
Disciple of the Gods: Dark Rose

On the day of their reunion, the Goddess of Death attacks Edith's home village and strips him of the person he loved the most, his little sister Elzia. She's put into an eternal sleep without any ways of being awakened. When this is discovered, his soul split. His mind became narrowed, and at the age of six, he set out on a journey to enact his vengeance and find a way to restore what he had lost.

ChristianWrites · ファンタジー
9 Chs

Chapter 4- Bonds

The soles of tiny feet covered in little white sneakers burned as the ground rapidly heated up due to the intense amount of god-like mana flowing through the atmosphere. It was almost unbearable to watch. She stood at a safe distance from the castle courtyard, where all the commotion was happening.

From the perspective of a normal human being, it seemed like a demon-or a devil had descended upon the Beastman Nation, cutting down everyone in their path, or even Achlys, the Goddess of Death, returning to claim the world for herself and eradicating everything which stood in her way. But it was neither of those. The boy who abandoned them in an ice cave just days ago stood face to face with Lord Atlas of the Dead, his Sword Spirit, Ashe, drawn in his right hand and a newly summoned servant standing behind him. Their bloodcurdling gazes were locked together as the other seemingly awaited a deadly move.

"Edith…" The little girl uttered, "...What happened to you…?" Her adorable sparkling brown eyes locked onto the two, tears continually forming in her sockets. Her long smooth light brown hair was tied in a single high pony tail, her white skin was stained from the trepidation, her shining white mage's staff was already in hand, ready to heal any who weren't already dead. She wore a long sleeved buttoned white shirt with long deep brown tights. Underneath this set of clothing was a silver breastplate and steel leggings. Her name was Lucy. She was an A-Ranked adventurer who previously travelled in an elite group of four consisting of the adventurers Edith, herself, Aster and Lloyd. However, after the S-Ranked departed, they all went their separate ways.

She stared frightfully at the ghastly sight of the decapitated soldiers, which the living ones were frantically attempting to clean, then back toward her former partner, who just delivered a second devastating blow to Lord Atlas.

'M-My god...No wonder he's hailed as the strongest…He defeated her...in two hits…'

Getting on his bad side would be suicide.

If he's that strong...and if he could summon such powerful entities, why did he leave his previous party then?

She held out the palm of her left hand and used the spell 'Identify' on the girl hiding behind him.

NAME: Libitina

AGE: 15

LEVEL: 82/100

RACE: Fallen Hero; Human

WEAPON: Cursed Sword Durandal

CLASS: Swordsman


HEALTH: 75870

MANA: 38290


STAMINA: 67580

ABILITIES: Dark 7, Void 3, Fire MAX, Ice Max, Water MAX, Wind MAX, Lightening

MAX, earth MAX, Necromancy 5, Sword Art 10, Telepathy, Advanced Teleportation,

Advanced Elemental Magic 8, Auto-Regain 3, Eye of Truth, High Jump 5, Intimidate 4

EXTRA SKILLS: Blessing of Creation

TITLES: Assassin, Avenger, Fallacious, Sufferer.

"Level 82...Fallen Hero...and a...cursed sword? Wow, she's strong...stronger than I am…"

The details about his newest partner made her a little depressed. It showed that he no longer needed her. That he was done with her, Aster and Lloyd. Her eyes were glazed with even more tears as she gloomily checked her own status.

NAME Lucy Aelfheim

AGE: 12

LEVEL: 57/100

RACE Human

WEAPON Heavenly Staff Nightfall

CLASS: Red Mage


HEALTH: 10280

MANA: 60000



ABILITIES: Advanced Elemental Magic 8, Necromancy 5, Auto-Regain 8, Intimidate 2, Void 4, Telekinesis 7, Green Magics 3, Illusion 6, Summoning, White Magics 5, Black Magics 8.

EXTRA SKILLS: Blessing of Sorcery, Blessing of Nature, Blessing of Hypnotism.

TITLES: Beast Tamer, Team Worker, Master of Disguise.

