
Digimon Adventure 02: Davis' Birthday Surprises

yujuki · その他
2 Chs

chapter 1

With the years that had passed since the battle with Quartzmon, a battle that brought the heroes from multiple dimensions together, to fight as one and stop the twisted Digimon's dark ambition in fusing himself with his world, the DigiQuartz, alongside the Digital World and the Real World, many things had changed for the respective heroes and heroines of each reality.

Though the heroes of each Digital World had managed to stop Quartzmon, purifying his Data and sealing it in form in a Digi-Egg, after their battle and separated back to their correct realities, save from Tagiru, Gumdramon and their friends, the heroes, heroines and their Digimon partners had their memories erased of the encounter by their Digital guides as to avoid any unforeseen time paradoxes or calamities that could tear their timelines apart.

As the Digidestined, Tamers, Legendary Warriors, DATS team and the Digimon Hunters continued in their everyday lives, using their experiences in their Digital Worlds and their adventures to better themselves and each other, this was observed by the guides of each Digital World, with some believing they were not only ready, but they believed the five teams could work as one.

This discussion had been going on for a while now, with the Digital guides and guardians, which included Gennai, the Digimon Sovereigns of the Tamer's Digital World, the Celestial Digimon, the Royal Knights, now under the lead of Marcus Damon and the Old Clock Shop Man making both pros and cons to undoing their alterations, however, placing their trust in each individual Digi-hero, it came to an agreement that not only would the groups be reminded of their combined efforts in their fight against Quartzmon, but the five Digital Worlds would be fused into one and looked after by the five unique teams of heroes and heroines.

Reunited, the five groups not only regained their memories during the battle against Quartzmon, but quickly regained their bonds of friendship, coming together to defend the newly formed Digital World from problematic Digimon.

But outside their duties to look after the Digimon and the Digital World, the groups came together as friends, doing stuff together and having fun, while romances and other relationships formed.

Perhaps the most notable of these was the relationship that blossomed between Davis Motomiya, the Digidestined of Miracles, and his long time crush, Kari Kamiya, the Digidestined of Light, where, during the beginning of their high school years, it was then the brunette asked Davis out and the two began to date, soon falling in love with one another.

And similar to their partners, watching the romance grow between the pair, Veemon and Gatomon felt a similar relationship building up between them, both spending a lot more time with one another, and not because their partners were together.

For several years, the two pairs were inseparable, surprising even those among their friends who thought that Kari would end up with TK, only to find the Digidestined of Light deeply and truly in love with Davis, having seen him change over the years and fell in love with what she found.

To Kari, Davis was sweet, brave, kind and now very thoughtful, not to mention very attractive, noticing some of the girls in their highschool checking him out and making small remarks as they watched him go by.

However, it was the way Davis treated her that Kari loved the most, loving how he practically worshipped her and treated her like a princess, placing all his effort into making her smile, with the Digidestined of Miracles buying her beautiful gifts, taking the time before their dates as to plan events he knew Kari would love, doing all this selflessly.

Though Davis had to work a few extra shifts at Digitamamon's restaurant and had to borrow money from Jun, he found it was all worth it for the girl he loved, an action Veemon was more than happy to help with, which flattered and warmed Gatomon's heart.

Their relationship blossoming, Kari decided to show her love and allowed Davis to take her, to claim her one night, leading to the two of them expressing their love in its most intimate form, something both would always cherish and never forget, which soon lead to Davis and Kari making love on a more frequent basis, and only furthered their desires to be with one another.

Currently, within the Kamiya's residence and within her bedroom, the naked form of Kari was standing before her wardrobe, smiling as she admired an outfit she had decided to wear for Davis' birthday up to her body, a lacy black nightgown, which showed off her seductive figure and made her look irresistible.

As Kari kept the lingerie against her body, a smile graced her face, imagining the expression Davis would give to see her clad in something so skimpy, before imagining the maroon haired Digidestined react, imagining Davis set his strong hands on her hips, guide her to the bed and engage her in a longing kiss, leading to the two of them doing it once again.

Though Kari loved Davis, and though she didn't want to generalise, she knew that despite his maturity, Davis was still a guy, and Kari was certain that meant Davis would be happy to just have another night with his girlfriend.

But sliding down the nightgown a little, this allowed Kari to look in the mirror, seeing the heart shaped necklace set around her neck, an item close to her heart and that she rarely removed.

'No. This isn't enough. After everything Davis has done for our relationship, I need to show him just how much I love him.' Kari thought, resting her right hand upon the necklace, recalling how she came to receiving such a beautiful and cherished gift.

-Flashback, several months ago-

Being called into the DATS base, a facility operating alongside the assistance and funding of Hypnos which was set within the Digital World as to monitor for any signs of corrupted data or problematic Digimon, Kari, Gatomon, Yolei, Zoe and Ranamon casually headed down the hallways, heading for the briefing room.

"I can't believe this. First, Sampson says we can have the day off, and now he's taking it back?" Yolei let out with a huff, the tone and emotion shared by Zoe, with the Warrior of Wind adding as she looked toward Kari. "If this problem wasn't on your birthday, I wouldn't mind. So the Digital World better be on the fate of collapsing or someone's going to get it!"

A little embarrassed by the more tempered side of her friends, but knowing they were just showing their support to her in their own way, Kari just kept her silence as the group of Digi-girls continued their way through the base, soon arriving at the monitoring room.

Opening the doors, Kari expected to see Sampson inside, ready to brief her, Gatomon and their friends on another great and terrible threat to the Digital World, and possibly the Real World.

However, entering the room, Kari was taken aback at the sight and what came shortly after.

"Happy birthday, Kari!" Davis, Veemon and the others all called, all expressing their joy and their emotion toward the Digidestined of Light, who couldn't hold back her smile at seeing all her friends within the room, seeing all the effort and heart they had placed in decorating for her birthday, as well as seeing the conference table lined with various snacks, presents as well as a large strawberry cake.

Finally calming down after the initial surprise, Kari looked over to Gatomon and the other girls, seeing the matching smiles on their faces, showing they too had a part in the surprise party.

"Sorry about the ruse, but we needed to make it seem like a real emergency." Yolei apologized, hoping Kari wasn't too sore about the facade, but found the brunette showing no resentment as she set her arms around and hugged the Digidestined of Love and Sincerity.

Sliding herself away from Yolei's embrace, an action Kari applied to Gatomon and the others, Kari looked amongst everyone within the observation room, nearly tearing up happily.

"Thank you." She just said, expressing a growing gratefulness in her voice, unsure how she could ever repay her friends for their actions.

"You should really be thanking Davis." Takuya let out as he gestured toward the Digidestined of Courage and Friendship, before adding with a supporting smile. "He's the one who prepared almost all of this."

"He's as sweet as he sure is handsome." Ranamon added happily.

Blushing a little and rubbing his head out of modesty, as well to Ranamon's comment, but blushing herself as she approached her boyfriend, Kari looked upon the Digidestined of Miracles and found herself asking. "You did all of this for me?"

Nodding to Kari's question, Davis looked back at his girlfriend with a sincere smile, telling her with warmth in his voice. "I'd do anything for you, Kari. I love you."

Though Kari already knew Davis' feelings, hearing him say those three words again left Kari's heart melting.

"Davis..." Kari could only say, finding herself breathless to the continued love of her boyfriend, as well as finding her sentence interrupted as Airu cut in, clearly speaking before thinking as they told the birthday girl. "If you think this party is something, just wait until you see the present he got for you. Looking at it, it must've cost him over a year's worth of wages working for Digitamamon."

Embarrassed by Airu's outburst, it was Davis' turn to fall silent, the Digidestined of Miracles unsure how to respond to the situation forced upon him, while Zoe and a handful of guests glared at the Digimon Hunter for her lack of thought.

"I was hoping to give this to you after the party was over." Davis confessed as he reached into his jacket and withdrew a small velvet case that he then handed to Kari.

Opening the case, Kari was left silent once again to what was inside, with the Digidestined of Light's eyes now fixed upon a flawless necklace, the main piece of the item shaped as a pink crystal heart connecting to a golden chain.

Sliding the item carefully from the casing and allowing Davis to set it around her neck, Kari continued holding the heart section of the necklace, looking at it with a further love, while knowing the clear feelings Davis had put in as to obtain it.

"Happy birthday, my angel." Davis let out, moving in and kissing Kari deeply on the lips, an action Kari found she couldn't resist and kissed Davis back

-End Flashback-

Her memories of her birthday and how she obtained such a cherished item coming to an end, Kari collapsed back upon her bed, giving a frustrated sigh to what could match Davis' gift, what she could get her boyfriend to show him just how much he meant to her, how much she loved him.

However, Kari was broken from her thoughts when the faint sound of moaning caught her attention.

Curious by the growing moans, Kari rose from her bed and exited her room, knowing that with Tai having his own apartment and her parents were out of town, leaving her alone with Gatomon, she could walk around naked, but feeling her modesty getting the better of her, the Digidestined slid on a pink robe and proceeded to follow the noise.

The moans increased as she approached what used to be Tai's bedroom, now Gatomon's, where Kari slid the door open, her curiosity growing as to what was the cause of the moaning.

"Gatomon, I heard moaning, are you...?" Kari began to ask, a little worried, but found herself to freeze up and blush at what she saw.

Ahead of her, and past the feline Digimon, displayed upon the television set within Gatomon's room, Kari could see a pair of Lillymon upon the screen, only looking to the pair, both Digimon were lying naked as they made out with one another, pressing their bodies close to one another and using a hand to rub at the other's breasts.

Managing to overcome her shock, but still stunned, Kari questioned her partner. "Gatomon? What on earth are you watching?"

Unfazed by Kari's outburst, Gatomon looked to her partner, scratching the side of her head as she gave her reply.

"I'm not really sure myself, but I 'borrowed' this the last time we visited Tai." Gatomon replied with some confusion in her tone, handing a DVD cover to Kari.

