
Dining with the devil

"dining with the devil" is a captivating story that explores the complicated dynamics between Rian, Helena, and Elora. Rian, a wealthy and enigmatic man, hires Helena to teach his daughter and sparks fly as their contrasting personalities clash. As Rian battles with personal demons and the anniversary of a tragic loss, he slowly unravels his guarded heart. Meanwhile, Helena, driven by the need to support her sick mother, navigates the challenges of working for a demanding employer. With heartfelt emotions, unexpected connections, and a touch of romance, this novel delves into themes of family, healing, and the power of compassion. "Untangled Hearts" is a poignant and enthralling tale that will leave readers yearning for more.

Adex_Sammy · ファンタジー
4 Chs

Hidden Pain

***** Rain let out a sigh as he poured himself a glass of whiskey, the smooth liquid cascading into the glass. He shook his head, desperately trying to push the haunting scenes from his past out of his mind.

"I've always detested men who drown their sorrows in alcohol, Rain," Maya's words echoed through his thoughts, a bitter reminder of their time together at the restaurant.

Rain clumsily set the glass down and threw himself onto his bed, burying his face into the pillow. He closed his eyes tightly, waiting for sleep to claim him, hoping it would provide an escape from his troubled mind.

The next morning at 9:00 am, inside the bustling school...

Miss Helena made her way around the classroom, handing out sheets of drawing paper and colourful poster paints to each student. She took a seat at the back of the room, observing as the children began to draw pictures of their parents.

Elora sat alone in the corner, staring at the blank sheet before her and the array of colours. She had been asked to draw a picture of her parents, but she had very little to go on. Her nanny had only told her about her mother, who had allegedly passed away and was now in heaven. As for her father, he had never shown her any love or kindness. He never dropped her off at school or read her bedtime stories; he never even smiled at her. Elora couldn't help but question whether he was truly her father at all.

Biting the end of her pencil, Elora pondered over what she should draw. Suddenly, a smile spread across her face as an idea took shape in her mind.

"Time's up, children! Leave your drawings on the table and go out for your break," Miss Helena announced, rising from her seat and collecting the completed drawings from each table. The students excitedly filed out, clutching their snacks and lunch boxes. Meanwhile, Elora remained seated in her corner, her gaze fixed on her unfinished drawing.

As Miss Helena approached her desk to collect the drawing, she noticed the incomplete picture of Elora and her nanny. Intrigued, she turned to face the young girl.

"Elora, why haven't you finished your drawing?" Miss Helena asked, puzzled.

"I have finished it, Miss Helena," Elora replied, chewing on the end of her pencil nervously.

The drawing depicted her and her nanny, but certainly not her mother.

"Is that your mother?" Miss Helena inquired, tilting her head to one side.

Elora shook her head, her small finger pointing towards the ceiling.

"No... my nanny says my mommy is up there in heaven," Elora answered with a soft voice, her eyes glistening with unshed tears.

"Oh... umm... then why didn't you draw your father?" Miss Helena asked gently, sensing Elora's hesitation.

Elora's head shot up, fear evident in her eyes. Her father had always been quick to scold and punish her, even for things she hadn't done. She dreaded the thought of him seeing the drawing she had made of him; she knew all too well that his reaction would be nothing but harsh.

"No... no, he will beat me," she replied, her voice barely a whisper, tears starting to well up in her eyes.

Elora was a delicate and sensitive child, much like her late mother. The cruel treatment she received from her father left her constantly on edge and frightened.

"He beats you when you draw a picture of him? Why?" Miss Helena asked, concern etched on her face as she took a seat next to Elora.

There was no immediate response from Elora. Her fragile body trembled as she silently wept. Miss Helena pulled the young girl into a comforting embrace, gently stroking her back until her sobs subsided.

Something was clearly troubling Elora, and Miss Helena couldn't help but wonder if it was the cause of her recent decline in academic performance.

"It's alright, Elora," Miss Helena whispered, her voice filled with compassion.

At 10:00 am, inside the A&A Construction and Consultant Firm...

"Get lost!" Rian bellowed at his assistant, who scurried away in fear, slamming the door behind her. He frowned and grabbed his cup of coffee, taking a few sips before pushing it away in frustration.

His mind swirled with a mix of anger and sadness over the fact that his late wife wasn't there to witness the success he had achieved. She had always believed in him, constantly encouraging him to pursue his dreams of creating the biggest construction firm in existence. Yet, now that his dreams had come true, she was nowhere to be found.

Countless sleepless nights had been spent sketching and designing houses, restaurants, and other buildings, but during those challenging times, she was always there by his side. Her sudden and painful departure left an immense void in his heart.

"Why did she have to leave me so soon?" Rian silently questioned, his eyes filling with unshed tears. "Why?"

He had pleaded with God countless times, seeking an answer to this heartbreaking question. Yet, in his despair, he could find no solace.

Rain ran his fingers through his hair, letting out a heavy sigh filled with longing and regret. He had loved his wife so deeply, and it seemed impossible to forget the memories they had shared.

"How much longer will you wallow in this sadness, Rian? It's been five agonising years," Andrian, his friend, spoke up, his voice tinged with concern.

Rian looked up, meeting Andrian's gaze with a mix of frustration and despair.

"I've forgotten how to live a long time ago, Andrian. I'm fine just the way I am," Rian replied, his tone filled with a tinge of defiance.

"Do you truly believe that?" Andrian's voice was gentle, yet firm. "And what about Elora? Don't you think she deserves a chance at a happy and fulfilling life? You can't continue to vent your anger on her. She's just a little girl."

Rian stared at his friend for a moment, the weight of his words sinking in. With determination shining in his eyes, he stood up, straightened his tie, and took a deep breath.

"Let's go have some breakfast. I'm hungry," Rian declared, walking out of his office without waiting for a reply. Andrian sighed, knowing his friend was using this as an excuse to divert the conversation.

He silently hoped that an angel would cross paths with Rian, someone who would help him rediscover the joy and love that had been missing from his life for far too long.

3:00 pm, at the school

"Alright, class. It's time to go home. Pack your books into your bags and head to the gate, where the school bus will be waiting," Miss Helena announced, her voice projecting across the classroom. The students eagerly scrambled to gather their belongings, excited to leave for the day.

" Yes, teacher!" they chimed in unison before rushing out of the classroom, leaving Elora behind. She sat alone at her desk, painstakingly packing her books. As she lifted her head, she found her teacher standing in front of her, concern etched on her face.

"Hurry up, Elora. The bus will be here soon," Miss Helena urged, her voice filled with urgency.

"Elora? Hey, Elora! I'm talking to you," Miss Helena repeated, growing increasingly worried.

But Elora's mind was elsewhere. She stared blankly at her teacher, her father's harsh words from the night before echoing in her ears. She hadn't eaten anything since that night and felt weak and famished.

Her head began to spin, her vision becoming blurry. The image of her teacher standing before her faded, and she collapsed onto the ground, unconscious.

"Elora!" Miss Helena shrieked, rushing to her side. She hurriedly sprinkled water on Elora's face, desperately trying to revive her. But her efforts were in vain.

With trembling hands, Miss Helena cradled the young girl in her arms and rushed out of the classroom, making her way swiftly to the office of the school proprietor. She needed to inform Elora's parents about the situation before racing off to find a cab.

As Madam Elsa, the school proprietress, dialled Rian's number and relayed the urgent news, she and Miss Helena quickly made their way to the hospital, their hearts filled with worry and concern for Elora's well-being.