
Timmy's family missed her..

The following week Naledi and Timmy

Worked on the project without any problems. They visited the site and studied the land. The land was full of poor infrastructure and waste hips.

They walked along a narrow path in metsiaela ward. Timmy broke the silence.

" Naledi, people who live here are going to suffer after the project is done"

". True..only if we could help but Lucara company is the one that can help"

" The problem is, Mr Marshall is sick, he could have helped." Timmy sighed.

" What about Ellon... can't he help?" Naledi asked.

" Ellon Marshall, isn't he rude as said by most...he mostly worked in our brunch last year but I wasn't found of him."

" Okay...let me call him then!" Naledi took out her phone.

Timmy's jaw dropped, " You have Ellon Marshall's personal number?"

Naledi swallowed and straighten her face. " He once called me with his personal number...there was an emergency at work" Naledi lied. For some reason she didn't want Timmy to know about her little affair.

" Okay then__put it on loud speaker" Timmy said innocently.

Naledi didn't like the idea because Ellon was found of saying erotic things to her. She slowly pressed the speaker button and crossed her fingers.

" Hi Ms Sebina!" Ellon said casually. He continued " Please don't get upset, I'll not come this week..I have to attend to some meetings in Namibia again."

" Okay sir but I have____" Ellon cut her short before she could conclude.

" Do you miss___" before he could finish his say, Naledi coughed.

" Mr Marshall I'm here with my co-mate..and we wanted to request for the residents at the site to be given accomodations."

" Ohh you are with Timmy right!..I'm I on loud speaker?" He asked.

" Yes.. Mr Marshall And we were requesting that you provide accommodation for the people living at the site Because most of them are very poor and they won't have any where to go" Naledi said.

" You have a point But the land belongs to Lucara and they are the one that can help."

Timmy knew that Ellon was never going to help them. He moved towards the phone and spoke .

" Mr Marshall I would like to apologize on my colleague's behalf.. For calling you on your personal phone but we had no choice. Thank you, I guess we will have to find another way"

Ellen laughed out loud. " Timmy why are you apologizing? What you are doing here is a good thing and Mr Marshall is going to be impressed. I will talk to the director of Lucara about this"

Timmy was shocked. The Ellon he knew to be reserved and finicky suddenly gave in to their request easily.

"Thank you very much Ellon I mean Mr Marshall" Naledi thanked him.

" Don't thank me now because when I come back I might need you to thank me better"

Foolish, clueless Timmy replied. " Of course Mr Marshall"

Naledi disconnected the call as they went back to the company car and Timmy ignited the engine.

On the way Timmy wanted to ask something. He kept on glaring at Naledi.

Naledi noticed and decided to ask. To be honest she was a straight forward person and Timmy was disturbing her mind peace with his glares.

" Dude can you stop that I'm not your cute Barbie." She made air qoutes" You left her at the company remember."

" I know. Can you tell me something, Did you ever date anyone ever since our divorce?"

" Hilarious!" Naledi turned to look at him. He stopped at a traffic light and turned to face her, hoping for an answer.

" Since you want to know, I have never dated anyone but that doesn't mean I have never been with anyone...that's it.."

" My mom cannot stop talking about you know. Like ever since we divorced she's been pushing me to get you back like..." Timmy chuckled.

" I'll have to visit her, where is she I mean she's my favorite lady... Wait What about Nikki Didn't you introduce her?"

" not really..." Timmy never invited Nicky to his family because they loved Naledi so much that they prayed for her come back.

" Then let's visit her... she's going to love the surprise."

"Okay but better tell your barbie before we go."

Timmy took a u turn and went to Orapa town to visit his mom who was currently staying with her elder sister working for Debswana.


Nicky and Tebogo, were at their stations working. Director Rodney approached the two interns.

" Interns!..it's late and Timmy and Ms Sebina haven't come back yet....are they still at the site?"

