
Dio's Bizarre Academia

Dio gets teleported to this strange world in a child's body after fighting Jotaro, with many odd looking humans with "quirks". What is the first thing that comes to his mind? Show the inhabitants of this puny world that he, Dio Brando, is the true superior being! "U.A.? Strongest humans in the world? I will show them what true strength is!" (My Boku no Hero Academia knowledge is better than my Jojo knowledge, but I know the basics.)

Tiphereth · アニメ·コミックス
2 Chs

Rebirth in a World with Quirks

When Dio came to his senses, he was immediately struck with a splitting headache. He was currently in a dumpster, completely unfit for a majestic ruler such as himself. Wait, did he survive his fight with Jotaro? No, he clearly got cut in half! "Curse Jotaro, the Joestars, and all of their spawn!!!", he angrily shouted while floundering in the dumpster.

"Look at that man in the dumpster, Kayla, you have to be wary of these kind of people, you never know when they will go crazy."

A young man was talking to another person while pointing in the alley, but he had a ... dictionary for a head? Talking to ... what he could only assume to be a potted plant on very realistic machine legs. What the heck is this place?

"What the f*ck are these humans?" He sat up with much difficulty. It seemed like he was in an oriental nation, since the voices he heard outside the alley seemed like Japanese. He realized that he could understand them perfectly, but that was the least surprising thing to him. He climbed out of the dumpster, his regeneration seemingly getting rid of his headache. The bright sun was shining on his face, with a warm sun beam shining into his eyes.

'Wait, sunlight?' Muscle memory quickly took control of his body.


He used his stand to stop time and lifted the dumpster, letting him take cover underneath it. Why did the sunlight not burn though? Could his fatal weakness suddenly disappear after getting sliced up by Jotaro? Did he do it on purpose?

How could Jotaro have even done this, intentionally or otherwise?

To see if his theory was true, he used his stand to slice off a joint segment of his pinky, and blood immediately started spurting out of the torn off finger, but he did not flinch one bit, and instead sucked all the blood on his pinky to keep the nutrients in the blood to regenerate faster.

After confirming his vampiric regeneration still existed, he made the big test. Intently observing the severed finger flesh, he flicked it into the light. 1 second: Nothing happened. 2 seconds: Nothing happened. 3 seconds: Still nothing. 'Is my one weakness truly gone? Am I now invincible?'

He gingerly crawled out of his hideout (a dumpster) and exposed his pale body into the sun. He instantly felt a warm sensation coursing in his body. 'Sh*t! How could I be this foolish! I should have experimented further!' Panic-stricken, he turned back to hide, only to realize he wasn't feeling a burning agony, rather he was feeling a pleasant warmth. He couldn't feel any parts of his body feeling stiff or anything either. 'This must be the natural heat from the sun!'

Slowly rising from his kneeling position, his panicked face slowly turned to surprise, then into delight. "Yes! YES! FINALLY! MY ONLY WEAKNESS HAS BEEN VANQUISHED! I WILL TAKE REVENGE ON YOU, JOTARO!!! I WILL SUCK ALL THE BLOOD OUT OF YOUR FAMILY RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU!!! WRYYYYYYYYYY!!!"

Suddenly a strange raspy voice, akin to a man dying of thirst, sounded behind him, "What an ominous aura ... coming from a child no less. You want revenge? You can come join us, we can even give you a quirk if you don't have one."

"Who the f*ck is calling I, Dio, a child?!?", he roared, whirling around to face this bastard who dared call him a small useless heap of flesh that a child was.

He turned around, instantly seeing a disheveled blue-haired man with hands all over his body, even covering his face. 'I don't think Japanese civilians are this strange normally, first a dictionary-head, a potted plant, and now a weird raspy hand-fetish person?'

"Oh what a sharp tongue~ But if you aren't a kid, then what are you then?", the blue-haired man said to Dio while throwing a small mirror at him. Dio caught it with his stand for safety, and checked his reflection in it. 'What the fu...' It was is childhood face, but with the fangs he received after becoming a vampire!