Looking at the image, Kari blushed, now realizing what Gatomon had taken from Tai's, looking upon the image of two Lillymon, the pair scantily clad and pressing their near naked bodies to a Beelzemon, who, save his mask, was naked.

And titled above was 'Digi-Sluts'.

"Kari, do humans really like this kind of stuff?" Gatomon asked curiously, finding it puzzling that humans would seek out others to mate with, as well as mating in larger groups, some mixed with the same gender.

"Some do." Kari replied, still a little embarrassed by the position she found herself in, before taking a seat upon Gatomon's bed, allowing the feline Digimon in her lap as she explained. "I know that being a Digimon, you're happy with seeking a single mate, just as you are happy with Veemon, but with humans, there are times we add extra elements in order to spice things up and make it more exciting."

"You're telling me." Gatomon let out in reply, having seen a few unusual scenes upon the DVD, some actually getting her a little excited, before directing her focus back to the television, now seeing one of the Lillymon, dressed in a skimpy officer's uniform, handcuffing the other Lillymon to the bed, before kissing along her cheeks and running her fingers teasingly around the bound Lillymon's slit.

"You've been a very bad girl, and you need to be punished." The officer Lillymon said, continuing to rub the handcuffed Lillymon's pussy, leaving the second Lillymon moaning and thrashing a little against her restraints, before speaking up and telling the second Lillymon with a more enticing and sexy voice. "Luckily for you, my superior officer has a deal that will benefit all of us."

Continuing to watch the video, finding the plot amongst the erotica somewhat captivating, both Kari and Gatomon watched as the camera angle panned over, the sight leaving Gatomon blushing to see Lillymon's superior officer, seeing it to be an unarmed Flamedramon approaching the duo, with the more mature looking Veemon wearing an officer's cap, an open shirt and loose fitting tie, showing off his muscular frame, alongside his unsheathed member, exciting Gatomon to no end.

Blushing from the scene, and now feeling Gatomon's body reacting in a way she never imagined, watching as the Flamedramon set himself behind the Lillymon, sliding his tongue inside the restrained Lillymon's pussy and seeing the clear longing on their faces brought sudden ideas to Kari's head.

"I think I know what to get Davis for his birthday now." Kari let out as she looked down at Gatomon with a warm smile, which the Digimon of Light reflected, knowing how Kari was driving herself crazy at finding Davis a gift.

However, Gatomon blushed again, feeling a little weird as Kari slid her hands along her body, rubbing her nipples a little, with Kari then telling the Digimon of Light with a growing smile. "But I will need your help in order to make sure everyone's on board with it."




Sometime later, having sent messages to a specific few amongst their group of friends, Kari and Gatomon waited patiently within the living room, waiting for their guests to show up so the pair could begin their plan.

However, looking at Kari, Gatomon found herself having to ask again. "Kari, do you really want me to do this? Just to make Davis happy?"

Hearing Gatomon's repeating question, Kari nodded in reply.

"I know Davis doesn't say it, but he's putting a lot of work into our relationship. I just want to do something for him that will make him happy, to give him something he'll never forget." The brunette replied, expressing her clear love for Davis in her tone.

"If you had the chance to do something similar for Veemon, wouldn't you?" Kari then asked, not wanting to seem pushy toward her partner, but knowing Gatomon's own feelings, the brunette was certain Gatomon found herself in a familiar position at times.

Unable to disagree with Kari or her words, Gatomon let out a sigh, where Kari then said with a smile. "Besides, it's only for one night, I promise. And after it's all over, I won't ask for anything like this again."

Complying with Kari's request and agreeing to keep her promise to help with Kari's idea, the sound of knocking upon the front door was soon heard, causing Kari to approach and answer the door.

Opening the door, Kari smiling to see all her friends, seeing Sora, Mimi, Yolei, Rika, Zoe and Nene had arrived as a single group, which would save more time and allow the brunette to advance a little in her plans for the unsuspecting girls.

"Hey there, Kari. We got your messages, so what's up?" Yolei asked with a fair curiousness, which the other girls seemed to share.

"She probably needs our help with Davis' birthday." Mimi guessed, adding as she looked at the Digidestined of Light with an encouraging warmth. "Knowing you, you've been racking your brain over what to get for him."

Nodding to Mimi's words, Kari slid herself aside, allowing her friends inside, finding the girls taking a seat amongst the couch, making themselves comfortable as she closed the door behind them, even locking it, which none seemed to notice.

"After a long time, and a lot of thought, I finally know what to get for Davis." Kari informed as she ventured herself before her friends, sliding her hands along the edges of her robe and letting it slide down her body, showing Yolei and the others within the room the seductive black nightgown she was wearing underneath.

Upon seeing Kari stripping before them, the girls found themselves blushing a little, confused by Kari's antics, before Zoe spoke up.

"It's very sexy." The Warrior of Wind commented, believing Kari was modelling and seeking a second opinion to her present for the maroon haired Digidestined. "I just know Davis will love it."

"Thank you, but there's more..." "I did ask you over here to talk about the present I was going to give Davis, but I need your assistance in it, one way or the other. You see, I wanted to give Davis a 'special night', and I was hoping you would be part of it?"

Looking at Kari with mixed emotions, Nene was a little confused as to what exactly the Digidestined of Light was asking, the others stunned, with Rika taken aback as she questioned loudly. "You want us to have sex with your boyfriend!?"

Embarrassed by Rika's outburst and how the Tamer and the others were now staring at her, Kari's face deepened with a red hue, feeling her friends judging her from the unusual idea to a birthday present.

But having her back, Gatomon moved by her partner's side and spoke from her heart.

"I know this all sounds weird, believe me, even I have my own questions about it, but when Kari first told me the idea, you should've heard how she poured her heart into her words. Kari is doing this because she loves Davis and she wants to show how much she cherishes him." The Digimon of Light told the girls, taking a line from Kari as she then asked. "And if any of you were in Kari's place and had this chance, wouldn't you take it?"

After asking the question, Gatomon found that Rika and the others just remained as reluctant as ever, causing the Digimon of Light to close her eyes and shake her head a little.

"One way or the other..." Gatomon let out as she gave a defeated sigh, her words confusing the Digi-girls, before all looked upon Gatomon, seeing the Digimon of Light opening her eyes, only showing her pupils now held a faint familiar pink light within them.

"Cat's Eye Hypnotism!"

With her call, Gatomon's eyes shone with a familiar pink light, catching the girls off guard.

Originally, Gatomon's Cat's Eye Hypnotism attack could only mesmerize others into a deep sleep for a few minutes, but her training had increased her power and her skill with the technique, to the point she could hypnotize others to fall under her influence.

Unable to look away, Sora, Mimi, Yolei, Rika, Zoe and Nene all fell under the influence of Gatomon's attack, their eyes glazing over and their minds emptying of all thought, leaving the six Digi-girls open to suggestion, command and even reprogramming.

With the girls under her spell, Gatomon set the right state of mind for the entranced Digi-girls, telling them. "Alright, listen carefully. You will listen to everything Kari tells you. You will take in her words and obey every command she gives you. She is your Mistress, and you must obey."

"Kari is our Mistress... We will obey..." Sora, Mimi, Yolei, Rika, Zoe and Nene all replied in mindless tones, keeping their poses and vacant expressions as they waited for their Mistress.

Sensing the girls now under the influence of her partner and completely obedient toward the Digidestined of Light, Gatomon turned to Kari, informing her. "They're all yours."

"Thank you, Gatomon." Kari replied with a sweet and appreciative smile as she set her arms around the feline Digimon, giving her partner a small hug as to show her continued appreciation and assurance.

"Don't mention it." Gatomon said back, breaking from the embrace with her partner, excusing herself from the living room and making her way to the balcony, adding with a growing feisty smile. "Now if you'll excuse me, I really need to see Veemon."

Smiling from knowing the DVD had gotten Gatomon all worked up, and knowing Gatomon wouldn't want to be disturbed anytime soon, Kari took her time as she set her attention back on those under her command.

Wanting to set all six girls in the right mood and in the right mindsets for Davis' birthday, Kari blushed a little as she approached Rika, set her arms around her body and slowly moved her head closer to the entranced Tamer.

'I never imagined I would do something like this.' Kari thought, closing the distance between her and Rika as she passionately kissed Rika right on the lips, moaning a little in surprise to the warmth and how there was part of her that thought it felt kind of good.

But keeping herself focused, Kari, after breaking away from Rika's lips, looked amongst the other Digi-girls and told them with some command in her tone. "Alright, Sora, Mimi and Yolei, I want the three of you to make out and pleasure each other. Zoe, you and Nene try whatever it takes to make each other feel really good."

"Yes, Mistress Kari..." The five Digi-girls mindlessly said in reply, with Sora sliding her arms around Mimi and Yolei, pulling the pair closer to her as she initiated a three-way kiss between them, while Zoe and Nene slid their hands around their bodies, pulling the other closer as they began to lightly make out.

Though Kari could see the girls remaining obedient, wanting to ensure their mindsets were perfect for Davis' birthday, the brunette spoke up, adding "And as you do, you will think about Davis. You will find your thoughts about him focused not as a Digidestined or as a friend. Instead, you'll think and focus on the aspects that you desire for your own lover. Release yourselves from your rationality and your inhibitions."

Her later command having a sudden effect on the entranced Digi-girls, as Sora slid Mimi and Yolei closer to her, deepening her kiss with them, Mimi and Yolei acted on the implanted urges, with the pair not only holding themselves closer to Sora, but as Mimi slid her arms around, she lightly squeezed Sora's ass, while Yolei moved her hands forward and down to the front of Sora and Mimi's shorts, sliding her hand within the front of their panties and rubbing softly along their pussies.

And acting in a similar way, Zoe and Nene deepened in their actions, their hands slowly exploring the other's body, with the girls showing signs of arousal as they continued to kiss and feel each other's bodies.

Looking upon the hypnotized forms of the girls, Kari smiled a little at seeing them getting into the mood, granted she had to hypnotize them at first, before returning her attention back to Rika.

