
Discordant Echoes

A young and inspiring pianist, Takashi, find himself involved in a tragic mass murder incident while performing, this incident takes a major toll on Takashi's musical life and brings him to the point of uncertainty for there futures as a musician. As Takashi struggles to overcome the trauma and rebuild his life, he find himself in a game of cat and mouse with the mysterious serial killer that caused he's suffering. -------------------- Author's first Novel release

KYD_Yaku · アクション
24 Chs

From the beginning

---May 16, 2016

---At Osaka prefecture, Japan

as Takashi's father, Masaru, sat in his wheelchair, carefully watering the plants on his balcony. The quiet rustling of leaves and the soft splash of water against the soil were the only sounds breaking the evening's tranquility. Masaru found solace in these moments, tending to his garden, a small comfort in his otherwise restricted life.

As he reached for another plant, his sister, Keiko, approached him, holding his phone.

"Masaru, there's someone calling," she said, her voice tinged with urgency.

Masaru looked up, a bit startled. "Who is it?"

"I'm not sure. Here," Keiko handed him the phone, her expression a mix of concern and curiosity.

Masaru took the phone and put it to his ear. "Hello?"

A firm voice responded, "Mr. Masaru Yashida? This is Officer Fujikawa from the Shinagawa Police Station."

Masaru frowned, confusion settling in. "Officer Fujikawa...What is this about?"

Fujikawa's voice remained steady. "Sir, I need to ask you about your son, Takashi. What is he doing in Tokyo?"

Masaru's confusion deepened. "Takashi? He's in Tokyo pursuing his career as a pianist. Why are you asking about him?"

There was a long pause on the other end, followed by a heavy sigh.

"Mr. Yashida, your son is wanted in connection with a serious incident. 3-4 weeks ago, he was involved in an altercation that led to the death of a man."

Masaru's heart skipped a beat, his grip tightening on the phone. "What are you talking about? My son would never... he's a good boy. He's there to build a future, not to cause trouble."

Fujikawa's tone softened slightly, but remained firm. "I understand this is difficult to hear, Mr. Yashida. Takashi was seen on a billboard in Shinagawa 2 Weeks ago, making threats, and he is also suspected of murdering a former Gang member's getaway driver. This is a very serious matter."

Masaru's mind raced, trying to process the officer's words. "No, there must be some mistake. Takashi wouldn't... He was always focused on his music. This doesn't make sense."

"I wish it were a mistake," Fujikawa replied gently.

"But the evidence we have points to him. We need to find him before things get worse. I thought you should know, so you might help us understand why he would do this."

Masaru's eyes filled with tears, the weight of the situation crashing down on him. "I don't know what to say. Takashi... my Takashi. He always wanted to make something of himself, to honor his mother's memory. This can't be happening."

Keiko, who had been listening nearby, placed a comforting hand on Masaru's shoulder. "We'll get through this, Masaru. We need to believe that there's an explanation."

Masaru nodded, though his heart felt heavy with worry and disbelief. "Officer Fujikawa, I don't know what to tell you. Takashi is a good boy, but... if he's involved in this, there has to be a reason. Please, find him and bring him home safely."

Fujikawa's voice was solemn. "We'll do everything we can, Mr. Yashida.Thank you for your time. Please contact us if you hear from him."

Masaru was about to hang up when Fujikawa's voice came through again.

"Mr. Yashida, there's one more thing. Takashi mentioned something about a surprise in Shinagawa. If you want to see your son, I suggest you come here as soon as possible. Bring someone who can help guard you."

Masaru's hand trembled as he ended the call, his mind reeling from the information. He looked at Keiko, his eyes filled with a mixture of fear and determination.

"We need to help him, Keiko. Whatever is happening, Takashi needs us now more than ever."

Keiko nodded, her resolve matching his. "We'll do everything we can, Masaru. We'll find out the truth and bring Takashi home."


---May 16, 2016

---At Shinagawa Tokyo, Japan

Fujikawa put down the phone, his mind racing with the weight of the conversation he'd just had with Masaru. The meeting room was filled with a tense silence as he gathered his thoughts. The higher-ups were watching him closely, waiting for his next move.

One of the senior officers, a stern-faced man named Nakamura, broke the silence. "Why didn't you tell Takashi's father that we're planning to arrest him, Fujikawa? He deserves to know the full extent of what's happening."

Fujikawa sighed, rubbing his temples. "Because I needed him to cooperate. If he knew we were coming to arrest his son, he might have refused to help us. Right now, we need all the help we can get to find Takashi before things escalate further."

Nakamura frowned but didn't press the issue further. Another voice chimed in, this time from one of the younger officers in the room, a woman named Yuki.

"What about Ryujin?...Do we have any leads on his whereabouts?"

