

Consciously or subconsciously, life is a force that drags us in, deep into dimensions. We are married from birth to our purpose in life in one way or the other even without knowing, but faith in God will bring us face to face with this reality. Even if we do whatever to run away from this reality, it will somehow find us and drag us into aligning to who we truly are beyond the knowledge impressed us by the mind rebranding system in the form of secular and religious education, and we now think, we are what they told us we are. This is the reason for misplacement of our true identity in God and that is why we often struggle for recognition instead of staying to whom God has created us to be. You are uniquely unique, independent, but dependent on your programmer, who is a higher force beyond the confines of your thought grasp. Journey into the deep! I grew up to know myself as an alien in this world of some certain happenings around my life, which gave me a course of concern. It seems as if I think differently and see things from a different dimension and I could not just understand why then, while I was growing as a child, but now I know and understand better. This book is spirit breathed revealing a journey into great awareness, pointing to the realization of self beyond self-designed ideologies. A lot of things that was happening in my life while I was advancing from the cradle that I could not just explain, because it was my days of ignorance, evolving into the more complex world that threw me into chaotic state of thoughts, not knowing exactly what to hinge on as reality. There were things that kept recurring and calling my attention deeper and these things were never letting me be. One of the notable experiences I had, that I will never forget, was the experience of recurring convulsion that almost ruined my life. God can never let you be when you have His Divine seal, you are not your own, you are His very own, the earlier you know this, the sweeter will life become for you, and the swifter things will answer to you and work in your favor even when it seems working against others. This is why He cannot leave, nor forsake you, because you are His project program #Reality reached from my personal experience#. discord link:https://discord.gg/JQCAZ3

Patty_Egah_Ikwue · 現実的な
85 Chs


I have never thought it will come or happen this way, but God had it in His design for it to happen to me this way and this is the way. I thought Jennifer would be my wife; it was only a thought, though very strong and made all possible effort toward it as if I was already there, but I was absolutely wrong.

Don't stay too long in the ship of your wrong decision; it will never ever drive you to the right destination.

God cannot and will never be wrong, we are ever wrong when things goes wrong, it cannot be God, because whatever go in the direction of our contrary expectation, provided it is God's will, it will surely have turned out for our good. Sometimes we tend to stubbornly act in accordance to our foolishness clenched to self-will, and end up regretting never harkening to the still small voice of the Holy Spirit. I am always learning my lessons in the hard way, even as most of the lessons have left a permanent stigma in my heart and it has now dawned on me, even as I have come to know that I can absolutely do nothing good without God.

I write this to help those who think they don't need help from God, even as I thought I was helping God, but when reality dawned on me, I ran back to the Lord my God whom alone can help me, but thank God for His grace that brought me back on my feet and still set my feet on the rock to stay on the right track. Right now in the heart of God's heart I am resting, feeling the rhythm of His heartbeats and hearing clearly in an accent loud and clear His very thoughts, but it is so amazing how things are playing out, because if it was left for me, I will not go into what I am about entering. Hmmm! Lord I am all to you to do nothing but your will, but it is not easy the experiences, but I know this experience will be worth it, because Lord my God You know I am worth saving and that was why You saved me, and I know You did not save me to leave me in the process of my purpose, until You bring me to Your perfect rest in Your everlasting love!

I don't have ideas how this will play out…

Mariah is my Fiancée's name, which implies, she will be my divine answered call and she literally lives in RAY FIELD.

Wow! So this was the reason why RAY FIELD was named to call my attention deeper to something symbolic about my purpose in I AM, pointing to the reality of the street that will bears the name indicating my spiritual position in I AM in heaven, called DIVINE RAY FIELD as revealed in my position number 11. Don't miss heaven for anything, nothing worth your soul, not even your marriage.

