
DINING WITH THE DEVIL(moved to a new link)

A mysterious new restaurant opens in a small unsuspecting town, with towns people coming to have a taste of the delectable dishes... however as the towns people indulge in their meals they slowly start to transform into monstrous creatures... the restaurants true purpose is revealed it's serves as a gateway for demonic entities to possess and consume human souls.as the town descends into chaos a group of unlikely heroes must uncover the dark secrets behind the restaurant and find a way to stop the diabolical forces at play....... get ready for a spine tingling journey of evil at it's peak.

datgalveevee · ホラー
7 Chs


"How far are we from Atlantis" Carlos asked,we had trekked a really long distance, Carlos had tried severally to teleport us to the mystic tides, but for some reason he kept teleporting us into someone's bathroom

"Can't you just use your psychic abilities to try and find a way" Ethan asked

"Am trying,it doesn't work like that my visions just come, like an electric current,am still trying to get a hang of it, and this whole demons thing is really hard to digest" i said

"I know right and then going in search of a city that only exists in fairytales was so not on my bucket list this year" Sarah said

"From what we have experienced so far,I bet fairies are real too,oh what I would give to see the tooth fairy,she owes me some coins"Carlos said

"This map seems useless to me, from what I have seen we are supposed to find the "TIDECALLERS TRIDENT" in Atlantis whatever that is" I said going through the unlocked pages of the book,in a blink of an eye another page magically unlocks itself "look another page opened" I said as the gang quickly gathered round the book

The page had the image of a silver Trident,"it says THE TIDECALLERS TRIDENT is a legendary weapon wielded by the ruler of the aquatic lore, known for it's power over water it can be used against demons by harnessing the elemental forces of water which is the exact opposite of the demons fire.

The Trident is used to create water based attacks and control tides

Due to it's silver nature,once a demon is hit with it, the demon dies or loses possession of a body it has possessed

The Trident is hidden deep in the cave of Audroberg in the great city of Atlantis"

"Wow what a beautiful peace of poetry, I think we should just go home, this book isn't helping matters it just drops little details,we don't even know how to get to Atlantis" Sarah said

"Sarah all you have done throughout this journey is just nagging,can you cut it out" I said angry

"I should cut it out, you are so unbelievable right now,ok since you know too much why can't your psychic abilities just show us the way to the much talked about Atlantis"Sarah said

"Can you girls just cut it out" Ethan said

"Well you could tell that to....",I was suddenly cut short as electric like spasms rocked through my entire body, and my eyes went up north I found myself staring at three rocks on each side making a space in between piled ontop each other the rocks stayed in a corner that made it ignored by mere human eyes, looking further I could see an invisible stretch.."A PORTAL" then realization dawned on me.

"Emma are you ok"Ethan said pulling me out of the reverie

"Am alright"I said feeling slightly drained "you looked all lost, like you were in a trance or something"Carlos said concern written on his face "did you have a vision"Sarah asked concern etched on her face

"Yeah I had a vision and I think we have been doing it all wrong" I said opening the book again,I flipped to the page that had the map and there was the image of the rocks in my vision on it

"Ok what have we actually been doing wrong"Ethan asked a little bit worried

" The teleportation, you see the mystic tides, Atlantis and all those mysterious places aren't actually part of the human world,that's why you can't just teleport there

In other to get to those places you have to find a portal situated in the human realm, and I saw the portal in my vision" I said

"So that's why I have been taking you guys to people's bathrooms"Carlos said surprise in his voice

"So how do we find this portal" Sarah asked

"Is it that one" Carlos asked pointing to nothing in particular "Dude there is absolutely nothing there"Ethan said

"I can't see a portal either"Sarah said

"It's flanked by rocks piled ontop each other" Carlos said looking damn serious

"Man staying out in the sun too long might be affecting your vision"Sarah said patting Carlos on the shoulder

"Guys am serious"Carlos said "He is serious"I said pointing towards the same direction

"Wait you see it too,then why can't we"Sarah asked surprised

"That's because Carlos is a time traveler and teleporter,portals are his thing,I can see it because I can see more than the human eye" I said

"Great!, Me and Ethan are the blind ones now how lovely" Sarah said as we walked towards the direction

"We are here"Carlos said "Here's goes nothing"Ethan said as we stood in front of the portal "let's hope we don't end up in someone's bathroom again"Carlos said closing his eyes and taking a deep breath

In a twinkle of an eye we found ourselves in a very small village with sited on top trees, the houses we were so small ,it looked like doll houses as if it housed little humans

We suddenly saw them winged tiny fairies, flying about, they all looked happy "PIXIES" "Welcome to PIXIEHALLOW white lotus" a voice said we looked up and saw a flying little creature .

"Wait a second you know who we are?"

y'all should leave your reviews and don't forget to drop powerstones

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