Wrapping her arms around Rika's body and holding her close to her, their breasts actually pressing, which left Kari a little embarrassed by the feeling, the brunette began kissing along Rika's neck, trying to get Rika in the mood, as well as overcome her own remaining doubts.

However, though Kari had plans and instructions for each of them, finding herself relaxing a little more as she continued to kiss and play with Rika's body, there was something on Kari's mind that she needed to ask of the entranced Tamer.

"Rika, I have a question for you, and you will answer it honestly. Why are you nicer to Davis than the other boys?" Kari let out, knowing she could never get a true answer outside of hypnotizing her.

"I am nicer to Davis because I have a crush on him..." Rika said in reply, this being a fair surprise to Kari that the Digimon Queen had deeper feelings for Davis.

But keeping herself silent, and slowing a little in her actions, Kari allowed the entranced form of Rika to then explain her reasons for her feelings.

"When I was younger and my parents were going through their divorce, I felt scared... I felt so alone... but watching your adventures comforted me in a way... I always loved Digimon, but seeing Davis... how he'd always fight and never let anything keep him down inspired me..." Rika added with a continued distance in her tone, though seeming to speak about Davis caused a faint blush to appear on Rika's face.

"And after meeting Davis, and seeing how handsome he actually is in person only brought back the feelings I used to have... I act nice to Davis because part of me wants to be his girlfriend..." The Tamer then told Kari, continuing to surprise the Digidestined of Light at first, but after thinking about her boyfriend and all the good he had done Kari couldn't help but smile.

Though there had been a majority of girls in their high school that showed obvious signs of having crushes on her boyfriend, Kari could tell their feelings were superficial, only liking Davis because he was now popular, he was good looking or because he was dating her.

But with Rika and knowing she had these feelings long before they met left Kari in a pleased mood, part of her grateful to find someone else who cared for Davis on the same level as she had.

And looking upon Rika, even checking her out a little, the smile on Kari's face turned a little sly as she further approached Rika and continued with her plan.

"Well then, Rika, I'm confident you'll enjoy what I have in store for you." Kari told the entranced Tamer with a matching slyness in her tone, before the Digidestined of Light turned to Sora, Mimi, Yolei, Zoe and Nene, adding and she told her hypnotized friends. "With Davis' birthday in a few days, I have a special plan for his 'after party', so I need you all on your best behaviour."

"And, here is what I want you to do..." The Digidestined of Light began to say, sliding her hands down, cupping Rika's butt a little, still finding it a little strange to do such things to her female friends, but with Davis' birthday approaching, and her mind made up, Kari remained focused, determined to set the girls up for the big day and for her beloved.

No matter how long it took, Kari would have Rika and the others ready for the Digidestined of Miracles.

-A few days later-

To say Davis was surprised by the party Kari put together for him was an understatement, with his girlfriend having lured him away from this apartment while his friends and sister set up everything, after returning from a walk in the park with the Kari, the maroon haired Digidestined now found himself in the midst of a large celebration for him as all their friends, human and Digimon alike, partied and celebrated his birthday.

"Happy birthday, Davis!" Everyone let out with their individual feelings for their the Digidestined of Courage and Friendship, with Sora and Mimi each getting into the spirit of the party as both set themselves around Davis and kissed his cheek, the action causing Davis to blush a little, while everyone else laughed, before the party officially started.

Leading Davis into the lounge room and to the couch, where Kari took a seat in his lap, the celebration started as gifts, foods and drinks were passed around, leading into a festive atmosphere as everyone ate, drank and celebrated Davis' special day.

As great as everything was for the Digidestined of Miracles, enjoying not only the gifts his friends had given him, finding tons of thought clearly placed into each gift, what Davis cherished the most was the company, the friends he had made and the girl he loved.

Looking amongst the group, namely upon Kari and her loving smile, he wouldn't trade the moment for anything.

All the while as Davis continued to enjoy the party, getting a loving kiss from his girlfriend, the maroon haired Digidestined failed to notice the sly smiles and glints in the eyes of a handful of the guests' faces, looking forward to what was to come after the party.

Changing up the mood of the party after the gifts were all unwrapped and most of the food was eaten, more than half taken by the Digimon, Jun put on the stereo, allowing music to play, where the girls decided to dance with the music, even pulling some of the guys up with them as they enjoyed themselves.

"May I have this dance?" Davis and Veemon asked Kari and Gatomon in unison, bringing a smile to both their faces as they took Davis and Veemon's hands respectively, letting the pair sweep them off their feet as they danced together, finding that with the soothing tune, they merely rested themselves in the arms of their beloveds, with the Digidestined and Digimon of Courage and Friendship taking the lead, holding Kari and Gatomon close to themselves as they slowly roamed through the room.

The party went on for hours, with most of the group slowly taking their leave and saying their goodbyes, Davis thanking each and everyone as they left.

However, some confusion filled Davis when he noticed that Sora, Mimi, Yolei, Rika, Zoe and Nene had already left but hadn't made any indication in doing so.

But guessing the girls didn't want to make a fuss with their leave from the party, the maroon haired boy paid little attention to it as he let the last of his guests leave, with Jun going to spend time with Matt, the Digimon heading off, while Gatomon had dragged Veemon out for some 'alone time', leaving Davis to sigh and smile as he turned around, finding Kari waiting for him at the entrance to his bedroom with a smile on her face.

"Looks like it's just you and me." The Digidestined of Miracles commented as his eyes roamed along Kari's body, taking in her attire for the evening, finding the brunette had changed from out of the clothing she had been wearing and into something more appealing to his eyes.

Discarding her pure white jacket, her pink top and the shorts she had been wearing, Kari was now clad in a lacy black nightgown, showing off her tone stomach and her C-cup sized breasts, allowing Davis to see and take in all of Kari's perfect figure.

As amazing as Kari looked, seeing his girlfriend give a playful smile as she slid herself closer, Kari lifted the edges of her nightgown up, showing Davis her crimson red panties, further showing off her smooth legs, her tight ass, alongside the words 'Happy Birthday Davis' inscribed on the front of the panties, increasing Davis' growing desires for the brunette, who looked upon her boyfriend with a matching smile.

"This birthday is getting better and better." Davis found himself saying with a smirk as slid his arms around Kari's waist, pulling his girlfriend into a passionate kiss, one she eagerly returned as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"This is only part of the surprise." Kari told Davis with a seductive smile after breaking the kiss, before adding with a mischievous smile. "Now I have a big surprise for you, so close your eyes, birthday boy."

Enticed by Kari's words, Davis relaxed himself as he closed his eyes, keeping his smile upon feeling his girlfriend's hand slide around his hand and escort him away from the lounge room and toward his bedroom.

"Now, open them." Kari then purred into his ear, where Davis obliged, opening his eyes, which then widened in shock and surprise.

"Happy birthday, Davis." Sora, Mimi, Yolei, Rika, Zoe and Nene all purred with a similar seduction Kari had expressed, surprising Davis as all he could do was stare back and take in their appearances, finding the Digi-girls all looking at him with clear longing as they posed on his bed.

Looking upon the six girls now upon his bed, each seemingly posing for him, there were many thoughts running through Davis' head, but he found his mind unable to process them properly.

All he could do at that moment was just take in each girl and their choice of clothing, or lack of.

Looking to the centre of the bed and seeing Mimi, finding the Digidestined of Sincerity on her back, Davis took in Mimi's figure, finding the pink haired girl now wearing a light green nightgown, the sexy item running down her body and opening at the front as to show off her own smooth stomach, while also showing off the cleavage of her D-cup breasts.

Davis then looked at the veil part of the outfit, which he could see through, seeing the matching light green thong Mimi wore, which showed off her long and slender legs.

With Davis' eyes on her body, the pink haired girl grinned seductively in reply, this leaving Davis blushing, before turning his attention to Mimi's left, taking in Zoe's appearance.

Like Kari and Mimi, Zoe had changed into a more revealing and enticing article of clothing, only hers was more of a sexy costume than anything.

Now wearing an Odaiba high cheerleader outfit, Davis got a good view of Zoe and took in her own amazing figure.

As Davis stared at Zoe, he noticed that the top had been modified to be more of a gold bikini top, perking up and showing off her C-cup breasts, smooth stomach and slender arms, while a matching miniskirt barely covered the thong she was wearing, which showed off her heart shaped ass and amazing legs, with the blonde winking seductively at him.

Still taken aback by the girls now posing on his bed, his eyes wandered downward, past Zoe and over to see Sora, seeing the Digidestined of Love sitting on the edge of the bed, her arms behind her head as she smiled back at the maroon haired Digidestined, stretching out and allowed Davis to see her outfit.

Keeping her pose, Sora showed off her figure, the orange haired Digidestined clad simply in a red bikini and a matching red thong, which barely covered her tanned breasts and smooth, shaven pussy, while showing off the rest of her smooth, tanned skin, her tight ass and her amazing figure, where Davis could see the desire directed at him as he looked into Sora's eyes.

Blushing to see Sora staring at him in such a way, Davis turned, but found his focus drawn over to Rika, where his eyes widening from understandable awe, seeing the usual distant Tamer in a more relaxed pose as she lay at the right corner of his bed.

Looking upon Rika and seeing the Tamer not only letting her hair down and showing off her amazing body, Davis took in the sight of Rika now wearing a yellow bra, which showed off her D-cup breasts and her smooth skin, while a matching pair of panties showed off her tight ass and smooth legs.

But what shocked Davis the most about Rika was the yellow headband on her head, with a pair of fox ears like Renamon's coming out of the top, while a bushy tail came out of the panties.

And finally, around her neck, the redhead wore a collar, which had a gold coin on it with the Crest of Miracles on it, where Rika smiled seductively at Davis, whose mind was going into overdrive, trying to process what was going on.

But feeling Kari's hand gently tilt his head, through her soft guidance, this allowed Davis to finally look over and take notice of Nene, the idol lying on Mimi's right, while her outfit made his already malfunctioning mind hurt more.

