

" But nothing makes a room feels emptier than wanting someone in it.

-calla quinn"

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" Another day is done" laying down in my bed talking to myself while playing in my phone waiting for my eyes to close for the next day to start but my eyes won't shut and my head feels full, do I really have no one to talk too ?

Hearing a nock at the door made me jump so fast to open it just for these feeling and thought to finally go away. " who is it?" I asked before opening the door."  I'm from the apartment next to you, can you open the door I have something to give to you? ". Opening the door just for a girl to get in before I even fully open it.

" I'm really sorry but I'm in a situation right know can I stay here just for 10 minutes" said the girl with a cap covering her face looking down. "sure but are you ok?" I said as I walk to the living room with her following me. The first thing that would come to your mind reading this is 'is he insane?' 'why would he let a random women come in his house? Isn't he scared from a scandal?' And my answer would be that this apartment building is known for it high security system so it won't be easy for some one to get in or out that's why I'm not scared.

"do you wanna drink something" I asked as she keep on declining the calls on her phone . "just a water would be fine" she said and I nod my head and go to the  kitchen and back with a glass in my hand. "are you ok?" I asked again as she didn't answer me the first time I asked. "yes I'm Fine it's just my oppa, he's drunk" she said as she chuckle and give me the box she was holding. "i forget to give you this, its chocolate" I take it and thank her.

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Waking up by the sound of the alarm announcing a new day in this dark room feeling happy to finally start a new day, but why do I feel someones present in the room with me ? And why can't I remember what happened last night?

- I'll try to get better I promise.