You can never build a Divine Giant Love System except you have truly answered your divine call in God and this call is a call to denying yourself, carrying your cross and following Him. In reality, the divine call is a call to die to flesh and live in glory, simply put; it is a call to glory. I feel deep down inside of me even as the Spirit of God bears witness with my spirit that this is a call into deeper experiences and since I have come to understand my divine program codes by the help of the revelation of God, therefore, in order to build up the divine system, the system has to do with a platform for the union between divinity and humanity and the platform is simply TRUE WORSHIP which will defile the principle of building walls, and install the principle of building infallible bridges, because we must all come to the unity of faith, and I already know there is a grand design of the enemy (the devil) to fight this and even when he will try to stop this work from the foundation stage with my answered call, my spiritual union will become stronger at the end of trusting no man, except God who is unfailing, when all that seemed promising comes failing and it will all turn out for my good and the good for all the selected few who have resolved never to compromise for the world systems that practices abominable acts in the cover of church.

You need to know that when you are done answering a call, it is expected that the call will end, and it depends on what God wants to teach and reveal to you per time in that situation of whatever experiences you are permitted to go through, and this will have nothing to do with what you think, even when the purpose for the caller has gone off, provided the answered call defines your union with the person that has connection with the physical ray field (intimate chord with someone else covertly) i.e. things that looks appealing to the eyes. The reason why many people suffer hurts and terrible lost is because they would never want to let go, when all signs is warning them to let go and the result will be terrible, and as you are left emotionally shattered just the way I am feeling right now in my relationship that has not being sealed yet in marriage. The reason why I am feeling this way is because my fiancée seemed to value her relationship with her so called friend more than our relationship that is tending toward marriage, even as she would always say things like, "I don't worth losing her friend" and this really became a course of concern to me.

Even when the caller is no longer talking, most times we get so distracted to remain hanged on, thinking the call is still on, while in reality, the caller has gone off. I must be very candid to tell you the truth that I don't have a single clue of the picture God is trying to paint to me about my marriage, but I just know; it will be a deeper experience to connect me deeper to the things of God, but the nature of the experience is what I don't know and cannot still tell at the time of writing this.

It is not all marriage that is meant to last till death do the couples part as it has become our general notion, else, there would have been no record of divorce at all.

If you don't understand the dynamics of God as connected to what God is calling you into, you will miss it, for the sake of holding on to that which is tending off the ordained, even when it is allowed for the lesson to be learnt in order to guide you to the ordained and the point of totally resting your all in God and submitting completely your life to Him and with the lesson of your experiences point others who may ignorantly be trading the brood path to destruction, to the right track, having known that salvation can only come from God alone.

Therefore, God alone can keep anything and save any institution that is meant to be, no matter the crisis such is meant to go through, with hurts that will leave such person with the only option to find solace in God alone who has to give, the grace to forgive, even when the situation seems without remedy.

Even when the grace is ever there, people don't often desire to seek it until they are hard pressed and are at the verge of giving up.

The act of seeking God's grace is simply a lifestyle of total humility.

Ephesians 4: 13

Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.

I want you to know that whatever I will be discussing in this book as I have earlier emphasized, will be communicated to me through flashes of time that occurs into the frequency of my thought as it incidence as stream of inspiration. You need to know that the time we are in is evil and we must not walk as fools. Fools are those who do not have passion to win souls to God, and think they are the ones happening in the kingdom of God because of the affluence and popularity. I also need you to know this, even as I paint this picture of the revelation of God's thought because you will be seeing some time reflects in brackets, and whatever follows is simply what the time is communicating to me, and the conversation, is simply like the conversation you do when you receive a literal phone call from a caller, but in this case, the impulses are coming straight from eternity to time into my heart as thoughts that I can separate mine from the thought that is communicating to me, but I need you to know that distractions can have the thought distorted and that exactly what the devil does, by taking our attention off the focus. This implies the time that is communicating to me is the manifestation of the life of a person that has His device installed into my heart as the Holy Spirit and it is sure crystal clear that the person of the time operates beyond the real time in the dimension of my thought, so my time is brought to halt, consequently that He can reach my spirit with His thoughts and take over my thoughts in order for my thought not to come under the platform that will distract, distort to mind-control me and make me do the agenda of what they have defined as life which is limited to time, because as I think, so I am. But I want you to bear this in mind that the days are evil and the time is perilously perilous and I may not be able to know where this call leads, but God surely knows, because He is the one calling me deeper in the union with someone that seem deeper and I know nothing about. But actually the time that is ever calling my attention deeper and deeper is simply the life of God that have eternal span and controls the physical time, connecting the realm where there is no end to knowledge and the end of the knowledge is simply knowing Him and knowing Him is eternal life and this is what the devil will do everything possible to fight, even marriages that is supposed to be sacred.

