
Dissolution (draft)

This story tells the fate of the remaining members of a once-destroyed civilization.

Alexander_Storm · SF
6 Chs

Chapter 3 – Favorite deal.

The working studio arrived in a cozy darkness. All the working machines have not yet woken up. Literally in an hour, the machines will make noise, and the printers will begin to output the ordered circuits. Two daily cycles of silence leave no sign of these silent workers. Vic only had a dissonance from the morning of the first work cycle of each week.

Colleagues walked along the sleeping devices, after a while which they will start to launch. The wayside consecration, which stretched along the free space and illuminated the passage place, was never turned off on the ship. Only the network indicators burning on the devices already told Vic and Kira that Phil was already in place.

They went into the utility room, which was ergonomically as good as the main work area. The equal size of the utility room and the working area implied the voluntary development of various crew projects for the benefit of the expedition.

- hello. – Phil greeted them. – quarreled with whom? – he asked, focusing the attention of the interlocutors on the bruise of Vic's face.

Colleagues greeted the boss and told him about the situation. There was no limit to Phil's surprise at the moment of listening to the story, the fear expressed by him also did not escape their attention.

Many might think that a fight or a small conflict in society can exist, and it can determine what is good and what is bad. After all, in the works of art written many centuries ago and the ship that was available now, you can find almost ninety percent of such situations.

Only now people born on Shambhala, and people who have lost their mother planet Earth, realize in the subcortex of their brain that even the slightest conflict between two individuals can tear their already small commune to shreds. And there will be nowhere to fly to the fragments of a ship once plowing the expanses of space, carrying on its board a smoldering ember of a once cheerfully burning bonfire.

That's what scared Phil and all the people involved in the situation. That restriction, that security on guard, which seemed to be a fail-safe mechanism, did not work. There were kinks in the system, there were flaws, but in the first fifty years since the operation of this program, all the flaws have already been solved and found. And the problem was not only the lack of reaction, but also the transfer of false testimony to the database.

- I hope they will solve this problem and find its source. Phil said, looking into the distance. Focusing his gaze, and looking at his subordinates, he began. – I want to show you one thing . . .

He got up from his desk and walked to the opposite side of the room from the entrance. Where behind the tinted, distorted color rendering, glass, was the main interest of today's daily cycle. Phil went to the digital panel and began to enter the password. After entering it correctly, the tinting disappeared and the glass, starting from the center, began to shift to opposite sides of the opening.

The consecration included in the space displayed something lying on a pedestal. The pedestal itself looked like an operating table. And this something looked like a dissected toad, only if this toad was in the form of a man, consisted of metal, and its skin was not attached to a pin, but neatly folded into an accordion.

- I think I was right. – Pushing in the side, Kira confirmed her guesses to Vika in a whisper.

- This is an exoskeleton armor, the idea of the production of which I have been dreaming about since I was probably ten years old. – Phil reported about his creation. - My brother was just working in law enforcement, and I kept thinking, "why did they stop using armor?"

- The production of armor on the battlefields, between the feudal lords, was so expensive, and for regular armies such things would be even more expensive. Kira stated the fact. - Yes, and the unification happened quickly, only local showdowns of criminals, or private crimes remained.

- Even small-town crimes still claimed lives, so I started coming up with this concept. And now, and even more so, who knows what dangers await us during colonization, what fauna will meet us.

- And how does your exo-suit work? Vic asked.

- Well, first of all, this is the base, which will be located at the back. Phil pointed to the human body shape. – It consists of five parts, which are fastened together and have release levers.

Phil lifted what could be called a sleeve, and pointed to an external lever located on the back of the shoulder.

- Pull on it and disconnect the sleeve from the main suit.

- And by chance this mechanism will not work? Kira asked.

- It won't happen by chance, only on your own or with someone else's help. Initially, the lever is located in the groove behind the panel. – Which Phil pointed out. - And after you lay down in the base, the plates that are located at the edges close together creating the front part. Due to the non-monolithic construction, there will be easy dismantling, and replacement of damaged parts of the suit. Damaged the sleeve, took off one, replaced it with another, and hi further to do business in it.

Phil picked up the remote from the table and pressed the button. The folded parts of the suit leaned forward, and after two seconds, the opposite parts closed, on a lightning-like seam. Phil explained his design with greater tenacity, and also pointed to the disassembly levers at the joints of the single and moving parts of the suit.

- Not only are defective parts to be replaced entirely, but the front working and rear hardware parts can also be replaced separately.

- That is, an exo constructor of some kind turns out, and consisting of ten . . . there are no fifteen parts? Five main ones, and ten front ones. Vic asked.

- That's right, at the same time, modernization and customization of individual parts is easier, and fitting the dimensions, and design features for an individual user is easier.

