
Difficult phase of being teen

It's all about me that how my life started and move on with time and how I manage with it smoothly and roughly . My family support was there all the time they never left me alone I was their apple of an eye . They trusted and loved me as their son not take me as their daughter ,they keep on their support and love which made my life on the top of the world in short I love them alot till my last breathe.

Anum_Qasim · 若者
6 Chs

Difficult phase of being teen

My topic is very delicate and touchy, because I have gone through same conditions which were unbearable ND very hard to describe openly with wider thoughts . I would begin my story with my born time ,when I opened my eyes for the first time to see this beautiful world ,so I was happily welcomed by my parents ND sister with warm hearts. My grandparents were very blunt ND rude to me because I was a girl and they expected a boy. They bad mouthed and cursed me to die ,but my parents raised their voice against their arrogant behaviour and made them silent. Gradually time passes by and I was school going over their status conscious collueges I found who were just using me as a tissue paper and make my fun behind my back. Teachers showed favourable act to those spoil brats and sometimes behave agressive with me. I still showed my inner power and I didn't slow down. I without sincere friends and back support I passed my olevels with flying colours and after that due to financial crisis I quit studies and start giving tuition to those people who can't afford high fees ND also generate my knowledge to them as a little gift of token. Many people in my life came as a blowing wind to break me and started showing me the mirror that I am nothing but a zero but my deep thinking of being hardworker didn't stopped me at any moment. life is full of twist ND turns so we never know when the opportunity clicks you and give so many happiness without expectations.