
Chapter 89

Before the duel officially commenced, Varrus cast Call to Arms on himself, so that the various Illusion perks would buff him up. 

Call to Arms gives a 25-point boost to one-handed, two-handed, archery, health, and stamina for ten minutes.

With the aforementioned boosts, Call to Arms was enhanced by a (12.5+25+50) = 87.5 buff lasting twenty minutes due to Illusion Mastery.

In total, the Illusion buffs increased: 

160 Armor

40% magic resistance 

50% more powerful Illusion spells + 50pts

140% attack damage increase 

40% crit chance increase

Plus, his One Handed skill, which was resting at 62, temporarily raised to 149.5. Which not only improved his real life ability, but also increased the damage of any one handed weapon by a flat 45. 

Swiping his sword left and right, Varrus felt the sudden influx of skill, and instantly corrected his stance, realizing that he had been too rigid with his first swipe. 

Nodding to himself, Varrus started to make a plan of attack. From what he saw with her battle against Rho'dan, Nightsong was supremely skilled, and seemed to like to take her time with her opponent. To analyze them. 

If Varrus was to win, he couldn't strictly stick to one form of combat. Fortunately, he had many different skill sets, and could swap between them on the fly. 

Otherwise, if he stuck strictly to using a sword, his demise was guaranteed. He had noticed during the previous duel, that Rho'dan's sword was beginning to chip. Nightsong's adamantium weapon and armor were no joke, when her sword met Rho'dan's, it was the equivalent of steel meeting copper. Eventually, the copper would lose out. 

However, Varrus had a few tricks up his sleeve to mitigate this difference between thorium and adamantium. Various perks enhanced the damage of his weapon, and by conducting some tests, damage and durability seemed to go hand in hand. 

His thorium sword after being forged and reforged under his Master tier Smithing, had a listed damage of 657. That was strong enough to cut through masterworked iron armor like a hot knife through butter. 

Then he had his various buffs: 

One Handed Mastery: 50% dmg increase

Flame of Magnus: While casting/concentrating a staff, damage/crit in right hand increased by 50%. 

Secretkeeper - When a staff is equipped in your left hand, your attacks deal 25% more damage and critical damage. When a staff is equipped in your right hand, your spells and scrolls are 25% more effective.

Furious Strength: Power Attacks 15% + 1% of stamina = 21% dmg increase

Overrun - Can perform a one-handed sprinting power attack that deals up to 50% more damage and critical damage to a target above half Health. 

Applying all these bonuses together, Varrus would be swinging with a weapon of (702)×(248%) = 1740.96 dmg. 

For reference, a full set of masterworked thorium armor granted an armor score of 2,048, whereas mythril, the next tier down, was at 1,300. 

With such an awesome increase in weapon damage, Varrus was confident that his blade would not chip, like Rho'dan's. 

Finally, he equipped a staff in his left hand so that some of the perks could go into effect. It was a staff of flames, capable of shooting fire like a flamethrower. 

"Quel'Dorah!" The people chanted, shaking the square. 

During their cheers, Varrus noted that the Rune Stone had lit up, and created a concentrated barrier separating him and Nightsong from the citizenry. 

Varrus nodded in appreciation towards Telonicus, this move ensured that no innocents would get caught up in the crossfire. Although it would appear that he was locked in here with Nightsong, now that a barrier was in place, he felt like he could unleash his Master tier spells with impunity. 

Pointing his sword at Nightsong, Varrus's Ebony Flesh automatically activated, and battle commenced. 

He planned on starting the fight with melee, so that he could get close, and activate the Nullifier perk, which prevented foes within 25 feet from regenerating mana or stamina. Once she was tapped out, he would swap combat styles, and take her out from a distance. 

Engaging in melee was the last thing he wanted to do, but achieving victory was more important than anything else! 

Whilst Varrus was mentally preparing himself, the ancient general walked towards Varrus like some final boss out of a souls-like video game. She was moving in a combo of levitation + footsteps that threw Varrus's rhythm off. The way she moved made it difficult to discern where her next step would be. 

Tossing out a Tumble Magnet when she got close, Varrus intended to throw her off balance, and strike at the same time. 

As soon as the orb left his hand, Nightsong slightly stumbled between steps, and Varrus struck. 

His sword stabbed forward in a lunge, aiming to pierce the exposed section of her arm that wasn't covered by armor. 

Nightsong recovered her balance, and turned sideways to dodge, floating just an inch out of range. 

Varrus smirked as the attack was nothing but a feint. His real objective was her thigh! 

The heavy stab transitioned into a cut heading downward. 

Nightsong surprised Varrus by kicking with her armored boot. She stomped down on the blade, then crushed Varrus's chest with her shield. A dark colored enchantment lit up on the shield, and Varrus felt his mana decrease! 

Checking his status, Varrus realized he was cursed! [Stamina + Mana reduced 10%] 

Varrus didn't have time to cast Dispel Magic, as Nightsong continued with her attack, swiping sideways at his head. 

