
Divine Medicine God (ATG)

In the aftermath of the protagonist's demise, a scholar steps into the void left behind, as he embarks on a journey towards the peak.

EvilBlueCrystal · アニメ·コミックス
8 Chs

Chapter 1

Under the crimson sky of the distant red planet, a young man with jet-black hair lay sprawled on the crimson soil.

His face, serene and devoid of any emotion, seemed almost ethereal against the backdrop of the foreign landscape.

The gentle hum of the planet's atmosphere filled the air, punctuated only by the occasional sound of the wind. The mist enveloped everything in its embrace, obscuring distant features and lending an air of mystery to the landscape.

Through the haze, the vibrant red terrain stretched as far as the eye could see, dotted with lush, green foliage towering above the ground.

The foliage was dense and varied, creating a jungle-like environment with twisting vines and large flora. Strange and exotic creatures roamed amidst the vegetation, their calls echoing through the alien landscape.

Crimson-hued rocks and cliffs jutted out from the landscape, adding to the otherworldly atmosphere.

Despite the mist swirling around him, a faint ray of light managed to pierce through the thick atmosphere, casting a soft glow that illuminated the features of the man's face. Even in the desolate solitude of the red planet, there existed a serene beauty in the stillness of his presence.

As Yun Che gazed up at the vast expanse of the crimson sky, his hand instinctively reached for a small, weathered mirror tucked into his pocket, the Mirror of Samsara. 

On its surface, he noticed delicate cracks spiderwebbing across its glass, giving the impression that it was on the brink of shattering. Yet, despite its fragile appearance, the mirror remained surprisingly sturdy in his grasp, reassuring him that it still held some of it's power.

Yun Che's thoughts drifted to his past lives, each one a thread in his existence. He remembered the trials and tribulations he had faced, the loves he had lost, and the battles he had fought.

Yun Che reflected on his life, memories of the past flashed through his mind, and a heavy sigh escaped his lips, tinged with regret.

He saw the faces of those he had let down flashed before him, their disappointed expressions etched into his memory like scars. And then there were the ones he had lost along the way, their absence a constant ache in his heart. In the quiet solitude of the red planet, he grappled with the weight of his regrets, wondering if redemption was still within his grasp.

If he could turn back time and rewrite the chapters of his life, Yun Che would seize that opportunity. But he knew deep down that the Mirror of Samsara would not grant him such a chance again. Its power was finite, its magic tempered by the immutable laws of fate.

Yet, despite this knowledge weighing heavily on his soul, Yun Che made a decision. With nothing left to lose after losing everything dear to him, he resolved to use the mirror one last time. The burden of his regrets had become too much to bear, and the prospect of facing an empty existence alone held no appeal.

With his hands, he retrieved the mirror from his pocket and held it up to the crimson sky. As he held it out, a ray of light passed through its fractured surface, casting intricate patterns of shadow and light onto his features. Closing his eyes, he whispered a prayer to the cosmos, a plea for forgiveness and a chance at redemption.

And as he opened his eyes once more, he felt a surge of energy course through him, a tingling sensation that seemed to reach into the very depths of his soul. The mirror began to glow with a faint light, its cracks shimmering with newfound power.

For a moment, he hesitated, his heart filled with uncertainty, but then, with a steely resolve, he pressed on, willing to accept whatever fate awaited him on the other side.

With a final breath, he activated the mirror, its divine power awakening in a shimmer of ethereal light. The mirror's energy surged, its brilliance intensifying until it enveloped Yun Che's entire body.

In that moment, time seemed to warp and bend around him. With a sudden, blinding flash, he disappeared from the planet, his form swallowed by the mirror. The crimson landscape faded from view, replaced by a swirling vortex of colors and sensations as Yun Che was sent through the fabric of existence.

As he journeyed through the void, images and memories flashed before his eyes in a dizzying whirlwind. He saw glimpses of his past lives, moments of joy and sorrow, triumphs and failures.

And then, as suddenly as it had begun, the swirling vortex came to an end. Yun Che emerged from the depths of the temporal, the world around him shifted and warped, until all semblance of familiar surroundings dissolved into an expanse of blinding white.

Suspended in this space, he felt weightless, his physical form fading away until he was nothing but a disembodied soul, adrift in an endless sea of emptiness.

There were no stars, no planets, no markers of time or space. Just an infinite expanse of white stretching out in all directions, with him at its center. He reached out tentatively, but his hand passed through the nothingness, leaving no trace behind.

The absence of sensation was disorienting. Without a body to ground him, Yun Che felt like he was floating in an eternal limbo. Time seemed to stretch and contract, warping around him in unpredictable patterns.

Yun Che focused his thoughts, willing himself to transcend the boundaries of this liminal space. Slowly, he felt a faint tug at his consciousness, a distant call from somewhere beyond the white expanse.

He followed the call, letting it guide him through the endless void. And as he drifted onward, he began to sense a change in the atmosphere around him. The blinding white began to fade, replaced by soft hues of color swirling in the ether.

