
Dio's Bizarre Adventures

Reincarnated as Dio in JoJo with more cheats. Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s)

Liquid_Culture · アニメ·コミックス
31 Chs

Requiem- DIO Preparing

"What's wrong isn't me, what's wrong is the world!" - Kaneki Ken


Thanks to the use of The Passion, DIO gained information that would be impossible otherwise. He learned that Jotaro Kujo, who is DIO's grandson of his grandson indirectly, would fight Kars in a battle in Egypt very soon.

DIO also learned shocking news about Jotaro awakening a stand at that time which evolves like The World. It was even able to stop time at the peak of its evolution in the fight against Kars for about 3-4 seconds.

Still, Jotaro lost badly because it was Esidisi and Kars against Jotaro, with Santana fighting Jotaro's friends in the meantime. Unfortunately, Esidisi and Santana did not reveal if they had a Stand.

Kars seemed to have an ability that multiplied gravity overtime on many targets, from what DIO could understand. Kars even had a Requiem Arrow, so he was most likely still not exposing his full ability during the fight.

Teenage Giorno also managed to help DIO learn information that the Passione gang in Italy has already grown too big in the last couple of years.

The leader's 2nd in command managed to kill Giorno in the timeline that DIO saw, and the worst part was that the man who killed him was a Stand user, which basically by default meant that the leader would have to be one even stronger.

Giorno showed a Stand called Golden Experience that manipulated life energy, Diego showed a strange Stand that evolved after obtaining the Left Eye of the Corpse. They both were completely human, but their Stands showed strong abilities, probably due to their father being who he is.

This happened while under the experimentation of a person named Dr. Ferdinand and his tricky Stand, The Marionette. Diego's Stand, Scary Monsters, evolved slightly.

He could turn himself and others into dinosaurs after the advancement of his Stand, but that was all that happened until he died at a young age of lung cancer.

Not every detail could be recorded through The Passion, but this was more than enough for DIO to want to board a plane to Cairo, Egypt.

The Passione gang was an annoyance that needed to be dealt with later because gaining the Requiem Arrow as soon as possible in case it disappeared randomly was very important.

It was also confirmed that Kars had the normal Stand-giving Arrow which was another reason to end things quickly before it escalated into a World War between Stand Users.

DIO still knew that even if it did reach a point like that, it would not matter against some Ripple, sunlight, and knives, so he wasn't even slightly afraid of his opponents, just cautious about their Stands.

Never put 100% trust in predictions, just trust them 50% of the way was the way DIO operated. Even if he missed out due to this, it wouldn't matter.

All that knowing the future did was speed up the killing process for them.

After all, must a godly creature like DIO know the future always to win a fight against lower lifeforms?



Name: Dio 'DIO' Joestar

Race: Ultimate Being (Pillar Men), JoJo (100%)


Timeline : Part 3--Stardust Crusaders

Racial Abilities : Open Status, Pillar Men Inventory, JoJo Poses, DIO's Will, Every Race, Every Ethnicity, Instant Regeneration, Anti-Aging, Immortality, Mastered Body Manipulation, Top Intelligence, Joestar Intelligence, Super Charisma, Mastered Senses, Absorption, Elemental Battle Mode (Ice), Vaporization Freezing (EBM), Ultimate Being

DIO's Will- Charismatic, Peerless ambitions, Cunning, Insatiable hunger for power, and Enhanced Stand Talent

Jonathan's Will- Charismatic, Proud, and Enhanced Ripple Talent (Unlocked)

Pillar Men Inventory : Modified Stone Mask (Contains a Red Stone of Aja), Boules (30x), Stone Mask, Knives (55x), Wallet, Road Roller Mini Model

Fighting Techniques : Spin (49%), Boxing (Max), Optic Stamps (Max), Ripple (72%)

[The World] Abilities : Muda Barrage, Time Stop

[The Passion] Abilities : Divination, Precognition, Ripple Transmission

Weaknesses : Racial weaknesses are non-existent to Ultimate Beings.

Poses: Use a Pose to show dominance after a fight and have extra luck on your side. Each Pose effect cooldown is 12HR.

[The Original Joestar Pose] (Fanned his hand in front of his face)- (Boost to 150% in Ripple proficiency during a battle)

[Koichi's Lackadaisical Pose] (Small Awkward stepping)- (Very low presence for 15 minutes)

[Killer Queen Cross Armed Pose] (Rock and roll, cross-armed)- (Paralyzes spectators in fear for 5 seconds)

[Shadow Dio] (Turn around with a hand in front of face)- (Amplifies charisma on every Stand User alive who know the name DIO by 3x for 3 hours)



DIO was a man of many great titles, but an idiot wasn't one and never will be.

He knew that even with his strength, the power of those Pillar Men was completely unknown, which meant that their Stand abilities could be one-shot kill techniques if you accidentally pick your nose in front of them.

This led to DIO deciding to bring along three Stand Users which managed to serve him in the year training The World.

These three people are Lisa Lisa, Reimi Sugimoto, and Ralph Hernadez.

DIO already wrote a small diary in his mind of the Stand Users he encountered and decided to bring up that mental diary of each person.


