
Divine Redemption of the Broken: I

Johnny Thumb is a mundane broken and damned soul among the others on a dying planet during the end of days. he works as a part time mechanic to just live another day. Until, the young man wakes up one day to find out he had been randomly chosen to be the new god on his world. Johnny and many others will form an unlikely alliance that would change the course of history forever. Starting a long journey to create a better world where power was is used not for personal gain but to save the broken and damned.

Chester_Kitty · LGBT+
11 Chs

Chapter 3 A Forever Benevolent Vow

The golden rays of the afternoon sun fell on the army of fall trees, illuminating their leaves in brilliant reds and oranges. The hills they stood on seemed to stretch for miles, their peaks slashing through the clear gray and nearly lifeless sky.

A testament of how the fall goddess did not care about her job.

Most of the tree's leaves had turned into a carpet of colorful piles, showing that fall was at an end and soon Boreas, the deadly god of winter would soon appear.

A chill hung in the air and a sense of foreboding settled in as nature prepared for its yearly slumber. It was very much normal in the apocalypse winter that most animals would probably in die their sleep or end up getting sacrificed as food to the gods.

The wise raven knew this all too well. After all, it's family had been caught and sacrificed last winter to the gods.

Any human that lost their family would probably be broken at that point. Animals are so much different because their emotions were ran much more deep which in return made it easier to break. It was a wonder the raven had not lost itself to loneliness at this point.

The bird had no choice but deal with these emotions alone for quite some time, with no one to confide in. That is, until it found someone who could understand it.

A young man, that could speak to animals.

The raven soared above the tree canopy, searching for this specific individual in the forest below.

Through the dense canopy of twisted, barren branches and swirling gusts of wind, the raven finally found the familiar wild dark chestnut hair, perched atop the tallest tree in the forest. The young man's features softened in peaceful slumber. The biting chill of winter crept through the air, yet the human seemed to be untouched by its grasp.

A strange human indeed. Could this human be a god?

The Raven wonders this as he lands on the stomach of the sleeping young brunette.

Looking closer, studying him like a newfound specimen. The raven spotted a name tag on his uniform as it read his name.

Johnny Thumb.

A plan name that match the other wise strange yet pretty young man. The Raven even remembered how easy Johnny trusted it with our any doubt. The wise Raven shook it's head as it finally decided rather quickly:

No. Impossible. This person is much too naïve to be a god.

Despite this, the cunning Raven knew that it couldn't let a opportunity slip by. Johnny had proven, he had powers and could be just as strong as the other gods or maybe Zeus himself.

If anything, the raven can trick the young man into getting revenge on the gods.

So without further ado, the bird grabs a lock of hair pulling it gently, causing Johnny to stir from his peaceful slumber. The young man's eyes fluttered open, his golden irises sparkling in the after noon sun. Startled by the unexpected tug on his hair, he sits up too quickly and ends up falling out of the tree.

As Johnny plummeted towards the ground, the raven swooped down swiftly and caught him the back of his uniform using it's powerful beak, guiding the young man gently to land on a bed of fallen leaves below. Johnny blinked in astonishment, trying to process what had just happened. His heart raced with a mix of fear and confusion as he looked up at the raven that perched on his shoulder.

"I.. It's you" Johnny utters, his voice filled with bewilderment but clearly recognized the bird, "You saved me?"

The raven's head cocked to the side, its black eyes gleaming with intelligence and mischief. It let out a soft caw before speaking, which Johnny quickly understands thanks to his powers.

" It seems I have habit of doing that whenever we run into each other" the raven's voice echoed in Johnny's mind, it was smooth and rich. Clearly male with a hint of humor, "Yet, I didn't think I would find you falling from tree, Johnny"

The raven's words echoed in his mind, both startling and intriguing Johnny. As the memories came flowing back to him from the night before. The last thing he remembered was souring though the forest after turning into beautiful bird escaping the village, then the next nothing.

"I must have taken shelter up in a tree" Johnny thought before looking down at himself to confirm that he did indeed turn back into human form sometime during the night, still bewildered by the situation. Then the young man blinked as he turned back to looking surprise as he realizes the Raven had just called him by name. He asked the raven surprised, " You know my name? Did you read my mind?"

The raven bobbed its head, a mischievous glint in its eye. " Indeed I can hear your thoughts but I only found out by reading your silly name tag, strange human," it replied, its voice smooth and melodious in Johnny's thoughts before tapping it's beak against the young man's uniform, just to drive it's point home.