Jennifer I had already known, but Mariah… and I felt led into union with her, and I am very sure what I heard and know for sure was not my imagination, but why? I don't like the signs I am seeing!

Back to the subject JENNIFER, so Jennifer connected me to the reality of my divine answered call and I have an inner witness that my divine call will be an experience deeper than the one I had with Jennifer, but I just hope this experience will be better. My experiences with Jennifer connected me to MARIAH (HERE I AM) who will become my life partner, my supposed wife, and also this connection led me to an encrypted thought that reveals answered call. Immediately my phone rang, and I picked up the call from the network caller with the call code 2005, at this time 11:10 am (revealing light and life mingled with darkness) and this call caught my attention deeper and got me wondering, why light and life mingled with darkness should be in ratio of relationship and this was what the voice call said, "Are you curious to know the hidden agenda of the purpose of your marriage?" It spoke twice, saying press 1 (which is interpreted as connect the life), for something I did not really catch what the network caller was saying, press 2, press 3 and 4, but the second time when the voice was talking to repeat what was initially communicated, and I picked up my pen to write, when I was about to write what the voice was saying, the call went off. Actually what God was trying to communicate to me was the only thing I caught from the voice call and it simply connected me to the reality of TRUE WORSHIP being the DIVINE GIANT LOVE SYSTEM that must be built and that is what it implies as the purpose of marriage, which is simply the simple model of the marriage supper that the devil is fighting tooth and nail to ensure that we don't experience it, since his time is elapsing, he is spending the left over time in attacking marriages which is the foundation of the home and a home that is divided against each other cannot stand. The purpose of marriage is simply to connect us to the reality of our relationship with Divinity not even our spouse, but with the person of Jesus Christ who is our object of true worship and the moment the devil gets you at the point of your marriage, he will use that opportunity to shatter your hope and weaken your will to continue, but God will use these experiences to teach so many people and men of God who have to learn by experience, not by obedience, for the sake of the lessons for the generation that He is raising to resist the beast, by learning through obedience, instead of experiences that will leave them badly hurt emotionally to affect their decisions in life. Immediately the network call went off, the time I saw on my phone now became 11:11 am (which is interpreted as divinely divine that translate to mean, the light of God is fully revealed in me when the union between me and darkness is disconnected, there will be perfect union with light as the knowledge of God will now reflect in my heart literally), meaning Divine (me) from the physical world will received a literal voice call on his Asha 200 Nokia phone from the realm of the spirit (pointing to what will happen in the future from the time I had this typed) which is my true network connection from God with a literal symbolic call code 2005, on the date 12-07-2016. What does 2005 mean? Wow this is great!

2005 code is defined as the code of the two witnesses who will rest in peace in the Eternal life (E) represented as 5 but will have to go through the adversities of gross darkness and pull through only with the light of God.

You can only breakthrough gross darkness that will cover the people of this world even as you pull through with the light of God and that light is His enabling grace that is sufficiently sufficient for those who will put their trust and completely obey to the perfect will of God.

2 witnesses rest in peace has the code 200 which is the version of my Nokia phone gotten for me by my boy James Chris, whom I paid money into his account yesterday being 11-07-2016, revealing that the date 12-07-2016 which is today, my divine program for connecting the heart of reality brought divinity to time to be resident to teach me in my thoughts and this program was executed successfully on this very time 11: 12 am and just looking at the time on my phone while writing, what I saw was 11:22 am and it just changed to 11:23 am, and 11 means Divine, while 22 means the heart of Divine (V), which explains that I (Divine) in I AM (DIVINITY) is in the very thought of God to witness Revelation 22: 11, which will be the heart of my witnessing to those who will not take serious the message that God will be passing through me, even as it reads, "He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still." And when I pressed my phone to check the time again, I saw 11: 24 am and what I was typing to post on Facebook, reads exactly as displayed on the screen of my Asha 200 Nokia Phone was "The finishing of the mystery of God on this date and time I was born into the reality of my true identity as DIVINE…10/07/2016, 6:57 am, which are codes revealing Revelation 10: 13 but can be interpreted as 10: 4" which was a connection to take up the mandate to write what John was instructed not to write and immediately I scrolled and looked at the time, it became 11: 26 am and I scrolled up, the cursor was in between Asha, and I heard a voice reechoed from my mind "ASHA CODE", and when I came back to continue, I now saw the time on my phone 11: 28 am, and what was on the screen of my Asha 200 Nokia phone reads ""SOMETHING YOU DON'T KNOW ABOUT ME 2" reality beyond science and philosophy" (Time of reading 11: 30 am)

