
Forgotten feelings

It was the beautiful scenery she saw on her way home that made her heart cringe.

- "What is this feeling, that place looks so familiar like I been there before"

She had forgotten the pain she was carrying. The place she has seem earlier was so familiar to her, but yet she didn't know why. The pain her heart was feeling she couldn't explained.

- Do you want to meet tomorrow? A voice in her head.

" Who was that, is someone there?-no answer. I must be hearing things"

She try to forget what had happened that day but the feeling lingered in her heart. The phone rang " is Lily "

-" hey girly, are you ready, we are waiting for you"

" I'll be there soon"

She drove to the club to meet her friends, it was a big party to celebrate Lily's birthday.

"I'm sorry I'm a little bit late"

" Finally you are here, I thought you wouldn't make it." " Is my beast friend birthday Of course I wouldn't miss it"

"Come let me introduce you to someone, Nia this is Erik my cousin"

Her heart stop for a second. He look so much like someone she once knew, someone she had forgotten.

"What is this feeling, who is he"

"Hello there, I'm Erik nice to meet you, I hear so much about you."

"Nice to meet you too, I'm Nia Lily's best friend"

Nia and Lily meet on the first day of high school and had been best friends since then, Nia move from the big city to a small town when her mother had to take a job there Nia's mother was a volunteer doctor she frequently had to move overseas and was home schooled most of her life. That was until she move to Florentina, a small town in the middle of nowhere, her mom took a permanent position in the town's hospital. It was then when Nia first meet the boy that would make her heart shattered.

To Nia love was something she didn't know much about it, being home schooled most of her life she had few friends and didn't socialize much, she was really shy and keep to herself most of the time that was until she meet Lily, she was the opposite to Nia , she was outgoing and friendly, she new everyone in town and was always happy and engaging on something new. Nia's mother decided to enroll her in a regular school since they didn't have to move for a while it was a better option for Nia then home school.

" Nia, are you feeling ok"

" Yeah I'm fine, I'm just a little tired"

" You don't seem like you are doing ok to me"

" I'm fine really, enjoy your party. I think I'm just gonna head home, I'll see you tomorrow"

" No you can't leave, Erik was really looking forward to meeting you, and you have ignored him most of the night. What is going on?

" I'm fine really, just tell him that I'm sorry but I'm not feeling well" " I'll see you tomorrow"

" Nia, Nia wait..."

On her way home, Nia could not shake the feeling that she was missing something, she had a feeling like she knew Erik, and the place she has seem earlier that day, but the more she thought about it the less she could make sense of it.

" I'm just gonna go to bed and forget about today, I'm just tired that's all"