"Mmm…" 'I'm so weak compared to her…' While Lucy did possess skills Libitina did not have, she still was lacking in numerous ways. She just had to accept that she'd only be a hindrance to him if she stayed by his side. Besides...her status was identical to a typical disciple of an Elder God. She wouldn't stand a chance if surrounded by Death Disciples, much unlike her former partner.

She peered up to him once more…

"Edith...why?" Tearfully, she uttered, "Did you leave us because we're weak? Did the past four years mean nothing to you?" She took a step forward-but stopped the moment Atlas disappeared. She just couldn't...face him.


All she could do was surrender to her new reality. She lowered her head in dejection as Edith, Ashe and Libitina walked down the staircase and into the streets, walking right past her without even batting an eye.

"...I guess we...really are...finished…"


The sweet scent of cinnamon filled her nostrils as she stared long and hard at the jug of grape juice sitting on the old wooden table in front of her. She took a deep breath in then gloomily released, her eyes constantly glazed with tears. She had been there since evening, reminiscing about the past, her previous party, and shivering about Edith's bloodbath in the Beastman Nation just hours ago.

The look in her dead fish eyes resembled a vast nothingness. Without any of her old comrades, she was unbeknownst of her next move. Originally, she decided to become an adventurer because of her childhood friends, Lloyd and Aster. They were all disciples of the Elder Gods. Because of this, they enticed Lucy into becoming an adventurer, saying that adventuring would get them stronger.

Then about a year later, when she was eight, she stumbled upon Edith, a Marionette Disciple who rescued them from a 'B' rank monster called the Behemoth they were set out to battle against. Soon after, the four of them became inseparable. They were the very first one to accept him.

"Urhhh…" And now, nothing is left.

She sat there, wallowing in pure dejection. Where had it all gone? They had been together for five years...and it only took a day for everything to collapse.

"Haah…" She sipped the sweet and bitter juice until the cup was emptied. Then she raised her hand and eyed the person standing at the counter, "...Bring me a fourth, please."

"Coming right up." The waiter bowed slightly before fetching a ceramic jug and walking over, where he silently poured the grape juice.

"You're a heavy drinker." He told her. She sneered.

"Shut up. I'm not in the mood for that."

"Trouble with your comrades, young lady? A boyfriend, perhaps?"

"None of your business."

"I see." He cackled a little, "Don't drink out your budget."


Lucy paid him reluctantly, glaring violently in his direction. He didn't know who he was messing with...she thought.

Then shortly following, the inn's door opened.


One five tailed fox, one single tailed fox, one Sword Spirit and one Fallen Hero all entered the inn at once. One of them, who appeared to be the leader of the party, was covered in red. His face, his clothing, his arms and legs dyed red with dried lumps of guts, brain matter and blood. His partner with red and green eyes had half of her face dyed completely in that colour. Their presence alone filled the room with tension, and demanded respect and subservience. The seasoned adventurers, which included Lucy, instinctively drew their weapons, thinking that a monster had intruded.

They went up to the counter without batting an eye at anyone staring their direction and placed five silver coins upon the counter top.

"Three rooms, a bath, and meals for all of us." The boy, Edith Myars, stated. His fierce fox-like eyes glued onto the waiter's petrified pupils.

"Y-Yes…" He managed to utter. He couldn't take his eyes off of the blood stained on their faces and clothing, "...W-what the hell happened to you?"

"None of your fucking business." He barked back, "Let's just say they got what they deserved."


The waiter shakily retrieved three room keys and gave them all to the boy. His arms and legs were trembling as he announced the bill.

"Y-your payment will suffice…"

"Thank you." Edith eyed the others in his party, "Nuro, Libitina, you've got your separate rooms. Ashe, you're with me. Tell me when the three of you are done using the bath. I'll go in last."

"Yes, Edith." Ashe bowed. Libitina smiled,

"You sure you don't want to go in first? You're the dirtiest. And I'm not even that sweaty."

"You got it, Edith!"

He remained neutral as they left for the rooms.


