
Dimensional Immortal

The job went bad, but that was expected in his line of work. Reincarnated in the DC universe with gifts from a system the MC will work his best to spread as much chaos as possible in his quest for power. Semi Gamer fic First world DC universe Second world Vampire Diaries This will become an extremely Dark/Evil SI fic that will not be for the faint of heart so read at your own risk.

Stevemeh · アニメ·コミックス
21 Chs


Chapter 19

Sloppily parking the car on the driveway Jenna's car is already gone; I rush inside as a dizzy spell washes over me. Making it to the bathroom I collapse to the toilet as I begin to dry heave and throw up into the toilet watching as the black liquid invades the clear water.

"Master Theo!" I hear Selene shout rushing to my side as I begin to catch my breath. "Master is there anything I can do?" She asks the concern in her voice unfamiliar to me as I look over and stare at her worried face I shakily stand flushing the toilet.

"No, the only thing we can do is let this run its course. My body is still getting used to using the dark magic and until my body is adapted to using it I'll just have to endure the side effects." Slightly stumbling Selene catches me holding me steady as I collapse onto the couch. Being sick is a new feeling and one that I won't miss once it's over.

"Would you like for me to call off of school tomorrow or maybe make you food or maybe…" Raising my hand I silence Selene.

"No, I will be going to school. There are things that I have to confirm, what I want you to do is make friends with Jenna Summers. She may be useful to us but for now just lay with me." I say as another dizzy spell begins to shake my mind. Watching Selene's face of worry calm down going back to her soft dutiful beautiful face she climbs onto the couch. Pulling her close she wraps her arms around me trying to get as close as she can, her body pressing against mine the smell of lavender filling my nose.

"Of course Master anything you wish." She says as I lean down passionately kissing Selene before shutting my eyes hoping that sleep will help my body adapt faster to the magic.


Blocking the blade coming towards my head, the sound of clashing steel fills my ears. I jump back to avoid the second slash of Selene's dual swords. Correcting my stance I watch as Selene rushes at inhuman speed towards me jumping in the air spinning as I strike quickly hearing my sword clash with Selene's. Quickly bringing my sword back as she lands I parry her second sword fiercely kicking her abdomen sending her flying through the air as she graciously flips landing on her feet the beep of an alarm signaling the end of the match.

"Your skill with the blade is improving Master." Selene says setting down her dual swords resting them against the brick wall.

"Yes but you can still beat me effortlessly if you try your best." I say with a sigh putting my katana back in my inventory. Selene has been teaching me swordsmanship for around a week and I can see my improvement but I am far from being able to beat any capable swordsman if I didn't have my immortality and magic. 

"Respectfully Master I've been training with the sword since I was four." Laughing, I look over at Selene, her hair tied back in a ponytail wearing only a sports bra and tight yoga pants. My eyes linger on her stunning body. Selene is a power house in battle and all she needs is some form of magic and she will be nearly unstoppable as she ages. From what I remember Thor drew his power from the Asguardians but I made Selene different because some of the worlds we will go to won't have Asgard so I made her similar to me, the more chaos is caused the more strength we will both gain.

"That just means I will have to train harder. I have to go to school, have the tasks I assigned you done by the time I have returned." I say walking up stairs and going to take a shower before I go to school.

Yesterday when I woke up there was an ambulance at the Gilbert's and Selene and I watched as the paramedics carried Jennna out with a knife in her gut signifying the similarities to the connection of the show and the book. In the books Jeremy didn't even exist and in the show Margaret didn't exist and although those two aren't a threat if the vampires had their normal powers from the show and the powers from the book they would be formidable opponents. 

In the books the vampires were able to mess with the minds of normal humans and even control the weather to a minor degree and slightly control the elements. That's not even taking into account the fact that they can shapeshift into animals and have increased speed and strength. 

Although their mind powers probably won't work on me because I'm a magician but if Damon is anything like he was in the books he will be even stronger than he was in the shows. As a vampire in the books the more you kill and the more human blood you get from the people you kill the stronger you become which made Damon one of the strongest vampires in all the books because of the amount of death and carnage he caused through the centuries.

It's as I said before there are still things I have to sort out to find out everything the system changed.


Readjusting my backpack on my shoulder I look around the busy body student's all making their way to the school as I use my increased senses to try and find anyone of interest. To say I'm excited about going to school would be a complete and utter lie. The amount of time that I would be wasting playing student disgusts me which means that I won't be going here long. I'm going to find out if anything else has changed with the cast then I'll go back to training. I came to this world in hope of training my magic and causing chaos, being a student won't be useful in the slightest. 

Hearing the caw of a crow I look up at a nearby tree staring up at the large bird. It's black human-like eyes following my every move as I stare curiously back at it. 

Spotting the back of Jeremy and a brunette girl next to him I lightly jog over to them not forgetting the mysterious crow.

"Hey Jeremy, how's it going I saw the ambulance at your house yesterday, everything ok?" I say with fake happiness and concern staring at the familiar face of Elena, her almond face, brown eyes and olive skin showing all of her beauty. Seeing her in person I don't blame Stefan and Damon for battling it out for Katherine. If I didn't hate her personality too much I might've gone for Elena as well.

"Hey Theo, yeah there was just a small cooking accident. Are you excited for your first day? Oh and this is my sister Elena she's in your grade." Jeremy says while insinuating to Elena.