Dressed in the same shimmering outfit he had seen her wearing in a few of her performances whenever the Digidestined had the chance to check her out during her shows back in her reality, Davis noticed that similar to Zoe's cheerleader outfit, there were alterations made in Nene's clothing to show off more of her body, letting Davis take in her large C-cup breasts, which were now held in behind a shimmering red strapless bra, which also showed off her smooth skin and her tone stomach, while a matching miniskirt barely covered her shimmering red panties, which highlighted her tight ass and long slender legs.

And like the other girls all lying on his bed, Nene shared the same enticing smile.

Stunned at seeing the girls within his bedroom and the way they were dressed, Davis found himself in awe as he looked upon Yolei, seeing the purple haired Digidestined dressed up similar to a palace girl, with her outfit consisting of a dark purple bikini top, which just covered her breasts, showing off her C-cup breasts, a matching thong was set over her legs, as were a set of light purple silk pants, further elevating her more seductive appearance and tight ass.

Though Davis had grown up, he still never truly saw Yolei as a woman, seeing her as a continued friend, but with her outfit, her slender figure and the way she was staring at him, it was bringing up feelings he never knew existed.

Finally able to adjust himself, a deepening blush on his face, Davis stammered out. "What... what's going on here?"

Understanding Davis' confusion, Kari gave a small giggle as she moved around him, took a seat on the bed with the other girls and told the Digidestined of Miracles. "Davis, you've been so good to me, and I wanted to repay you for that, and to do so much more for you. So, after talking with the girls, we agreed that, for tonight, we'll all be your sexy slaves, doing whatever you want of us, or for us to do."

After listening to what Kari had said, and what she was implying, this only causing Davis' eyes to widen in shock, his mind still unable to believe the sight before him.

"Sora even took the time the past few days to make these outfits for us. I hope you're enjoying the show so far." Zoe spoke up with a seductive smirk, which only shocked Davis even more, leaving him unsure as to how to act on this.

Though looking at Kari and the others, seeing a clear desire within their expressions, and despite the growing longing he felt, Davis found himself saying with uncertainty. "I don't know if I can do this..."

"It'll be for tonight. Think of it as my way of truly apologizing for all the fights and arguments we had in the past." Yolei spoke up, sliding herself up and off the bed, approaching Davis with a smile.

"And I have to admit, there's part of me that finds you cute and kind of sexy." The brainwashed Digidestined of Love and Sincerity added as she slid her arms around Davis' body, tracing her fingers enticingly along his chest.

With Yolei continuing to talk and flirt with Davis, seeing the Digidestined of Love and Sincerity kissing along Davis' neck, but having little effect on the maroon haired Digidestined's mind, seeing his continued hesitation, Rika got off the bed and joined in, wrapping herself around the right side of Davis' chest and copied Yolei's actions, placing her fingers along his chest as she said with a seduction. "Listen stud, you've got seven hot and sexy girls who are willing to do and let you do whatever you desire of them and to them, so relax and get ready to enjoy the best night of your life."

"Now then, Davis, I mean, Master, why don't you sit on the bed and let your slaves please you." The red haired Tamer then suggested with a smirk as she and Yolei all but pushed Davis to the bed, giving Davis little time to react, as he found himself surrounded by Sora, Mimi and Kari, with the Digidestined of Light climbing on top of her boyfriend and claiming Davis' lips in a longing kiss.

As good as it felt to have Kari kissing him, feeling her sliding her right hand along his chest and pulling up his shirt not only got Davis a little more into the mood Kari desired, but this allowed the other girls to see Davis tanned and muscular chest, where, after seeing his shirt removed, the girls moved in, with Rika being the first to claim his lips in a heated kiss.

Stunned at Rika now kissing him, but feeling the longing in her actions, Davis found he was unable to resist his urges any longer, where he reached around Rika's body, slid his arms around and pulled her closer to him, not only kissing her back and dominating her, but their closeness pressed their bodies together.

Glad to see her boyfriend accepting his gifts, Kari slid herself down, taking the chance to relieve her boyfriend and put him in the right mood as she unbuttoned his jeans and slid them down his legs, allowing the brunette and her brainwashed slaves to take in the sight of Davis' lower body, seeing the Digidestined of Courage and Friendship wearing a pair of black boxers.

"Looks like someone is liking this." Sora commented with a teasing voice as she took in Davis' near naked figure, the remark from the Digidestined of Love causing a blush to return to Davis' face and for him to pull Rika off of him and instinctively cover himself as best he could.

"Now come on, Master, don't be shy." Zoe soothed, before Rika spoke up and added with her own sexy tone "Besides... you're going to see all of us naked very soon."

Sliding her hands along Davis' boxers, alongside Kari's hands, Nene helped pull his underwear down, this leaving Davis completely naked and revealing his erect manhood to Kari and her brainwashed slaves, the sight causing Kari to smile at seeing the blushes appearing on Sora, Mimi, Yolei, Rika, Zoe and Nene's faces.

'It seems my training and conditioning has paid off.' Kari thought with a further smile, seeing the girls continuing to look at Davis with clear lust.

"Now I can see why Kari talks about you so much." Yolei then commented as she eyed, slid her hand around and kept a firm hold on Davis' member, stroking it a little and feeling its thickness, the action earning a small groan from Davis.

However, his groans were then silenced as Zoe and Nene moved themselves over to his sides, set their lips upon his and engaged him in a deep and longing three-way kiss.

From his position, Davis moaned further, not only to having Zoe and Nene making out with him and feeling Yolei between his legs, lightly stroking his member with a growing desire, but taking notice of Kari, Sora, Mimi and Rika, the Digidestined of Miracles found himself blushing, astonished to the sight as Sora, Mimi and Rika began stripping themselves, sliding out of their more revealing clothing and allowing Davis to take in their naked figures.

Surprised to see Sora, Mimi and Rika now naked, blushing as he took in their amazing figures, their bare breasts and exposed pussies, Kari smiled at how Davis was reacting, encouraging her to then crawl her way down the bed and increase the pleasure of her lover.

Taking a spot beside Yolei, Davis' groaning increased, alongside his pleasure upon feeling his girlfriend and Yolei starting to give him a joint blowjob.

Despite Davis trying to object, to keep his focus, the growing pleasure he felt, alongside the clear longing the girls were expressing amongst one another was starting to get to him and was clouding his better judgement, this was noted by the girls, with Sora then asking. "Now that you know we're all serious, are you ready for your presents, Master?"

Still showing some uncertainty, but feeling his judgement clouded a little by the growing erotica Kari and the others continued to express, Davis gave another groan when he felt Kari slide her mouth over his member, giving him a longing blowjob, his groans increasing not only to feeling Kari sliding her head deeper along his shaft, but feeling Zoe and Nene continue kissing the sides of his neck.

"You just enjoy yourself, Master, because tonight we are yours, like it or not." Zoe told the maroon haired Digidestined with a matching enticing voice Kari and the others all shared, before setting her lips back upon Davis' neck, the feeling and pleasure causing him to groan in reply.

With Zoe and Nene kissing along his neck, Kari giving him a blowjob, alongside Yolei, feeling her tongue and a hand now sliding around his balls and adding to his pleasure, Davis' pleasure grew again, feeling Rika sliding her head down and kissing along his chest, before he was taken aback, left in a deep stupor as Sora and Mimi slid themselves ahead, positioning themselves atop his chest and set their lips upon one another in a deep and longing kiss, arousing Davis to no end.

From Sora and Mimi making out, this seemed to set Davis off, breaking him away from the clinging remains of his rationality as he slid his arms around Nene and pulled her down, forcing her lips upon his own, kissing the brunette idol deeply, this causing Nene to moan at her Master kissing her, while causing Kari to mentally grin, happy to see Davis finally giving in.

And showing his desires, allowing then to overtake him, after breaking his kiss with Nene, Davis not only applied a similar growing lustfulness as he kissed Zoe, but he added to the pleasure of the Warrior of Wind, sliding a hand up as to rub and massage Zoe's breasts.

"Master..." Zoe let out, breaking the kiss as to express the pleasure overtaking her, feeling Davis rubbing her breasts, causing her to add with a furthered longing. "You are making me feel so hot..."

'Just wait. It gets so much better.' Kari thought with a smile, removing her mouth from off her boyfriend's member and to allow Yolei to take place, this leaving Kari smiling to see the purple haired Digidestined automatically sink her head down and place her mouth over Davis' throbbing cock.

With Davis getting more and more into the mood, his hands now roaming along Zoe and Nene's bodies as the pair engaged him in a deep three-way kiss, one he eagerly returned, acting alongside her commands, Yolei slid her head back and forth along Davis' cock, moaning with lust to the combination of pleasure she felt from sucking Davis' member, but also to the pleasure she was starting to feel growing within her pussy, feeling Kari rubbing her fingers sensually along her womanhood, before slowly pushing them inside.

Between Davis' cock filling her mouth and Kari, feeling the Digidestined of Light replacing her fingers and sliding her tongue along her slit, Yolei's moans increased and intensified, pleasure building up within her to the position she was placed in, finding there was a part to her desiring Davis more and more.

However, from Yolei sucking his cock, alongside the erotica Sora, Mimi, Rika, Zoe and Nene all displayed around him, kissing and licking his chest, Davis felt he was getting close to his limit and was unable to contain himself.

Hearing the groans of her beloved increasing, and seeing the strained expression on his face, knowing what was to come, Kari, after removing her face from Yolei's vagina, slid the brainwashed Digidestined of Love and Sincerity away from Davis' cock, set her right hand around Davis' member and stroked it.

Feeling and looking down, looking to see his girlfriend giving him a hand job, Davis tried to groan, to express a warning to his release, but found Kari's enthusiastic actions keeping him from speaking.

"Kari, I... I... Kari!" Davis found himself finally groaning as he came, releasing his essence and cumming all over Kari and Yolei's faces and chest.

Calming down after his climax, but feeling a sudden panic fill him, Davis pulled himself to a sitting position, preparing to apologize.

