

After his parents tragically die in the war on the north, young Lord Arin is appointed as the new head of the powerful Amsterdam Family. Overwhelmed by the responsibility that has been thrust upon him. He struggles to find his footing in the cutthroat world of politics and business, which the Amsterdam Family dominates. As Arin settles into his new role, he discovers that his parents' deaths may not have been the result of random violence. He starts to uncover a web of deceit and betrayal that threatens to destroy the Amsterdam Family from within. Arin must navigate a dangerous political landscape and find a way to keep his family together while also seeking justice for his parents.

Saint_Rey · ファンタジー
16 Chs


The day of the meeting between Lord Arin and the Dark Magician arrived, and as the sun rose, the two met at a desolate location in the outskirts of the Amsterdam family's territory. Zephyr, Lord Arin's dragon kin, stayed hidden in the shadows, watching and ready to protect his master at a moment's notice.

The Dark Magician stood tall, his black robes flowing in the wind. He greeted Lord Arin with a nod and a small smile. "Lord Arin, I presume?" he said.

Lord Arin stood with his head held high and a stern look on his face. "Yes, I am Lord Arin," he replied. "What is the meaning of this meeting?"

The Dark Magician chuckled softly. "No need to be so formal, Lord Arin. I simply wished to speak with you in private, away from the prying eyes and ears of others."

Lord Arin narrowed his eyes. "And what is it that you wish to speak about?"

The Dark Magician took a step forward. "I have been watching you, Lord Arin. Watching the way you train with your dragon kin, the way you lead your family, and the way you care for your people. I must say, I am impressed."

Lord Arin remained silent, studying the Dark Magician carefully.

The Dark Magician continued. "You see, Lord Arin, I have been searching for someone like you. Someone who possesses the strength, intelligence, and leadership qualities that are necessary to rule this land. And I believe that you are that person."

Lord Arin raised an eyebrow. "And what do you mean by that?"

The Dark Magician took a deep breath. "I have a proposal for you, Lord Arin. A proposal that will benefit both of us and bring peace to this land."

Lord Arin remained silent, waiting for the Dark Magician to continue.

The Dark Magician looked around before speaking in a hushed tone. "Join forces with me, Lord Arin. Together, we can rule this land with a firm hand and bring an end to the chaos and violence that plagues it. We can make Leondell a better place for all its inhabitants."

Lord Arin thought for a moment before responding. "And what do you want in return for this proposal?"

The Dark Magician grinned. "I simply ask for your allegiance, Lord Arin. And the Amsterdam Family's territory, of course."

Lord Arin's eyes widened in shock. "That is not an offer that I can accept. The Amsterdam Family will not bow down to anyone, especially not to a dark magician."

The Dark Magician's smile faded. "I see. I had hoped that we could come to an agreement, Lord Arin. But it seems that you are not ready to embrace change."

Lord Arin stood his ground. "I will never betray the trust of my people, nor will I ally myself with a dark magician who seeks to bring harm to this land."

"Lord Arin," the dark magician said in a cold, calculated tone. "I hope you are ready to face the consequences of your actions."

Lord Arin stood his ground, undeterred by the dark magician's threats. "I am not afraid of you," he replied calmly. "But I am curious as to why you are so intent on harming the people of Leondell."

The dark magician's expression darkened. "You are a fool if you think you can stop us," he said, his voice dripping with malice. "Our plans for this land have been in motion for centuries, and nothing will stand in our way."

Lord Arin raised his hand and summoned his magical powers. "We shall see about that," he said, his voice filled with determination.

The two opponents stood facing each other, each ready to use their magic to defend their cause. The sun began to rise, casting a golden glow over the forest as the battle began.

The battle between Lord Arin and the dark magician was intense, with each combatant using their magical abilities to gain the upper hand.

Lord Arin channeled his magic of light and earth, creating bright beams of light that he directed towards the dark magician. The beams of light illuminated the forest, casting shadows that danced around them. Lord Arin's magic was powerful, and it radiated from his body in a pulsing aura of energy.

The dark magician responded with a blast of dark energy, creating an orb of shadow that he hurled at Lord Arin. The orb struck the ground, causing the earth to tremble and sending shockwaves through the forest. The dark magician's magic was potent, and it seemed to draw power from the darkness itself.

Lord Arin responded by summoning a wall of earth, rising up from the ground to shield him from the dark magician's attack. The wall glowed with a warm light, radiating energy that pushed back against the dark magic. The two magics clashed, creating a violent explosion that shook the ground and sent debris flying.

