
1.5.1 Desparic Awakening

"What is what?" Takashi asked.

"That black stuff all over your arms and legs…and *Rui looks at his body* that… those tentacles?!" Rui exclaimed to Takashi.

Takashi looked all over his body, but instead of being freaked out, he thought it was interesting.

"Woahh…how dope is that? Like that guy who wants to smash that one nun. What can I do? Hmmm, I wonder if I can…WOOAHHH HOW COOL IS THAT?"

Takashi had created a black katana with a dark silver blade with the tentacle. He then created 3 more weapons switching between each. He made a nunchuck, a double-edged sword, and a chain ball with spikes on it.

Rui, Risa, Jennifer, Andria, and Author continue to stare at Takashi in utter awe as he was manifesting his imagination.

Takashi kept switching out weapons and eventually, he thought of creating a shield. He attempted to make it but it was a failure. He tried again with different types of shields that he could think of, but it was futile.

"Awww. Why can't I make a shield? And why does everything keep coming out black and darkish silver? Whatever at least I can make cool things."

Rui looked at Takashi with a sad and straight face not trying to make it obvious at the second realization of what might possibly happen in the near future. A future of pure despair that she didn't want to come true.

"We need to train more," Rui thought to herself.

Rui and everyone else in the room was studying what Takashi was doing and the possibilities of this newfound power. Because of this, the only noise was Takashi talking.

Takashi noticed that his left arm still had a long tentacle attached to it.

"I wonder if I can move this?" Takashi then raised his arm and swung into the wall like a whip. It caused a dent in the wall.

"....." The whole room was silent. Takashi had a shocked guilty expression on his face.

"MY FUCKING WALL!!!" Jennifer yelled.

"Takashi, don't put that away! I want to measure how long it is. Are you able to control it?" Rui asked.


"Eh heh heh. Sorry bout' that Jennifer." Takashi rubbed the back of his head with his right hand.


"Hey, Author can you…" Andria spoke.

"Yeah Yeah I'm on it. Lemme get the tools upstairs." He said somewhat annoyingly. Author proceeds to go to the attic. Rui then grabs a measuring tape while Adria, Risa, and Jennifer clean up the mess.

After grabbing the measuring tape Rui told Takashi to sit down on the couch.

"We'll wait until they're done cleaning up then we can study this further. I'm going to get my notebook for notes real quick."

About 3 minutes later the 3 ladies were done cleaning, Author came back from the attic, and Rui was already sitting on the couch waiting for everyone. Author dropped his stuff on the floor and started to measure the hole. It measured 4 ½ feet in length and 3 inches in height.

"Hey bae do that later we're gonna need you for this," Rui said to Author. Author dropped the ruler and sat next to her. Jennifer, Risa, and Andria sitting on the couch across from them.

Takashi again apologized for the wall.

"Ah don't worry about we got our handyman over here to take of it," Jennifer responded swinging her left hand downward nonchalantly.

(Following will be written in a play-like fashion)

Risa: Okay, so first things first. So Takashi we can obviously tell that you still have your sword out and tentacle. Is there any chance you can put it away like in youuurrrrr body…I guess or wherever you can put it.

Author: Well it does come from your body so try to think as your absorbing it like how water absorbs into your body after you drink it.

Takashi: So think of this like water?

Author: Whatever gets results.

Takashi" *stares at his arms and concentrates*

37 seconds later.

Risa: Maybe we should try a different way?

Rui: Yeah we need to figure out this situation fast.

Andria: Rui it'll be fine he just needs to concentrate. Just take a deep breath.

Takashi: Got it.

Takashi successfully absorbs his weapon and tentacle into his body. Everyone looks at him proudly and Rui writes down the recent events of the experiments.

Author: I think that's it for now. You look exhausted.

Rui: Can you do it again real quick so we can be su-

Author: *assertive tone*Rui let him be he's too tired for this and it's new for him. Let him rest.

