
Divine mind and body

It happened without warning or reason, one day, suddenly, the game began, the world changed, the dead rose, the beasts mutated, and humans ..... What will bring them to this bloody and cruel game where only the stronger and more cruel? In this chaotic and cruel world, a power, a force, an empire arose, which swept the entire world, unifying all races with overwhelming power. No one could match him, no one could stop him in his conquest and his eternal quest for power. With the world in his hand and all beings under his feet, Adriel gazed up at the infinite starry sky with an insatiable thirst. "I'll make it mine" he thought with a smile, full of ambition and power.

Borjasss · ファンタジー
100 Chs


The young man was obviously not expecting this response, he contained his anger before saying as calmly as possible.

"I am Kild Vilod, son of Viscount Mare Vilod, heir to the noble title and heirs to an international company", although Kild tried to speak calmly, pride and arrogance seeped into each of his words.

Kild looked at Adriel, he hoped that the leader of this group of survivors would give him a privileged treatment after knowing his identity, after all, he is a nobleman, he is above these disgusting commoners, for him, it is normal and logical thar they will treat I as they would treat their bosses.

Adriel looked at the arrogant young man strangely, "And?"

"What do you mean and?" Kild replied, suddenly furious, "I'm a nobleman"

"Can you kill the beasts or the zombies?" Adriel asked, silencing Kild with a single question.

"No," he replied after a moment of silence.

"Can you cook, carry supplies, or work in the fields?" Adriel asked again.

"Enough!", Kild shouted, understanding what Adriel meant, "I am a nobleman, and I demand that you treat with respect"

His scream was followed by a deathly silence, the newly rescued survivors looked at the young man in disgust, most people did not like the nobles, apart from the royal family, who have enormous support thanks to Isabela, the rest of the nobility is quite repudiated by the people.

After all, who likes that there is a group of people who have more privileges just to be born?

Millionaires are another story, they are privileged because of their wealth, but nobles are privileged because of their supposed "blood", which people do not like at all.

Aside from the new survivors, Adriel's subordinates and those who have witnessed his strength looked at the young man with pity, most were thinking about the possible ways in which Kild is going to die.

Adriel's face was still as expressionless as a moment ago, but if you look closely, you can see that the surrounding air was stagnant, the surrounding atmosphere was as cold as an ice floe, and his eyes ... eyes were as cold as hell.

He fixed his gaze on the arrogant nobleman, Kild Vilod, who at this moment was completely paralyzed with fear, like a deer surrounded by lions.

"Do you want respect?" Adriel asked expressionlessly, his voice sounded calm, but it was laden with the aura of a king.

Before kild could say anything, a bullet of compressed air passed through his forehead, penetrating his brain and killing him instantly.

"Get his body out of here, be sure to bury it with 'respect'," Adriel continued calmly, even as the survivors gaped at him.

"Gluu!", Several resonating gulping sounds as the survivors understood in the most direct way possible that they must not disrespect their new boss in any way, if they do not want to end up like that idiot.

The caravan continued on its established path to the tech factory, rescuing survivors and slaying zombies and beasts along the way, even completing various proving grounds he walked through, which gave the challengers quite good rewards.

Like Natalia, who obtained a rank 2 spear, nothing compared to the Aurora sword, but better than what is used at the moment, there is also Lina, who obtained a staff that could expand the power of her healing light and the spells that she will learn in the future.

Apart from that there were also a few others that got rewards, but of lower quality than the first two.

After almost two hours, they saw a large piece of land surrounded by a wall, at its entrance there was a sign that said [Reiss Industries].

They had reached their destination!

*** ***

At an immense and unknown distance.

In a gigantic black space, a black-haired woman was bound from head to toe, innumerable iron bars piercing her at almost every point on her body, completely piercing her and filling her body with countless holes.

No being should be able to survive in that state, yet the woman's vitality was intact, so immense that it looked like a moving milky way, when combined with the immense aura that the woman is releasing even in this state, it seemed a supreme being that transcends everything.

Suddenly, the closed eyes of the woman opened, revealing her powerful purple eyes that seemed to contain a living sun within her.

"Have you finally woken up?" The hoarse, but at the same time beautiful, woman's voice echoed in the immense dark space.

"The time has come, child, show those filthy beings what a true king is!"

Her lips turned into a smile of anticipation at the immense change that was coming.