Deciding he didn't want to rely solely on Ebony Flesh, Varrus attempted to Blink away, and reorient himself. However, her shield glowed black once more, and he found that he couldn't teleport! 

Realizing he couldn't escape, Varrus twisted his body, and raised his sword to meet hers. 

Metal shrieked, and the light of a fire enchantment clashed with the darkness attribute coming from her sword. Varrus noticed he had a slight upper hand in power, however, several cuts to the periphery of his Ebony Flesh showed that she outskilled him, and possessed superior speed. 

As if to mock him, the Skyrim UI repeatedly dinged, indicating his One Handed skill was leveling up every time Nightsong showed him something new. 

Furthermore, she nodded along every time Varrus learnt how to block, or parry one of her attacks! 

Varrus felt embarrassed that he was being taught whilst he fought the enemy, yet he also felt gratitude. The more he clashed with her, the more he wanted her on his side. Someone like General Nightsong, who treated prisoners fairly, and led tens of thousands of Darkfallen was respectable. Because he had seen what becoming an Undead did to most people. Their inhibitions became unlocked, and many turned suicidal, or into monsters. Nightsong and her army, they were sane! 

However, although he respected her for teaching him, and her modus operandi, that didn't mean he was willing to submit! 

Side rolling a shield bash, Varrus realized she had downloaded his fighting style, and that it was time to move on to phase 2 of his plan. 

Charging forward for another power attack, Varrus activated the perk Spellscribe, which allowed him to unleash a stored spell when he did a power attack with his weapon. It was not applicable to Master tier spells, but that didn't mean it was a weak ability! 

This time, when his sword clashed with hers, the spell Incendiary Flow erupted from nearly point blank range. 

Lava gushed out of Varrus's blade, and threatened to engulf Nightsong. 

She interposed her shield between them, and a full body barrier encased her being, protecting her from the Incendiary Flow. 


Varrus saw this slight delay, and knew he had to seize the initiative. 

Clapping his sword and staff together, he activated the Enchanting perk, You Shall Not Pass, which created a blinding light. 

He then immediately jumped backwards, and activated two more perks, this time under the Sneak skill tree. Smokescreen and Clean Escape created a thick cloud of fog, and completely eliminated Varrus's presence, making any tracking methods useless. 

Running to the side, Varrus cast Shroudwalk, making himself invisible. 

Nightsong was no amateur though, and had not remained still whilst Varrus acted. She swiped her sword down where Varrus had been standing a second ago, creating a furrow in the ground. 

Within the fog, Varrus saw her clear as day, thanks to both his Mana Sight, and Detect Life spells. He was preparing to snipe her with an Ice Shiv, when suddenly, both of his tracking skills no longer worked! 

Blinking his eyes, Varrus found that the two abilities still detected Highborn outside of the Rune Stone's barrier, however, he could no longer spot Nightsong! 

'She must have gone to the same rogue school as Faedra.' Varrus bitterly thought to himself as the ace in the sleeve he had prepared turned out to be a bust. 

Narrowing his eyes, Varrus had an evil grin spread across his face as he activated Warriors Flame. 

Just because he couldn't see something, didn't mean it wasn't there! If he couldn't see her, then perhaps the Skyrim UI would! 

A moment later, he heard the distinct crackle of fire, but he couldn't see it! 

Turning his head to the side, Varrus saw a golden light surrounding Nightsong.

The ancient general was 5ft behind him, and was staring at the exact spot where Varrus was hiding. 

She was just standing there. Menacingly! 

Varrus scrambled backwards, expecting an attack that never came. 

Taking a closer look, Varrus noticed that Warriors Flame didn't seem to be damaging her at all! 

The pale woman smiled at Varrus, making him tilt his head to the side in confusion. Just what was her game? 

Nightsong opened her mouth, and began to chant a spell. However, to Varrus's ears, it sounded more like a song. 

The beauty in her voice thrummed with power. Yet it possessed an ethereal quality that made one hungering for more. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T19_-ycPYjk

Upon hearing her voice, Varrus unconsciously felt tears dripping down his face, as it evoked memories of home. Playing games, old friends, hot chocolate on a cold day, or pancakes made lovingly by his mother. 

"I know this song." Varrus found himself unconsciously whispering. 

The foggy shroud was lifted, and a bountiful stream of Life energy surrounded Nightsong. 

Outside the barrier, all the Highborn were brought to tears. Even the most stalwart, such as Rho'dan, or exceptionally nerdy, like Telonicus were silent as salty water dripped down their cheeks. 

Varrus not only remembered his past on Earth, but of Warcraft. Of failed plays, and disingenuous fans. Of his supporting, yet distant father, of one adoring fan too shy to speak to him. Of this very song bringing him to sleep as a child. 

Lowering his sword, Varrus took in the woman before him as a realization struck him. 

"You are my Mother?" Varrus said aloud in confusion. 