'Who...who are those girls…?'

Edith had just entered with his new party and booked some rooms at the inn, right in front of her. This was her opportunity to talk with him again...but the aura all of them emitted (except for Nuro) was almost too much for her to bear. She noticed that her arms and legs were quaking with fear. She shuddered, her heart rate had gone up exponentially and her sword was automatically drawn.

Murmurs from all the adventurers around filled her ear drums.

"W-who is that man...his aura...H-he has to be the Demon Lord!"

"Oi, oi, that guy was...the S rank mercenary from the Aznozian Empire...what's he doing here?"

"A Sword Spirit...and a Fallen Hero?"

"He's a monster...So much blood...how many people has he murdered?"

As expected, all of them were flabbergasted. Some were even sweating bullets.

"He's changed…" Dreary, Lucy voiced to herself, "...Edith's changed…"


The next day.

Lucy stood alone at the guild, staring at the various jobs posted on the notice board. They varied from monster hunting, herb gathering, body guard missions to just simple ones such as helping out on a nearby farm. As an A-ranked adventurer, she had access to the majority of ones listed.

"Hmm…" Most of her budget was used on purchasing new armour and transport...she searching around for one which offered a high price for a successful completion.

Shockingly, all of them had already been dealt with. She was left with only ranked G-C quests…

"Dang…An 'A' ranked adventurer like me...left with such low paying quests?" She slumped her shoulder in utter defeat, "Now how am I going to make some money?"

She figured she'd be better off just slaying some monsters and bringing in the body parts to sell. At least she knew just where to locate the bigger and stronger ones. She moved over to the guild receptionist and met her eyes with an irritated grin.

"Got any missions for me?" She questioned.

"Lucy, is it? Let me check…" About a minute of checking through the papers on counter later, she came up with an answer, "...Not right now. But you can check the quest board for any available jobs."

"Figures…Anything I should know about then?"

"Hmmm…" Receptionist Lady paused for a moment before replying, "...To the north of her, inside of the Theocracy's territory, strange energies have been flooding the atmospheres specifically around the capital city and its surroundings. Some say that a Hero has spawned, while others are saying that a new Demon Lord has been awakened."

"A Hero? A Demon Lord?!"

"Yes. If you are going there next, please take extra precautions. If the rumours are true, then the Theocracy's capital could likely be wrought with dangers, skepticism and outsiders will likely be unwelcome. Monsters will be more commonplace and the Demon Lord's servants will be searching for their leader."

"I-I see…" That got her excited, "...Thank you for the info."

"You're welcome, Lucy. If you're going there next, try to find a strong party to accompany you. There's always safety in numbers."


'A strong party...you say…'

No matter what she did. No matter where she went. She was constantly reminded of Edith, Aster and Lloyd. They all split up after Edith's abandonment, saying that nothing would be the same without him. She wanted them to be together again…to be a party again...She looked around to see if anyone of her level seemed available for a quick scope of the Theocracy's territory…though begrudgingly.

"Hmmmmmm…" There were mostly feckless newbies just wandering ecstatically around the guild. No one of her skills were even adequate enough to enter the weakest of dungeons.

"Dang…" The thing is, she didn't want to just throw herself into danger like that without any backup. Because if she were to find herself in a pickle, that mistake could very well cost her life. The life of an adventurer was tough-if one wasn't willing to cooperate, then he/she would fall victim to an early death. And if one were to go somewhere unprepared, that too, may result in an early death. Such hazardous environments like what was described called for at least a 'B' rank.

Demons usually ranged between C-rank and S-rank threats. S-rank threats were usually handled by a bunch of 'A' ranks working together or the occasional 'S' ranked mercenary, Edith. They were rare though, so the news about a Demon Lord rising was especially concerning. If this wasn't dealt with by the Theocracy or anything else, then it was believed that an outbreak could occur.

But the Theocracy had a rather grueling reputation when it came to such topics. They would send out their strongest fighters, usually Creation or Afterlife Disciples to destroy any demons who threatened to invade. In fact, they were the ones who send the one known as the 'Hero' to slay the previous Demon Lord, who reigned just over two hundred years ago.