Takashi: It's fine I can try again.

Author: *serious tone* Are you sure?

Takashi: I'm sure

Takashi made a nunchuck on his left arm and a tentacle on his right and did vice versa right after. This made him very tired. Rui wrote down that he is able to move his abilities between arms.

Rui: How about-

Author: No that's enough Takashi. Go ahead and take a nap. You did more than enough today. Tomorrow we'll continue. Andria help him upstairs, please.

Andria: *stands up and walks to Takashi and lifts him up* Good job today let's go put you to sleep for now.

Takashi: *tired noise* mhmm *eyes are slowly shutting.

The two go upstairs. Everyone beings to reflect on the recent discovery and discuss what's next.

(End of play-like scene)

9:59 pm

Everyone is eating dinner and Rui checks on Takashi to find him still asleep.

11:05 pm

Jennifer, Risa, and Andria drive home together.

11:06 pm

"He's still asleep?" Rui asked.

"Yeah, I just checked on him like 15 minutes ago," Author responded.

"Well since he ain't getting up anytime soon why don't we go to bed," Rui said excitedly.

"Sure it's getting late anyway."

The 2 got ready for bed. Rui dressed in a revealing nightgown. Author wore nothing but loose shorts going commando. Author closed the door and approached Rui laying on the bed and pulled her in for kisses. She pulled him gently by the hair to lay down with her. They got more passionate and Author began to finger Rui.

"*Soft gasp* I feel a small dragon ready to breathe fire," Rui said softly in his ear. "Why don't take care of that right now?" She said seductively.

He took off her nightgown and played with her breasts. As he played with them Rui pulled down his shorts and bit her lip. Author took off and pulled Rui in, put a pillow under her lower back, and pulled out his dragon wings. He stuck it inside Rui and she release a mildly loud moan. Author lays forward and warps her around his wings, and sticks his teeth inside her neck proceeding to suck some blood. He pulls his teeth out and whispers, "You can't be loud we have a son in the other room."

"I can try," Rui responds. She then grabs his tail tightly making Author release a small moan.

Author sucks more blood from Rui. "If you were hungry you should've said something."

"It was better to skip the appetizer cause now I can eat the whole meal."

"*Giggles* That was kinda corny."

"But it made you laugh though." Author then grabs her tail and beings to hump her rough. Rui's moans were soft but progressively got louder. Author makes out with her to keep the noise down. She wraps her legs around him, grips his tail harder, and grabs onto his head. He responded by grabbing her tail harder as well. Then he stands straight on his knees and grabs her by the hips and continues. Rui grabbing his tail with his right grips the bedsheets with her left. The claps got louder and faster. Author puts Rui on her stomach and arched her back and started giving her backshots. After a few minutes and changing, sex positions Author gave Rui a creampie. He lays down on his back in exhaustion with Rui laying on his chest softly moaning and giggling. Her breasts were rubbing against his chest and he smacks her cheeks hard leaving a handprint.

11:27 pm

"That was *breathes out* really realllllyy good bae," Rui said with a smile and kisses him.

"Good thing you on the pill."

"Yeah, I'm not ready for all that right now."

"Says the one who adopted a child."

"It's not like I had a choice. It's random who I would've pulled out the Dimension Gap."

"Fair point."

Rui lays her head on his chest.

About a minute passes by and Author begins to speak, "Bae about earlier."


"You acted too…pushy with Takashi. I get that he needs to master this power fast, but he needs time. And you gotta understand that. He's only 9 and just got this power."

Rui's face turns into guilt realizing her mistake and bossiness.

"Yeahh you're right. I just want-"

"I know, but just be patient and it will be fine." Author rubs his hand softly on her head and gives her a kiss on the lips. Rui then gives him a kiss as well.

"Thank you I needed that," she said.

"Don't worry I'm here for you," he responded. Rui then forces a makeout session and they began to get touchy.

"Round 2?" Author asked.

"Fuck yes!" Rui answered.