"Kari, Yolei, I'm sorry about that, I tried..." Davis began to say, unsure how Kari or Yolei would react, but Davis just found himself left in a silent stupor, surprised to see Kari and Yolei turn to face each other, the pair pressing their bodies close as they began to run their tongues around, licking the cum off one another.

"It's ok, Master. We're just happy you enjoyed yourself." Kari let out as she continued to run her tongue along Yolei's body.

"Besides, how can we stay mad at you when you taste this good?" Yolei added with a fair lustfulness, before placing her lips on Kari's, kissing the brunette deeply, tasting Davis' cum on Kari's lips.

As stunned as he was at the sight, feeling turned on to the pair now making out, the sight before him only grew in terms of erotica as Rika slid herself behind Kari, licking around her neck, an action Nene copied upon Yolei, which left Davis' cock as hard as eve.

"Now that we've got your attention, what do you say we start this party?" Sora suggested with a smile.

Unsure what Sora was thinking, or what Kari and the others had in mind, Davis found he could only watch on, feeling Kari and Yolei gently set their hands on his chest, place him on the mattress, before setting themselves on his chest, tracing their fingers enticingly along his body, even sliding down as to rub his cock a little, waiting for the Digidestined of Love to return.

Finding he didn't have to wait too long as Sora quickly headed back, what caught Davis' attention was seeing the orange haired Digidestined now with a small sized box in her hands.

The box puzzling Davis a little, curious as to what was inside it, seeing it themselves seemed to bring a lustful spark within Kari's eyes, accompanied by a sexy grin that she, Sora and the other girls all shared.

"This box contains a list of ideas we all came up with for this portion of the party." Sora told Davis as she climbed back upon the bed, seating herself amongst the other naked girls upon Davis' bed and adding. "Inside are notes of things we can do for you, things you can do for and to us."

"As well as a few things we can do to each other for you." Yolei then said with a seductiveness in her tone, rubbing her free hand along Davis' chest and his hardening member.

Sliding away from Davis' embrace and forming a circle, the girls all sat around the box, their excitement growing to the suggestions within and what positions it could lead them into, before Rika looked to Davis, saying with an enticing smile. "Since you're the birthday boy, you get the honours of going first."

A little reluctant as he was unsure what suggestions were inside, taking a moment to carefully select one of the notes, Davis drew his hand from out the box, revealing the small sheet of paper now in their possession.

"So...?" Zoe began to ask, expressing a clear curiosity in her tone as to what the note said and what they would be doing first. "What's it say?"

Turning the note to the girls and allowing them all to read the note, Davis was left blushing, while Rika and the other girls smiled with excitement.

"Threesome." Zoe said with a growing smile, before sliding herself closer to Davis and asking. "So who are the lucky ladies that'll join you?"

Keeping a fair blush to Zoe's flirtation and the position he was in, Davis remained uncertain on how to advance, unsure if he could even go through with the note.

But feeling a set of hands on his shoulders, rubbing them, Davis turned to see Kari smiling at him.

"It's ok, Master. Just relax and let us do what we can to make you feel good." The Digidestined of Light said, continuing to try to relax and set Davis in the right mood, before setting her lips upon his in a deep kiss, moaning a little as she felt Davis' hands slowly roam along her body.

"Hurry up and pick, or we'll pick for you!" Yolei all but yelled, her voice sounding eager as she looked at Davis, ready to pounce him and ride his cock already.

"Yolei." Kari let out, scolding the Digidestined of Love and Sincerity. "Try and control yourself. Remember that this is Davis' choice, and he can take as long as he wants."

"But if I might suggest, how about Sora and Rika?" The Digidestined of Light offered, sliding her hands from Davis' back and wrapping them around his body, feeling his chest and pressing herself against the maroon haired Digidestined.

Smiling themselves as they took to Kari's words, Sora and Rika slowly slid themselves ahead, with Sora gently pulling Kari aside and allowing her and Rika to set themselves around Davis, each tracing his chest with their fingers.

Though excited to have her chance with their temporary Master, Sora found herself asking. "Oh, and why us?"

"I had a little talk with Davis, and it seems you each have caught his eye, if you know what I mean." Kari hinted in reply, this embarrassing Davis a little to the topic, as well as his girlfriend being the one bringing it up.

But finding Kari's comment fuelling their arousal, Sora and Rika pressed their hands to Davis' chest, pushing him onto his back as they prepared to enjoy the Digidestined of Miracles.

"Now you just relax, handsome, and let us show you how good we can make you feel." Rika said with a seductive purr, surprising Davis that usually distant Tamer could express such longing, before moaning as Rika and Sora set their heads down, engaging him in a lustful kiss.

After breaking the kiss and looking at one another with a continued lust, Sora and Rika slid their heads down, kissing down Davis' body, down his chest and his stomach, earning pleasure filled groans from the maroon haired Digidestined as he felt Sora and Rika's actions continuing to get to him.

"Seems you're starting to enjoy this." Sora commented as she looked at Davis with a seductive smirk.

"And you're quite built, Davis. I can see why Kari practically drools every time she talks about you." The Digidestined of Love then said as she caressed Davis' muscular chest, feeling more aroused than she ever felt in her entire life.

She wanted Davis, needed him, and looking at Rika, Sora knew she felt the same way.

Sliding themselves further down Davis' body, Sora and Rika positioned themselves before Davis' cock, causing the Digidestined of Courage and Friendship to blush a little at having a girl outside of Kari seeing him naked.

"Now for something we know you'll love." Sora told Davis with a lacy purr in her tone, before she and Rika slid their heads down, slowly opened their mouths and began to run their tongues along the tip of Davis' manhood.

From the feeling that came with Sora and Rika starting to give him a blowjob, Davis found himself groaning, feeling Sora and Rika increasing their actions upon his cock, with Rika sliding her mouth over and taking his member in her mouth, while Sora both licked along his length and started to rub and massage his balls.

"Sora... Rika...!" Davis found himself groaning out, his pleasure growing from the two girls continuing in their actions, as Rika sucked on his cock for a few more minutes, before removing her mouth and trading places with Sora, who slowly bobbed her head up and down Davis' length, showing her skill and experience as Rika took her place and massaged Davis' balls.

From her position, Kari smiled, seeing Davis starting to get into the mood between Sora and Rika, seeing her beloved showing a little dominance as he slid his hand upon Rika's head, resting it in place as she returned to suck his manhood.

"Oh, Master..." Sora let out lustfully, removing herself away from her position, looking at Davis with admiration. "You are so big. Kari's a lucky girl to have a stud like you."

Giggling a little at Sora's comment, and how true it was, Kari kept a watchful eye on her lover, a big smile gracing her face to see Davis showing less embarrassment and more desire than before, leaving her thinking. 'It looks as though Davis is starting to enjoy his gift.'

"Oh, yes... Oh, Master..." She then heard Yolei moan, turning to see the brainwashed Digidestined of Love and Sincerity cupping her left breast and rubbing her pussy, earning a small sigh from the Digidestined of Light.

'It also seems I might have overdone it with Yolei's 'training'.' Kari then thought, knowing that through their time together, she had helped Yolei remove the negative feelings toward Davis, but she didn't expect her to show such lust to her boyfriend.

After a few more minutes of sucking Davis' cock, expressing their desire for the Digidestined of Courage and Friendship through their growing moans, Sora and Rika soon stopped, their eyes filled with lust as they looked at one another and smiled, before Rika moved over slightly, where Davis watched with wide eyes to see Sora move so that she was straddling his waist, her slit hovering over the tip of his manhood, causing the orange haired girl to moan lightly to the feeling.

"Get ready to have your world rocked, Master." Sora purred with desire, giving Davis little time to react as she rested her hands on his chest and pushed herself down, causing Sora to give a great cry as she felt Davis' cock fill her vagina.

"Oh, Master...!" Sora let out, allowing her body to adjust to the cock filling her folds, before slowly sliding her body up, building up a rhythm as she impaled herself upon her Master's manhood. "Oh... it's so big... oh... Kari was not kidding about how good this feels..."

Davis, meanwhile, could only groan from the pleasure he felt, of feeling Sora's tight, hot pussy clamping around his cock.

Though the pussy wasn't Kari's, with Sora continuing to move herself up and down, it started to feel really good to Davis, who found himself sliding his hands upon Sora's legs and looking at her flushed face with a shared smile.

"Don't sell yourself short, Sora... you... you have an amazing body..." Davis found himself saying, sinking into the mood as he then told the Digidestined of Love. "Any guy would be lucky to have you as a girlfriend... Matt was an idiot for letting you go..."

Feeling a warmth at Davis' words, and seeing the sincerity upon his face, caused Sora to slow down a little and to lean her head down, claiming Davis' lips in a quick but warm kiss.

However, her longing for Davis and her conditioning taking over, Sora broke the kiss as to resume the growing pleasure between her and her Master, with the orange haired Digidestined sliding her body up and down Davis' shaft, moaning loudly to the growing pleasure that came with him inside of her.

"Davis... oh, Davis... You are making me feel so good...!" Sora let out, before crying out in pleasure as Davis moved his hands up, his left groping her breast, while his right moved around and lightly gripped her ass cheek, adding to her pleasure.

Purring a little, Sora commented. "Now it looks like the birthday boy's getting into the mood."

"Ok, this is hot..." Mimi whispered lightly as she and the other girls watched on, feeling their arousal spiking at seeing Davis in action, each wanting to be in Sora's position at the moment, to feel the pleasure she felt, and to have Davis inside of them and fill their pussies with his cock.

Though loyal to Kari and her training conditioning, Mimi and the others felt slightly jealous of their unsaid Mistress, jealous for having such a stud as her boyfriend.

Picking up on their envious attitudes toward her, Kari looked to the girls, seeing that while Yolei was still pleasuring herself, almost lost in her mood, the Digidestined of Light gave a small cough, this grabbing the girls' attention and causing the trio to look to Kari with some curiousness to what she desired.

Giving a small wink, Mimi, Zoe and Nene found their minds emptying and their eyes to glaze over, before warm smiles appeared on their faces, feeling their current feelings fading and replaced with a sudden rush of pleasure.