Nicky raised her head and thought about it. She had been busy that she never bothered to call or talk to Timmy.

" I haven't seen them sir" Tebogo said.

"Nicky..where is Timmy?..I want to discuss some with them."

" Well..." Nicky checked her phone and saw a text from Timmy.


Nicky thought about the word WE..did Timmy really take his ex to his parents house. He always hesitated about taking her to his family but all of a sudden he visits them with his ex!

" Sir..they went to Orapa..." Nicky replied Rodney and tears built in her eyes. " Excuse me..I need to use the restroom" she ran out to the restrooms and locked her self in one of the toilets. She was crying.

" Why do I feel threatened by this..He told me that his mom really loved Naledi."

She got out and went to the mirror to fix her makeup. She saw Latifah coming out of the toilets. She couldn't help it but ask.

" Latifah hi!..uhm...is it true you are Ms Sebina's cousin?"

" Yeah!" Latifah replied as she washed her hands and dried them.

Nicky waited for the hand dryer to stop blowing. After a while " Does Ms Sebina still like Timmy?"

Latifah's jaw dropped. She didn't have a proper response. She retorted by laughing and paused to give her a dazed look.

" What? Lord save me.."Latifah walked out of the restroom still shocked.

Nicky banged the wall and walked out. She dialed Timmy but his phone seemed switched off.


" Naledi!" Dali, Timmy's sister hugged her. " You look beautiful girl"

" I missed you Dali" she smiled upon seeing Timmy's mother coming in the living room from her room.

Esther almost passed out upon seeing Naledi. She hurried to her and slapped her playfully. " You foolish girl where have you been?.." she smiled and hugged her tight.

" Mom! I'll never forget you, that's why I told this fool to bring me here!" Naledi held on too.

Didi came in from her study and her eyes dilated upon seeing Naledi. She last saw her while in Orapa junior secondary school, Now she was in her senior year at LSSS.

" Aunt!" She embraced Naledi." I missed you a 10"

Naledi smiled and kissed her cheek. " I missed you a 20 Didi.."

" Timmy did you decide to bring back my daughter?..." Esther asked.

" Yeah Unc Timmy are you back together with Naledi?" Didi asked.

Timmy glared at Dali and exhailed. Naledi looked down and waited for Timmy to tell the family the truth.

" Well...no mum!...Naledi got transferred here to partner with me in the new project...she's on a work trip..."

" So you too worked for the same company?"Dali asked.

" Yeah..she's from the Gaborone brunch"

" Naledi dear...just convince this fool to get re married." Esther said.

" No mom.. Timmy loves someone. He has a very nice girlfriend. She's so pretty and polite too."

" What!" Esther exclaimed. " What girl?..just dump her, your real wife is back...move in with her and re-start."

Timmy and Naledi glared at each other.

Alex came in from Spar supermarket. He was delighted to see Naledi.

" Big bro..you are here, with her?" Alex pointed Naledi.

" Hi Alex!" Naledi said.

" Ohh...Naledi.. still cute as ever!" Alex sat down next to Timmy.

" We live together, there was a shortage of staff houses so we share a house"

" Wow! God is great" Esther said.

"Mom... please support your son. He really likes Nicky." Naledi said.

" Fuck! Living with my ex will be a mess" " Bro how do you survive?"

Alex asked.

" Alex.. sarcastic as ever!..how would you know when you are a certified playboy?" Timmy raised a brow.

Dali stood up." I'm going to prepare supper"

" Let me join you!" Naledi stood up and followed Dali to the kitchen.

Timmy went to lock the car outside, Alex followed him.

" A week has passed since she came right..did you fuck?" Alex asked.

Timmy raised a brow and chuckled. "So who told you?"

" Latifah...I kinda ran into her last night" Alex smirked and winked his eye.

" You ran into Latifah ?or you fucked her, whatever...not my concern ... listen, I love Nicky a lot"

" I didn't say you don't love her. Naledi is hot dude...you'll be tempted and end up giving in to your wild desires."