Fujikawa's eyes widened slightly as the pieces began to fall into place. He stood up, pacing the room. "Wait...Takashi's behavior, the threats, and now his movements... it's all connected. He's hunting Ryujin. He's planning to use him as a potential hostage or worse."

Yuki looked puzzled. "But why? What's his motive?"

Fujikawa stopped pacing and faced the room. "Think about it. Takashi was involved in the altercation with Ryujin in a terror attack, and now he's seen making threats publicly. He's desperate, maybe seeking revenge or trying to leverage something. If he can get his hands on Ryujin, he might think he can negotiate or force our hand."

Nakamura nodded slowly, the logic settling in. "So, Takashi's not just a loose cannon. He has a plan, and Ryujin is part of it."

Yuki leaned forward, concern evident in her eyes. "We need to find Ryujin before Takashi does. If he's taken hostage, who knows what Takashi will do?"

Fujikawa agreed. "We need to act fast. Get a team together to track Ryujin's last known whereabouts. Also, increase surveillance around Shinagawa. We can't afford to let Takashi slip through our fingers, especially now."

The room buzzed with activity as officers scrambled to carry out Fujikawa's orders. Fujikawa turned to Yuki, his expression serious. "We need to inform Takashi's father about the real situation. He deserves to know, but we need to do it in a way that doesn't jeopardize our operation."

Yuki nodded. "I'll handle it. I'll make sure he understands the gravity of the situation without causing him to panic."

Fujikawa watched as she left the room, his thoughts racing. He couldn't shake the feeling that time was running out. Takashi was on a dangerous path, and if they didn't find him soon, there would be more bloodshed.

He picked up his phone again, dialing a number.

"This is Fujikawa. We need all available units on standby. Things are about to get complicated." He hung up, his jaw set with determination. The hunt for Takashi and Ryujin had just become a race against time.


---At bustling streets of Shinagawa Tokyo, Japan

Ryujin walked briskly along the crowded sidewalk of Shinagawa, the bustling cityscape doing little to calm his nerves. He could feel the weight of the day's events pressing down on him. As he weaved through the throngs of people, he made a quick turn towards a nearby hotel. He needed a place to hide, even if just for a short while.

Entering the hotel lobby, he approached the receptionist, quickly booking a room. The transaction was swift, and Ryujin made his way towards the elevators, eager to find a moment of solitude. He didn't notice Takashi slipping in behind him, his presence masked by the crowd.

Takashi walked up to the receptionist, his voice calm and collected. "I'm with the guy who just booked a room. His Name is Ryujin."

The receptionist, without much hesitation, nodded and pointed towards the elevators. Takashi moved with a quiet determination, following Ryujin's path. As Ryujin stepped into the elevator, the doors began to close. Suddenly, a foot wedged itself between the doors, forcing them open again.

Ryujin's eyes widened in shock as Takashi stepped inside. The elevator doors slid shut, sealing them in. The small space was filled with an unbearable tension. Takashi stood quietly, his presence looming. Ryujin could feel himself trembling, his body betraying the fear he felt inside.

Neither of them spoke as the elevator ascended. The silence was heavy, filled with unspoken words and unresolved conflict. Ryujin's mind raced, trying to anticipate Takashi's next move. He glanced at Takashi, who remained stoic, his eyes fixed ahead.

Finally, Ryujin couldn't take it anymore. His voice came out shaky, barely above a whisper. "What do you want, Takashi?"

Takashi didn't respond immediately. He let the silence stretch, the tension building with each passing second. Then, he spoke, his voice low and controlled. "I want answers, Ryujin. I want to know why you did what you did. And I want to make sure it never happens again."

Ryujin swallowed hard, his mind flashing back to the violence, the chaos, the bloodshed. "It wasn't supposed to be like this," he said, his voice trembling.

"I never wanted any of this—"

Takashi's eyes finally met Ryujin's, his gaze piercing. "Then why, Ryujin? Why all the bloodshed, all the pain?"

Ryujin shook his head, trying to find the words. "I got in too deep, Takashi. I thought I could control it, but it all spiraled out of control. I didn't want anyone to get hurt."

Takashi took a step closer, his voice filled with a quiet intensity. "People did get hurt, Ryujin. People died because of you."

Ryujin felt tears prickling at the corners of his eyes.

"I know," he whispered.

"I know, and I have to live with that every day."

The elevator came to a stop, the doors sliding open. Takashi stepped out first, turning to face Ryujin.

"This isn't over," Takashi says, his voice steady.

"Not by a long shot."

Ryujin nodded, stepping out of the elevator with a heavy heart. He knew that the confrontation with Takashi was far from resolved. As they walked down the hallway towards Ryujin's room, the weight of their shared past hung between them, an unspoken burden they both carried.


