
Discordant Echoes

A young and inspiring pianist, Takashi, find himself involved in a tragic mass murder incident while performing, this incident takes a major toll on Takashi's musical life and brings him to the point of uncertainty for there futures as a musician. As Takashi struggles to overcome the trauma and rebuild his life, he find himself in a game of cat and mouse with the mysterious serial killer that caused he's suffering. -------------------- Author's first Novel release

KYD_Yaku · アクション
26 Chs


---May 1, 2016

---At Shibuya Tokyo, Japan

It was now daytime, the sky a brilliant blue, offering a deceptive sense of calm. Inside a small, dimly lit room, Aiko lay on a couch, her eyes swollen and red from crying. Tissues were scattered around her, and her phone lay beside her, displaying a series of missed calls to Takashi's number.

Aiko stirred as the phone rang again, the screen flashing with the same unknown number that had been haunting her for days. Heart pounding, she picked it up and answered, her voice shaky.


To her shock, it wasn't Sato on the other end.

"Hello, Aiko," Ryujin's voice came through, smooth and chilling.

"I hope you're doing well."

Aiko's breath caught in her throat.

"What... what do you want?" she demanded, trying to keep her voice steady despite the fear coursing through her.

Ryujin chuckled softly.

"I just thought you should know. Your friend, Little pianist, has been captured. He's with us now, and let's just say he's not having a good time."

Aiko's heart sank.

"what are you talking about... Where is he? What have you done to him?"

"Oh, he's right here," Ryujin replied, a smirk evident in his tone.

"And we're having a little fun. If you don't want him to suffer more, you'll do exactly as I say."

Aiko's mind raced, panic setting in.

"Then. what do you want from me?..."

Ryujin's voice grew colder. "You're going to help us find someone. If you do, maybe your friend gets to live."

"Who?" Aiko asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"You don't need to worry about the details," Ryujin said.

"Just know that if you don't cooperate, Takashi will pay the price."

Aiko closed her eyes, feeling the weight of the situation pressing down on her. She had no choice but to comply, for Takashi's sake. "fine... I'll do it. Just don't hurt him anymore, please."

Ryujin's smirk could almost be heard through the phone.

"Good. We'll be in touch. Don't try anything stupid, Aiko. You know what's at stake."

The call ended abruptly, leaving Aiko in a state of despair. She sat there, gripping the phone, her mind reeling with the implications of what she had to do.


---At outskirts of Tokyo, Japan

Across town, in a rundown warehouse, Ryujin put his phone down, a satisfied smile playing on his lips. Kenji, lying on a nearby couch with his stomach bandaged, watched him warily.

"What did she say?"

"She's going to cooperate," Ryujin replied confidently.

"She'll help us find our target."

Kenji frowned. "And what about the crazy kid?"

Ryujin shrugged. "He's not our concern right now. What matters is using Aiko to get what we need. Once we have it, we can deal with Takashi however we see fit."

Kenji nodded slowly, understanding the plan. "And you think she'll do it?"

"She doesn't have a choice," Ryujin said coldly.

"She cares about Takashi too much. She'll do whatever it takes to keep him safe."

Kenji shifted uncomfortably. "And if she fails?"

"Then we deal with it," Ryujin said, his tone leaving no room for doubt.

"But for now, we focus on the task at hand. Stay alert. We need to be ready for anything."

The warehouse fell silent, the tension thick in the air. Ryujin's mind was already several steps ahead, calculating every possible outcome. He knew that the battle was far from over, but with Aiko now under his control, he had gained a crucial advantage. All that remained was to execute his plan flawlessly.


---At Shibuya Tokyo, Japan

Sato's back hit the wall with a thud as Takashi's foot connected with his chest, sending him sprawling. Takashi stood over him, eyes burning with fury.

"Where is Ryujin and his fellow moron?" he demanded, his voice cold and unrelenting.

Sato coughed, trying to catch his breath.

"I don't know... what you're talking about," he wheezed.

Takashi's eyes narrowed, and he delivered another swift kick to Sato's side.

"Don't lie to me. Where are they?"

Sato groaned in pain, struggling to speak. "I swear, I don't know."

Takashi leaned in closer, his face inches from Sato's.

"Wrong answer." He kicked Sato again, this time harder, causing him to cry out in pain.

"Please, stop!" Sato begged, his voice trembling.

"I really don't know where they are."

Takashi's expression remained cold and unforgiving. "You're lying. You were supposed to meet them. Where did they go?"

Sato shook his head frantically.

"They didn't tell me! I just got the location for the alleyway, that's all I knew."

Takashi's patience was wearing thin. He grabbed Sato by the collar, pulling him up slightly before slamming him back against the wall.

"You expect me to believe that? You're the one keeping Aiko quiet. You know more than you're saying."

Sato's eyes widened in fear. "I'm just following orders! I don't know where they are now, I swear!"

Takashi's grip tightened, and he pulled Sato closer, his voice dropping to a small whisper.

"If you're lying to me, I'll make sure you won't see your wife."

Sato's eyes filled with tears as he shook his head vigorously. "I'm not lying, I promise. They didn't tell me where they were going next."

Takashi stared at him for a long moment, searching his eyes for any sign of deceit. Finally, he let go of Sato, letting him slump to the ground.

"You better hope you're telling the truth," Takashi muttered, stepping back.

Sato clutched his side, wincing in pain.

"Please, just let me go," he pleaded, his voice barely above a whisper.

Takashi turned away, his mind racing. He knew he couldn't trust Sato, but he also knew he needed to find Ryujin and Kenji before it was too late. He had to think of another way to track them down. As he walked away, leaving Sato on the floor, his thoughts shifted to Aiko. He needed to find her and make sure she was safe. Ryujin would use anyone to get what he wanted, and Takashi couldn't let Aiko become another pawn in his twisted game.

