
Crazy things

A simple "hi" message from her and it was all what I needed. I replied asking why didn't she message me the whole day.

"I thought of not disturbing you as you would be busy." She responded.

I couldn't control the feeling of being far away so I told her that I'm waiting to get back there. Though she liked to speak to me every day, I wasn't sure if it's for time pass or attraction or curiosity.

Then the messaging continued for hours until I have to charge the mobile phone. Now I never had a habit of using it while charging. I was surprised that I'm doing it for the first time.

I was at the railway station and they luckily had charging spots for people. I have been standing there for next two hours holding on to the phone and it went on.

She would be really funny and I would burst into laughter without noticing hundreds of people around me. After a while my return journey started and I just wanted to be back home to feel closer to her.

Time would not matter during the attraction phase. Our conversion would end mostly after midnight while one of us would fall asleep somehow. Now she was falling asleep while I was falling for her in a way I've never been.

She dozed off in a pleasant way and all I could do is wonder what is happening to me. Sometimes I feel weird as she is really young and I don't want to screw her happiness.

She was special to me in a lot of ways. As of now, her emotional support was keeping me sane but her beauty drives me insane. Every time I take a peek into her photo, I wanted her so much.

I applied her photo as my mobile phone's wallpaper. I was tired after all my work and I slowly dozed off thinking about her with every expectation to see her in my dreams. There was a strange voice that awakened me and I got up.