

It was my fault, I did this. The tears suddenly started streaming down my face as I looked at his back, he was trying to protect me and now he’s being chased. My chest swiftly felt a sharp pain and I was choking on my tears. At that moment, I loosened his grip on my wrist as I stood still. He turned in great shock and fright. “Day, what are you doing? No! Come on!” “It’s my fault, I’m sorry,” I stated looking at the sandy beach “Day- “He wanted to approach me but I held back “I’m sorry,” I said, with the last tear streaming down my cheeks. At that moment, I heard the sound of the gunshots and felt them this time. The sudden rush of emotions rose higher than normal as I heard him scream. The atmosphere was becoming dark, and the sand felt cold. I could hear him rushing towards me as he held my body in his arms. “Day, why did you do that?” He asked, searching my body. “We can’t run.” I said shakingly “There is nowhere he wouldn’t find us.” “There is.” He tried to assure me. “No, there isn’t.” I smiled as I touched his cheek, “Be happy... please...I love you.” At that moment, I heard a stern voice say, “Get up son, it’s time to go home.” He held me closer and I could feel his cheeks against mine, and there I could see the man who had been chasing us. “I told you, you will never leave with him.” As I looked into the eyes of that monster, barely holding my breath. I knew I was wrong to believe that he would let his son disobey his orders to kill me.

Armii98 · 都市
2 Chs


They usually say that the simple things in life make you happy, and that can be true... I believe that my life is ultimately the happiest, I have been friends with the same person for more than 10 years. Her charismatic demeanor makes her friendly and optimistic.

She has been there for me through it all, especially after my dad fell extremely ill. It's been hard on my family ever since my dad's accident, he's been bedridden for more than 2 years and my mom can hardly manage the expenses with her current job, and being a part-time worker doesn't pay enough to afford tuition and medical expenses.

We try to make it each day without worry, even though it's inevitable.

We were in our third year of college, and even though it was hard, my mom always wanted me to have the college experience. I attended Hamilton College of Arts, this University was for students who were interested in the performing arts, such as dancing, singing, and such. Since I was a little girl, my dad has always taught me how to dance, it was something we enjoyed doing, especially on days when it felt as if the entire world was against us.

"Hey Mom," I said making my way toward the kitchen

"Oh, hey honey, where are you off to this early?" She smiled folding the newspaper.

"Susan and I are going register for our third year before there is a bomb rush."

"I can't believe it; you are almost through with college." She sighs happily, "How do you feel?"

"Honestly, exhausted." I exhaled deeply. "The professor last year was a completely bitch, she hated every dance move that Susan and I came up with, and even the ones she did choreographed, she hated how we performed. I'm telling you she was out to get us."

Mom simply chuckled.

At that moment, I could hear the machine beating fast, which was a clear indication that Dad was enjoying the conversation. I made my way over to his bedside, located in the living room and slowly rubbed my hand on his head. The machine quickly gained rapid beats and I couldn't help but smile. I knew he loved the topic this morning.

"Thanks for listening Dad." I said, leaning down to kiss him on his forehead, "I love you."

The machine slowed down, and I looked over at Mom, who was leaning at the door frame and gave a faint smile.

Half an hour later Susan showed up and we drove to school. Hamilton was an hour away from my home. When we arrived, there were way more people than I expected at 6:30 in the morning.

"What the hell is going on?" I asked scanning the area from inside the car.

"Didn't you hear?" Susan's voice broke the concentrated train of thought.

I nodded as a validation of my unknowing.

"Jaeyoung is coming today." She smiled

"J-Ja-Jaeyoung?" I stuttered. "Who's that?"

"The most popular exchange student ever to exist." She said parking the vehicle, "His dad is the owner of this town"

My mind was seriously blank, as I tried to contemplate the irrelevant importance of this guy attending college. Although it was something that amused me less, the thought of even having a close encounter with him would ruin my day. Thus, after exiting the vehicle I made my way to the registration office, passing the crowd.

Since everyone was caught up with seeing the Mr. Popular Exchange, it was quiet inside and registrations went smoothly. This year was packed as I have allotted 3 more extra courses to gain valedictorian. I made my way into the classroom where we were having prep class this morning.

Mr. Popular Exchange wasn't anywhere to be found and the class was about to begin, at this rate, I decided that students nor professors were going to enter this classroom until he showed up. So, I popped my earbuds in and went to the dance studio down the hall. The sound of Heart Break Anniversary filled my eardrums, I slowly let the music flow through me as I elegantly swayed across the room, being as encompassed with the rhythm. I closed my eyes going in for a double spin when I hit something really hard and completely fell on my ass.

