
Discordant Echoes

A young and inspiring pianist, Takashi, find himself involved in a tragic mass murder incident while performing, this incident takes a major toll on Takashi's musical life and brings him to the point of uncertainty for there futures as a musician. As Takashi struggles to overcome the trauma and rebuild his life, he find himself in a game of cat and mouse with the mysterious serial killer that caused he's suffering. -------------------- Author's first Novel release

KYD_Yaku · アクション
26 Chs

Quiet before the storm

---April 18, 2016

---At Shinjuku Tokyo, Japan

Ryujin sat in the back of the taxi, staring out the window as the cityscape of Tokyo whizzed by.

His mind was focused on the task ahead, his fingers tapping on his phone as he attempted to make a reservation at a popular café called "ShinCafe." The upcoming event at the café presented the perfect opportunity for him to enact the first phase of his plan.

The taxi driver glanced at Ryujin through the rearview mirror, trying to initiate a conversation.

"So, are you visiting Tokyo for business or pleasure?" he asked, his tone friendly.

Ryujin barely glanced up from his phone, his face expressionless.


he muttered, his attention immediately returning to the reservation form on the café's website.

The driver nodded, undeterred.

"Shinjuku is always bustling. Lots of great places to eat and visit. Ever been to ShinCafe before? Heard it's really nice."

Ryujin's fingers paused for a moment as he considered the driver's words. He then continued typing without responding, his thoughts solely on securing the reservation. The driver, sensing the lack of interest, shifted uncomfortably in his seat and decided to drop the conversation.

The rest of the journey passed in silence, the only sounds being the hum of the engine and the occasional honk from passing cars. Ryujin's mind raced with thoughts of his plan, his vision narrowing to the singular goal of causing as much chaos as possible.

(This is the first step. Make them pay for everything they took from you.)

Finally, the taxi pulled up to the curb in Shinjuku. Ryujin glanced at the driver, who was still watching him in the rearview mirror, and nodded.

"Thank you,"

he said curtly, handing over the fare and stepping out of the car.


---April 18, 2016

---At Minato Tokyo, Japan

Takashi and Aiko were navigating the busy streets of Tokyo. After leaving the train station, they had a few hours before their first meeting, so they decided to explore the city a bit. The towering buildings and vibrant billboards were both intimidating and exhilarating for Takashi.

As they walked, Aiko pointed out various landmarks and venues.

"There's a lot of competition here, but also a lot of opportunities. You just have to be persistent and stay true to your music," she said, her voice filled with encouragement.

Takashi nodded, taking in everything she said.

"I'll do my best. Thanks for helping me, Aiko. I really appreciate it."

Aiko smiled warmly. "You're welcome. I believe in your talent. Now, let's get some some breakfast before our meeting."

They found a small restaurant and settled into a corner table. As Takashi sipped his coffee, he glanced around at the other patrons, wondering about their stories. Aiko was busy checking her phone, making sure everything was set for their appointments.

Takashi's thoughts began to drift again, the weight of his future pressing down on him.

(Can I really make it here? What if I fail?)

He sighed, trying to shake off the doubts.

"Aiko, do you ever feel overwhelmed by all this? The city, the competition, everything?"

Aiko looked up from her phone, her expression thoughtful.

"Of course. Everyone does at some point. But you have to remember why you're here. Focus on your passion. It's what keeps you going."

Takashi nodded, appreciating her honesty.

"Yeah, you're right. I just need to keep reminding myself of that."

---Hours later

As the day progressed, Takashi and Aiko made their way to their first meeting. They entered a small, intimate venue where a local music promoter was waiting to discuss potential gigs. The promoter, a middle-aged man with a kind smile or named Mr. Tanaka, greeted them warmly.

"Welcome, welcome! I'm glad you could make it. Aiko has told me a lot about you, Takashi," he said, extending a hand.

Takashi shook his hand, feeling a mix of nerves and excitement.

"Thank you for meeting with us. I'm really eager to find some opportunities to perform here."

The promoter nodded.

"I've heard great things about your talent because of Aiko. Let's see how we can get you started. There are a few venues I have in mind that would be perfect for your style."

As they discussed possibilities, Takashi felt a growing sense of hope. This was the beginning of something new, a chance to prove himself and honor his mother's memory. Despite the challenges ahead, he knew he had to keep pushing forward.


Back in Shinjuku, Ryujin stood in front of ShinCafe, the reservation successfully made. He watched the bustling crowd, a cold determination in his eyes. The noise of the city faded into the background as he focused on the task ahead.

(This is just the beginning. They'll all see. They'll all pay!..)

With one last glance around, Ryujin turned and walked away, his mind already planning the next steps in his twisted mission. The city continued to buzz around him, unaware of the storm that was brewing.

---meanwhile with Aiko, Takashi, and Tanaka

"So, Takashi, tell me more about your experience and what kind of performances you're looking for," Mr. Tanaka said, leaning forward with interest.

Takashi swallowed hard, his mind racing.

"Well, I've been playing the piano since I was a child. I've mostly performed at school events and small local venues. I'm really passionate about classical music, but I also enjoy experimenting with different styles. I want to find a place where I can connect with the audience and share my music with them."

Mr. Tanaka nodded thoughtfully. "That's a good start. Tokyo has a vibrant music scene with plenty of opportunities for talented musicians like you. We can start by getting you some smaller gigs to build your presence. How does that sound?"

Takashi felt a glimmer of hope. "That sounds great. Thank you so much for this opportunity."

As the conversation continued, Aiko sat nearby, flipping through TV channels on a small television in the corner. She was visibly bored, switching from one channel to another until she landed on a news broadcast. The screen showed a chaotic scene with people running and the sound of gunshots echoing in the background.

The news reporter, looking visibly shaken, spoke urgently into the camera.

