
Chapter 7: Two Sides of the Same Mission.

[Leon & Riley]

"Just a few more miles and we will be there." Leon said to Riley walking in his usual black hoodie and dark joggers, and Riley followed behind with her green sweater and ripped jeans. "Would you tell me already where we're going?." Riley asked. "Relax we're almost there." Leon said.

Eventually the duo made their way to a hotel. "San Marino Hotel?" Riley asked. "How the fuck is an hotel supposed to help us find them?" She asked in frustration. Leon walked up some stairs, then he stopped and looked back at her. With a small grin, he said. "It's not the hotel that's gonna help us, it's who's in the hotel." He said. continuing on his way up. Riley was still frustrated, yet followed Leon up the stairs.

"FUCK NO YOU JONGO MONGO PEICE OF SHIT." Brenden screamed sitting on his couch watching tv with his pink bath robe on. He looked at leon and Riley who were standing beside him. "Look brenden we need your help Kamryn, Sultan and Cesar are missing, possibly kidnapped and their gps trackers are pointing everywhere. "Leon look look, I couldn't give a wet cow boy's ass if your whole tribe went missing in my back yard." Brenden said looking at Leon.

"What happened to Cesar that's a shame, I told him not to get involved, but he just wouldn't listen now would he." Brenden said with a small sigh. "I guess the students this year really are naive." He said standing up from his couch. "Look Brenden I understand that due to your racism you don't genuinely respect anyone here besides me and cesar, however this is a mission, and your selfishness isn't really contributing to anything, but more difficulties. So I say quit the little self centered diva act and pull your shit together." Riley stipulated.

Brenden gazed at her with a mischievous look. "You're a funny one Riley, I'll get ready." He said in a bright tone. "What the hell just happened?." Leon asked. "I don't even know myself." Riley said turning around and walking away with her arms crossed.

[Sultan/ Kamryn/Cesar]

"The name Is Agnes, Harkens lovely to finally meet you." Agnes said. Kamryn raised her whip.

In front of the three stood a dark skinned woman, with bushy hair, and black nails, she wore a robe hiding her black leggings and red shirt.

"You've got about two minutes to explain yourself, or else-"

"or else what?" Agnes cuts Kamryn off.

"Are you forgetting who led you here in the first place?" She threatened.

"Wait that was you?" Sultan asked.

"Yes it was me…didn't I just say that?" Agnes replied.

"Why did you bring us here?" Cesar asked. "You know? That's a good question. Oh right I know why." She said in a flaky tone. "I am a witch." She said. The three looked at each other and they burst out into laughter. Agnes looked at them confused yet intrigued. " I don't get what's so funny about being a witch." She said. "Well maybe it's cuz you being a witch is as crazy as me being Beyoncé who's also a ware wolf hybrid." Sultan said mocking her.

"You all are just classless hooligans." She replied. "Perhaps I could nudge your little brains and show you a truly magical experience." She said. "She put her palms together in front of her face, speaking in a sacred language. Her hands began glowing a bright orange as she separated them. The orange energy then transferred to her finger tips, where she puts out her index finger moved it around in a circular motion and left a circular trail of writings.

Sultan, Cesar, and Kamryn were amazed, they had never seen something so bizarre. "How did you do that?" Sultan asked. "I'm a witch."she said once again. "So is that all you can do?" Kamryn said. Agnes looked over to Kamryn's direction ignoring Sultan. "You still don't believe me?" She asked. "We'll all you did was move your fingers and put some gibberish nothing special." Kamryn responded.

"I just made a complicated spell, and you'd do good to keep that in mind." She threatened. "I know damn we this bitch did not just threaten me." Kamryn replied. She drew her whip, which caught the attention of the witch and her Allie's. "Kamryn I think it's wise if you don't engage in a fight, this woman is trouble." Cesar said. "Let's see how much trouble she is when my shove my foot 2 inches in her behind." She threatened.

The witch looked at Kamryn with shock.

as if her hand was a magnet, she pulled the spell she casted towards her and threw it at Kamryn. The spell forced Kamryn back as she her back hit a wall. She looked down to see an engraving of the spell, on her clothes and an extension of the words making a cross sign on the walls. "KAMRYN/BABE." Sultan and Cesar yelled.

"What The fuck is this I can't move." Kamryn said. "Magic of texts and scriptures, one of the most powerful forms of magic to ever exist." Agnes informed looking at her finger tips as the bright orange slowly dims. "Basically what I'm saying is I just hit you with a simple sealing spell, don't worry it will only last about 20 minutes. She explained.

Cesar and Sultan looked at Kamryn and Agnes confused on how Kamryn was handled quickly. "Let's get to the order of business now, shall we." Agnes said walking to a counter top filled with ingredients and herbs.

[Brenden/Leon/ Riley]

The three made their way to the armed building Kamryn's team was last spotted. In front of them were the two guards that were stationed there from before. "These guys again, anyone here speak Spanish?" Leon asked as Riley shook her head. "What about you brenden?" He asked ." like hell a pure breed like me would speak the language of a filthy gardener." He boasted.

Leon and Riley looked at each other before looking forward at Brenden again. "So they can't speak Spanish? I guess we just have to go my way." Brenden said. He drew his whip and went full speed towards the men.

"Does he really think he can get to two harmed men with loaded AKs?" Riley asked.

"I don't even want to know." Leon replied.

The men, stunned by confusion, raised their gun up and aimed it at the incoming brenden. They pulled the trigger to hopefully end Brenden, but he showed no signs of retaliation. In one swift glance, Brenden was able to locate every bullet that had been shot by the two men, and using his whip he swung around and deflected each and every one of them leaving him unharmed.

He jumped in the air and got within range for his final attack. Using his whip he wrapped it around the necks of the two men and pulled it, snapping both their necks in the process.

"Foolish Hispanics not even Europe can protect you from this border patrol." Brenden said smiling. He turned around and said to his team "Coast is clea-". He stops. "BRENDEN" Riley screamed. As an Asian man swung his Katana on Brenden's neck. He felt his blade make contact with an object but this object seemed thick and elastic.

"The hell do you think you doing? Gandam style." Brenden says in anger holding his whip between the blade and his neck.

To be continued.