
Different world reincarnation

An Archeologist from India Ravindra gets reincarnated into the world of swords and magic".Different world reincarnation" is an intriguing and captivating tale that follows the journey of Arthur stormwind, who is reincarnated as Northern Duke's eldest son. Unbeknownst to him, he possesses an ancestral pendant that holds the key to unlimited power and magic. As Arthur explores his new life, he is confronted with the tragic news of his mother's death under suspicious circumstances. In the castle where he resides, he discovers an air of hostility and animosity directed towards him from all corners.How will Arthur live in this new world and what storms would he create. Will he became a tyrant or a new hope to this world.Will his previous life values remain or will he sublimated by this new world's barbarity. Discover as Arthur struggles with his ideas and ideals and realises that world always has something unexpected for every one.

CSK2023 · ファンタジー
42 Chs

New found powers part 4

As I closed the door to my room, a wave of exhaustion washed over me. The events of the day played in my mind like a vivid reel, each moment etched with its own significance.

The ceremony, the discovery of my powers, and the encounters with the guards—all of it seemed to converge in this moment of solitude.Sinking onto my bed, I took a deep breath, allowing the weight of the day to settle. My mind buzzed with a flurry of thoughts and emotions, each vying for attention.

I couldn't help but ponder the implications of my newfound abilities and the potential they held.

As I sat in my room, reflecting on the words of the guards, a mix of emotions washed over me. In my previous life, I had developed a thick skin to shield myself from the impact of others' words.

I had learned to maintain a composed exterior, unaffected by the opinions and judgments of those around me.

But now, in this childlike form, I couldn't help but feel the weight of their words seeping into my heart.It was frustrating to realize that despite my mature mind, there were still remnants of my younger self lingering within me well now I know why there was such a saying in my previous world"MEN Will be MEN".

The vulnerability and sensitivity of this youthful body seemed to amplify the impact of others' remarks.

I couldn't simply brush off their words with a smile and carry on as I once did.While thinking I found myself, gazing out the window at the world beyond.

It was then that I noticed something peculiar—despite the fading light, my vision remained as sharp as ever. In fact, it seemed to have heightened to an extraordinary degree.With an inquisitive gleam in my eyes, I focused my attention on a distant tree, its silhouette standing tall against the darkening sky.

To my astonishment, every minute detail became vividly clear to me. I could discern the intricate network of veins that adorned each leaf, the delicate dance of a spider spinning its web among the branches, and even the minuscule movements of an ant as it traversed the garden below.

I possessed the remarkable capacity to perceive the smallest of details.No longer confined by physical barriers, my sight extended far beyond the limitations of distance.

I could discern the individual petals of a flower swaying in the gentle breeze, even from the confines of my room. The world, once seemingly distant and detached, now unfolded before me in all its breathtaking grandeur.

Each leaf, each blade of grass, held a story to tell, and it was my eyes seemed to listen to them.Bewildered by the discovery I thought about looking at my status window to confirm if I have missed something or there are some hidden skills that I have yet to discover.

My status window looked something less ke this.

Name: Arthur stormwind(Poisoned)

Level: 1


HP: 28(16+12**)/60

MP: 580(500+80**)/600

Strength: 4

Defense: 3

Agility: 5

Intelligence: 18


Talents: Mind's Eye(Ex),Mana affinity (B), Blessings of Mana(A),

Comprehension(A*),Wild instinct(B),Sword heart(C),Martial prodigy(B),


Mental immunity(SS*)

Serene Mind(A*)

Unhealthy body(S)

Observation (B)

Trap detection (B)

Leadership (B)

Planning (A)

Heart's Gaze


Heavenly vision (A)

Karmic insight(SSS)

Mana view(A)

Appraisal (S)

Nature's calling(B)

Skill copying (SSS*)(only possible for skill equal to or below SSS,only capable of copying normal skills and talent including natural abilities,skills derived from bloodline and lineage is not possible,skill and talent obtained due to hardwork or experience is not possible, copying itself is not possible)

Bestowal(EX*)(grants Skill or talent specified by the user to the selected target max 2(skills or talent) to a specific individual other than oneself.

