
Dissolution (draft)

This story tells the fate of the remaining members of a once-destroyed civilization.

Alexander_Storm · SF
6 Chs

Chapter 5 - The Rogort Method.

"Having many indicators for assessing a person's condition, at that moment the SBO could and did work every second. Increased blood pressure, palpitations, momentary excitement. Everything was seen by the algorithm as signs of danger to life." Parker continued.

" How is the situation from that parable, as it was, about the boy who cried wolves? "

" Yes, exactly, strange as it may seem to realize, but any new social project, even after years of analysis and preparation, actually turns out to be zilch. "

" What do you have in mind? What other puff? Vic asked.

"Zilch, they call it generally, the result has a negative impact or the absence of it at all. And what makes SBO a failure at the start is that it recorded one tenth of a percent of the total number of truly dangerous situations, and the remaining ninety-nine and nine were simply reactions of organisms to minor stimuli. "

" And further on in the experience of calls, more and more variables were added, making the system more and more perfect, in our ship-limited realities. "

"And an unknown anomaly revealed a new variable to be introduced after two hundred years of conservation." Interrupted Vic's interrogator and finished his deduction." Also, one should not lose sight of the speed with which the anomaly moved, and we mean the calculation of the speed of our ship against the time it took to pass through all three points of contact, or only the identified cases. "

"Do you mean that it was not the ship that passed, the location of the unknown anomaly, but the anomaly itself, so to speak, flashed through our ship? "

"Yes, everything is exactly like that if, to simplify. The speed of passing through all three points also remained unchanged. "

"Maybe someone from the upper or lower dimensions was trying to do their experiment?" Vic tried to joke, not noticing that he was focusing on the word "own".

"Your experiment? What kind of experiment are you referring to, you spoke earlier about non-participation in experiments." Parker was hooked on an unconscious accent.

"Oh, this, yesterday after the incident. . ." Vic began to retell yesterday's incident, "And then the antrobot began to chew, and the experiment ended. "

" Participation in the SIZNOVA program is good. And then in the last hundred years, the number of even simple applications has decreased quantitatively. "

"Maybe everyone thinks that they have accepted the monorail project as an example, so all the resources of the ship go to it, and new ones, in turn, will be screened out, even if these applications would have been accepted at another time? "

SIZNOVA on the ship, they called a competition of projects designed to increase the chances of completing the expedition with success and helping the colonists settle down and adapt at the place of arrival.

SBO, the monorail system, and many other projects have previously passed through this system. Where the idea or the germ of an idea was realized and adjusted by the team for its further use.

For example, Phil Wander's project for the production of Tochka suits, in turn, could, in theory, help people both in further flight and in overcoming problematic situations in a new home for humanity. Being a multifunctional and easy to use device.

" Maybe so." Victoria continued. But still, in the process of searching for problems, devices of unknown functionality are often found now, from which we can conclude. . ." She stopped to finish her thought, letting Vic complete it.

In about five seconds after the officer stopped speaking, Vic continued unconsciously and without using his patience.

" That the probability of no new applications is correlated with the number of new inventions found. What could lead to the point where there is a statistical appearance of a regression in applications even though the number of new inventions has not decreased?" Passing out his assumption for the truth, Vic said.

"And so it is." Vika, a law enforcement officer, confirmed her guess." Only now the number of new inventions is not equal to the statistics of the previous period, but rather exceeds it by one and a half times."

"So there is some kind of event in which we can observe a strange phenomenon, the growth of ideas, their prototyping and the complete lack of notice to the council about a new invention?" Decided to draw the line Vic.

"Yes, perhaps, no one is in the mood to submit their ideas, or maybe someone who does not get on the radar reduces the sense of responsibility in the successful completion of the expedition. . ."

"Maybe the loss of the fuse burning after the Red Sunset." He interrupted with his opinion.

Victoria calmed down a bit. On the front interface, you could discern small bits of contentment and cunning.

For more comfortable communication between the staff and their colleagues of the used antrobots, the machines were provided with facial interfaces. They also depicted various kinds of emotions experienced by a person. One would think that a person using a machine would immediately give out all his emotions to the interlocutor through this function.

From a simple example, you can imagine two robots that did not share a drink from machine oil, and the one that lost its coveted drink will immediately depict all the sadness of this world on the front interface. And at the same time, he will not limit himself to the norms of social interaction.