Takashi's resolve hardened. He would find Ryujin and end this, once and for all. And he would protect Aiko, no matter the cost.


Takashi was about to completely walk away when a thought struck him. He turned back towards Sato, his eyes narrowing. With quick, determined strides, he reached down and snatched Sato's phone from his coat pocket. Sato, still clutching his side in pain, looked up in confusion and fear.

"What are you doing?" Sato croaked.

Takashi ignored him, his fingers flying over the phone's screen as he scrolled through the contacts. A sense of grim satisfaction filled him as he recognized numerous names—former criminals he'd come across in his research. His gaze hardened as he looked back at Sato.

"What's this?." Takashi demanded, his voice low and dangerous.

"You've been in contact with these people?"

Sato's eyes widened. "They're just... old contacts. I haven't spoken to most of them in years."

Takashi's lips curled into a sneer.

"Tsk, liar." He threw the phone back at Sato, who fumbled to catch it.

"Go to Ryujin's contacts. Now."

Sato hesitated, his hands trembling as he held the phone. "Please... I don't want any more trouble."

Takashi stepped closer, his presence looming over Sato.

"Do it, your wife is waiting at home."

With a shaky hand, Sato navigated through his phone, finally pulling up a list of contacts linked to Ryujin. He handed the phone back to Takashi, who scanned the names, his eyes narrowing as he memorized each one.

"Who are these people?" Takashi asked, his voice still cold and hard.

"They're... people Ryujin has dealt with," Sato admitted.

"Some are associates, others... informants."

Takashi's mind raced. These contacts could be the key to finding Ryujin and Kenji. He pocketed the phone, his expression unyielding.

"You're coming with me," he said sternly.

"You're going to help me find them."

Sato's face paled.

"I-I can't. If Ryujin finds out—"

"Ryujin won't be able to do anything if I get to him first," Takashi interrupted, his voice filled with steely determination.

"Now get up. We're not done yet."

Sato struggled to his feet, his movements slow and painful. Takashi watched him closely, ensuring he didn't try anything foolish. Together, they headed out, Takashi's mind focused on one thing: ending this once and for all.

As they moved through the streets, Takashi's thoughts flickered to Aiko. He had to make sure she was safe, but first, he needed to finish what he had started. Ryujin had to be stopped, and Takashi was willing to do whatever it took to see it through.

As Sato walked beside Takashi, he clenched his fist tightly. He knew exactly where Ryujin, Kenji, and the driver were hiding, and he was painfully aware of their plan to blackmail Takashi. However, he remained silent, the weight of his family's safety pressing down on him.

Sato's mind drifted back to five days ago, replaying the memory of a heated argument with his wife, Yumi. She was furious, her face red with anger as she threw glass cups against the wall, each one shattering with a loud crash.

---April 26, 2016

---At Minato Tokyo, Japan

"You have to stay away from that man!" Yumi screamed, her voice breaking with desperation.

"I don't care what he has on you. This isn't worth risking our lives!"

Sato, feeling helpless, tried to calm her down.

"Yumi, please, it's not that simple. I can't just walk away. You don't understand what he's capable of-"

"I don't need to know his name to know he's dangerous," she snapped interrupting sato, while her eyes was filled with fear and frustration.

"You're putting all of us in danger. For what? What could possibly be worth this?"

Sato felt a pang of guilt. "It's not about me, Yumi. It's about keeping you and the kids safe. If I don't do what he says, he'll come after us."

"And you think doing his dirty work is going to protect us?" Yumi cried, tears streaming down her face.

"How long before he decides we're no longer useful?...I'm pregnant sato, please."

Sato couldn't find the words to reassure her. Instead, he just stood there, feeling the crushing weight of his choices.

---Present day...

The memory of her words haunted him as he walked alongside Takashi, his silence growing heavier with each step.

Takashi glanced at Sato, noticing his tense demeanor.

"You know where they are, don't you?"

Sato hesitated, torn between his fear for his family and the truth. He swallowed hard, his voice barely a whisper. "Yes..."

"Then tell me," Takashi demanded, his eyes burning with determination.

"If you don't, more people will get hurt. Is that what you want?"

Sato felt a wave of nausea. He couldn't betray his family, but he also couldn't let Ryujin continue his reign of terror. He was trapped between two impossible choices.

"I... can't," Sato finally muttered, his voice filled with anguish.

Takashi's eyes narrowed.

"Why... What is he holding over you?"

Sato's thoughts flashed back to Yumi's tear-streaked face.

"He's threatening my family. If I say anything, they'll be in danger...I already told you that."

Takashi's expression softened slightly, understanding the gravity of Sato's predicament.

"We'll protect them. But you need to trust me. We have to stop him, or he'll never stop coming after us."

Sato looked at Takashi, seeing the same determination and desperation he felt within himself. After a long moment of silence, he made a decision.

"They're hiding in an abandoned building on the outskirts of town," Sato confessed, his voice trembling.

"Ryujin has been planning to use Aiko to get to you. He thinks she's the key to breaking you."

The moment Sato finished speaking, Takashi looked away, a smirk creeping onto his face. He quickly masked it before turning back to Sato.

"Good," Takashi said, the smirk lingering in his eyes.

"Then we need to move fast. If Ryujin thinks he can use Aiko against me, he's about to find out how wrong he is."

As they continued towards their destination, the tension between them eased slightly. They were no longer adversaries but reluctant allies, bound by a common goal. The path ahead was dangerous, but they both knew it was the only way to end this nightmare.