"We're reporting live from Shinjuku where a tragic mass murder has taken place at a local café called ShinCafe. The suspect, identified as Ryujin Makibara, is currently on the loose. Police are advising everyone to stay indoors and remain vigilant-!..."

Aiko's eyes widened as she processed the information. She quickly glanced at Takashi, who was still engrossed in his conversation with Mr. Tanaka. She hesitated for a moment, then decided not to interrupt, changing the channel out of boredom.

Meanwhile, Takashi was trying to stay focused on the conversation, but his nerves were getting the best of him. He took a deep breath and forced a smile.

"I'm really grateful for this chance. I'll work hard to make the most of it."

Mr. Tanaka smiled reassuringly. "I'm sure you will. Let's set up a few trial performances and see how it goes. We'll start small and build from there."

Takashi nodded, feeling a mix of relief and excitement. "Thank you, Mr. Tanaka. I won't let you down."

As the meeting wrapped up, Takashi and Aiko left the venue, stepping back into the bustling streets of Tokyo. Aiko glanced at him, her expression curious.

"So, how did it go?"

Takashi smiled, feeling more hopeful than he had in a long time. "It went well. Mr. Tanaka is going to help me get some gigs. I feel like things are finally starting to come together."

Aiko returned his smile, but there was a hint of distraction in her eyes. "That's great, Takashi. I'm really happy for you."

They walked in silence for a few moments, the noise of the city filling the gaps in their conversation. Takashi couldn't help but notice the tension in Aiko's expression.

"Is everything okay?"

Aiko hesitated, then nodded.

"Yeah, everything's fine. Just a bit of shocking news, but nothing to worry about right now. Let's focus on your upcoming gigs."

Takashi nodded, though a nagging sense of unease crept into his thoughts. He decided to push it aside for now, focusing on the opportunities ahead. They had a lot of work to do, and he needed to stay positive.

As they continued their journey through the city, Takashi couldn't help but feel a sense of determination. This was his chance to make his dreams come true, and he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

(This is just the beginning. I can do this...)

But in the back of his mind, a shadow of doubt lingered, reminding him of the unpredictable nature of life and the fragility of the dreams he was striving to achieve.


Ryujin's heart pounded as he ran through the streets, police sirens blaring from all directions. He darted into a narrow alleyway, panting heavily. His black gloves were slick with blood, and his clothes and duffel bag were similarly stained.

He stopped briefly, struggling to steady his breath. Quickly, he stripped off his bloodied clothes, replacing them with a black hoodie he had hidden in the duffel bag. He threw the bag into a dumpster, hoping it would go unnoticed for a while longer.

(I need to keep moving!...)

he thought, his pulse racing.

Ryujin emerged from the alleyway, glancing around to ensure no one was watching. He spotted a nearby train station across the street. Without hesitation, he made his way towards it, blending in with the late-night crowd.

Just as he crossed the street, he heard shouts behind him. Several police officers had spotted him, their eyes locking onto his retreating figure.

"There he is! Stop!" one of them yelled, drawing their weapons.

Panic surged through Ryujin as he bolted towards a different route, weaving through pedestrians who shrieked and moved out of his way. The officers pursued, but he had the advantage of knowing the area well.

He rounded a corner and sprinted towards the train platform just as a train bound for Shibuya was about to depart. He leaped onto the train, the doors sliding shut behind him. The officers skidded to a halt, watching helplessly as the train pulled away.

"Damn it! He got away!" one officer shouted, kicking a trash can in frustration.

Another officer grabbed his walkie-talkie.

"Suspect is on the Shibuya-bound train. I repeat, suspect is on the Shibuya-bound train. Alert all units in the area."

Inside the train, Ryujin collapsed onto a seat, trying to catch his breath. He pulled his hood up and slumped down, attempting to look inconspicuous. His mind raced as he considered his next move.

(I need to get out of the city. Lay low until things cool down...)

He glanced around the train car, noting the tired faces of commuters and the occasional curious glance in his direction. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, steeling himself for whatever came next.

---Meanwhile with Takashi and Aiko

Takashi and Aiko sat on a bench near Tokyo Tower, enjoying a quiet moment in the bustling city. Takashi licked his ice cream cone, savoring the brief respite from his worries. The warm evening air and the illuminated tower created a serene atmosphere.

Aiko's phone buzzed with a new message. She glanced at the screen and her eyes widened. She read the message silently to herself:

">Aiko this is Tanaka, I have great news. Takashi has been invited to perform at a small restaurant that's starting to get popular. It's in Shibuya. Congratulations, We'll talk more soon."

"Hey, Takashi," she said, nudging him gently.

Takashi looked up from his ice cream, curious. "Yeah?"

"It's from Mr. Tanaka," Aiko said, her voice tinged with excitement.

"He got you an invitation to perform at a small restaurant. They're just starting to get popular."

Takashi's eyes lit up. "Really? Where is it?"

Aiko smiled. "It's in Shibuya."

Takashi felt a surge of emotions—excitement, nervousness, and a bit of relief.

"This could be my big break," he said, more to himself than to Aiko.

Aiko nodded.

"I think so too. It's a great opportunity, Takashi. You're going to do amazing."

Takashi took a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves. "I hope so. I've been waiting for something like this."

Aiko's phone buzzed again, but she ignored it, focusing on Takashi. "We'll make sure you're ready. Don't worry."

Takashi nodded, feeling a mix of hope and determination.

"Thanks, Aiko. I really appreciate your help."

As they sat there, the lights of Tokyo Tower casting a gentle glow around them, Takashi allowed himself a moment of quiet reflection. His thoughts were a jumble of anticipation and doubt, but he knew he had to keep moving forward.

(I owe it to Mom. I owe it to myself...)