
Dimensional Wish System

A boy reincarnates to a world of fantasy. And found himself in forest. With being alone he found his system. Dimensional Wish System. Now complete the quests all over the dimensions and gain power. Join pa_treon for support - www.pa_treon.com/kurato6180 While typing the link, remove the space "_" between "pa" and "treon". Join my discord - https://discord.gg/DYSdCaf8tY Thanks for Reading. Donate Power Stones to support my fanfic. And give remarks in the comments.

Kurato6180 · アニメ·コミックス
75 Chs

11. Wish

( Ram POV )

Me and my twin sister were born in Oni tribe where individual strength means all. Because of one horn we were despised. But my potential was better than my younger sister.

And because of that my sister always compare herself with me. I love my sister more than myself.

And because of that I always encourage her and also is worried about her. As a big sister it is my duty to protect my little sister.

And the worst day of my life appeared. At night when the whole village was resting, a group of black robed people attacked our tribe.

Mother and Father telling us to hide, left to protect the village. But the resistance was for naught. Hearing dead cries of parents and other people made me scared.

But Rem was scared and I have to protect her. Putting up a strong front I hugged Rem to assure her everything is fine.

Then an enemy discovered us. With no choice left to protect Rem I fought with the enemy.

At first I was able to keep up with his attacks but as time passed he overpowered me.

I activated my horn and absorbed as much mana I could in order to defeat him but suddenly he slashed my horn.

' It hurts!!'

But I have to protect Rem. My body was at worst condition. I knew I would lose the battle. Then I heard a sound.

I saw a figure in air with a sword in his hand. A boy of probably of same age with white hair and bright shining blue eyes.

His white hair perfectly matched with the moon in night sky. And his blue eyes were like gems embedded in him.

Even if I was in battle when I saw him I thought,' So beautiful!'

And then he took breath which was pretty loud but then he disappeared leaving a trail of lightning.

Then I saw him in front of me. He has already decapitated the enemy I was fighting.

' So fast! Even I couldn't trace him!'

Then I became wary. If he is enemy then I can't defeat him. But then he asked," So which one of you wished to save you?"

I was confused. What he is asking? Then an enemy attacked but even without seeing he slashed him with a blade of wind. And this blade of wind seemed more powerful than mine.

He then he looked annoyed and told to wait. Then he muttered something and abnormal amount of mana was released within his body. I was shocked.

' How much mana does he have?'

Then in five minutes he massacred the group. In just five minutes!!

I was fully alerted! He is lot stronger but protecting my sister is duty.

Then raised his hand and patted my head. For some reason I felt a warmth I never felt before.

" You are good older sister trying to protect your sister. But it is better to take rest if you don't want to worry your sister."

His words gave me a sense of security. Like he could protect me from anything. I decided to believe him. Both me and my sister believed him and after treating our injuries he spoke about his arrival.

He was from another world! And somebody wished and he came to fulfill the wish. And Rem was the one who made the wish.

" Now, before you I go back I will grant a wish to you both. Tell me what you wish for?"

He asked us. Both of us discussed and agree.

" Have you agreed?"


" So what is your wish?"

" Our wish is ..."


" Our wish is to serve you!" Both of them replied.

" W-What?" Alex was shocked.

" Yes, both of us want to serve you and will support you in your endeavours. Please take us with you Mr. Saviour, no Master." Ram


" B-But I live in another world!"

" It doesn't matter. And we don't have anything left." Ram replied and Rem nodded.

Alex gave more excuses but twins made up their mind to follow him. With no way to win out he agreed with the wish.

[ Ding! Quest completed! Quest details;

[ Quest : Be a Saviour ]

[ Difficulty : Easy ]

[ Quest details : ???? ]

[ Requirement :

1. Save the twins.✓

2. Help to fulfill their wish.✓ ]

[ Rewards : Devil Fruit box x1, Dimension carrier x1, 3500xp, 15000pts ]

[ Wish to get rewards? Yes/No ]

" So are you ready to depart?" Alex asked.

" Yes, Master." Ram and Rem replied.

' Maybe having somebody with in journey isn't bad.' Alex thought and smiled.

Then Alex thought how bring back to his world. Then in rewards he saw Dimension Carrier.

[ Dimension Carrier : Reusable

[ Description : A vehicle for travelling dimensions. Recharge time - 1 week ]

He accepted the rewards and bought Dimension Carrier from inventory. A small plane appeared. Ram and Rem were shocked. Even Alex himself was shocked. But he quickly composed called both of them to come after him.

" Let's go then."

" Un." Ram and Rem nodded.

All of them entered the plane. The plane wasn't that extravagant. There were 4 seats. Alex sat on the captain seat. In front of him was a glass panel for controlling the carrier. Ram and Rem were a bit surprised after they have never seen a vehicle like this.

Alex adjusts the route to travel on glass panel.

[ Route -

[ From : The Hidden Oni Village in Re:Zero ]

[ To : The Mansion of Duke Alex Lockheart in The World Of Edea. ]

[ Passengers : 3 ]

[ Ready To Take Off : Yes/ No ]

" Ram and Rem take your seats."

" Yes, master."

Alex clicked in Yes button and in a zap the plane disappeared.


" So welcome to my mansion." Alex welcomed them in his mansion.

Both of them awed as they had never seen a big mansion.

" So from now you will work as my personal maids in this mansion." Alex announced.

" Yes master." Ram and Rem replied.

Then Alex showed them the mansion and taught them everything essential in this world. Ram and Rem understood everything in a very pace. They both adapted faster than Alex thought.

He even told about his status and about the other noble houses.

After the quest when Alex came the time of his world stopped.

" It means my world's time will be stopped when I am on quest. It's a good thing! Now let's see the rewards."

" Dimension Carrier is good but it has a recharge option. Where as the system's dimension travel option has no recharge option. But the system can only transport me. Points and Experience aren't much but it is better than nothing. And the last thing is the one I am is waiting. The Random Devil Fruit Box! Let's open it!"

[ Open Random Devil fruit Box? Yes/No ]

"Yes, open it!! System, please give me Rumble Rumble fruit or Tremor Tremor fruit."

[ Rewards distributing....]

[ Rewards finalized! ]

[ Rewards : Ice - Ice fruit x1 ]

" W- What? I thought after my earnest praying system will give me Rumble Rumble fruit or Tremor Tremor fruit. But I got none of them. Sigh! Life is really hard. But Ice Ice fruit is also good. In one piece Kuzan was the one who ate it. Though I don't need it I should keep it. Maybe I will gift it to Grayfia. After my memories have returned I am missing her so much."

Knock knock!!

" Come in."

" Master it's time for dinner." Ram said.

" Oh.. Thank you Ram. After you both came somehow it feels better to be in mansion." Alex smiled.

" No Master it's our obligation as a maid." Rem replied with pink face.

Alex with Ram and Rem ate dinner and he went his room to sleep.

' Today so much work. I got a quest plus being a Duke is not a easy task. Somehow not having a territory to manage is good. King also sent a letter to attend on her daughter's birthday. Having Ram and Rem surely helped me very much. Sigh! Let's sleep. Tomorrow I have teach that Ross guy.' Alex while thinking slept.