
Dirty Little Lies

“... Till death do us apart.” It was a love promise. Nicolás Moreno has lived his life under the shadows, he was a name whispered for his cruel ways and cold-heartedness, known for being a sadist whose only emotion was hate, his face was thought to be a reflection of his ugly heart. When one dinner changes everything for the gentle, kind Annalise Armillo, she finds herself in church the next day with a different identity and now to be married to the most loathsome person ever, and for a man who enjoys other people's misery, breaking a pure-hearted, sweet woman like Anna was going to give Nicolás all of the satisfaction he craved, the only thing he doesn't plan on is the innocent-looking woman's ability to arouse the dirtiest desires in him. “... Till death do us apart.” It was a threat.

Sadiya_Aliyu · 都市
166 Chs

Vines That Bleed

"To love is to willfully tear open your own heart, drink from your blood, and savor its poison - all for a flitting taste of euphoria."


Love was venomous.


An emotion that had somehow crept on him, coiled around his insides, and decidedly made him its prisoner. Nicolás had never felt anything akin to it - this strong, this overwhelming, it made his whole body quiver.

He had been held hostage for months and the only thing he had thought about was her. His heart beat with her memory forever clinging to him, torturing him. How she had snuck up on him like this and taken complete control of his existence was something he would never be able to figure out.

How does one love someone like this and make them their center of existence?