Keeping her smile, Kari admired her handiwork, having a preset command programmed within the girls to keep them aroused, having planned their minds for any situation to ensure Davis would enjoy his birthday.

But hearing her boyfriend's groans increasing, Kari turned her head, smiling to see that as Sora remained riding his member, Rika had joined in, adding to his pleasure as she kissed around his chest and neck, even managing to slide a hand between his body and Sora's as to feel and pump his cock a little.

"Master... you feel so big... so thick... and so hard..." Rika let out through her kisses, blushing a little as she told the birthday boy. "I admit when I was younger, I had a crush on you. I even 'fantasized' about us, but being here with you feels even better than I ever imagined."

From Rika's words, Davis was taken aback, surprised at Rika's confession, alongside the clear emotion she put in her tone.

But looking past the moaning form of Sora, and looking upon Rika, seeing the clear desire for him in her eyes, Davis found himself reacting in a way he never imagined.

Gently sliding his hands around Sora's waist and removing her from his cock, Davis crawled over to Rika, and, acting on his growing feelings for the Tamer, Davis moved in, claiming Rika's lips in a sudden kiss.

A little surprised he was now kissing Rika, but feeling the red haired Tamer slide her arms around his body and kiss him back, Davis relaxed himself further, closing his eyes as he enjoyed the warmth of Rika's lips against his own, before sliding his body closer to Rika's, guiding the Tamer onto her back and leaving him hovering over her.

"Master..." Rika let out after the kiss was broken, her face remaining flushed as she looked upon Davis with need and let out longingly. "Please take me..."

Surprised at the more submissive side to Rika, but just nodding in reply, Davis slid his himself lower, pressing his chest against Rika's and sliding his manhood into her slit.

"Oh, Master...!" Rika let out to have Davis inside of her, leaving the Tamer smiling at Davis as the pair began in their pleasures.

"Master, you feel so good... You are making me so hot... it's wonderful..." The Tamer went on with a continued joy, continuing to praise Davis to the pleasure she was feeling, to Davis building up a rhythm as he slid all but the tip of his cock out of Rika's womanhood.

Kari mentally smirked to hear Rika moaning like this, having found that she didn't need to condition the redhead too much when it came to Davis, finding her crush on him helped to set the right mindset for the Tamer.

However, as pleased as she was with her results, enjoying the erotica growing between her boyfriend and his unknowing slave girl, Kari found her smile turn sly, seeing Sora crawling around the duo and trying to make herself comfortable.

"Don't forget about me." Sora let out lustfully as she slid herself over Rika's body, set her hands on Davis' chest and pushed him back a little, bringing him to a sitting position, while leaving her dripping pussy hovering above Rika's face.

Wrapping her arms back around Davis and engaging him in another deep kiss, moaning to find the maroon haired Digidestined kissing her back, Sora's moans and pleasure increased as she felt Rika beneath her, feeling the red haired Tamer begin to lick and suck along her slit.

"You are such a good kisser, Master..." Sora purred after breaking for air, and took a moment to check on Rika, finding the redhead sharing a longing smile from Davis' cock still inside of her and still filling her with pleasure.

"And from the looks of it, an even greater lover." The Digidestined of Love added with a continued slyness and seduction in her voice upon the sight of Davis' manhood sliding in and out of Rika's tightening pussy, alongside hearing the longing and delighted moans Rika continued to let out beneath her.

Continuing for another half hour, Sora and Rika were left in pure pleasure.

During the time Davis spent on Rika, his member only pushing deeper into her vagina and leaving her wanting him more and more, Sora found the Digidestined of Courage and Friendship also focusing his attention on her, wanting to make Sora feel as good, where he kissed around her neck and collarbone, while sliding his right hand from Rika's hip and up to Sora's breasts, massaging and fondling her chest, which left Sora moaning.

Enjoying the pleasures that came with Sora and Rika, enjoying their bodies as he continued to pleasure them, feeling the sensation of Davis' manhood pushing deeply inside of her, Rika's moans and her body movements increased, the Tamer knowing she was close to her climax.

Picking up on Rika's moaning and looking down to see her heaving chest, alongside her flushed face beneath Sora's pussy, Davis was about to speak, to ask the Tamer if she was close, but found Sora grab his chin and guide his attention back on her.

Setting herself forward as she kept a fair hold on Davis' chin, Sora kissed Davis deeply on the lips, causing Davis to close his eyes and relax himself, sinking deeper into Sora's kiss, distracting him from the moaning form beneath them.

Feeling her pussy getting wetter, her excitement growing with her oncoming climax, Rika pushed her tongue back into Sora, licking all along the orange haired Digidestined's womanhood, trying to get Sora to cum herself.

And from her past and current pleasures from Davis, it took its effect.

Feeling Rika's tongue inside her pussy, licking away at her more sensitive spots, Sora broke her kiss with Davis and gave a great cry.

"Oh, Davis!" She screamed with her release, cumming all over Rika's face, which the red haired Tamer licked away as best she could, only to give a sudden cry herself as she too felt her climax.

Unable to contain herself, Rika gave a great and erotic cry as she felt herself climax, her vaginal walls clamping tightly around Davis' member as it gave a final thrust inside of her and caused her to cum, the feeling and pleasure Rika felt left her with a satisfied smile on her face, an expression Sora shared as she sunk forward as to rest herself on Davis' chest.

As their orgasms began to fade, Sora and Rika both panting after their experience, Kari and the others set themselves around Davis, with Nene helping the dazed form of Sora away from Davis' chest, before Kari and Mimi guided Davis back upon the bed, removed his member from Rika's folds and allowing Rika's sexual fluids to pour from her pussy.

Their attention focused on Davis, Kari and Mimi set themselves on the sides of Davis, rubbing his chest enticingly.

"So... how did you enjoy your first gift?" Kari then asked, expressing a curiousness and slyness in her tone.

"Amazing..." Davis could only say, before turning to look at Kari with a smile, showing his love and appreciation to his beloved.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it." Kari replied, moving in and kissing Davis on the lips, stroking and rubbing his chest as she then told him. "But we have a lot more planned for you."

"Now my turn!" Mimi called out with excitement as she reached over to the nightstand, never breaking her embrace with Davis as she set her hand into the box and pulled out a piece of paper.

Looking to her note, Mimi moved herself to a sitting position, grinning mischievously as Yolei and Nene looked over her shoulder to see what was presented to the Digidestined of Sincerity.

"Looks like I get to give the birthday boy a lap-dance." The pink haired Digidestined let out with excitement as she looked back to Davis with a growing smile, seeing Davis blushing a little, as well as seeing his member twitch a little at the suggestion.

After Kari kissed Davis supportingly on the cheek, backing away and giving some distance for Mimi to perform, smirking herself, Mimi got off of the bed and moved a few feet, positioning herself in front of Davis, turning to face him, before she closed her eyes and began to sway her naked body to music she played in her mind, caressing her body as she made sure to put on a show for the Digidestined of Miracles.

"Wow, you go girl!" Zoe let out as she and the other girls began cheering her on, leaving Davis in awe at the situation, as well as the sight of Mimi's body as she danced naked before him.

"Looks like someone's enjoying this." Mimi remarked with a giggle, eyeing Davis and seeing his cock twitching, reacting to the suggestive dancing and naked woman before him.

Sliding herself closer to the bed, Mimi kept up in her dance, swaying her body around as to show off her breasts, as well as turning around to show her ass to Davis and the other girls watching, earning more cat calls from Zoe and the others.

"Keep showing that amazing body, sexy!" Nene called, enjoying the show presented before her, finding it only getting better as Mimi set herself back upon the bed, crawled up to Davis and pressed his face into her cleavage, which Davis reacted to as he remained face deep between Mimi's tits, slid his hands down and squeezed her ass.

Moaning a little, Mimi enjoyed the feel of Davis' hands on her, at the position she was in, before loosening her hold on Davis' head, finding the maroon haired Digidestined slide up from her breasts and to her face, kissing her with a clear and growing desire.

Breaking the kiss, Mimi then turned around, where she began grinding her ass lightly against Davis' cock, the feeling causing the maroon haired Digidestined to groan and growl lightly, his desire growing, which wasn't the only thing.

Keeping in her seduction as she slid herself along Davis' member, her pussy getting wetter from the excitement she felt, Mimi couldn't wait any longer.

Turning back around and placing her hands on Davis' shoulders, positioning herself so that her folds brushed against the tip of Davis' cock, Mimi looked upon Davis with a lustfulness as she slowly lowered herself onto his shaft.

"Mimi...!" Davis could only say, groaning at the feeling of her pussy sliding around his manhood, feelings Mimi shared as she began moaning, letting out with great longing. "Sorry, Davis, but I need this... I need you..."

Adjusting to the position, Mimi found herself silenced as Davis kissed her again, expressing his own longing and desires for the pink haired Digidestined.

And though this wasn't part of her gift, Kari allowed Mimi to continue, smiling to see the pair showing such longing in their actions.

Breaking his kiss with Mimi, Davis heightened the pleasure of the Digidestined of Sincerity as he set his hands on Mimi's ass, guiding her up and down his shaft, which increased the moaning Mimi let out.

"Oh, Davis... This feels so hot... Being with you feels amazing...!" The pink haired Digidestined called, praising Davis to the pleasure that came with his cock sliding in and out of her, which only grew as Davis advanced in his actions.

Keeping his right hand rested firmly on Mimi's ass, even groping it a little, Davis brought his left to Mimi's chest, rubbing her right breast, while sliding his head down and running tongue on the left.

"Davis!" Mimi cried again, feeling a brief orgasm from the pleasure between her and the birthday boy, feeling the pleasure only increasing between her and Davis as she remained in his arms, enjoying the feeling of his cock filling her pussy and the added pleasure of his hands and tongue on her body.

"Mimi, you feel so tight... You have such an amazing body..." Davis began to say, doing what he could as to show his appreciation for the Digidestined of Sincerity, which left him blushing as he confessed. "I admit I've actually dreamt of this... of us having sex... When we first met, you looked so amazing, so hot... there was even part of me hoping if I ever got the chance... my first threesome would be with you and Kari..."