Wow! So the code Asha 200 Nokia was broken in the face of light in the Ray Field of the Father's love.

ASHA 200 NOKIA PHONE is a code which states, "Something you don't know about me (2), (Nokia) reality beyond science and philosophy…"

This means (11:33 am) Nokia, you have to contact "DIVINE with the identity of 33 to form a NEW CODE to defile every other codes to reset (impart the right knowledge of the Word of God) the mind of men to their original divine default setting with a New Model Phone (renewed mind and a clean heart) which seem extinct called NOKA 3311, I mean this will be an advancement of NOKIA 3310 and all these are symbolic, because the change is like the transition from darkness to light and this explains transition to fulfilling purpose. NOKIA 3311 this time around will come with a Divine seal and it will be called NOKIA 3CIA, which could also appear as NOKIA DICA, where the 3CIA version will have 3-Current Eye (3-CAMERA with an invisible EYE) Access, while the DICA version will be similar in version, but will have a little variation in terms of Access. DICA will have Double Contact Eye Unit (Current Access) i.e. (DUAL CAMERA without a visible EYE).

Invisible eye explains things that are not seen but exist to controls the way we behave and do things, while visible eye explains things that are seen in appearance that could affect our attitude toward life and create a desire of lusts passion if your focus is not on the love of God.

So 3CIA version of NOKIA will function as the physical part (hardware) of the DICA version and it will be the invisible part (Software) made up of double integrated circuit appearance even as it will be uniquely built in the nearest future by the remnant of the sons of God. These three cameras are simply the three eyes of divinity seeing into the physical eye of man called the DECODER, and into the heart of the spirit called the RECEIVER, and into the eye of the mind which receives impulses from the TRANSMITTER (T) of the spirit where the picture is modulated and formed in the face of light in front of the heart of Divinity Access Point (DAP) to eternity called IMAGE (by this I mean mind has a V which represent the heart of Divine spirit eyes and that V is simply N which has the numeric code of 14, which is simply IF i.e. 4 is spelt as four which is represented by F). This implies the true image can only be formed if your focus is on God's light, and what is the object of your focus? The object of your focus is your heart, which houses your thought, which is the body of your spirit. Simply put, your physical eyes decode what is been seen, then the eyes of your spirit receives it for the eye of your mind to do the processing and create the reality. The mind is the power point, and in any device that operates and function with current, the power generation unit is called the eye contact or current called IC coded and interpreted as integrated circuit. Now system can light up with the current eyes and the current eyes is simply the thought and mind of God, which is expressed, as the perfect will of God. This Giant system could be physically built, but is much more spiritual, so don't expect a physical device, and don't cut short your expectation to see a physical device. The reason why I said this is because, the system can be literally built, but our emphasis now, is not on the physical, but on the spiritual.

Divine's identity is defined as Divine's seal and the seal has a unique identity number of 11.

My fiancée gave me a wrist watch that has the code 1107, and she gave me the wrist watch on the 7th of August, 2016, but it became dawn on me that the code reveals the date I will be attending a court case in Benue state i.e. 07-11, which when read from the realm of the spirit, it reads as the code on my Jeep wrist watch. When I called to tell my fiancée the coincidence, the MTN network caller tune said, "To copy this tune, press 11". All these reveal that my life is absolutely programmed, and the date reveals Divine completeness, while the call, which prompts me to press 11, reveals access to the power released from divine love and the purpose is to endure till the period even when I tried to save that which I am trying to preserve, strength will fail me, but God will not and He will begin with me afresh to take me beyond my present level.

You need to find out what your divine program code is, and when you do, you will understand the dimension of flow of the Spirit of God in this end time dispensation.