Johnny chuckled at the raven's cheeky response, feeling a strange sense of camaraderie with this unexpected companion. Despite the odd circumstances of their meeting, he couldn't deny the connection that seemed to have formed between them since they first met.

As the young man stood up from the bed of leaves, brushing off any dirt that clung to his uniform, the raven looked at Johnny with a curious expression still sitting on his shoulder.

"So, what brings you in the forest today, Johnny?" the raven thought, it's words reaching Johnny without fail.

However, he paused his good mood suddenly affected by the question because it reminds him of the reason of how he ended up in this strange and sad situation. Yet, clearly hesitating to trust anyone after everything that has happened.

Johnny looks away and mutters softly under his breath, "I suppose I'm trying to atone for my sins in a way…"

The raven cocked its head, sensing the weight of Johnny's words but it's clear he is holding a lot back. It could feel the turmoil churning within the young man, a silent storm that threatened to consume his mind. With a gentle flutter of its wings, the raven moved closer on Johnny's shoulder, its ebony feathers brushing against his soft cheek in a comforting gesture.

"so, you wish to start a new chapter" the wise raven concluded, "I understand that all too well, young one. I've travel the world many times after I lost my family to the gods."

Johnny glance back at the raven, his golden eyes reflecting a surprised and clearly, taken back as he heard the raven confess something so personal. Despite that he had never experienced losing his family to the gods like the raven had, Johnny knew what it was like to be alone with no family or friends. The forest around them seemed to hush in anticipation, as if nature itself held its breath to listen to their conversation.

Only the sound of the crunching colorful leafs blew in the wind is the only thing that breaks the silence between the odd pair.

"I never imagined I would find anything in common with a bird, much less a friend" Johnny admitted finally, his voice tinged with vulnerability. Truth be told, the young man never had anyone. Whenever he try to trust anyone, Johnny was only used and abused in the end.

The raven cawed softly, a gesture of understanding, "The world is full of unexpected companions, Johnny. Sometimes, we find solace in the most unlikely places."

Johnny met the raven's gaze, his eyes reflecting a mixture of gratitude and uncertainty as he even smiled softly. The thought of sharing his burdens with this enigmatic bird brought a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness in his nearly broken soul. With a resigned sigh, he finally spoke aloud to the raven, feeling a newfound sense of trust blooming within him.

After all, the worse the raven could do is laugh at his sorrows.

"I've lost everything I held dear: my home and life is over" Johnny confesses softly, his voice barely above whimper, " the only thing I have left from my late father is a letter and a small piece of Kronus's blade"

The feathers on the raven's body stood up on edge as he heard the old name of the very Titan, the father of Zeus. One of the many gods that ate it's family. The Raven stutters out, it's voice in utter disbelief but with a little hint of hope, "D..did you say you have the blade of Kronus?"

Johnny was not shocked that even a bird questioned his words. He nodded, his look grave, and reached into his back pack again, pulling out a small, elaborately carved dagger, barely the size of the palm of his hand.

The blade shimmered in the afternoon sunlight, its surface etched with ancient symbols.

The raven's eyes widened in awe as it beheld the legendary weapon, it is a sight to be seen. Though it is a small piece, the blade held immense power, a power that could change the course of destiny itself. Yet, a naïve human like Johnny somehow held it.

"Kronus's blade," the raven whispered reverently, its voice tinged with a mix of awe and trepidation. "A weapon forged in the fires of creation, wielded by the Titans themselves. How did you come to possess such a relic, Johnny?"

The young man takes a deep breath and starts from the beginning. Relieving the sad and crazy tale of how he stole back what was meant to be rightfully his.

The raven listened intently as Johnny poured out his heart, the weight of his words hanging heavy in the crisp early winter air. A sense of sorrow and empathy enveloped the space between them, creating a bond that transcended their differences. As Johnny spoke of his late father and the life that had been taken unfairly from him, the raven could feel Johnny's pain even from where it sat on his shoulder.

Despite all these facts and everything against him, one thing remained unchanged, the young man adored all living creatures, large or tiny. Johnny would help anyone in need.

He was honest as well, even admitting his run in with Zeus and the strange heat lock that appeared on his chest. A little too honest if the truth were to be told.

When Johnny finally fell silent, his voice hoarse from sharing his story, the raven let out a deep, mournful caw. It hopped from Johnny's shoulder to a nearby branch, its dark eyes fixed on him with solemn understanding, " May I see this mark on your chest?"

Johnny hesitated for a moment, his hand instinctively reaching to cover his chest where the heat-locked mark that now seemed to burn brighter though the fabric of his uniform. Yet, something in the raven's gaze reassured him, a silent promise of trust that no harsh judgement would be given.