Surprised by Davis' words, but also flattered, Mimi slid her arms around Davis, holding herself closer to him as they continued in their actions, even sliding her head down as to break him away from her breasts and show her longing with a deep and erotic kiss.

Meanwhile, and from Davis' confession, Kari found herself in a little day dream, part of her wondering what it would have been like if she and Mimi took Davis away from the others that day and lived out his fantasy.

But unable to think too much on the idea, despite the arousal that came with it, hearing Mimi suddenly screaming Davis' name, and looking at the sweat dripping down her body, Kari and the others could tell Mimi was close to cumming.

"Master, I'm close...! I can't hold it... I'm cumming... Oh, Master, I'm so close...!" Mimi let out as she wrapped her arms and legs tightly around Davis, holding him close to her as her climax approached.

But from her position and seeing Davis' expression, seeing the same strained look from their lovemaking, Kari knew Davis was also close to cumming as well.

"Me... me too...!" Davis groaned in reply, feeling his own climax coming after the stimulation he had received, alongside the sex with Sora and Rika beforehand.

Unsure how to react to his position, finding Mimi's arms and legs wrapped around him tightly, there was part of Davis that felt he should stop, to make sure he didn't cum inside of Mimi.

However, looking over, looking to Kari and seeing the encouraging smile upon her face, Davis nodded, knowing what to do.

Resting both hands on Mimi's ass, gripping tighter than before, Davis thrust harder into Mimi, increasing the pleasure between him and the pink haired Digidestined, giving several more thrusts until Mimi felt herself give into her pleasure.

"Oh, Master!" Mimi screamed at the top of her lungs, arching her chest against Davis' with her release, cumming all over Davis' cock and leaving a similar satisfied expression that Sora and Rika expressed to grace itself upon Mimi's face.

Meanwhile, feeling her tight folds clamping around his cock, Davis let out a great groan as he came, finding the pleasures amongst Sora, Rika and now Mimi catching up to him and leaving him groaning loudly.

"Mimi!" Davis called as he came, releasing his seed into Mimi's pussy and filling her womb, the feeling bringing a further delight to the Digidestined of Sincerity, who sighed contentedly as she rested her head on Davis' chest.

Feeling a little drained after his release, but having plenty of energy, Davis slid his arms around Mimi and gently pulled the satisfied form of the Digidestined of Sincerity off of his cock, where he guided Mimi onto her back, allowing her to rest.

"Do you mind if we take a break?" Davis asked, sliding down onto his back as to catch his breath, finding that though he was now eager for Kari's gifts, his body needed to regain its energy.

Having anticipated this as she eyed Davis' erection fading, Kari looked at Nene and gave her fellow brunette a wink, this causing the idol's eyes to glaze over for a second, before gaining a mischievous glint.

"Oh course, Davis. And while you relax, I'm going to give you a performance you'll never forget." Nene replied with a suggestive smile, speaking for the other girls, before the brunette idol acted on her conditioning and moved ahead, posing before the bed and the Digidestined of Miracles.

Swaying her body to one of her songs, even singing along its lyrics, Nene danced and sang before Davis, Kari and the others, putting on quite the performance as she swayed her body, showed off her breasts, ass and her pussy, doing all she could as to keep her Master in the mood.

"Nene's looking good." Sora let out, finding that watching Nene dancing and singing naked was getting her aroused.

Nodding in agreement with Sora's words, Zoe added enticingly. "Do you think she could give me a private show?"

Though finding some flattery in the support of the others, Nene remained focused on Davis, finding herself smiling to see his member erect once again.

"Now that the birthday boy's ready for the next round, what do you say we continue this party?" Nene suggested enticingly as she remained looking at Davis with an enticing smile, finding Davis smiling back at her.

Excited to see Davis ready for more, Kari decided it was time to test her luck and to see what suggestion she'd be presented with as she reached within the box.

Drawing out the piece of paper selected, Kari's smile only grew as she read the message, finding Zoe sink herself over her shoulder as she read the message herself.

"Looks like someone's in for it." The Warrior of Wind said with a growing grin and enticing tone, before adding with a purr. "Maybe I'll join you on this one."

Puzzled by Zoe's words, and curious at the note, Davis had to ask. "Join her on what?"

"See for yourself." Sora replied, taking the note from Kari's possession and handing it to Davis, where the maroon haired Digidestined's blush returned to find the words 'anal sex' written on the paper.

Though his member seemed eager, twitching a little, looking at Kari and Zoe, there were growing concerns filling Davis.

"Wait, Kari... are you sure about this?" Davis asked in worry, having dreamt of doing this with her before, but he never wanted to ask her to do something he was sure she didn't want to do.

"Very sure." Kari replied, looking at Davis and smiling, happy to see his continued love and care expressing itself on his face.

"Besides..." Kari went on, her smile turning a little playful as she questioned her boyfriend. "Who do you think wrote that suggestion?"

Davis' eyes widened in shock to hear that, his cock hard and throbbing as he watched Kari and Zoe move towards the wall, positioning themselves with their bodies bent, their hands against the wall, and their tight asses sticking out, waiting for Davis to take them.

"Come on, Master... we're ready." Zoe purred, shaking her hips a little as to entice the Digidestined of Courage and Friendship to join them, an action Kari copied as she also gave her ass a small shake.

But what got Davis was the ever captivating look in Kari's loving eyes.

Removing himself from the bed, Davis moved toward Kari and Zoe, finding his heart rate and arousal increasing with each step he took as he approached the pair, his desire growing as he closed in on the Digidestined of Light, deciding to take her first, but not before having a little fun beforehand.

Sinking himself down to his knees, positioning himself before Kari's pussy, Davis pressed his hands upon Kari's legs, spreading out her lower lips, leaned in and began running his tongue along her slit.

"Davis..." Kari let out, finding her face flushed with excitement, moaning happily to the familiar pleasure of Davis' licking her pussy, before hearing Zoe being to moan herself, the moans from the blonde causing Kari to look over and smile, finding that as Davis remained licking her slit, he was also trying to satisfy Zoe, seeing Davis fingering Zoe's vagina softly.

"Oh, Davis...! Your fingers feel so good...!" Zoe moaned happily, her smile growing as she felt the Digidestined of Miracles slid his digits deeper into her folds, rubbing slowly along her vaginal walls as to get the best response from the Warrior of Wind.

Continuing from his position, Kari and Zoe's moans increased, both enjoying the growing sensations between their legs, feeling Davis continuing to arouse and excite them, even switching after a while as to rub Kari's pussy and lick out Zoe's, much to their enjoyment.

But as amazing as it felt, to have Davis' fingers and his tongue working along their pussies, filling the pair with pleasure, Kari and Zoe now longed for the birthday boy, with Kari telling her beloved. "Come on, Davis... Don't you know it's rude to keep a girl waiting...?"

Removing his mouth and fingers from out and away from the pair of pussies before him, Davis just nodded in reply, before returning to his feet and setting himself behind Kari.

Taking a deep breath as he braced himself, Davis rested his hands around Kari's waist and lined the tip of his manhood to Kari's entrance, the feeling earning an excited and longing moan from the Digidestined of Light.

The moans of his girlfriend now encouraging him, Davis pressed his body forward, groaning as his cock slid into Kari's ass, which caused a sharp gasp to escape the brunette's lips.

But seeing some discomfort on Kari's face, his concern once again returning, Davis slowed down his thrusts, keeping still as to speak to the Digidestined of Light.

"Kari, do you want me to stop?" He asked, about to pull out of his girlfriend, but stopped as the maroon haired Digidestined found Yolei and Rika sitting on his sides, while Sora and Nene crouched beside Zoe.

"Don't even think about stopping, Master." Sora said with a pretend authoritativeness, holding up the paper note and adding. "This was Kari's task and she must go through with it."

"And if you're still worried about her, perhaps this will help keep your mind busy." Yolei added, sliding herself up, set her arms around Davis and forced his lips into a deep and longing kiss, surprising Davis to no end to have Yolei kissing him.

And Davis was more taken aback to how good it felt.

As stunned as he was to find the purple haired Digidestined slowly making out with him, the sound of Kari and Zoe moaning grabbed his attention, where the maroon haired Digidestined found Rika pressing herself closely to Kari and was kissing around her body, while Sora and Nene were focusing their attention on Zoe engaging the blonde in a three-way kiss.

Looking past Yolei as she kept her arms around his neck and her lips upon his, Davis looked to Kari, seeing the Digidestined of Light looking more relaxed in her position, even returning the pleasure Rika was giving her as she set her hands on Rika's head and pulled her ahead, to her lips as to kiss the Tamer.

"Master..." Kari purred after breaking her kiss with Rika, looking over her shoulder and to Davis, showing a growing desire. "I'm ready..."

Sliding away from Davis and Kari, allowing the maroon haired Digidestined to focus his attention on Kari, Yolei and Rika watched on, feeling themselves getting hot as Davis' hands gripped Kari's ass tightly, before seeing his cock sink deeply into her tightening passage.

"Kari, you are so tight back here...!" Davis groaned, taking another moment to allow his beloved to adjust to the position. "It feels amazing..."

"I know exactly how you feel..." Kari replied, never breaking her warm gaze upon her lover and found the pleasure filling her only growing.

Smirking, Kari pushed herself back, forcing herself deeper along Davis' manhood, this causing her and Davis to moan and groan to the feeling, before the pair acted on their longing and began building up a rhythm together, allowing for the most pleasure to be shared between them as Davis' manhood entered and exited Kari's rear.

Growing deep in their actions, the pair moaning louder with each thrust, Davis slid his body closer to Kari's, pressing himself to her back as to kiss along the back of her neck.

"Kari, you are the best girlfriend ever...I love you..." Davis said between his kisses, which brought a smile to Kari's face, happy that the birthday boy was enjoying her present and more so to the pleasure shared between them.

