

Annalise's immediate reaction was to push Savio away but he withheld her struggle, his hand reaching out to grab her by the wrist, pinning both of her hands with his.

His tongue was in her mouth, his other hands on her waist pulling her closer as he kissed her while Annalise continued to struggle against him, and only when he was satisfied did he finally let her go, pulling away with an expressionless look on his face.

Anger ran through Annalise's whole body and without thinking twice, she raised her hand and slapped him hard. The spot she'd slapped turned red immediately.

She took advantage of Savio still being too stunned to speak to slam her palms on his chest before jerking up from his thighs.

"What did you do that for? Are you out of your mind?"

His eyes were set on her, a steady expression depicted in them. "I wanted to kiss you and I did."