According to the legends surrounding the being, a Demon Lord was supposed to appear every two hundred years. Whenever this happened, deities such as Amaterasu or Osiris gifted the power of the Divine to one of the humans. Their powers were said to be even more than that of a Creation Disciple, and they were hailed as 'God's chosen one.'

Of course, this also meant that if one truly were to appear, they would be Edith's sworn enemy, as he'd wish to have the Demon Lord all to himself in order to boost his own power.

'He'd probably do something like force them to join him...but...is he really that strong?' Lucy thought. She just couldn't imagine him being even stronger than both the Hero and the Demon Lord.

In the end, Lucy just sighed and gave up on visiting the Theocracy's territory until she found at least one other 'A' ranked adventurer...or even a 'B' ranked.

Just as she was about to leave the guild, the double wooden doors opened, and in came four unsuspecting individuals…

Edith, Libitina, Ashe and Nuro entered with the little fox girl eagerly glancing about. This was her first time in the nation of Albane, so she especially, was the embodiment of exhilaration.

'E…Edith…?' She was about to walk up to them, but to her absolute shock, they were the ones who stopped just inches away. Ashe gave her a happy smile, Libitina kept her hand at her sword while glaring in her direction, Edith stared dispassionately and Nuro just looked at her.

She stood in a tense silence, clueless as to what to say.

"It's good to see that you are in good health, Creation Disciple Lucy. It has been far too long since our last meeting. How have you been?" Ashe spoke out. Edith stayed silent.

"Wretched Creation Disciple...You have some nerve showing your face in this kingdom! I will not let you walk out of here alive!" Libitina exclaimed, "Edith, Creation Disciples are my sworn enemies. Allow me to cut her down here and now!"

"A-Ahh-!" Lucy stepped back-drawing her sword immediately, "P-please, I-I'm not an enemy E-Edith is my friend! Or...he used to be…" She averted her eyes from theirs, reeling back from the boy and his party. He outstretched his left arm to push the Fallen Hero back, speaking in his usual low tone,

"Sheathe your sword. Lucy is my former party member. She is not an enemy."

"B-but Edith! At least let me put a sword in her throat because she's HUMAN! A human Creation Disciple...I hate them far, far more than the other ones!"

"No. You are forbidden from drawing your sword against this girl. Sheathe, both of you."

"Nnrng...Fine." Libitina sheathed her sword, so did Lucy, but the tension did not disappear. The adventurers, guild receptionist, as well as everyone else were on edge from the display, "So? What is a Creation Disciple doing here? Here to cause more mischief? Terrorize the civilians? Or worse, kill the royalties and say it was… 'just for fun'? I swear, if you try anything like that…I will personally rip your goddamn head off of your shoulders, you filthy, good for nothing, worm."

"N-No I-I wasn't here for anything of that sort! Th-this kingdom is my home...right, Edith?" She instantaneously peered over to Edith, who backed her up,

"Yeah. Lucy's fine." He said, "Think of her like my little sister. And please, don't refer to her as such derogatory terms."

"Fine." Libitina succumbed to him, knowing that she truly stood no chance against him in any ways, "I will do as you say for now, Edith Myars."

"Thank you." He heaved a heavy sigh, "Sorry about that, Lu. She just...really hates Creation Disciples with a passion."

"Ahah…" 'Why is he acting so...natural with me all of a sudden?'

"Anyway. What are you doing here? There haven't been any missions suited to a girl of such talent for a while since the Theocracy's disciples have been handling all the larger monsters in this side of the world."

"S-so that's why…" She said, "...So that's why...no 'A' ranked missions are posted yet…" She had no power to go against the Theocracy's disciples. It was good that they were keeping the kingdoms and villages safe by killing off all the larger, fiercer monsters...but that's also destroying most of the jobs for 'A' ranks like her. She couldn't help but feel both threatened and frustrated. Especially since she had less cash to live off.