" Mark my words bro..."

" Whatever!" Timmy walked into the house.

When Timmy got back in, he found Naledi and Dali serving dinner. He looked at her and smiled. He remembered the old days, he almost gave her a kiss but reality struck.

Alex smiled at Timmy and winked his eye.

After a while, Naledi and Timmy prepared to leave. It was already 7pm.

He took his phone and switched it on.

" Three missed calls from Barbie...we were suppose to go to the cinema at 10"

" Timmy...use your earports atleast. You are driving!" Naledi advised

"Okay...can you insert them in my ears" Naledi did as instructed and sat back.

" Hello Barbie...I'm on my way back. don't worry "

" Okay Tim" Nicky responded. She was waiting for him at her house.

He disconnected the call and passed by the gate. They drove for about 10 minutes in silence.

Just after passing Mopipi junction, the car had a flat tyre. Timmy got off road and packed the car.

" Fuck! The car has a flat tyre ..." Timmy got out of the car and checked it. He opened the boot but there was no spair.

" We are doomed..we don't have a spair tyre...let me call the mechanic" Timmy tried to call but the call ended.

" What? Why the hell will the company car not have a spair wheel?" Naledi got out and asked.

" Rodney has a hand in it. He was the one using it last week. ." Timmy remembered.

Both of them moved around to make calls but there was no Network. They tried getting help from passing cars.

A car stopped by them. " Hello what wrong?" The man asked.

" We have a flat tyre..." Naledi said.

"Ohh god...I'm sorry but I don't have..a spair tyre ." The man drove off.

Both leaned by the car body and looked at the road. It was dark and scary.

" Timmy..let's hike..we will tell the mechanic to come get the car"

Timmy was tensed. He didn't even hear Naledi. He was lost in his thoughts.

" Timmy!" Naledi tapped his shoulder.

" Yes!"

" Let's hike!" Naledi said.

They tried to hike but no one was willing to give them a lift. It was obvious that people feared giving people a lift at night"

" No one is willing to help us." Naledi said in agony.

" Psych! Fuck Rodney..that psycho...he's always finding ways to bring me down. He knew about this and yet he kept quiet."

" Relax Timmy...we will get help." Naledi held his hand gently and his anger subsided.

" Let's wait someone will surely give us a ride home" Naledi tried to convince him.

Timmy held her hand and smiled at her mischievously. His eyes were so lustful. What was he trying to do?

Naledi's heart skipped a beat as he traced his fingers on her face. " All of this used to be mine..." He said.

" Didn't you say you moved on?" Naledi asked.

" I don't no..." He dragged her waist and her body slammed against his.

" Give me this moment to show you that I've changed..I'm no longer that unskilled Timmy."

" Can you ever be better than me?" She asked.

" Then I'll show you !" Timmy smiled as his eyes narrowed.

" What about Nicky?"

" It's a secret..." Timmy kissed her.

Naledi broke the kiss and whisphered" lets forget about the ride home..."

" wanna go on a rollercoaster ride?." Timmy kissed her back, this time more intense than before.

He moved from her lips to her chin. He burried in her neck and bit her a little leaving a hickey.

Naledi was effortless this time. He left all the work to Timmy. She was too shocked to play any trick.

Timmy opened the backseat door and pushed her inside, he got in and sat next to her continuing with their make out.

In just a blink of an eye they already too off their shirts. Timmy smiled and started planting biting kisses from her neck to her stomach causing Naledi to pant in pleasure.

"You are so hot!" She muttered.

" Ohh yeah?" Timmy continued.

Naledi was super impatient. She slowly traced her on his body until she reached the belt buckle and opened it.

" Are you sure about this...ex wife?" Timmy asked.

Naledi kissed his chest. " Just ride me ex husband" she whispered.

After that qoute Timmy kissed her lips and reached for her skirt.