Divine protection:None


Child prodigy: During childhood it is easy for those with this title to learn martial arts and magic.

Otherworlder:Those equipped with this title will find it easy for them to learn skill and various elemental resistance but have a higher chance of encountering problematic and dangerous situations.

Universal Adoration:The title given only to those loved by the world's itself.Increase luck greatly.

Keeper of Divine Relics:Those equipped with divine artifacts.

Note: The (*) indicates that the skill or talent is influenced or enhanced by specific equipment or artifacts.Note: The (**) indicates that it has additional potential for growth or improvement.

Equipment/Artifacts*:Celestial Radiance(pendant)

[]: Grants Skill Copying (SSS*)

[]: Grants Skill Bestowal (EX*) talent

[]:Enhances Skill Mental Immunity (SS*)

[]: Enhances Skill Serene Mind(A*)talen

[]: Enhances talent Comprehension(A*)

[]:Increases mana(20%**),Increase Health(20%**)

[]:Grants Skill(******###@$)

[]:Grants Skill(****@#$$$**#)

[]:Grants Skill(@##&:#@#@*)

[]:Grants Skill(****###@@@)

[]:Grants Skill(**':#$_&&-**@@)

Arthur felt a mix of excitement and disbelief as he observed his status window. Seeing "Mind's Eye" listed under the talents column instead of skills made him feel like a true protagonist in an isekai anime. He couldn't help but grin at the thought.

Upon closer inspection, he noticed that his Mind's Eye talent had granted him six additional skills. The details of each skill were as follows:

Karmic Insight (SSS): This skill allowed Arthur to perceive the karmic ties and connections between individuals, understanding their past actions and their consequences.

Heart's Gaze: This skill granted Arthur the power to see into the depths of a person's heart, sensing their true intentions and emotions.

Heavenly Vision (A): With this skill, allows the user to see beyond the ordinary distance, provides a dynamic vision,even at night time.

Mana View (A): Arthur gained the ability to perceive the flow of mana, allowing him to sense its presence, density, and fluctuations in his surroundings.

Appraisal (S): This skill allows him to analyze and evaluate the attributes, properties, and potential of objects, items, and living beings. With a simple glance, he can discern valuable information about them, such as their composition, quality, and hidden traits.

Nature's Calling (B): This skill enables him to communicate with and exert a level of control over animals. He can establish a connection with various creatures of the natural world, allowing him to understand their intentions, emotions, and even issue simple commands.

With this skill, he can foster cooperation with animals, seek their assistance, or utilize their unique abilities for various purposes.

I had forgotten about the pendant in all my excitement and ordeal but seeing the sweet benefits and skills it bought me I decided to take a look at it to find a second line of inscription in Sanskrit has appeared on it:

"Krodhād bhavati sammohaḥ sammohāt smṛiti-vibhramaḥsmṛiti-bhranśhād buddhi-nāśho buddhi-nāśhāt praṇaśhyati."

It was the first inscription that I always saw but today a new one appeared:

vanāni dahato vahneḥ sakhā bhavati mārutaḥ। sa eva dīpanāśāya kṛśe kasyāsti sauhṛdam ॥

Seeing these I knew that the power bestowed upon me by pendant were related to these inscriptions.

The first one warns about dangers of an angry mind hence the power granted by the pendant is one that Calms the mind while the second inscription talks about the importance of power hence it gave me a set of skills by which me and my allies can become stronger and there seems to be more skills that can be unlocked in the future but I don't seem to know the conditions to unlock it.Some of the skills in the status window came from my previous life when I worked as an Archeologist and led various teams to explore ruins.

Observation (B)

Trap detection (B)

Leadership (B)

Planning (A)

Now after organising every detail about my skills and talent it is time to sleep and hope tommorow will be better day.