With a slow nod, Johnny lowered his hand then unzipped his uniform, revealing the intricate symbol etched over his heart of his slender chest. The heart mark pulsed with a beautiful and heavenly blue light, weaving tendrils of energy that seemed to react to the presence of the raven. As the bird hopped closer on the branch, its dark eyes narrowed in concentration as if deciphering the symbol within the glowing pattern.

The raven had been around world a million times, studying many spell books. This was a very well known spell only used by the gods. The bird let out a soft caw of surprise, its keen eyes fixed on Johnny's chest. "This is no ordinary mark, Johnny," it explained, its voice tinged with awe. "It bears the sigil of Zeus himself, a binding spell that connects you to the ruler of the gods."

Johnny felt a chill run down his spine hearing the raven explain this scary and possibly harmful spell. The very name of the god that caused this, only reminds Johnny of the hot and steamy night that he shared with the god but also made him fear the wrath of Zeus's wife, Hera. He stutters out fearfully while running his hand over the mark, feeling the mark reaction to his touch, pulsing softly, " Does this mean, I'm in danger?"

The raven cocked its head thoughtfully, its beady eyes fixed on Johnny with a mix of concern and wisdom. " if the connection is weak enough then you will be hidden from the gods and have no side effects. Yet, This is a rare case where a god has actually fallen in love, therefore, his love for you will make you stronger then Zeus himself " it replied cryptically then adds harshly in a warning tone, "However, you will be in grave danger as the more powerful you become the gods will see you as a theart and will even try to kill you from this moment on"

Johnny's heart sank at the raven's words, a cold sweat breaking out on his brow and neck. he struggles internally with the implications of his deep connection to Zeus. His mind whirled with thoughts of betrayal and manipulation, wondering if this was his fate.

Doomed die in the hands of the gods.

No, this was not the end. Johnny refused and made a promise that he would not let anyone control his fate ever again. The gods had already destroyed so many human lives over the decades. Even his new friend, the raven's family has suffered. Johnny's late father was right, things had to change.

This is the reason why his father worked so hard in the mines to find the legend, Kronus's blade and pass it on to his son. Johnny wasn't going to let his father's wish or words go in vain.

With that, Johnny zipped up his uniform and clenched his fists, a steely resolve overtaking his features. He met the raven's gaze again with unwavering determination, a fire burning in his very soul. Burning brighter then ever before that refused to be snuffed out ever again.

"Well then, I'm not going give in without a fight" he declared, his voice firm and resolute. "I may bear Zeus's mark but I'm not going let the gods take my heart. They can go ahead and try but I'm not going let anyone control my fate ever again. I won't let my father's wish die in vain, I will be the savior this world needs"

The raven blinks clearly taken aback, yet its dark feathers ruffling with pride at Johnny's brave statement and promise to finally end the gods rain of terror. The bird then talks in a tone of unequivocal support, with no trace of uncertainty. "Well, that's a bold statement, but if you want to achieve that dream, you'll need to be stronger and wiser then any god,"

The raven tilted its head as it stretched its wings, preparing to take flight, "we should find Prometheus. At most, he will be able to train you to control your powers or at most, get rid of that mark"

The raven paused briefly before asking firmly making it clear this was the young man's final chance of turning back "are you up to the task?"

Johnny's eyes widened at the raven's question, his heart quickening with a mixture of fear and determination knowing the journey ahead would be perilous, filled with unknown dangers and tests of courage. Despite this, Johnny knew that he couldn't turn back now.

The fate of not just himself, but of all those who had suffered at the hands of the gods, rested on his shoulders. So with all his courage and repressing the fear in his heart, the young man speaks loud and proudly, "Yes, I will do whatever it takes to make sure, no one ever suffers again"

The raven gave one final nod then warns cockily, "Well, try to keep up then, we have a long journey together. We need to at least find shelter first before locating Prometheus"

Johnny nodded in agreement, his mind already spinning with the thought of the challenges that lay ahead.

The young man followed the raven, who had already taken flight into the depths of the forest, a sense of purpose filled his heart. Together with this unlikely companion, he was determined to uncover the truth behind his connection to Zeus and seek out Prometheus for guidance. Yet there was one last mystery yet to be solved,

"Hey!" Johnny looks up at the skies calling towards the raven, "what do I call you!?" Johnny asked honestly as the two travelers walked deeper into the forest.

The raven let out a soft chuckle at how silly yet innocent the human question was. It finally replies back in a humorous matter, " call me Corvus!"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Chester_Kittycreators' thoughts