
Dimensional Wish System

A boy reincarnates to a world of fantasy. And found himself in forest. With being alone he found his system. Dimensional Wish System. Now complete the quests all over the dimensions and gain power. Join pa_treon for support - www.pa_treon.com/kurato6180 While typing the link, remove the space "_" between "pa" and "treon". Join my discord - https://discord.gg/DYSdCaf8tY Thanks for Reading. Donate Power Stones to support my fanfic. And give remarks in the comments.

Kurato6180 · アニメ·コミックス
75 Chs

45. Start with a Bang!

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In a forest, an unknown aircraft came out of nowhere. And from the aircraft, a person came out. Yes, Alex Lockheart arrived on his next quest!

"*Yawn! * Where the hell I am? Did the carrier landed in a random forest? Well, it's time to find some information. Wait, why there are so many people on the mountain road? They seem pretty strong as well. It seems they are fighting. Whatever, Let's ask them about Goku."

Alex noticed who was pretty sleepy searched for people with his Observation Haki and found that several people are fighting on the mountain road that was nearest from his place. He took back his carrier to his inventory and then teleported from the forest.

On the mountain road, two people were fighting fiercely. A girl with blonde hair and a man with a bit small stature was fighting with the intent to kill. A fierce Ki was surrounding around the man like a raging fire. From a glance it can be seen that he is very strong. But the girl seemed to match with him. Or it is better to say that she is overpower him. With multiple Ki blasts and with overpowering physical prowess, the mountain side was destroyed.

Behind the man, A bald boy with orange Gi, a young namekian, a young man with an eye on forehead and a purple haired boy with sword were watching the fight. And behind the girl, were a boy with shoulder length black hair and a man with a big body frame.

The man kicked but the girl blocked it. Then man launched many punches and kicks consecutively but the girl easily blocked all of them.

"Yes!! Do it!" The man with third eye on his forehead cheered for the man's win.

It seemed that the man – Vegeta was suppressing the girl – Android 18 but that was wrong. The girl wasn't even much damaged whereas Vegeta was losing his stamina at a very high rate.

"He is going to be killed." The namekian who saw the situation said clearly.

"What!" Both the purple haired boy and the small boy with bald head were shocked.

"Look… The android is slowly wearing him down. it never loses any power, but Vegeta loses stamina with every move." The namekian said to make both boys understand the current situation.

"You're correct. The man isn't even controlling his Ki properly for punches. With just brute strength and overpowering Ki, he is confronting the girl. The girl is also the same but what make them different is the physique. If this goes on, then the man is going to lose for sure." Alex who was watching the fight said about the fight.


All four of them were shocked. Though their concentration was in the fight, they couldn't believe that they can't detect the presence of the person who suddenly appeared out of nowhere. All four of them were very quick to take guard.

"Who are you?" The namekian asked. He could feel that he was familiar but still he couldn't remember him.

"You don't know me?" Alex asked with a shocked face. All four of them shook their heads. Alex got angry that nobody remembered him.

"Oye! Krillin how could you forget me? And you Nail as well. I can't believe you both didn't remember me. It's me Alex. Goku's big brother." Alex shouted with anger.

Krillin who remembered couldn't help but shed a bit of happy tears. While, Piccolo tried to recall Nail's memories since he merged with him.

"Alex-san!" Krillin came near him happily. Alex also noticed Krillin's growth.

"You've grown up well, Krillin! By the way I wanted to ask the who is that man fighting with the blonde girl. How the hell Vegeta the Saiyan prince came here?" Alex asked. Though he knew about Vegeta, he thought it would be better to ask to not let them suspicions.

"What! Alex-san did you knew about Goku?"

"That's right. I knew that Goku is a Saiyan." Alex answered Krillin with a nod.

"Well, let's talk later on. For now, Vegeta is in a bad position. It the fight goes on like this, then he is going to die."

The fight was reaching the final stage. Vegeta who was in super Saiyan state elbowed 18 on her face but she blocked it with her palm. Then she quickly sweeped with a low kick which caused Vegeta to lose balance. Then with a punch straight to his head made Vegeta a bit dizzy. And then 18 kicked roughly at his arm which made his arm disable!

"N…Naarh!" Vegeta growled with pain clutching his disabled arm.

"Dad!" Trunks quickly turned to super Saiyan and ran to save his father.

"That idiot!" All rest of three were cursing him for agitated action.

"*Sigh! * This is why I don't like immature child." Alex sighed thinking that what crime he did to get into trouble.

Trunks slashed with his iron sword towards 18. But his sword was easily blocked by 18. Android's physique are definitely better than iron. While 17 moved as even 18 would be overwhelmed by so many people. Seeing his movement, the rest people except Alex rushed to save Trunks.

As Trunks's slash was blocked, 17 came and slammed him into ground with one shot. Krillin couldn't believe that a super Saiyan to down in a shot. Piccolo rushed towards 17 with a punch, but 17 quickly flied up to him and gave a left round kick to his face. Tenshinhan who was behind Piccolo punched 17. But with a smooth side step, he dodged and clutched Tenshinhan's neck. Vegeta who saw this tried to rescue him, but as he tried to fly, his leg was grabbed by 18.

Trunks tried to attack 18 from behind, but she just slammed Vegeta on Trunks. During this small exchange, all the units were down! The combat prowess of androids overwhelmed the party!

"Damn it… I can't even get a rest." Alex muttered and then came down from the above mountain rock. He then raised his voice to calm down the fight.

"Hello. Can you stop the fight? They have lost already. Having meaningless fights is what an idiot do. That's why please stop the fight." Alex said with a very normal tone. He knew that it will not work but still if the androids can be persuaded with words, then why not?

All of them looked towards him. Specially the one who didn't know him. 17 didn't think much and rushed towards him with a punch.

"*Sigh! * Looks like you didn't understand."

*Boom! Crack! *

Underneath the blindfold, a red glow flashed in Alex's eyes. Suddenly a dark red aura burst out from his body. The sky darkened and a red glow appeared. A red lightning flashed. 17 who was rushing towards Alex, was suddenly slammed to ground! And this not only happened to him, but all of them, 16 and 18 were also on ground panting, trying to breathe.

"I told to stop the fight!!"

Alex's release of Conqueror's Haki made everybody slammed to ground. Even the nearby rocks were cracked and trees were uprooted. Even, the birds and nearby animals, all of them fainted. The first burst of Conqueror's Haki from Alex finally stopped the battle.