Gradually, shapes began to form amidst the swirling mists, coalescing into familiar landscapes and distant horizons. Yun Che felt a surge of hope as he realized that he was no longer adrift in nothingness, but moving towards something tangible, something real.

As a figure drew closer, Yun Che's consciousness stirred. That person, like him, had traversed the cycle of reincarnation, but by chance was pulled away by the power of the Mirror of Samsara.

With each step, the figure's features became clearer, revealing a face etched with the wisdom of a lifetime. Lines of experience and trials etched deep into the other man's face, mirroring Yun Che's own journey through the twists and turns of existence.

As they finally stood face to face, the other man extended a hand, and Yun Che summoned what remained of his strength, reaching out to grasp it, and made a decision that would change the course of the man's fate.

Throughout his life, many had sacrificed themselves for Yun Che's sake, yet he had never been able to fully repay their kindness. Now, faced with the opportunity to make amends, he relinquished his soul in an act of selflessness.

Their hands met, and a brilliant light enveloped Yun Che's form, causing him to vanish completely from the white expanse.

As Yun Che faded from existence, the light dimmed and the white expanse faded away like a dream.


Somewhere in the Blue Pole Star, a young man lay on the bed, his frail body ravaged by illness and his health declining rapidly.

This was the body of Yun Che in the past, the vessel he had inhabited before his journey through the Mirror of Samsara brought him to the present.

Initially, his body showed signs of death, a mere shell of what it once was. The room was filled with the heavy scent of medicinal herbs, a futile attempt to ward off the inevitable. But as moments passed, a change began to take place.

Slowly but surely, color returned to Yun Che's pallid skin, a faint blush creeping back into his cheeks. The shallow rise and fall of his chest grew steadier, each breath drawing in more life than the last. His eyelids fluttered, lashes brushing against the delicate skin beneath his eyes.

Vitality surged through his weakened form, a gentle warmth spreading from his fingertips to his toes. It was as if the very essence of life itself was breathing new energy into his body, driving out the sickness that had plagued him for so long.

His body, once on the brink of death, now thrummed with newfound energy as it rapidly recovered from its previous state of illness. It was a miracle, a phenomenon that defied reason.

The room where Yun Che was recovering was small and unassuming, devoid of any lavish decor or expensive furnishings.

It was a humble room, containing only the bare necessities for daily living. A modest bed occupied one corner, its wooden frame worn but sturdy, while a small table nearby held a pitcher of water and a simple bowl of fruit.

Yun Che lay in the comfortably soft bed, a red banner hung above him, imbuing the room with a festive atmosphere.

He stirred from his slumber, finding himself alone in the quiet solitude of the room.

The only sounds that disturbed the peaceful silence were the distant chirping of birds, their melodies a gentle reminder of the world beyond the confines of the room.

With closed eyes, he sat up slowly, the satin sheets sliding off his body as he assumed a meditative state. 

Before he could delve into his practice, a faint voice pierced the stillness of the room, calling out to him like a distant melody carried on the wind.

He was met with the soft gasp of a familiar voice. "Ah! Little Che! You... You woke up!"

Startled, Yun Che's eyes fluttered open, and he turned towards the source of the voice.

Standing in the doorway was a woman, her face etched with lines of worry and relief.

The girl before him, had a youthful appearance illuminated by the soft glow filtering through the room's curtains. Her fair skin seemed to radiate with warmth, her eyes sparkled with a mixture of relief and joy, and her cheerful demeanor eased the tension in the air.

With a sense of deja vu, Yun Che realized that this was the girl who had called out to him earlier.

As he tried to collect his thoughts, the girl's voice broke through his reverie once more. "Yun Che, Yun Che, are you feeling sick?" Her words were tinged with concern, her brows furrowing in worry.

Yun Che's gaze drifted past the girl, his mind still clouded with fragments of memories that had haunted his slumber. "I woke up from a dream," his voice distant as he struggled to make sense of the jumbled memories that lingered in his mind. "There were so many visions of the end, but now I see a different ending."

The girl's brow furrowed in confusion, her worry deepening at Yun Che's words. "Yun Che, what are you saying, are you feeling sick?" she asked, her voice tinged with concern as she reached out to touch his arm, hoping to anchor him back to reality.

With a gentle smile, Yun Che replied, "No, I'm not sick. Just lost in thought for a moment there."

After hearing Yun Che's words, The girl's worried expression softened into a relieved smile. "Oh, that's good to hear! You had me worried for a moment. Everyone's been waiting for you downstairs. Today it's the day of your marriage."

Yun Che nodded, recalling the occasion. "Right, the marriage. Thank you for reminding me."

The girl beamed, her worry dissipating into excitement. "Great! I'll let your grandpa know you're awake. See you later, Little Che!"

Yun Che watched as the girl left the room, closing the door behind her,

leaving him alone with his thoughts. The weight of her words settled heavily in his mind - today was the day of his marriage.