"Hi it's nice to meet you Theo," Elena says, giving me a warm smile hiding the concern and worry she's feeling for Jenna and the inner turmoil about what to do with Katherine.

"Have you gotten your schedule yet?" Jeremy asks, quickly changing the topic.

"No not yet," I answer Jeremy looking back at the tree noticing the crow still watching my back. "I was actually going to go get it now you mind taking me to the office?" 

"I can take you if you'd like." Elena chimes in as I give her another fake smile.

"That'd be great." 

"Awesome well I'll catch you later man maybe we can hang after school or something?" I wouldn't want to spend even a minute with you if I didn't have to.

"No sorry we still have a lot to unpack I'll text to if I'm free." I say while following after Elena.


"Jeremy said that you and your cousin like to move a lot. Have you been to any cool places?" Elena asks, making small talk while leading me through the crowded halls.

"We were living in Main for a time then we went to an island in China for a time as well. We've been all over the world really." I say honestly, she won't be able to learn anything about me with that vague information.

"Oh wow that's awesome. Well this is the office, do you need me to help you find any of your classes?" She asks still with a smile on her face with her red sweater and vervain pendant around her neck.

"I think I should be ok thanks for taking me Elena it was nice to meet you." 

"It was nice to meet you too Theo, maybe I'll see you soon." She says while walking away as I allow my false smile to drop from my face staring at my reflection in the window. Playing student does not suit me in the slightest. 

Going into the office I pick up my schedule and make my way to my first class and begin the start to my long day.


Walking out of the school students all scattered rushing to leave I learned all I needed to today. The whole cast looks as they did in the show from the few glances I got of them but none are in any of my classes. 

"Theo," I hear someone call, making me stop in my walk to the car, turning around I put on a fake smile as I face Bonnie who's jogging to me with a smile. "Hey how was your first day?" She asks as I look down at her, me being over a foot taller than her. 

"It was good, pretty boring. I already know everything they're teaching so I don't really see a point in going." I say being completely honest, beginning to continue to walk back to my car Bonnie walking next to me. 

"Oh, did you take advanced classes at your other school?" She asks, struggling to keep up with my long strides.

"Yeah in my other school I learned everything we're learning now my freshman year." I say unlocking the sleek black Mercedes.

"Wow," I hear her mutter under her breath. "Well I'm sure you can take advanced classes here I'm taking some we might be in the same class if you do!" 

"I would like that," Giving Bonnie an even broader smile I open the door to the car. "Is there anything else you need Bonnie? I can give you a ride if you'd like but I have some things I have to do at home."

"I'd like that," Climbing into the car I start the engine and begin to drive her home.


"Can I ask you something?" She asks as I drive down the block getting closer to her house as she directs me.

"Anything," Keeping my eyes on the road I hear Bonnie take a deep breath before asking her question.

"I know this might sound weird but have we met before? When we first met and touched it felt as if we were connected somehow." She says before pausing. "And I'm sounding weird. I'm sorry just forget what I said." She says as her awkward laugh fills the car.

"Tell me Bonnie do you believe in magic?" I ask, giving her a side glance watching her eyes quickly widen before she stares out the window hiding her face.

"No of course not, all magicians do is use sleight of hand and tricks." She says almost in a lecturing tone.

"I see, well never mind then forget I said anything." I was going to tell her how I'm a magic user to gain some sort of trust but if she doesn't wish to tell me anything I will not go out of my way. 

"Thanks for the ride." Bonnie says curtly as I pull up into the driveway she quickly gets out of the car not looking back as she goes into her house. After the whole magic conversation Bonnie went extremely quiet, but that's ok she can take as much time as she needs. I will be here waiting to embrace her in the sweet arms of dark magic. To a normal human like Bonnie dark magic will corrupt her mind making her lose what makes her her. Her empathy will begin to disappear, her love for her friends, all she'll care about is gaining more power in the dark arts. The reason why it didn't affect me I believe is because of the power Apep gave me; I could be wrong but in my opinion it may have also protected my mind. 


Driving home I pull up into the driveway quickly rushing into the house and stare at a bowing Selene. 

"Everything is prepared for you Master." She says dutifully as I toss my backpack next to the door making my way down to the basement Selene following closely behind me the clicks of my shoes against the brick being the only thing I hear.

Walking into the center of the room Selene staying back by the stairs the sound of crying begins to fill my ears.

"He-help please th-the lady took us please help us!" Looking between the bars of the cell I stare at an average looking blonde woman wearing a business suit dressed to presumably go to work with running mascara and messy black hair.

"You did well Selene." I call opening the cage of the door staring inn at the woman. "You're free to go." I say holding out my hand opening the door finding amusement in the woman's surprised face.

"Th-thank you, thank you so much!" She cries as she runs out of the cell only to freeze in front beginning to shake. "I-it's you!" She screams only to collapse to the ground as I watch Selene move at inhuman speeds blood spraying everywhere as Selene now stands next to me. Crouching in front of the body I watch the blood drain from her slit neck Selene cleaning off her bloody nails. 

"Inhuman resurrection:Skeleton Guard…"

Hope you guys enjoyed and as always comment and review.

might take a small break there is an idea I want to try to write out and see if I can make something out of it.

Stevemehcreators' thoughts