"They're kind of taking all the jobs from me...and I sort of have...financial trouble right now because of it...S-so I was just...searching for some high paying jobs. What are you here for?"

"Financial troubles, huh…" Edith, even in his depraved of emotions state, had a soft spot for this little girl. So he took out his bag of gold coins and scooped up a handful of them. From there, he grabbed another pouch and stuffed about twenty-five then gave it to her without hesitation, "...Here. This should do for the meantime."

"Eh? W-wait...b-but i-isn't that a bit too much?!" She looked inside of the bag and counted-the amount of cash he just gave to her...she could live off of for like...six months in total, including fees for transportation and adventuring, "E-Edith I-I can't take this much from you! This...this is just...wayyyy too much for you to give! W-we're not even party members anymore!"

"Ahaha, even when I'm blocking my emotions like I'm doing right now...I have a soft spot for you. Just accept it, okay?"

"B-b-but…" Lucy knew in her heart that he meant this...and she knew that despite what he did, he still loved her. She gratefully accepted the coins with a loving smile plastered onto her face, "Thank you...thank you so much...Edith...You don't know how much you've helped me by giving me all these coins…" She tied the bag to her waist then outstretched her arms, "...I...I missed you...I missed you so, very much over the past few days…"


'I haven't missed you…' The only reason why he acted so calm at that moment was because of Lord Artemis's blessing disguising his scent. Achlys couldn't find him. He returned her embrace, hugging her tightly and pressing his face into her soft, silky light brown hair and caressing the length of her tiny back. Holding her like this, through the emotionless persona, made him feel at home. His former party member of four years, right there in his arms…

"Did you miss me?" Lucy asked him. If he answered honestly, it would be a yes since he would've felt that way if he revoked the spell.

"If it wasn't for the magic I cast upon myself...then I would have." He answered. It was enough to satisfy her.

"Thank you, Edith…" She squeezed him harder, "...I...I need a party to accompany me to the Theocracy's territory to check something out…" She eyed him while still in the embrace, "...May I join yours until the mission is over?"


A simple 'yes,' was what he wanted to say. She eyed him pleadingly, knowing that if he refuses then her quest would've been impossible to undergo.

He had to take the feelings of his party members into consideration. Libitina and her tremendous hatred for the Creation Faction in particular…

She was a nice girl, overall. So he saw no reason to refuse her request.

"In three weeks...Lord Achlys will be able to pick my scent up. At that point, we must part ways." He told her. Her eyes lit up.

"Thank you, Edith."

Both of them retracted from each other shortly afterwards. After, Lucy spent the next few minutes explaining what the guild receptionist informed her. Rumors of both a Hero and a Demon Lord spawning in the Theocracy's capital city, the possibility of demonic servants coming to collect them, and the likelihood of a possible demonic invasion occurring in the Overworld, where they lived.

"Hmm…" Edith wondered about it all, "...If there's a Demon Lord, I must retrieve their power before the Hero kills them. They have power, and I must make it my own for the sake of achieving my life long goal of putting an end to Lord Achlys's reign."

"Yes. I agree with you fully. But we must also consider the possibility of a Hero actually being there. You sure you can take them on if the rumors are all true?" Lucy asked him, "You're like my big brother. I don't want you getting more hurt than you already are!"

"You don't have to worry about that, Lucy." Edith responded nonchalantly. All it took was a simple forced smile and a thumbs up to cheer the little girl up, "You of all people should know my strength. And after I formed a pact with Libitina," he took Libitina by the shoulder and touched arms, "I only became stronger. Be it a Hero, Demon Lord, or even a God, I am more than capable of putting them down."

"I understand, I understand, Edith! Let's go!"


Grassy hills shot past the party of five as the sweet-smelling winds dashed against their faces. The ocean blue cloudless sky brilliantly reigned from above, the sun gently touched against their skin and wildlife, which was plentiful around these parts, happily went about their daily lives. There were no trees. Only grass, dirt and animals as far as the eyes could see.

