
Back To Turbine Town (5)

"Satella!" Zhang Qin Feng finally arrived at the location stated by the Luna Device on his wrist. There's no need to describe the degree of the battle based on how messy is this place looks.

His woman was still holding the Tyrant's head with the spine attached and swinging around. The sight of Satella is no different from watching some award-winning horror film full of CG and aftereffects.

"Satella." Zhang Qin Feng called her again. He knew that she won, but that doesn't mean she's okay. Anyone would have considered if she was infected, based on the blood all over her body.

"You came?" Satella answered. She let go of the Tyrant's head and took a few steps towards Zhang Qin Feng as if she was unaware of the condition of her body.

'Stein, any sign of infection on Satella?' Zhang Qin Feng knew that he was overly careful, but this has to be done. What happened to him is equals to what will happen to the Wind Base.