The dark magician summoned tendrils of shadow, lashing out at Lord Arin with deadly precision. Lord Arin dodged and weaved, moving with the grace and agility of a dancer. He countered with a blast of light, piercing the darkness and striking the dark magician with a burst of energy.

The dark magician staggered back, reeling from the attack. Lord Arin took advantage of the opening, charging forward with a powerful punch that connected with the dark magician's gut. The dark magician grunted in pain, doubling over as Lord Arin followed up with a flurry of blows.

The fight continued for what seemed like hours, each combatant refusing to give ground. The forest was filled with the sounds of their clashing magics, the earth shaking with each impact

Zephyr swiftly flew in front of Lord Arin, his powerful wings flapping to create a gust of wind that scattered the dark magic. The dragon's body glowed with an intense light as he prepared to attack the dark magician.

The dark magician, undeterred, began chanting another spell, this time aiming it directly at Zephyr. A dark beam of energy shot from his hand and headed straight for the dragon's chest.

Lord Arin reacted quickly, calling upon his affinity for earth to create a wall of solid rock that intercepted the beam just in time. The impact caused the ground to shake violently, and Lord Arin struggled to maintain his balance.

As he regained his footing, Lord Arin summoned a bolt of pure light from the sky, aiming it at the dark magician. The bolt struck the ground, creating a blinding explosion that sent the dark magician flying backward.

But the dark magician was not defeated yet. He rose to his feet, his eyes glowing with a sinister energy. He chanted a final spell, calling upon the power of darkness to envelop the area.

Lord Arin felt the darkness pressing in on him, threatening to swallow him whole. But he refused to give in, and called upon his affinity for light to create a barrier of radiant energy that pushed back against the darkness.

The two forces clashed in a final burst of energy, causing a shockwave that sent Lord Arin and the dark magician flying in opposite directions.

As the dark magician prepared to launch his most powerful spell at Lord Arin, a sudden movement caught his attention. Lady Ronnete, one of the elders of the powerful Amsterdam family, stepped forward to shield Arin with her own magical shield.

The magician sneered at her, knowing that he was facing a formidable opponent. But Lady Ronnete was undaunted, her own magic crackling around her as she prepared to face him.

For a moment, the battlefield was still, as the two sides sized each other up. Then, with a fierce battle cry, Lady Ronnete launched herself at the dark magician, her magic slamming into him with tremendous force.

The magician was taken aback by the sudden attack, but quickly regained his footing and retaliated with a barrage of dark spells. Lady Ronnete dodged and weaved, her own magic responding in kind as she fought to protect Lord Arin.

and finally lady Ronnette defeated the dark magician. As the dark magician lay on the ground, gasping for breath, Lord Arin stepped forward, and created a sword made with earth but it is sharp and strong enough to kill. But before he could strike the final blow, the magician spoke, his voice low and ominous.

"You may have defeated me today," he said, "but the darkness I serve will never be vanquished. One day, it will consume your kingdom, and the Amsterdam family will be the first to fall."

With those words, the dark magician vanished in a puff of smoke, leaving Lord Arin and his companions to ponder his ominous warning.

As they made their way back to their kingdom, Arin couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled in his chest. He knew that the threat of darkness was real, and that he and the Amsterdam family would need to be prepared to face it.

Lord Arin and Lady Ronnette met in the family head chamber, surrounded by the opulence of the Amsterdam family's wealth and power. They sat at a large table, their faces grave as they discussed the recent encounter with the dark magician.

"I fear that he was not acting alone," Lady Ronnette said, her voice low. "There are rumors of dark forces gathering, preparing to strike at the heart of our kingdom."

Lord Arin nodded, his expression solemn. "I have heard the rumors as well," he said. "I fear that we may be facing a greater threat than we ever imagined."

Lady Ronnette reached out to place a hand on his arm, her touch gentle. "Do not fear, young one," she said. "You have the strength and the courage to lead our family through this trying time."

Lord Arin met her gaze, his own eyes filled with determination. "I will not let our family fall," he said. "I will fight to protect our kingdom, and to uphold the honor of our family."

Lady Ronnette smiled at him, her expression proud. "I have no doubt that you will," she said. "But you do not have to face this alone. The Amsterdam family stands with you, now and always."

With that, the two of them clasped hands