

Planetoid Hellsong, Uranus.

"Set the barriers! Keep the formations alive! Don't let the elemental attacks sneak past!"

"Psychics, protect our members from being hypnotized! Especially the space ones!"

"We can do this! We must!"

The orders from the superiors rang across the fortress.

Standing in the middle of a plain, the red-stoned fortress was now facing an Abyss invasion.

The sky was shining as the elemental attacks rained down.

The human army inside the fortress was divided into multiple groups.

The group on the ramparts, composed of elementals, psychics, and gravity awakeners was assigned to stop the body and morph awakeners from jumping into the fortress!

Every second, hundreds of Abyssals and beasts tried to enter the fortress.

Most of the time, they were either hit by the elementals' attacks, deviated by psychics, or pushed away by the gravity awakeners.