
The Aftermath

The royal chamber was quiet as Malorvin had already vanished from existence, leaving behind those who witness the spectacle.

"I... I must be dreaming," Crazy Blade said as he no longer resisted his weakness, falling onto his knees as he plunged his blade into the earth. His eyes now gazed at the devastation around them, looking as if a few bombs had been let loose.

Thunder's Daughter was still seated in a lotus posture, meditating to regain as much as her magic power as possible quickly. Her eyes flickered with lightning bolts as she sized up the room, looking at the area in which the strange man's attack had blown off the ceiling.

There, one wouldn't see a blood moon looming over a grim world anymore, but rather a brightly lit night sky by dazzling stars and mostly mysterious planets that seemed to spiral around the same orbit.