachibana, who do you think I am?"
"Isn't Mr. Fukuhara a new applicant?"
I looked at her with empty eyes.
"Mr. Fukuhara isn't a new applicant…?"
"I am not. Certainly not."
I could feel a drop of sweat appearing on my forehead. Tachibana simply stared at me for a moment, looking very confused. Wait, was she really troubled by the fact that someone had to wait here for an hour just to hear that his application has to wait more time?
"E… eh?! Then, w-who is Mr. Fukuhara…?" — Tachibana looked at me, trying to understand what was happening.
"I am your very colleague that would inform a candidate if I'd find a suitable task for him" — I said in a kind of irritated voice.
"B-but it doesn't make sense… Why did Mr. Fukuhara wait in the reception room for applicants?" — a small break later, she continued — "Mr. Yamazaki told me an applicant accidentally came to his office and Mr. Yamazaki sent the applicant to us."
Reception room for applicants… Room… Room 6.40… Yamazaki. Yamazaki. Y-a-m-a-z-a-k-i.
"Mr. Fukuhara? Mr. Fu-ku-haara?"
Tachibana took a step back, like she saw a sudden burst of fire on me. Maybe for a moment I became too angry?
However, what have I expected? Of course, who else but him. Your cold body of an inappropriate manager will be found in a river one day.
"MR. FUKUHARA!" — Tachibana closed her eyes, screaming my name.
"Ah. I'll definitely kill… eh? What?" — finally, I remembered that I wasn't the only one here.
"Please, do not do something that can be considered as criminal action! Promise me!"
"A… o-okay…"
After I briefly explained to her my situation, her face turned red, and she started to apologize. I can't blame or be mad at her. The Angel is the same victim of the venomous being named Yamazaki as me. The mere sight of his contented expression at present makes me want to vomit.
"Does Mr. Fukuhara mind assisting me for the first time?"
"Please, I would like to be called Kazuya, like everyone else does."
"Kazuya… fine!"
It was about time to interview new applicants. People here spend 60% of their work time on the interviews, the rest is just digitalizing every info and adding it to the CanPool. Quite convenient that the rooms are right next to the hall office, you don't have to walk much.
"Oh, seems the applicant is already inside, is Kazuya ready?"
Room 6.40.
I want to go home.
Inside the room, a young lad waited for us. My first though was — "great, another useless candidate". However, the interview had to be done. Tachibana introduced herself and began questioning him.
"H-hello. My name is Nakamura Kyoutaro."
Tachibana gave me a glance, signaling me to take over the interview myself.
I was supposed to closely observe you, though?
"Nakamura, tell us about yourself" — once I completed the sentence, I felt a finger stitch in my side.
"Rude! Too rude, Kazuya!" — Tachibana was not pleased by my speaking style.
I want to go home…
"Pardon me. Mr. Nakamura, have you got any skill or knowledge that you could classify as useful?" — I felt Tachibana's snort in the background. Sorry Tachibana, but I'm giving my best already…
"Um, I don't think so…" — Nakamura acts strange, maybe he is shy, but it's too much. From the very beginning we had no eye contact, he kept watching either the table or the floor.
I know, boy, I know. You're worthless, and you're embarrassed to let us know. Let's just finish it quickly.
"Mr. Nakamura, you said you are 19 years old, I suppose you finished school. Did you like any specific subject in which you were better than average?" — I mean, if you are better than average in math, you are still worth nothing, but anyway.
"No… I don't think so…"
"I…" — with difficulties, but he managed to lift his head up, at least for a small moment, then let it fall down again – "my mother always said I am stupid. She said I was spending too much time on Judo…"
Hm, that could be interesting. Since we already began this spectacle, let's continue it.
"How good are you at Judo?"
"Um, I attended a few tournaments and have won a couple of times. I helped my trainer when he was busy and explained to newbies the techniques. My trainer once said if I continue my training, I could eventually join the national team… But it was probably to cheer me up."
Well, I can't be sure of anything, but you may not be as useless as I thought at the beginning.
"And you said, you had no skills, you little liar."
Tachibana wasn't in favor of it. I could feel her looking at me with some kind of disappointment. Her lips were whispering: "Please, be more polite. Please be more polite".
I sighed once more
"Stand proud of yourself, I'll find a task for you that would make your mother proud of you."
His anxiety slowly disappeared. He lifted his head and looked in my eyes. The dead fish eyes perished, now they sparkled like stars and started to cry.
"Kazuya did a great job today!" — Tachibana seemed to be happier than Nakamura himself. I could see sparks around her face.
"I thought Kazuya is a rude and aggressive sadist, but in reality Kazuya is a rude yet warm-hearted man."
Tachibana… I am grateful for the compliment, but the first part of it still hurts me.
"Um, but is Kazuya really going to find a suitable task for him? He doesn't seem to be that great." — suddenly, she began to rub her cheek with her finger, thinking about the client's fate. Well… I decided that it is better to not provide Tachibana information about how we usually treat those who left her meeting room.
However… I had one thought.
"Eventually, one of those Gods is going to get interested in improving the martial arts in his world. Then, a judo fighter might be useful. Besides, Nakamura is quite skilled at it and assisted his teacher, teaching someone shouldn't be a problem for him"
"Kazuya! Thank you!"