Next, Phil demonstrated the technical documentation from which it followed that this model has the name "Point 1" (A technical sample revered by the culture of academics).

- . . . Revered by the culture of academics, what? Kira asked with genuine incomprehension.

- Well, who on earth moved science forward, academic scientists, they weren't afraid to invent mechanics or something else. And this is also with the wildest rebuff of their environment, so, huh, I honor them.

This model, according to the technical description, was the basis from which other exo variations could later occur. This sample was able to protect a person from any firearm, with the exception of rocket weapons. For this characteristic, in addition to the material and structural features, there was also a small force field system, which additionally allowed for protection from small laser and sound guns.

In the area of the head, the working module had the ability to collect both visual and audio data. Processing and analysis was carried out by a system located in the same area only in the hardware module. The transfer of information after analysis to the user was carried out by means of CI, as well as the output of information, namely, the voice was synthesized by the exo itself. Since when using it, the ears, mouth, nose and eyes were protected by the exo.

In case of damage to the system, input output of information, there were blockers in the head module, which, when used, allowed the user to perceive the world independently. For example, if a user gets under an EMP charge, he can pull the lever and holes are formed in the body, similar to holes on not so technological armor.

The life support system was located exactly on the main module of the trunk. The estimated battery life, with the main modifications, is eighty-two hours. Exo is not designed to work in space, but when using life-saving implants, their duration can last from three to eight hours.

Due to the properties of the suit, the strength value also increased in the range from one and a half to three and a half times the strength of the user. Such a run-up error mainly depended on both the physical and physiological capabilities of the pilot, and on the object being affected.

For example, in one case of lifting, laying longitudinally folded objects, the subject can easily lift a weight equal to two and a half times more than his original capabilities. And this effect will be achieved by distributing the load between the pilot and the exo. In the second case, we take an object equal in mass to the objects from the first experience, and placing it in an upright position, we will run into the limit of increasing the user's strength by one and a half times.

- This option, increasing the force, is intended only for private emergencies – Phil commented on this moment. – We have no problems with the same means of loading.

Loaders, technical mechs, cargo rails and robots are all the tools used to move objects on the ship. Cargo transportation is carried out not only indoors, using bulkheads, but also outside the ship. Structurally, each compartment has direct access to space. Which allows you to move objects outside the ship along the way. The designers also provided track hangers used to direct cargo in space.

Ten years ago, at the next meeting of the crew, the project of a space monorail was put forward. Its effectiveness was based on the ability not to depend on the inertia force of objects in open space, which is taken into account when using racks. The monorail will run through the entire structure of the ship.

- Well, are you ready for the first activation of the Point? Phil asked enthusiastically.

- Have you tried it yet? Kira's question sounded like amazement.

- yes. . . somehow I didn't have to – He hesitated a little – Checked the systems, everything seems to be normal. Of course I understand that the first time will be a lump, but . . .

- But I would like to get acquainted with an inventor who has at least one invention that worked stably at once. – Vic expressed his wish.

- No one, I hope, will climb there? – she asked with concern.

- No . . . See what. Vic, go activate the capsule with the antrobot, I'll connect to it. Phil was saying, approaching the connection chair, which was used to fix the user's body when connected to the CI.

Vic walked over to the capsule and started activating the bot.

- I'll connect to the bot, and I'll get into the exo with it. I made the dimensions for the bot.


Antrobot was the first thing Vic saw when he met Phil. He still remembered his first day at work. Phil then demonstrated various kinds of machines, and described the capacities of this working studio. In the process of familiarization, one of the machines suddenly howled, and Phil went to find out what was wrong, and Vic followed him.

From around the corner, before reaching the machine, Kira jumped out. She looked dead, to say the least, and from fear she forgot how to breathe.

- What happened, are you okay? Phil asked then.

- I . . . I 'm there it is . . . I dropped the screwdriver . . . and he chewed – She tried to explain with a stutter. After catching her breath a little and calming down, she said. - I collected the canvas before, and I twisted the screw, but he was in the middle and had a snack. I'm not a fool, I took it out, checked the screw, checked the hole everything is normal, measured, everything according to the drawing. I tried to twist it three times, but it still wouldn't go, I decided to use it. I started to twist, went to the snack, and let's go through it. And I overdid it, the screwdriver broke off and flew into the machine as if from exertion. And there the detail was being formed. And how it bit, horror!!! I thought I was going to die on the spot from that sound there, so I ran after you.

Everything was as Kira had told us, approaching the machine, we could hear a long, growing moan more and more clearly. Gears and belts, screws and nuts, everything groaned from the tension in this beast, which was disturbed by careless monkeys at the time of his hard work. And the hum grew and grew, the accumulated mechanical energy demanded an exit. And in the mouth of this beast, his unfinished work was clearly visible.

