
Chapter 2 - A Tempting Invitation

~ A Letter Addressed to the Artist Cleff ~

- Good day Mr. Cleff, or good evening, depending on the time my associate delivered this letter to you. I am well known as Count Von-Vlad-Harrington, but I will allow you to address me as Von if the situation allows it so.

I have taken the time to write this letter and send my trusted associate Veinessa to deliver it because I have come in need of a painting to be done, but alas most if not all artists and painters have recently switched professions due to the recent troubles that have arrived on our dear continent. Of course, you should be aware of this more than myself of course.

I wonder how does it feel not to be able to empower oneself through the use of the Majica, instead of passing that on to your creations. It must be rather fascinating really, we must talk about this at length when we meet.

Alas back to business. You see recently I have begun to re-associate with many of my fellow compatriates of the noble status to find that large imposing self-portraits have become quite popular. To withhold my noble status and reputation, I find it imperative to have one done of myself by a professional artist that has the ability to add the spark of life into paintings to expand my reputation and brag to others.

I will provide the materials required for the piece and reward you handsomely for your work. And due to my ever so kind heart, I will house, clothe, and feed you for the time it takes to complete the piece.

Veinessa will escort you to my humble abode after you read this letter.

- With auspicious grace - Count Von- Vlad-Nosferatu

Cleff looked up from the letter, pausing for a moment to let its strange contents ruminate for a bit.

In all honesty, it was an amazing offer and extremely tempting, especially since it was the first commission he had received in six months. Although the matter of how much he was going to be paid was still up in the air people with noble titles tended to be a little more generous when it came down to coinage.

But what really excited Cleff was the " Spark of Life " that the count mentioned, as well as the fact that he was providing all the paints and materials.

Although artists who dedicated themselves to their craft weren't able to strengthen themselves through the Magica, under special circumstances or with special materials an artist could breathe life into a piece of art and connect it to the Magica giving it a level. The painting could then grow and gain miraculous properties, even leveling up after time or special events.

It was the dream of every artist to either become talented enough to create a piece of art that connected with the Magica or gain the materials to do so.

This offer was exceedingly tempting to Cleff, and even if there was a thin chance that he would be able to create such a piece of art he would do anything. Even accept a commission that probably came from a vampire.

" Hurry up, my master gave you an offer you count refuse. I'll give you thirty minutes to pack up your tools and personal belongings before I drag you off, "

Scratch that the commission was most definitely from a vampire.

" If you keep sitting there staring into space I swear I will bite you! "

Sighing Cleff accepted the commission at heart and began to pack.

It wasn't as if he had a choice anyway, the bat that delivered the blood-red envelope had turned into a rather imposing woman who declared herself as Veinessa the Grave ( not brave ) and demanded him to accept her master's orders.

Cleff was wowed by her absolute beauty for only a second before she unleashed a hailstorm of abuse onto his poor artist self. Her long black hair whipped around and unhealthily pale skin flushed as she dived into screaming at him and stealing all of his blood-based pigments.

" Please stop drinking my blood-based pigments they were expensive. "


" Shut up and keep packing !!!! "

Sigh... Even though Cleff had only met one and read a letter that was written by one he was starting to form the impression that vampires were extremely bossy creatures.

Well, I guess anyone would be bossy if they had fangs and supernatural abilities. Not to mention the fact that if the Count wasn't looking for an artist that could paint he would probably just be an afternoon snack for Veinessa.

" Hmmm, these dark reds do taste quite delectable. "

" Miss, I got that pigment from a kind adventurer it has sentimental value please don't drink it all, "

" These light reds are quite refreshing indeed, "

" I had to spend a few months following a hunter around for that color, "

" Hmmm, this pale red tastes quite strange, what is it? "

" Oh, that one was made from hundreds of crushed beetles, "


" ..... I told you to stop drinking all my paints..... "


It was safe to say that Cleff and Veinessa did not get along for the three days they traveled to the count's " humble abode ".

A humble abode that turned out to be a gigantic looming castle.