
Divine Medicine God (ATG)

In the aftermath of the protagonist's demise, a scholar steps into the void left behind, as he embarks on a journey towards the peak.

EvilBlueCrystal · アニメ·コミックス
8 Chs

Chapter 6

In the Profound Sky Continent, the Blue Wind Empire stood as the smallest among its seven countries. 

Despite its limited strength, it had managed to avoid annexation by its more powerful neighbors, thanks in large part to the influence of four major sects: Heavenly Sword Villa, Frozen Cloud Asgard, Xiao Sect, and Burning Heaven Clan.

The fear these sects instilled was not born from the empire's military might, but from the prowess of these institutions.

Their reputation was built upon a rigorous selection process that valued talent above all else, disregarding social status or background.

For the inhabitants of the Blue Wind Empire, the prospect of joining one of these sects was the ultimate dream. 

A disciple of any rank within these sects would elevate not only themselves but also their family to heights of honor and prosperity.

Even the lowest-ranking disciple would be welcomed as a guest of honor at court, potentially granted the esteemed title of a marquis.

Yet, such dreams seemed unattainable for the residents of Floating Cloud City.

The notion of anyone from their humble town being accepted into one of these prestigious sects was beyond their wildest fantasies.

Yun Che's newlywed wife however was none other than a disciple of Frozen Cloud Asgard, the revered holy land second only to Heavenly Sword Villa.

The very mention of these sects commanded reverence, even from the highest echelons of the Blue Wind Empire's royalty, who paid homage to their transcendent existence annually.

Yun Che's connection to Frozen Cloud Asgard through his wife was a source of both pride and trepidation.

While it afforded him a glimpse into a world of prestige and power beyond his wildest dreams, it also brought with it the weight of expectation and scrutiny.

Yun Che couldn't help but ponder the implications of his wife's affiliation with such a prestigious sect.

Would his newfound connection open doors previously thought inaccessible? Or would it bring him into a world fraught with dangers and intrigues far beyond his comprehension?

In the Profound Sky Continent, Yun Che had known only disdain and contempt for his disabled profound veins.

People regarded him with scorn, treating him as less than human, a mere shadow of what he could have been.

Was there a distinction, he wondered, between the cowardice of self-blame and the stoic endurance of silent suffering?

His profound veins had suffered irreparable damage since childhood, a fact unbeknownst to his family.

The neglect had allowed the damage to fester and grow, culminating in the complete disability of his profound veins.

Now, as an adult, the hope of repair was lost, condemning him to a life marked by his debilitating condition.

If an adult's profound vein suffered damage, their power would seep away, yet there were numerous methods available for repair. 

However, the situation was dire for Yun Che. His profound vein had been irreversibly broken in infancy, setting a foundation so flawed that any attempts at repair would only exacerbate the deformity.

Yun Che's plight went beyond mere damage; his profound vein had been twisted and malformed, rendering traditional repair methods futile. 

Rebuilding them from scratch became his only option, a daunting task fraught with uncertainty and difficulty.

Despite his best efforts, Yun Che could only partially mend his profound veins.

To fully restore them to their former glory, he needed an abundance of time and resources, a luxury he could ill afford in his current circumstances.

In his room, his unconscious form lay still, bathed in the faint glow of moonlight filtering through the curtains.

Within him, the potent effects of the new medicine pulsed through his veins, igniting a transformative state.

As his consciousness floated in the vast expanse of the void, his physical form underwent a profound reconstruction.

Within his inner world, a design unfolded, depicting the rebuilding his shattered profound veins.

Each intricate pattern and pulsating light symbolized the arduous yet vital restoration taking place within Yun Che's very being.

Yun Che he observed the the energies swirling inside his veins.

Threads of vibrant light, like delicate threads of fate, wove through the darkness, intertwining and merging with meticulous care.

Yun Che delved into the depths of his own being, and meticulously pieced together the fragments of his inner energy pathways.

With each passing moment, the new medicine worked its magic, Yun Che's shattered profound veins began to mend, each delicate filament reconnecting with purposeful precision.


Yun Che emerged from his deep comma, the room bathed in the soft glow of the moonlight. His eyes scanned the surroundings, taking in the familiar sights of his room.

His aunt, who had been anxiously waiting by his side, noticed his awakening and rushed to embrace him, a mix of gratitude and relief evident in her expression.

"Thank the heavens you're awake," she exclaimed, her voice filled with emotion. "I was beside myself with worry after your injury."

Yun Che reassured her with a calm smile. "I'm fine now, Aunt. You needn't worry any longer."

Her concern shifted to anger as she mentioned Xia's attack. "That Xia, how dare she harm you, especially now that you're married," she spat with a scowl.

Yun Che remained silent, his mind already drifting back into a meditative state.

With a focused exhale, he allowed his Qi to flow through his body, channeling the essence of the Ice Qi from Xia's attack and the medicine from Frozen Cloud Asgard.

As the energies merged within him, he felt a transformation taking place.

His body, once weakened by past injuries, now felt rejuvenated and fortified. The infusion of Ice Qi granted him a natural affinity for ice martial arts, while the medicinal properties of the Frozen Cloud Asgard medicine enhanced his physical capabilities.

In particular, his body had been reshaped to accommodate the practice of the Heavenly Body Strength technique, a technique that promised to increase his base physical strength without the usual drawbacks associated with other methods of strength enhancement.

Normally, amplifying his strength would require opening the Life Gates within his body, a risky maneuver that often resulted in severe injuries, depleted life-force, and bodily degradation.

Yet, with this, Yun Che could circumvent these risks and unlock his true potential without fear of consequence.


In the quiet courtyard, Yun Che emerged from his humble abode, his steps measured and purposeful.

With each stride, an aura of strength enveloped him, his mind focused.

The air was crisp with the promise of a new day, yet within Yun Che's being, a different kind of energy stirred brighter than the morning sun.

His body, honed by years of rigorous discipline, moved with a grace that belied its power, as he stretched and flexed, sinewy muscles rippled beneath his skin.

With a fluidity born of years of practice, Yun Che began to weave the strands of Ice Qi around him, manipulating them with great precision.

Yun Che seamlessly integrated the principles of ice martial arts into his combat style.

Each punch, each kick, became a symphony of motion, a dance of lethal grace that spoke volumes of his mastery over his craft.

Then the lines on his muscles glowed with an otherworldly light as the energy of the Heavenly Body Strength technique coiled around him, infusing him with a power that transcended the limits of mortal flesh.

The icy Qi surged within him like a tempest, electrifying his senses and sharpening his focus.

In the quiet courtyard, the sounds of Yun Che's training echoed like the falling rain, reverberating through the stillness of the morning air.

Each strike of his fists against imaginary foes, each kick that shattered the air with its ferocity.

After an hour of relentless training, Yun Che finally brought his practice to a close, his muscles humming with the residual energy of his exertions. 

With a sense of satisfaction, he made his way back to his room, the quiet courtyard now a sanctuary of stillness in the wake of his fervent endeavors.

As he stepped into his room, the familiar space offered a sense of comfort.

With a weary yet contented sigh, Yun Che sank onto the cushions scattered across the floor, allowing his body to relax into a state of blissful repose, closing his eyes and allowing himself to drift into sleep.