The sound of hooves roughly hitting the ground filled their ear drums as they all sat together in a carriage, Lucy and Ashe sitting on either side of him, Libitina and Nuro sitting on the opposite side.

None of them had previously entered the Theocracy's territory before, so teleportation magics were out of the question. As tedious as it was, they were forced to take almost a day to arrive at the kingdom which served as the capital. It was said to be a mostly friendly nation brimming with life. The locals, royalties, even nobles and Disciples were all approachable, rumors say...that was also what they all hoped for...since Edith couldn't exactly stab his way through this hunt. If the Aznozian Empire's top mercenary and only 'S' ranked adventurer made an enemy with the Theocracy, whom he already had partial tensions with, then that would be the likely cause for war…not the normal kind either.

He had to watch his back.

"Libitina." He called out. The girl instantaneously responded,

"Yes Edith?"

"Whatever you do, do not pick a fight with anyone when we arrive."

"Nnrng...You need not warn me. I am well aware of the consequences of picking a fight."

"That's good." Then he looked over to Lucy, "We saved the Beastman Princess from the Theocracy a while back, didn't we? Too bad it wasn't from the royal capital."

"Carriage rides are fun every once in a while, aren't they? We haven't been in one for ages!" Lucy, just like a child, was elated by the slow change in scenery and the ride. She didn't feel anything negative about moving as slow as they were...which was in contrast to the boy sitting beside her.

"That is true…" He sighed disappointingly, "...You really are a child, aren't you?"

"Mentally, no. Physically, yes. Hahaha." She gleamed his way, "You're a child as well. You should turn off that emotion jammer and enjoy your youth while you've got it. Come on, let me see you do it!" She reached out to his shirt and yanked on it, thinking that'd help revoke the magic. But he sadly wasn't about to do that…

"Not gonna happen." He neutrally said. He didn't fight back her tugging-in fact, he welcomed it, for it really did remind him of his lost sister…

"But I haven't seen you genuinely smile at me for so long...Eeeeeedithhhhhh…...just turn it off already! Enjoy yourself! Be the child that you are and admire the position you are in!"

"Please…just stop. You know I'm not turning this off."

"Come onnnnnnnnnn...is it too much for me, as your little sister, to ask to see a genuine smile on your face? Artemis is blocking your scent, right? So it's supposed to be perfectly safe to."

She had a point there, he thought. The inquisitive young girl to his left with the big grin on her face was much smarter than she looked. And her saying that she wished to see Edith smile would've touched him if he could feel those things-and he knew it. It was almost tempting for him to actually do it. Though in the end, he still refused.

"I'm sorry. But I'm not revoking the spell." Edith solemnly declared, bringing up a feeling of deep disappointment within her.

"That's disappointing...but fine." Instead of pleading or complaining, Lucy took Edith's left arm and wrapped it around herself, hugging both him and the appendage together. She snuggled up to his side in relaxation and sighed in contentment, "I was really scared when you suddenly left me, you know. I thought that you'd finally left for good, that none of us would ever see you again. But it looks like I was wrong." She sent Edith a beaming, affectionate smile, "After these three weeks are over...will we have to split up again?"

"We have to. It's the only way to ensure you're safety from the Death Faction."

"Figured you'd say that…" She didn't want to leave him...but it was the only option, "...So let's make our time together count! So you're gonna have to disable that emotion jammer eventually, stupid."


Seeing such a happy expression on her cute little face almost made him want to turn it off.

"Whatever you say."

"Don't you 'whatever you say' me! I'm your little sister, aren't I?! You're supposed to dote on me instead!"

"And what makes you think I'd do that?"

"I-I don't know! You doted on Elzia, didn't you?!"

"As a matter of fact, no. Elzia and I were normal siblings who just got dragged into this mess."

"Grrr…You're such a jerk, Edith…!"

"Once again, what makes you think that?"

They continued on for the entire ride. Ashe giggling along, Libitina finally having a moment to compose herself, and Nuro, who, like the child she was, couldn't stay in one place, in absolute awe at the picturesque scenery.