
Dimensional Travel Space to movie, aniem, novel and more Fanfic

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Zelcherz · ファンタジー
9 Chs

Chapter 3. Limitless 1

A/n: For all that believe that is impossible to know how people in the movies look like if he only has a chip with a data bank of unknown capacity so how there can be images. You have to know that all compiled info on any type of electronic device(word,sounds, and images) at the end of the day are a group of zeros and ones. the chip take that and convert those 0 and 1 in electrical micropulses so that the brain could interpret them. So technically he could be seeing the movie in real time when he enter the word but ditra space censored the info that has restrictions but there are forms around that.


Mc pov.

'Limitless was a world that was based in a movie from 2011 about Eddie Morra is a struggling author from New York and a drug name it NZT, that when is ingested give the ability of perfect recall and been able to analyze minute details and information at incredible speed. and how this drug changes his life there is even a tv series, that follow the timeline of the movie so is posible that the missions can be prolonged' I recall what I remember of this world while a waited for the world to start.

The time before the beginning is that the period to enter other worlds is 1hr once a month in the real world but time work very strange in ditra space first while 1hr pass in real world you feel only a 1min in this waiting space that is in case more than 1 person enters the same world so they can compete within that world.

While waiting he saw 3 more light which mean that he would have competition then 2 more lights 'what kind of sh**ty luck do I have?' I scolded myself,then one the lights spoke.

"hey bravo, eco here is charly" sh*t militar term so some form of government soldiers or at least someone related to then, maybe they are scouting worlds.

"Look Alf there are others do you think they know something" one of 2 remaining spoke in a bubbling girlish voice

"Squad Leader how many times do I have to tell to refer to me as aegis-1 at least in the present of strangers at least use my ID so my identity won't be learned" a tired neutral voice spoke.

'So this Alf used the voice modifier from ditra, it cost 100pts per month, expensive but with that the possibility of being found by your voice is impossible no matter what technique is used'.

As a newbie I could used it and I did activated after a month I must pay 100 pts in I want to still have the fuction.

'2 forced and the second is from a guild and the possibility that they have knowledge about this world is high if I believe the bubbling voice'.

After sometime nobody more came and we were sent to Limitless world, before entry we would choose but when I couldn't choose my background, where and when to enter and I didn't remember the name pf the protagonists or how he looked I knew that more than 100 ditravers new about this world and even the item that I need and seen as I don't remember the item in question is an important part of the plot or the mission maybe both.

'Well I have to choose the mission, I don't have time to lose'

Choose your Mission.

1. Live and prosper in this world for 1 year

2. Help limitless Mc to change his life (2 year)

3. Obtain ? ? (1 year)

4.Perfect ? ?(10 years)

'I think that (? ?) is the item I seek so let choose 4 I can take the risk of the penalty' I mused, the penalty that ditravers suffered for failing their mission is that the next world you choose should be a level higher to a newbie this could be death sentence as they don't have the skill needed if they choose the wrong world, but even if I failed a should just prepare more.

when I open my eyes a was in a luxury room somewhere in new york as I still retain the general plot even if the important parts were not there, but a thought passed in my mind and that was what I need to complete this world I might not know who the protagonist/mc was or how he looked but I know that he lives in 19-21 Henry Street at Catherine Street toward the south of Chinatown in the Two Bridges district, sandwiched between the entrances to Manhattan and Brooklyn Bridges as that the location where is was filmed the only real new york location apart from his workplace so the other won't have that knowledge and that he was interpreted by Bradley Cooper and I knew how he look like, and more importantly the item was a drug I was sure after analyzing the things that I remember and seeing I bought a portable laboratory while I don't know who gave the drug I only have to find mc and follow him.

'Fisrt I have to see what background I was given' I said recieving new memories well My name in this world is Erick Williams sole heir and multimillionaire father that died 3 years ago of a heart attack and my mother died soon after from a broken heart they were pretty old as they have me on their forties, I'm 23 years old, so I'll 33 if I used all the time that the mission last, depending what kind of perfection do the drug needed to clear my mission I'll decide what to do.

Next my fortune fortune is of about 100 million dollars so the space took into account the card, this knowledge might not be known by ditravers as nobody use more than a couple of points when they exchange money, and to keep the fortune that they made in a world you have to pay 100 pts and there hasn't been someone known who has made that exchange,Returning to the subject of my fortune, 90% was in the stock market so I only have 10 millions that wouldn't be a problem if not for the fact that I don't know how much it would cost me perfecting the drug as I believe I would need the 100 millions or I wouldn't have exchange that amount' This let me feel what others ditravers must live when they enter worlds that are known in homeworld.

'Well there is no need to cry over split milk, I have other means to make money even the protagonist used to be poor but at the end he became a millionaire I believe that the so I think that effect of the drug is to improve you cognitive process but it has many side effects or it would be sold in the open market so I should analyze the drug once I obtain the drug.

Thinking that I got up, take the drone and the laptop out of the ring and when to the window and open it, I turn on the drone and laptop and let them try to connect with the red after a moment it had connection and I discovered that It was 2003 and not 2011 as I believe it would be as that was the year the movie was released.

'Well let's hope this doesn't change where he lives' configuring the drone with the mc(protagonist) home direction. After that I released it then waited for it to arrive the location.

It was 10 minutes later the the laptop send me a notification turning on the drone camera I discovered that the building on the screen was the same as the movie, then I took out the telepathic diadem, this diadem could recieved info and instructions and transfer it to the latop via the chip as it could conect electrical devices that had wireless connection if they were near it like the diadem. then he took control of the drone and wait this drone have several funtions one of them was facial recognition technology so he sent how the mc looked and when to check the stocks I have luckily my portfolio will continue to expand my fortune without me putting to much work.

Apparently my brain was connected with wherever the chip take info from, and that connection was strong enough for ditra space recognize it as part of my knowledge as myself(Erick Williams) was considered a genius since young age.

'Well is good to know that will made my future world travels easier' I mused, when the drone sent a notification.

I changed some this about the item as even if he didn't know who Eddie Morra and the item was a drug it could be inferred if Alex analyze the rest of the plot.

Zelcherzcreators' thoughts