Stand - Revolution Radio

User - Ralph Hernadez (Vampire)

A stand that can erase words or ideas from the minds of targets (50m range). It cannot be remembered no matter what unless the user allows it or is knocked out. If used on self (Ralph), they will never remember no matter what, no exceptions. Ages the user every time it is used by 2 years.

He had his memory erased after being defeated. This battle was the most difficult fight he ever faced, but he managed to regain all his memories. In the end, Ralph Hernadez became a complete servant to DIO.

To help deal with the weakness of aging himself, he was turned into a vampire by DIO so that he would be able to make brainwashing others for DIO much easier, without facing any backlashes from the limitation of its usage.

Unfortunately, a side effect was the impotence brought on the User by this Stand, truly a tragedy even DIO, a godly being, was unable to solve without making an entirely new body for him. Ralph Hernadez refused, deciding to accept who he was. Even DIO felt a little admiration for his bravery and will to live.

In conclusion, Revolution Radio was truly a terrible Stand with rarely any counters.

Next was. . .

Stand - Metallica

User - Reimi Sugimoto (Vampire with a Dual Personality)

A stand with Iron Manipulation at its basics, but it is much more than that. DIO helped Reimi develop Metallica to gain Invisibility and Stand Possession. Now she can use Iron Manipulation to manipulate other Stands which are made of iron and do it in complete stealth.

The small issue was that her Stand, Metallica, lived inside her own body as a colony-type Stand. This led to a complete dual personality and appearance taking over whenever she brings out her Stand.

Reimi Sugimoto becomes entirely different, inside and out whenever her Stand is drawn. The good news was that she was still a great servant to DIO and followed orders very well.

She became a vampire to have a better physique and remain at DIO's side without aging.

Finally. . .

Stand - Purple Encore

User - Lisa Lisa (Vampire)

This stand is based on desires. The greatest desire that must be realized is the premise of the Stand. More desire fulfilled leads to more energy farmed through the Stand.

Act 1: Limitless, Allows the user to use positive energy from fulfilled desire to create energy. This energy can be launched as white projectiles similar to the Spin. These projectiles are as big as beachballs but hit harder than trains on impact. She has been training the Spin thanks to DIO to help improve this ability of her Stand in some way.

Act 2: Lapse Blue, Creates a center of gravity in a specific space capable of attracting all matter, crushing it all effortlessly akin to a black hole. This uses the stored positive energy as the previous Ability.

Act 3: Reversal Red, Using her reversal ability to invert the properties of Blue, Lisa Lisa activates the divergence of her Limitless energy and causes an extremely powerful repulsive force, repelling all matter in its vicinity. Being an ability that is powered by negative Limitless energy and formed as a reverse positive technique, the ability has two times the destructive ability of Blue. Still runs on positive energy to activate.

Lisa Lisa became a vampire to serve her lord more efficiently for a much longer time.

She became the mother of Diego Joestar a while ago and even trained during her pregnancy. DIO did not even have to use much manipulation, she offered herself as soon as "Joseph" and "George" were gone from her head because of Revolution Radio's ability.

Now Lisa Lisa truly could not remember them even if she wanted. After all, if something is forgotten for a long time, it will stay gone no matter what, especially after taking a Stamp or two from DIO alongside a year of "influence" (Manipulation through words).

She took the new identity of Lisa Lisa from Elizabeth Joestar so no one can recognize her, especially since she replicated in appearance the person she was over fifty years ago after becoming a vampire. She was also truly talented compared to others, even learning the Spin at a faster pace than DIO, the Ripple was unavailable to her now unluckily due to this change.

Her powers are the strongest among DIO's servants, thankfully for DIO, all he did was nurture her ability to practice with his other servants. They were truly strong creatures to DIO now that they had Stands.

However, it was said in the news that an accident regarding a terrorist attack on Venice occurred on Joestar's main estate in Italy. No one would ever connect things to DIO or Elizabeth because they were still "dead" in the minds of others.

While in reality, they hold all the codes and passwords to all the assets of the family still. It was good for DIO that he told the others to never change the passwords for hundreds of years.

Joseph, unfortunately, fell mysteriously ill at an old age a year ago soon after recognizing his mother. This meant that one less Crusader would join Jotaro on his journey, but that did not matter, since the journey would be made this time by DIO.

Jotaro Kujo was going to be late on his "Stardust Crusade" to save Holy Kujo because he was busy dealing with zombies in Japan's prison, which unknown to him, were not under the control of Kars, but rather DIO's crew of vampires.

It seemed that tasking their zombies to the Japanese prison was working splendidly, sadly, it seemed Holy would most likely die before the new JoJo realized anything happened.

DIO was lucky to find those three servants, and they were lucky he was not interested in killing everyone he meets including them. Only the people who oppose his rule went under the fists of his MUDA Barrage.

Still, the topic at hand was boarding the plane to Cairo to visit DIO's "family" Pillar Men. The fight would be between three people and one divine being, against three Pillar Men and an unknown number of Stand Users under them.

Very long chapter I wrote at night. Btw I take Thursdays off, so there won't be uploads that day.

Also, Lisa Lisa's powers are based on Limitless/Infinity, Gojo Satoru's technique.

Enjoy the next chapter, it will be much better than the last ones, in my opinion.

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