As Ryujin suddenly sprinted away from the elevator, his heart pounding with a mix of fear and adrenaline, the echo of Takashi's footsteps followed closely behind. Suddenly, the sharp crack of a gunshot rang through the corridor, and pain seared through Ryujin's leg, causing him to stumble and fall to the ground. He clutched at his thigh, the fabric of his jeans quickly soaking with blood.

Takashi, with calculated coldness, glanced at a nearby CCTV camera before advancing towards Ryujin. It was clear to Ryujin that Takashi wanted witnesses, maybe to force a confrontation or to ensure that the authorities would get involved.

"Please... no more..." Ryujin gasped, trying to drag himself away, his hands slipping against the sleek floor of the hallway.

Ignoring Ryujin's pleas, Takashi grabbed him by the wrist, his grip iron-tight. Ryujin's attempts to resist were futile as he was hauled back to his room. Once inside, Takashi pushed him into a chair and swiftly tied his wrists to the backrest, ensuring he couldn't move.

"Takashi... why are you doing this?" Ryujin choked out, pain clouding his vision. His leg throbbed mercilessly, and his heart raced with panic and betrayal.

"You know exactly why," Takashi replied, his voice low and steady. He paced in front of Ryujin, the revolver still in hand.

"This ends tonight, Ryujin. No more running, no more hiding."

Ryujin looked up at Takashi, his eyes wide with a mixture of fear and confusion.

"It wasn't supposed to be like this," he whispered, his voice breaking.

"You don't understand what you're caught up in. This... this is bigger than us."

Takashi paused, his expression unreadable. "I understand more than you think. I know about the lies, the manipulation. You think you're the only one who's suffered? We've all been pawns in their games—"

"But I didn't want any of this," Ryujin said, his voice barely above a whisper.

"I wanted out, Takashi. You think I haven't lost enough already?"

Takashi's face Turns into a sadistic smirk for a moment, a glimpse of the old little pianist Ryujin once knew. But then his features hardened again. "Wanting out isn't enough. You have to make it right. And if you won't, I will."

Ryujin slumped in the chair, the fight draining from him as he realized the futility of his situation.

"What are you going to do now?-" he asked, dreading the answer.

"I'm going to make sure they all pay for what they've done," Takashi said, his tone resolute.

"Starting with you getting what you deserve."

As Ryujin processed his words, the reality of his predicament sunk in. This wasn't just about escaping anymore; it was about survival, about atonement. He looked at Takashi, the pain in his eyes mirrored by the resolve in Takashi's. Whatever came next, Ryujin knew that the path forward would be fraught with more pain and revelations.


Ryujin, bound tightly to the chair, whimpered in terror as Takashi slowly pocketed Sato's revolver. The cold laughter that spilled from Takashi was chilling, echoing off the sparse walls of the room.

"Pleading for your life now? Really...Ryujin? After everything?!"

"Why, Takashi? What's this all for?" Ryujin's voice trembled, his eyes searching Takashi's face for any sign of the friend he once knew.

Takashi leaned closer, his expression hardening.

"You really want to know?...It's because I orchestrated the perfect trap. The SWAT raid, the tip-off to Fujikawa, all arranged by me."

Ryujin recoiled, horror dawning in his eyes. "You set us...up?, But why go to such lengths?"

With a smirk, Takashi's voice took on a scornful tone. "Because you needed to be punished, Ryujin. For Aiko, for everything that's been done. You needed to be pushed to the brink, to see if you'd do the right thing on your own."

"But I didn't know! I didn't understand!" Ryujin's voice cracked, his confusion turning to desperation.

Takashi's face darkened as he continued,

"And there's more. You remember the man who you shot near the warehouse?, I had him placed there, right in You and Kenji's path. He begged for his life while I forced him into a situation where you guys would find him—set up with a fake chat in his phone, all to steer the narrative."

Ryujin gasped, each revelation hitting him like a physical blow. The room spun as he struggled to process the depth of Takashi's betrayal.

"And let's not forget how I used Guilt, pushing you to the edge just to see if Kenji will step in. All these deaths, all this chaos… I maneuvered each piece into place." Takashi's voice was icy as he detailed his manipulations, showing a strategic ruthlessness Ryujin had never seen in him.

"Why would you do this to us?" Ryujin's voice was a whisper, laden with pain and betrayal.

Takashi paused, his expression unyielding.

"To make you understand the weight of your crimes. To break you down completely. So that maybe, just maybe, you'd find a way to redeem yourself, even if it meant dragging you through hell to get there."

As Ryujin absorbed the full scope of Takashi's deceit, tears of frustration and regret started to roll down his cheeks. The friend he had trusted, the battles they had fought together, all twisted into a dark game of manipulation and revenge. The realization was crushing, leaving Ryujin shattered under the weight of his unwitting sins.