After much adjusting to the sudden fall, I could see a faint shadow hovering very menacingly between the sun rays, he leaned forward where I could see, before he uttered

"I might wanna suggest you stay down there."

He then straightened up, giving a lean back as he smirked at me.

"What the hell?" I shouted, before balancing my weight off the ground to stand up, "You're the one who bumped into me, how could you be so arrogant?"

He meaninglessly chuckled at me as if to shrug off my comments, he was about to turn around, to ignore me, which in turn infuriated me, I immediately held onto his arm and spun him towards me where his face was staring down at me, our height difference could be seen as soon as that happened, where I stood at 5 feet 3 inches and he was nearly 6 feet flat. He looked down at me with an expression of disgust and being appalled, but at that moment, I could care less what he thought.

"Who the hell do you think you are, huh?" I asked furiously.

He dragged his arm away from me as he withered his facial expression to a nonexpressive one and said both calmly and boldly,

"Do you even know who I am?"

"Listen, I don't give a damn who you are." I stared blankly. "All I care about is the fact that you completely bumped into me and didn't even have the decency to apologize."

He smirked once more before saying,

"You don't know who I am. Let me do you a favor, just a little gift so you won't behave like a fucking bitch next time, the name Jae-"

I didn't allow him to even finish his sentence, as he infuriated me to the point in which I could not hold back and I smacked him across the face. He looked directly at me with the eyes of a predator and in an instant, his hands were around my neck, he held my throat tightly as he paced me backward until I felt my back against the wall. The sound of his teeth grinding erupted my eardrums as I gasped for air. I felt as though I was losing air and in the distance, I could hear faint noises calling out for a name, it was in that instance that I began feeling less pressure around my neck and I was beginning to catch air within my lungs. The noises became louder when a student came into the studio and called for someone,

"Oh, there you are Jaeyoung."

I instantly looked up and I saw his face staring at me, with a look that utterly shocked me. He was disappointed.

"Let's go." He said to the individual before turning his back to me and leaving the studio.

After that encounter, it was time for class. I met up with Susan but I made no mention of the altercation that I had with Mr Popular Exchange. Even though he was becoming a student of our school, I had no idea we would share the same sessions.

"Oh my god D, we get to share classes with Jaeyoung, oh my god isn't he hot, like he's way hotter in person." She ranted.

"Please shut up," I whispered as we made our way past him and headed to the seats behind him.

After everyone was settled in, our profession came in and class began. During class, the profession began introducing Mr. Popluar Exchange,

"Well, class as you all know, we have a new student from Ishida University, could you please stand and introduce yourself."

He calmly did as he was instructed and began his introduction.

"My name is Jaeyoung Vice, I'm an exchange student from Ishida University." He then turned his attention towards me and asked, "What's your name?"

I stared at him blankly shocked and confused, as was the entire student body, I lifted and single index finger to my face, and he gently smiled and nodded.

Susan kept giggling and pushing me before whispering my name to him,

"Her name is Dayonna Star."

He smiled at her and then looked back at me and said,

"Ms. Star, I apologize for my behaviour, it was really out of pocket for me and I will make sure to never have that happen again."

The entire class' attention was geared towards me even the professors. He simply smiled and seated himself. The duration of that period was a rollercoaster for me because everyone kept approaching me and asking about my relationship with him why didn't I mention that I knew him and even worse part, what happened between us? After class ended, I tried to find him and get this situation sorted out because it was just an entire mess that I didn't need unfolding at this point, since I still had my dad to take care of. It wasn't easy getting in close contact with him, which I found strange, like wasn't he an exchange student, everyone was behaving like he was some celebrity, even his friends, didn't seem friendly. I waited for about half an hour before he headed to the parking lot, I gently followed behind him so I could speak with him before my evening shift started, at that moment, I saw the bloodied man, lying on the ground. He only stood over him as the man was drenched in blood.

"Clean this up, I need to speak with Father." He said as he walked away from the man.

I could not believe what I was seeing and I wanted to make a run for it, but my legs could not get a whole of themselves and as I was about to gather strength someone grabbed me from behind and held my mouth and started carrying me to where the guy was being beaten up. I was thrown to the ground, his back was turned to me as one of the men said,

"Boss, look who I found hiding."

"Boss," I said to myself as I looked up at his face.

He smirked at me once more and said,

"So, I guess we meet again...Ms. Star."

Where that smirk turned into a heinous smile.