
Disillusionment: Life in the Other World Isn't As Nice As Most Portray

A truly average teenager full of expectations gets whisked into another world, only to discover that things aren't as enticing as it seems... My amateur attempt at a deconstruction aimed towards the isekai genre, namely your generic stories with an overpowered main character, their cheats, their strange amount of knowledge regarding modern weaponry, and their harem. This is intended to border between satire and seriousness. Don't take any of the jokes too seriously. There's also a tad bit of descripitive gore, so uh... you've been warned. Disclaimer: This should probably come as a guarantee, but this is, quite obviously, a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either products of the author's (in this case, mine's) imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locations or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. Inspirations: "Diamond in the Rough" by Spaztique, the copious amounts of anime parodies out there, and "Deepwoken", a game by Team Monad.

Seminark · ファンタジー
3 Chs


A thrilling adventure...

An irredeemable journey...

A clash of the ages between heroes and villains...

They're all mere commodities.

Having long since been use as a form of escapism, the concept of inter-world travelling had been romanticized to no end, bent to suit any one person's desires.

But such stories tend to run stale.

What fun is there in creating two-dimensional worlds where overused cliches rule sovereign? What fun is there in seeing stars with personalities that don't seem even the slightest bit believable, whose only purpose is to double as a self-insert for their creator? What of the adversaries that they supposedly face, only to emerge victorious time and again with little to no repercussions? When the aspect of fantasy is stripped away from said world and placed before ours, how much of it seems real, and how much of it is a ruse? Does the world that has been created, with its supposedly eons of history and people, still live up to its intended splendor?

Or is it just a hollow shell of the magnificence it had once aspired to be?

It matters not. The past is to remain history, a history with much to learn from. All those abandoned worlds, now desolate of vigor and forever frozen in time, shall become a foundation for what is to come.

This tale, like most, shall begin with a single star. A most ordinary star, unlike its predecessors. A bright star amongst a sea of stars, but nonetheless plainer than the most extraordinary. A star dubbed "he".

"He", the brightest of averages, shall set foot onto another world, but "he", who is still very much average, shall not have such an easy time...

Welp, here goes this shitshow. Wish me luck. Chapter 1 should be up by either tomorrow or Tuesday, featuring our star of the series who's gonna be in for a rude awakening.

Seminarkcreators' thoughts