The anthropomorphic robot, commonly called simply antrobot, which was controlled by Phil, quickly flew up to the machine and grabbed the prey of the beast and quickly pulled at himself. But the beast was not a fool, and did not want to give up its prey. Having bitten through the hapless robot's arm in several places, he decided to release his prey with his previously tense fangs from pressure.

- I'm sorry, I'm sorry – Kira screeched, seeing the consequences of her actions. – I'll work it out! – This expression apparently clung to her from studying works of art, Phil thought.

- Oh, come on. – He began to admonish her in a soothing tone. – Everything is in perfect order, with whom there have been no accidental errors, and there is nothing to work out, just a working moment included in the errors.

"Good afternoon." came a voice from the studio speakers. - "The SBO system has worked for us. . .»


Vic grinned remembering this moment, during the activation of the bot. Phil, sitting on the chair, relaxed, and began to connect to the CI, at the moment of connection his body went limp, and the body of the bot mechanism on the turn gave signs of life.

- Well, it's time for, uh, experiments. Phil's voice sounded from the antrobot.

The robot looked like a human, and the dimensions were adjusted to the user's dimensions. In most examples, bot users used models similar to them, only a small part of the crew did not adhere to this paradigm, and specific models were used in specific situations.

He rose from the charging capsule, in which most of the robot models were placed, and went to the exo side. Vic and Kira stood a little to the side.

- As soon as I fit on the form, activate the exo. Phil picked up the remote control from the work site. – While all functions are brought to external control, so to build an exo, click on this button. He pointed to the first button. – Then you will press it to open it. – He said handing the remote to Vic.

- Will we check the sensors? Kira asked.

Phil, walking to the pedestal, replied:

- Sensors will immediately transmit information to me through the CI.

The antrobot began to fit into the bed of Point 1. And the dimensions were indeed adjusted to the robot because it lay in the groove like a cast.

- Everything fits, we begin pupation. – Jokingly, Phil gave the command.

Vic pressed the button. The servos attached to the moving plates of the exo barely audibly started working, and the armor began to close. Everything went well and as planned, the mechanism drove its robot smoothly and properly. Less than three seconds have passed since the beginning of the operation as the plates closed.

Ten seconds have already passed since the start of the operation, and the servos should have already stopped their work eight seconds ago, and even five seconds would also have been suitable. But the brave workers did not stop their work.

- Something seems to be going wrong. – Said the robot, wrapped in armor. "The servos should have shut down by now. An excited voice came from exo's nutria.

At the same time, Vic pressed the button again, and a message appeared on the display of the remote control on a red background, which said: "Error. The connection to Point 1 is not established."

And the time was already approaching the twenty-second mark since the beginning of this, uh, experiment. And by this time it became noticeable that the connection of the plates began to bend inward. It is worth noting that in this version, the plates were not aimed at protection, but so far they are only intended for tests.

However, this did not save from tension.

- Phil, they flatten inwards. – The girl reported the information.

The plates began to bite into each other and push from the center into the inside. The sound of the robot's deformation was already clearly heard. And some servos under pressure began to break the metal out of the structure.

- That's so tesky, it's really chewed up! Phil's voice came from behind them. – Eh, we still have to work and work on this.

From his words, it was possible to think that he was upset. Only it wasn't like that, on the contrary Phil was relaxed and calm. He looked at the comlink and announced:

- Well, the time of work is coming, we split up and leave. – Phil gave the task, closing this area of the utility room.

Colleagues went to the work area, and went to turn on the machines.

On the ship, the workflow was arranged as follows. Due to the fact that at the moment the technology allowed you to create anything, just add a circuit to the necessary machine. And you will form either a detail or the entire object as a whole. And in this process, not a joule of human energy will be used. Considering that the main purpose of the ship is a colonial expedition. While still building it, most of the protocols and rules of life of the future ecosystem of society were created for the duration of the flight.

This is how the concept of residential and work areas was created.

The workspace was divided into multidirectional workspaces. Engaged in the production of products from biological to high-tech properties. For example, the area of agricultural products production was a room filled with hydroponics devices. Also, such specialized areas are divided into indexes, the numbering of which determines the purpose of production of this particular department. The department where Vic has been working since his referral is responsible for the production of various modules for the monorail project. As far as he saw in the annual report, twenty-two more work departments have this direction, past them.

In the department itself, the work was divided into automatic and manual. The automatic machine was performed by machines, and the working one was performed by personnel, the main purpose of the staff's work was to accumulate qualifications and production experience. In order to avoid accidents due to the human factor, the work areas were equipped with cargo gates, which, in addition to performing the functions of unloading products from the premises, also had a scanner analyzing the condition of objects. For example, having a cargo transport assembled using manual assembly, it will not leave the area even if the bolts were not bolted, unnoticed by some of the employees.