Varrus chuckled when he saw Nightsong maintain her somewhat aloof, and confident posture as she slightly nodded at him in confirmation. 

He wanted to cling to his memories of Earth, yet the pure smile of acceptance Nightsong directed at him was like a suckerpunch to the heart. 

Thinking of his wife, and how her strength was what kept him going in this fucked up death world, Varrus decided he would tentatively accept Nightsong into his life. 

Furthermore, there was some comedic value to this outcome. It would seem that Syra was not only obsessed with him, but with his mother as well! 

He wiped the tears from his eyes, and began to belly laugh at this turn of events.

For a bonus laugh, Faedra was jealous of this woman! Nightsong was everything she wasn't: kind, strong of character, and popular! 

It all made sense why they had been so catty upon their first meeting, and why Nightsong seemed so opposed to the 'seed of Vandercross' being wed to 'Faedra's daughter.' 

Thinking about it further, he realized that he might have jumped the gun challenging her to a duel. When he replayed their first encounter in his mind, it seemed that she was surprised he had challenged her in the first place. 

No wonder their fight had seemed almost like a spar, and that she had questioned Rho'dan. In fact, Rho'dan, that sly bastard knew all along, but had remained silent! 

Varrus shot a glare Rho'dan's way, and saw that his chief guard was conspicuously turned to the side, however, Varrus caught the side view of a grin on his face! 

'Tch.' Varrus shook his head. He'd see that Rho'dan got what he was coming to him for this stunt. Shoveling hawkstrider shit for a start! 

It was during his inner monologue, that Nightsong approached him. She seemed a little awkward, and maybe even nervous, but that only made her more endearing. 

When she stood silently in front of him, she stared at him curiously. She then cast a shroud of Muffle to cover them. 

"I haven't seen you since you were 3 years old. You have grown into a fine young man, Varrus." Nightsong complimented, and reached out a hand, yet stopped just short of stroking Varrus's cheek. 

"Forgive me if I don't call you mother, Nightsong, it would be strange for me, given the circumstances. If you don't mind me asking, what happened to you?" Varrus enquired. 

Nightsong looked off into the distance, a sad look briefly fell upon her face, then she turned back to Varrus, all business. 

"You are familiar with the Red and Blue Dragonflights, as they enjoy masquerading as members of the Highborn. However, are you aware of the Bronze Dragonflight?" Nightsong answered Varrus's question with one of her own. 

"The self professed keepers of time, I am aware." Varrus replied, not liking where this was going. 

"The very same. My existence, as well as yours, was deemed anathema to the 'proper' timeline. A Dragon named Chromie alongside an army of adventurers from the future emerged from a portal with the intent of slaying both you and me. I could have survived, yet they were moments away from claiming you. I did what any mother would do in such a situation, and faked your death at the expense of mine." 

Varrus closed his eyes as he imagined the scene. Of portals suddenly opening up, and loot hungry adventurers greedily throwing themselves at Nightsong for everything she was worth. Of the Bronze Dragon, Chromie, cheering them on in her annoying, polymorphed Gnomish voice for saving Azeroth. 


It really made Varrus wonder how many people the Bronze Dragonflight had murdered in the name of saving the world. 

"Thank you for telling me, and thank you for your sacrifice. But if you were on our side this entire time, how come you didn't destroy the Lich, Magefont, or orchestrate a rebellion against Tenris? He is marching straight for Eversong as we speak!" Varrus said, thankful for Nightsong's help, yet he was also befuddled at her seeming inaction. 

"I intended to destroy the Lich with the combined forces of the Darkfallen, and the defenders of Tranquillien. As for defectors from within, why do you think the Mistress of Murder is present?" Nightsong smiled at Varrus knowingly. 

Varrus nodded, he supposed her presence made sense. 

"So, what are we waiting for, let's reinforce Kael'Thas, and assault Tenris's flank!" Varrus proclaimed with gusto. 


"My, how energetic. Vandercross raised such a boy?" Nightsong muttered to herself, and took a longing look at Varrus's back as he signaled for the barrier to be dropped. 

"Mother-in-law! Mother-in-law!" A busty blonde excitedly ran up to Nightsong with a pad of paper, and a pen in hand. 

"I don't do autographs." Nightsong patiently explained, and followed after Varrus, curious to see his leadership style. 

Syra pouted when Nightsong walked off, she glanced at her back, and narrowed her eyes. 

Intense emotions warred within her heart. On one hand, she wanted to question the woman she had based her entire fighting style off of. To learn from the best! On the other hand, she felt threatened that another woman would be eating away at Varrus's attention, and that was unacceptable. 

Holding her diary in her hand, Syra bit her lip as she ultimately pulled a flower out from its pages. However, she was quick to draw one where it had rested as a placeholder. 

Varrus belonged to her, and she belonged to Varrus. No one would get between their love.


AN: Read 25 chapters ahead at: patreon.com/KarpQQ