
Chapter 5

Spirit of Skagos? Ah! It was that presence I felt when I arrived in this place. Every time I try to search for their presence, they always disappear into thin air and confuse me. Now I know the reason why. This place is like a fortress. I can feel the magic flowing around like a tight fabric.

"Great place. The barrier is very good. It manages even to fool my senses. I can sense it if I decide to go all out, but this barrier is good."

"Thank you, chosen one."

"So, what do you want from me?"

I take the tea served by the spirit and take a small sip. Hmmm. Not bad. I may not be a tea fanatic, but I know enough tea that this one is a good tea.

"I come to you to beg for your help."


"The people of Skagos have suffered from our stupidity."

"Please give me some explanation."

"What do you know about the Other?"

"White Walker? They are an abomination."

"Aye. They are an abomination. They are a creature that should not exist, and it was our biggest mistake."

"Don't tell me you helped that green bastard in the creation of the White Walker."

When I see Kloritz did not immediately answer my question, I release a sigh.

"Tell me, what kind of help do you need from me?"

"Please help the people of Skagos survive the judgment day."

"Judgment day?"

"Aye. It was the day when all the spirits disappeared alongside the Others. It was an old prophecy given to us by the last priest of the Great Mother. The prophecy survives even to this day. However, many people decide to twist the original prophecy for their own gain. The Azor Ahai prophecy twisted by the Demon of Fire, The pack of Fire and Ice, twisted by the Three-eyed Crow or The Seven Champion of the Seven Gods, twisted by the Seven Pretender."

I frown a little at what Kloritz is saying. Great Mother must be Gaea, Demon of Fire should be R'hllor, Three-eyed Crow is easy, it was the greenseer in the land behind the wall, and the Seven Pretender should be the Seven Gods of the south.

"I see. Can I hear the original prophecy?"

"When the moment comes that the world turns to summer, a man shall come to this land to purify what the past has done. There comes a day where Crow shall whisper a false prophecy, a Demon born from fire shall take the vision as his own and twist it, and a seven Preacher will declare himself a God. When the second has passed, the man shall descend to this land. Beware who stands in his way as he will purify the land with his hands. He who shall fix the foolishness of the past. When the third has passed, the age of spirit shall end, and a new spirit will be reborn under the care of the Great Mother."

I nod my head and release a sigh. I already know about this prophecy. Gaea intended this prophecy for her previous champion, but this prophecy now falls under my lap because of her champion's early retirement.

"Thank you for confirming it."

"Ah, you already know about it."

"Yes. Gaea told me about it herself."

"Gaea? Ah! Great Mother… I'm glad I finally know the true name of the Great Mother before my final breath."

"Your final breath?"

"I'm old, O chosen one. I had lived a few thousand years before the Others were born. I have seen many kingdoms being built on this continent and many kingdoms fall from grace. I had already seen enough, and after knowing that another spirit would be born, I did not have any worry."

"I see. I understand. Anyway, speaking of the Skagosi, what can I do for them?"

"Feed them, give them home, and lead them. Become the king of Shivering Islands."

"I-I… Wait, this island is called the Shivering Islands?"

"No, this island is Skagos. However, the sea this island stands on is the Shivering Sea. There are three main islands in this area."

"Ah, I see."

"I hope that you will take them and lead them into a brighter future."

"I-I don't know I could do that. I don't know how long I can stay in this world. Two, three, or maybe five years, I don't know how long I can stay in this world. I still have my duty as Gaea's Champion."

"I know. I did not expect you to be their king forever. No. I hope you can be their king until they can stand on their own two feet."

"I see. I think I can do that."

"Thank you for your kindness, chosen one. Don't worry. I will pay for your work. Please, hold a moment."

Kloritz pressed his tiny hand into my forehead before suddenly my head got attacked by a massive amount of knowledge. However, most of the knowledge is about magic, plants, and animals in this world.

Most of the magic is about barriers and healing magic. While I already have some healing magic from Gaea, it was not the best one. It was only the basics. However, with this healing magic from Kloritz, I can save someone on the brink of death.

However, the barrier spell Kloritz gives to me makes me even more excited. There is a barrier that can block divination. I can block anyone that can use spells to know about me. Now I did not really need to worry about Three-eyed crow spying on me.

"Thank you for your gift, Kloritz. I will use it wisely."

"No, I must be the one thanking you, O chosen one. Thank you for helping my people."

"No problem. When should I expect them to come?"

"Three months. I need to gather more mana from the air to give them guidance."

"I see. Then I will prepare for their arrival."

You can find the advanced chapter here:


Or if you want to give me some coffee.



LuxVonDeuxcreators' thoughts