Only here the craftsmen, observing from the outside this idea, presented to the court of the SIZNOV collegium, noticed this moment and helped the creators to work out this algorithm.

Therefore, you will not experience embarrassment in communicating with users of antrobots, only this dialogue will not differ from a conversation with an ordinary meat bag either. You can be deceived or deceive yourself by observing the reactions of the interlocutor, not only in the context of the sentences and words that form them, but also using observations of facial expressions. Which, in turn, Vic neglects at the moment.

"And what is the final answer to this puzzle?" He asked, settling into a comfortable place and waiting for the continuation of the story, like a real listener.

" There is no answer yet. All the inventors whose works have been identified say the same thing, they say it's just a hobby, and there is no serious underlying reason in their deeds." Victoria stopped and after a short pause, continued down half a tone." Although comparing the prototypes that were presented earlier at SIZNOVA, these scattered works can enter the rank of ideal works."

"Inventions of almost one hundred percent quality, for some reason abandoned by their creators? Is there any regularity in the inventions themselves?"

"Unfortunately, there is no connection between inventions, but sometimes there are whole groups of inventions aimed at performing one task, as presented for you." The antrobot pointed to the deposits of instruments through which they had previously had to go.

" There is a hook if a certain number of devices are assigned to perform one task. "

" You misunderstood a little, a number of devices perform one task, but they do it only in combination with each other. As an option, we can consider one of the groups present here. Along the way, we have to catch asteroids of various plans, further developed by numerous working groups. The group of devices directly located here, affectionately named by its creator as the "Collection of Miners", in a complex for a little longer time can independently develop a useful object."

"Saying that they do the work a little longer, you are already voicing the practice of their work, do I understand correctly?"

"Yes, we have already carried out tests, and each of the devices shows itself quite stably, and does its job with a bang."

" So. Stop!" Unexpectedly for himself, Vic noticed one wave. "Why are we talking so nicely on this topic? Didn't I come to inquire about the incident that we have already discussed?" He began to go over the details of the dialogue and suddenly understood." You have just used the Faust Rogort method."

On the face-up display, Vic noticed the employee's smile.

" The essence of this method is in the institution of the interlocutor, in a long dialogue similar to a stream of thoughts. The construction built in the course of the dialogue allows the controlling party to extract the information it needs from the unsuspecting victim."

"Well, sacrifice is a big word. " Victoria objected with a smile.

" Okay, the interlocutor. But all this is like leading someone by the nose. And if your interlocutor discloses your plans, he will be unpleasant. "

"Did you feel uncomfortable? " The interrogator continued, still amused.

" No, quite interesting, for me the conversation turned out. And the problem with inventions is quite intriguing, it makes different aspects of it think about a lot. Let's take a look, as they say. "

"Well, look, look, I don't keep you in principle anymore, you can be free. And according to the invention of your leader, I will follow the applications, if you notice anything interesting, please let me know. "

"Fine, I'll go then. Contact you I will be able to filed with the message? "

"That's right, have a good shift." Wished Victoria in the wake of the outgoing Vic.

" Goodbye. " He said goodbye, walking along the path he had previously traveled, not forgetting the protruding ambush.

After leaving the office, Vic went to the exit. It was unsealed for him according to the rules of visiting, it was required to be noted again.

When he reached the monorail station, he noticed that this time he had crossed paths with the transport, and immediately entered the car. The trip proceeded like the previous one, from the inside one could see both the roadbed under construction and the landscapes of the outer skin of the ship. Based on the fact that structurally the car was something like a sandwich, the filling of which was a transparent material, which allowed passengers to enjoy extensive views, the trip was never boring.

Only one thing depressed Vic in this situation. Observing this type of picture, he did not see its background. Such he could observe in many works of art. Somewhere in fantastic stories, he came across views of flying bodies plowing space, against the backdrop of a clearing strewn with endless stars. Only such a landscape Vick observed only through special navigational telescopes.