Tomura Shigaraki was slightly surprised as he watched the hand-held mirror seemingly stopping right in front of the child, and then opening itself. He thought due to the opposing party's lack of reaction when he said he could give out quirks like they were candy that he didn't know what quirks were, since even if he had a quirk, he would've at least been surprised. 'Telekinesis. So he does have a quirk. Is he type to show no reaction as to not alert a could-be enemy? Smart. We could use a kid like him.' But the blond boy's next word surprised Tomura even more.

Dio was surprised at his face at first, but then he realized that this strange man was using this 'quirk' word in a way he never heard it used before. "So what's a quirk?", he asked. Perhaps it was something like hamon, since he did not see anything like a stand when he woke up in the dumpster.

'The kid doesn't even know what a quirk is? Has he been living in the alleys with no education? But he can speak Japanese...', Tomura pondered. Most of the League of Villains' recruits were actually homeless or very poor, and Tomura and the higher ups of the organization could instill awe and fear inside of their hearts to encourage them to join. He still remembered a certain kid with a slime quirk living in a sewer before they got to the child and reformed him. He recalled that that kid (now an edgy adult) got caught by All Might. 'Damn that piece of sh*t All Might!' Slowly, he calmed down, seeing the kid still waiting for an answer. His hate for All Might could wait until later.

"A quirk is kind of like a special power that is passed down to genetics. I got this quirk from my master. It's called Decay." While he spoke he touched a small pile of bricks nearby. "Disintegrate!

Dio watched with intrigue, seeing the brick pile quickly turning into ash and floating away into the street. 'So it's neither like hamon nor like a stand...', he thought. Perhaps this isn't Japan? What if this is a another world, since the sun doesn't seem to effect me?'

"Nah I don't want to join your weak ass organization. It must be pretty bad considering you have to wander the alleys to find recruits." He spoke with a lazy, condescending tone. If he did not have his sunlight weakness anymore, he could practically never die, so he was not afraid.

"Hey what did you say you little shit?!?" Tomura couldn't contain his irritation any longer. He had to show this little brat some pain! He lunged at Dio with his arm stretched out, and he planned to Decay a large chunk of skin to make that arrogant child roll on the floor and scream in agony. His eyes turned into horrifying slits, and bloodlust oozed from every inch of his body.

However, Dio did not look scared, or even startled. He calmly watched as the man lunged toward him, and he had The World out in case he made any sudden movements. 'Noroi Noroi! It seems like this world's people rely on their quirks too much. I won't even have to use The World', he thought as he watched the man's hand move at a snail's pace.

Suddenly, he attacked. Tomura could only see a blur, and hear a "MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA!" before feeling multiple fists all colliding his body at once.

Tomura flew a few meters before violently colliding with a wall, forming several cracks in its infrastructure.

Tomura coughed blood "Wh-what the ... how could you be so fast, I thought your quirk was telekinesis..."

Pain tore through the blue-haired man, and he could feel at least 3 broken bones. Could a normal body even be that strong? Could it be ... that this child has more than one quirk in his body? But that's impossible without losing your mind!

"Wow, you and your sh*tty organization are weaker than I thought. If I ever meet your dirty face again, I won't hesitate to kill you!", Dio said in a threatening voice as he leaked a small amount of his evil aura just for fun. He then walked out of the alley with his hands behind his head, leaving Tomura lying on the ground, traumatized and unable to get up.

'The evil aura he released is even stronger than Master's aura when he gets angry... How do I explain my injuries to Master? Surely he will punish me if I tell...'

Tomura was left lying there waiting for Kurogiri with 5 broken bones, a traumatized soul, and a wet stain on his pants, although he wouldn't discover that until later.

"[words]"=character talking out loud

'[words]'=character thinking in their mind

Thanks for reading.

Don't hesitate to give advice in the comments!

It's my opinion that Dio lost most of his vampire power after taking over jonathan's body because vampire powers are based off blood purity.

After Dio took the body, he was only one head's worth of blood vampire, so he doesnt use any lazer eye powers or anything in part 3.

But now he has full blood and stand, so hes gonna be pretty much invincible.

Tipherethcreators' thoughts