"Don't forget your other present, stud." Zoe cooed happily, causing Davis to look over and see the blonde still in her position, watching him take Kari with a lustfulness in her hazy eyes, shaking her ass enticingly as she waited for Davis to take her.

"Go for it, my love..." Kari spoke up, encouraging Davis to take Zoe's ass and give her the same pleasures she had experienced, which earned a nod from Davis, who slowly removed his member from out of Kari's ass and allowed Zoe and the others to see it was still hard.

Placing himself behind Zoe, and finding Sora assisting in their own way, parting Zoe's cheeks to invite his member inside, Davis, after getting a firm hold on her hips pushed forward, earning a great gasp from Zoe as she felt Davis' member fill and enter her ass.

"Master!" Zoe let out from the sensation, keeping a dazed smile on her face to the pleasure that came with the Digidestined of Miracles inside of her rear.

But unlike Kari, finding himself growing bolder in his actions, his desires for the Warrior of Wind only growing, Davis immediately began to thrust, sliding his manhood in and out of Zoe, leaving just the tip inside her ass as he took her.

"Oh, Master... Master, you're the best..." Zoe moaned erotically, sliding her body to best match Davis' thrusts, before moaning lightly so Sora moved in, claiming the blonde's lips in a deep kiss.

And finding himself in a similar position, though enjoying the tightness and pleasure that was Zoe's ass, Davis felt Yolei slide her arms around his chest and resume to make out with him.

"Master, you are perfecto." Yolei let out, breaking from Davis' lips and continued kissing along the Digidestined's neck and collarbone with a continued longing and desire, feeling that watching Davis and all the sex was continuing to get to her.

"Our Master isn't just perfecto... he's un perfetto amante..." Zoe added through her pleasure filled moans, finding her Italian slipping through as she continued to enjoy the pleasure shared between her and the maroon haired Digidestined.

Knowing she was the only one to speak fluent Italian, Zoe looked over her shoulder, to Davis and told him with a smile, expressing a continued longing. "It means a perfect lover..."

Flattered and a little embarrassed by Zoe's high praise of him, Davis remained focused on Zoe.

Wanting to keep her both satisfied in her position, and to keep the Warrior of Wind thinking he was indeed un perfetto amante, the Digidestined of Courage and Friendship slid his arms around Zoe's hips, pressed his body closer to her and increased his thrusts, causing his member to slide deeper into Zoe's rear, leaving the blonde moaning erotically to the pleasure that followed.

Though Davis was also enjoying his time with Zoe, enjoying the tightness of her ass, the feel of her breasts in his hands and the moans she continued to let out, looking over at Kari, there was a part to Davis that felt he needed to be there for his beloved, to continue to express his love in its most intimate form.

Acting on this desire, Davis looked to Yolei, finding the Digidestined of Love and Sincerity rubbing his chest as she continued to kiss his neck from time to time.

"Yolei... Rika..." He let out, grabbing their immediate attention, before Davis added and asked. "Do you think you can give me a hand here and help Kari to my bed...?"

"Of course, Master." Yolei replied, expressing her obedience and following her conditioning as she set her arms around Kari, hoisting her to a bridal style hold and carried her back to Davis' bed, resting her atop the mattress.

Curious as to what Davis was up to, Kari sat up a little and was about to ask, only to find Zoe positioned on top of her, the blonde looking to Kari with a warm smile, before a familiar feeling overtook Kari, feeling Davis' cock back inside of her ass, which left an apporving moan to leave Kari's lips.

Now understanding what Davis was thinking, Kari relaxed and enjoyed herself, allowing Davis not only to ravish her ass, but to pull out and switch to Zoe, leaving the Digidestined of Light and the Warrior of Wind moaning erotically to the pleasure shared between them, to Davis continuing to put all his effort in satisfying them.

But both feeling the pleasures shared between the maroon haired Digidestined, Kari and Zoe could feel themselves coming closer to their orgasms, both moaning louder as their climaxes drew closer with each thrust.

Finding herself unable to contain her pleasure, Zoe was about to give a great cry with her release, only to find herself silenced upon feeling the familiar warmth of Kari's lips on hers, this left Zoe moaning within Kari's mouth as the pair deepened the erotic kiss between them.

However, feeling the same and familiar pleasures she had come to love when she and Davis made love, Kari broke away from Zoe's lips, arched her body against Zoe's and gave into her release, screaming Davis' name as she came.

Their climaxes hitting them simultaneously, Kari and Zoe found themselves cumming, both Digi-girls moaning loudly to the feeling of release, to the pleasures only growing between them.

"Davis!" Kari cried out, finding the feel of his member giving a final thrust set her off, bringing her to another amazing orgasm, a feeling Zoe clearly shared with her climax.

But thanks to Zoe's training as a Legendary Warrior, and Kari training her own body, building up her endurance and stamina, the pair remained in position, looking to Davis with a continued desire.

Removing his cock from Kari's ass, revealing his member was as hard as ever, but seeing Davis panting a little, drained a bit after their most recent of activities, Kari kept her attention upon the Digidestined of Miracles.

"Now you just relax as we all prepare to make you feel good." Kari soothed as she guided Davis onto his back, allowing his head to rest in her lap, the position of which causing Davis' member to point to the air and left Yolei to bite her lower lip a little, showing her desire to have Davis inside of her as she suppressed a squeal.

But breaking the more lustful thoughts of her conditioned slaves, Kari spoke up, saying as she began massaging Davis' shoulders. "Girls, come here and help relax the birthday boy with a full body massage."

As Kari remained massaging Davis' shoulders, the maroon haired Digidestined watched on as Sora, Mimi, Yolei, Rika, Zoe and Nene all climbed upon his bed and joined him, each sliding themselves closely to the Digidestined of Courage and Friendship, rubbing their hands along his body, arms and his feet.

Curious, Kari then asked with a warm tone and a matching smile. "How does this feel, Master?"

"It feels pretty good." Davis replied as he relaxed himself in Kari's lap with a content sigh and allowed the girls to continue in their actions.

But too caught up in the moment, Davis failed to notice the sweet expression of his girlfriend changing, showing a fair slyness toward the other girls.

Reacting to Kari's more devious expression, Sora slid herself away from Davis, allowing Rika as to take her place and continue to massage him, sliding her skilled hands along the left side of his chest, while the Digidestined of Love slowly excused herself from off Davis' bed and took a brief moment as to enter the bathroom.

Sighing as Kari and the other girls continued to massage his body, Davis slowly opened his eyes, about to thank the girls for their efforts, only to feel something a little off upon noticing Sora standing by the bed and handing Kari a blindfold.

"Kari, what are you...?" Davis began to ask, uncertain as to what the brunette had in mind, but found the Digidestined of Light slide the blindfold over his head, covering his eyes and obscuring his vision.

"Trust me, Master. This will feel even better." Davis heard Kari say, her tone expressing a continued trust, which caused Davis to try to relax himself and to allow Kari to advance in her actions.

Feeling her boyfriend loosen up, this allowed Kari and the others to advance, with the Digidestined of Light keeping herself in place as to both rest Davis' head and to massage his shoulders, while Sora rejoined the other girls as they spread themselves out and along Davis' body.

Copying Kari's leading example, and after Sora returned to the bed, the Digidestined of Love worked alongside Nene, the pair softly running their hands along the right side of Davis' chest, as well as massaging his right hand and arm, enjoying the feel of his muscles, alongside the approving sighs the maroon haired Digidestined gave as their hands roamed along his body, a position Mimi and Nene shared as they put their own longing efforts into massaging the left side of Davis, rubbing and massaging his chest, left arm and left hand.

As great as the full body massage felt, even earning another content sigh as he felt Kari's hands slide down to the sides of his head and massaging his temples, with a remaining smile, Kari asked. "So what did I tell you, Master?"

"You were right, Kari... The pleasure is amazing..." Davis sighed, enjoying the full body massage, including the actions occurring around his legs as he felt a set of hands working around his lower region, each rubbing his legs and working their way down to his feet.

Moaning in approval, Davis felt the hands rubbing the soles of his feet and between his toes, before feeling something wet, though pleasant working its way along his left foot.

If Davis wasn't blindfolded, he would've been able to look down, to see Yolei showing a more submissive side to her as she was kissing and licking his feet.

But deciding not to ruin the moment with any questions, and to just relax, Davis remained silent and continued to enjoy the time spent with Kari and the others.

Finding the massage helped relax Davis, as well as set him back into the mood, Kari slid the blindfold from off Davis' eyes, allowing him to look back up and see his girlfriend, alongside the warm smile on her face.

"We still have a few more presents for you, Master." The Digidestined of Light informed, bringing a shared excitement to the girls, Yolei expressing the most eagerness out of all of them, before the Digidestined of Love and Sincerity tried her luck, reached into the box and withdrew a sheet of paper.

And after silently reading her sexual act, hearts filled her eyes, puzzling Davis a little, before finding some clarification as Mimi took the paper from Yolei's possession and handed it to the Digidestined of Light.

"Seems Yolei gets to make up for the past." Kari commented with a grin, showing Davis the paper, which displayed the word, 'punishment' written upon the slim strip. "She's been a bad girl, and this note says she must be punished."

Though Davis had no hard feelings to their arguments in the past, the chance to 'punish' Yolei, especially after seeing her as a beautiful and sexy woman left Davis with a sly smile, one Kari shared.

"So how do we start?" The Digidestined of Courage and Friendship asked, this continuing to bring a growing grin to the brunette's face at seeing her beloved showing his desires.

"We start off by getting Yolei in the right position." Kari said in reply as she helped Davis up from the bed, leaving the pair watching on as Mimi guided Yolei onto her back, before Sora, Rika, Zoe and Nene circled around the purple haired Digidestined and handcuffed Yolei's arms and her feet, restraining her to the bedposts and leaving her body on display.

With Yolei bound to the bed, her lustful gaze remaining fixed upon Davis and his manhood, Kari, after sliding her hand down as to stroke Davis' cock a little, told him with an enticing and inviting voice. "Now that that's done, she's all yours. Have fun."