When earlier he was interested in this question "Why do we not see the stars looking out the window?". Aoi told him about how she lived on earth and went out of town to look at the stars. If we consider this issue from the basics, then the first thing that will happen is that stars emit light in the process of their nuclear combustion. (Deuterium, Hydrogen, Helium, etc. are burning in a star, which in the process looks like a core, in the context of the sentence, the concepts of visual and physical sense are combined, working on a literary basis.) Therefore, if Vic lived on the planet, he would see this picture. And if he moved to the city, this picture would be lost for him. Since our species in the process of its evolution of the mind has discovered and uses electrical energy everywhere. Which when passing through certain materials like tungsten, gives a bright source of light that illuminates our night. And at the same time, the sky and the space around us are also not empty, but filled with different types of gases. Which, in turn, reflect for us the light of the lights of a larger city, while covering the amazing flowers of the cosmos.

Consequently, even on the ship it is difficult to look directly into the depths of space, the light used to consecrate the ship and the premises, because of which one could look with the naked eye. Only turning off the lights on the ship will help a simple layman look at the stars.

Having reached the station Vic needed, he went straight to the working studio. In which a visitor was already waiting for him, with whom they had already seen that day.

Richter was sitting near the entrance on some box that had not been here before. Noticing Vic approaching, he called out to him.

"Hi again. ' He said holding out his hand for a handshake. "I was hoping that you and I would cross paths on the way back. I did not think that I would have to transport this hulk to you. " he said, kicking the box supporting him in a sitting position.

"And what made you in the sweat of your face, dragged to our monastery? Vic asked, pointing to the box.

" Industrial material scanner. "

"Well, we obviously don't have that." Relaxing a little, he replied from the simplicity of the question.

" Not really. This scanner is in the box. I come to change after the surrender. So he doesn't work. I do it this way and that, but it does not turn on. Here you are, and from rattled you will look at your leisure, what is the matter with him? Richter asked getting off the box.

At this time, the door to the studio opened and Kira looked out of it.

"What are we smuggling here?" She asked.

"Where to?" Vic asked. This is where Richter throws orders from technical departments at us." Crossing his arms over his chest, he raised his head and shook her, as if asserting the accusations against Richter.

"It's not like that, it's not my fault!" He said in a friendly way. And lowering the game told. This is my first scanner, I have a new model. So this one is more convenient for now, and my sentimentality does not allow it to be processed. "

"And you want to sell it to us? After all, we won't stock up on credits for a personal scanner!" Kira spoke up. "Yes, and the sale of production equipment, does not fall under any article there? Vic, you're only from specialists, since you received an invitation, maybe there is a contact for feedback. To get it sorted out as soon as possible. "

"It's not like that at all! " Richter justified himself, scratching his head. " To draw conclusions at the request, the reasons for which you do not know, I do not even know this. But no, I still know, I won't support you at the upcoming match and that's it. "

"Hey, what's up right now? " Kira began to fuss with feigned excitement.

"It's just that the scanner doesn't work, but even the reason is unknown. Yesterday it worked, today it doesn't. I asked the auditors, they approved to address this issue to a private person. Since this scan is two years old, it needs to be reworked. "

"That's how, but what did you keep silent about? "

"You were silent, hiding behind the door." Richter countered.

"It hurts to peep or eavesdrop. Now I wanted to know if you have Vizer at the studio? "

"Yes, how not? "

"So what kind of chaos are you here in front of the door rubbing? Phil and I already have eyes from these notifications that will begin to shine. We thought that peasants with pitchforks were coming to lynch us. But there is no call."

" Hehe. He chuckled, scratching the back of his head. "I was tired of dragging, so I wanted to take a break. "

"Well, get out of the door and run to the place, otherwise I'll complain to your mistress!" Kira stated humorously threatening with her fist, and then turned to Vic. Let's bring it inside, at our leisure we will ponder over the scan. "

" Thank you!" Richter shouted as he walked away.

"Let's run." Vic drove him up, waving goodbye.

The box, together with the scanner, weighed about twenty-five kilograms. In terms of size, one could assume a weight of the order of two times, or even three.

"Put him in the back room." Kira recommended.

After removing the unplanned hack, and then changing clothes, Vic went to his workplace.

Each specialist on the ship, regardless of his activity, had his own workplace. They were equipped to match the profession, and were a personal space for a specialist.

There were six jobs in this studio, that is, in the future, this studio is designed for a team of up to six people. They were fenced with rather dense partitions, for greater concentration of the specialist at work, closing him from external stimuli.

Entering his cubicle or under-cabinet, Vic set to work.