Closing his eyes, Yun Che allowed himself to replay the events leading up to this moment. Images flashed before his mind's eye - his childhood, the training with his grandfather, and the expectations of his clan.

With a sigh, Yun Che rose from the bed and crossed the room to stand before the window. The world outside was bathed in the soft hues of dawn, a tranquil scene that belied the turmoil within him. Leaning against the windowsill, he gazed out at the horizon, in the quiet expanse of the sky.

Floating Cloud City was one of the cities nestled in the far east, perched atop the vast expanse of the Profound Sky Continent. 

Within the confines of this small city, amidst the hustle and bustle of everyday life, resided the Xiao Clan, a family steeped in tradition and honor. At the heart of the clan dwelled Xiao Li, the fifth elder, a man revered for his wisdom and strength. It was within the confines of the Xiao Clan's estate that Yun Che, his only grandson, came of age.

Yun Che's senses blurred as he stumbled forward, his legs trembling beneath him. Each step felt like an eternity as he fought against the creeping weakness spreading through his body. He staggered to a halt, clutching his stomach as waves of nausea washed over him.

Poison. Someone had laced his meal with a deadly toxin.

Yun Che focused on the circular green imprint on his palm – the Sky Poison Pearl. With a desperate flicker of hope, he activated the imprint, willing it to release its power.

A brilliant emerald light erupted from the mark on his palm, enveloping him in its ethereal glow. In an instant, the world around him dissolved into a blinding expanse of white, and he felt himself being pulled into the depths of the Sky Poison Pearl.

As his surroundings shifted and changed, Yun Che found himself standing in a vast, empty space – the inner sanctum of the Sky Poison Pearl itself. With a steely resolve, he focused his mind on the task at hand, channeling the latent power of the pearl to combat the poison that threatened to consume him.

With each passing moment, he felt the toxic tendrils being drawn towards him, snaking their way towards his outstretched palm like malevolent serpents. The power of the Sky Poison Pearl acted as a magnet, attracting the poison with an irresistible force.

Slowly but surely, Yun Che felt the poison being drawn away from his body, leaving him feeling lighter and stronger with each passing moment. The world around him was no longer a blinding expanse of white, the air was suffused with a faint green hue, and wisps of poison danced around him, this was the power of the Sky Poison Pearl!

At long last, with a shuddering breath, he opened his eyes to find himself back in the realm of the living.

As he assessed his strength, he realized that despite his noble lineage and the formidable reputation of his grandfather, he was still but an average person, albeit one endowed with the power of the Sky Poison Pearl.

In the Profound Sky Continent, where strength was revered above all else, Yun Che found himself cast aside by the very system that governed the lives of its inhabitants. Born into a world where profound power dictated one's worth, he was an anomaly—an outcast among his peers.

While others soared to higher realms of strength, their prowess matched only by their ambition, Yun Che remained stagnant, trapped at the lowest level of the Elementary Profound Realm. He was an observer amidst a sea of achievers, a mere spectator to the grandeur of power that eluded his grasp.

No matter how diligently he trained or how fervently he pursued enlightenment, his efforts were met with resistance at every turn. His profound veins, damaged from birth, acted as a barrier to his aspirations, refusing to yield to his determination.

It was a cruel fate, one that condemned him to a lifetime of mediocrity, in a world where only the strong survived. He would have to watch as his peers ascended the ranks, their names will be whispered in awe and reverence, while his own remained but a fleeting memory in the annals of time.

Within the walls of the Xiao Clan, Yun Che was a constant source of mockery and disdain.

His peers sneered at his weakness, while his elders looked upon him with pity and disappointment. If it weren't for his grandfather's formidable reputation, he would have been cast aside without a second thought, deemed unworthy of even the slightest consideration.

As he thought of his situation a bitter taste filled his mouth. Today was supposed to be a joyous occasion, a celebration of his union with Xia Qingyue.

In the eyes of many, Yun Che was nothing more than an inconvenience, an obstacle standing in the way of their ambitions.

His impending marriage to Xia Qingyue, a woman coveted by many for her beauty and talent, had only served to fuel their resentment and jealousy.

Murdering Heart Powder, was a rare and deadly poison coveted by assassins and criminals alike, and had been used in an attempt to end his life and extinguish his existence once and for all.

Yun Che thought over the stark contrast between himself and Xia Qingyue. She was the epitome of grace and strength, a shining beacon of hope and promise in a world shrouded in darkness.

Meanwhile, he was nothing more than a shadow, a mere speck of dust in the grand scheme of life.

Xia Qingyue's extraordinary talents had earned her the admiration and envy of all who knew her. At the tender age of sixteen, she had already reached the pinnacle of the Elementary Profound Realm, poised to ascend to even greater heights in the years to come.

Her beauty was renowned throughout Floating Cloud City, captivating the hearts of countless suitors who yearned for her affection.

And yet, despite her unparalleled beauty and brilliance, she had chosen to marry Yun Che, a youth deemed unworthy by society's standards. The irony of their union was not lost on him, as he grappled with the knowledge that he was undeserving of such a treasure.