
It Happened In The Car


Stuck in traffic on the expressway. Downside? Big truck to my left, Frito Lay truck in front, last big truck so far up the ass of my Tercel I can't see the driver. Possible hope to the right. Never mind. Nothing but warehouses and an empty service road some three hundred yards away. Bonus suck points for; no working radio and WiFi sig is for crap so cell's get us nothing. Upside? Stuck in the car with my twenty-one year old baby brother who is funny as hell.

I had picked him up to bring him home for mom's birthday celebration this weekend and we were having a great time. Until the traffic slowed to a crawl for a few miles. Then a dead stop.

"Soooo Heidi, how you been?" he asks.

"Not bad Carl! Thank you for asking!" I reply with mock enthusiasm.

He gave a small laugh. "...At this rate we may miss Mom's birthday party."

I looked at him. "That's two days away. I think we'll be fine."

Just then, the truck to our left turned off its engine. Carl looks at me. "Sure we will."

"What do you think he sees that we can't?" I ask.

"With all lanes stopped like this, I would assume a multi-car pileup. I hope everyone's OK."

Suddenly I remembered, "Hey! I asked you earlier how things were going with Janet and you never answered me."

He gave a shrug. "Not well. We broke up. I just didn't want to talk about it the minute I got in the car."

"Oh. I'm sorry. I liked her."

He turned and looked at me with false surprise. "Noooo. You? You liked the opinionated, overbearing, headstrong brunette? I just can't see what you two could have in common to make you feel that way?"

I frowned at him. "Dick." he smiled at my response. "We seem to have some time now. Did you want to talk about it?" I asked.

He gave a thoughtful shrug. "You sure you want to discuss how my sex life led to the end of my relationship with her?"

I thought a moment before nodding. "Yeah. If it's important I do."

He nodded. "OK. Have I ever hinted or mentioned how I enjoy bondage play?" I looked forward, took a deep breath and let it out slow. "So, you DON'T want to talk about this?" he asked.

"No! I do! I really do. I just had this image of you in leather whip-me/beat-me gear that threw me for a loop."

He had a huge smile on his face as he shook his head. "I've never used that stuff. Some restraints, gags, blindfolds? Sure. But zipper mouth?" he shook his head again with a grin. "A little too Hollywood for me."

"So... you like being restrained?" I threw out there dreading his reply.

He looked at me with a deep frown. "Quick question... Me and Janet are in room. One of us has a dildo." I couldn't help but smile. "Which one of us is holding it?" he finished.

"Janet." I said with confidence.


"I feel like this is a trick question so I'm going to say; because she doesn't have a penis."

"Bullshit. Come on sis. I'm placid as hell. Mr. Mild-mannered." I looked at him with a feeling of having disappointed him. "You think she would have the didlo because I OBVIOUSLY would be the one to bend over and take it. Correct?"

I thought for a long minute before saying timidly, "...yeeeah."

He gave a sharp nod. "Thought so."

"Well, I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to hurt you. It's just that you're so..." I motioned with my hands at him unsure of how to describe my... 'nice' baby brother.

"Yeah. Yeah. Look, most people enjoy being something other than what they ARE in the bedroom. I..." he pointed at himself. "for instance, enjoy being in charge. Probably because in life I like to go with the flow. Not cause problems and I generally don't like hurting people."

"Generally?" I smiled at him.

"You remember Michael Duidecker?"

"From high-school? Yeah. He was a bit of a douche."

He nodded. "Beat that kid like he was the pinata at Angel's birthday party. Couldn't believe he just grabbed that girl's breast like that in the hallway."

"Oh yeah." I was nodding remembering the fight.

"Anyway. People like me generally like to be dominant in sex. Whereas, people like.. Ohhhh, let's say..." he looked at me. "YOU. Tend to enjoy being submissive."

"Bullshit!" It was my turn to say it.

He held up his hands. "I am not saying ALL dominant people enjoy being a sub. Anymore than all submissive personalities enjoy being a dom. People just aren't built like that." I nodded in reply. "But just so you know. If you ever walk into a room and there's some big scary guy on his hands and knees blowing some dude with a strapon up his ass? Do not fuck with that guy. There's a good chance in his day job he's a Green beret."


"Not always! Come on. It's an extreme example. I wouldn't suggest you go buy a strapon and try to date a S.E.A.L."

"Although they are in the Navy." I smiled.

He shrugged. "And according to Pop that would make them more inclined to..." We laughed for a minute. After a moment he turned back to me. "Have you ever thought about it?"

I thought a moment and shook my head. "Not really. The way Mom and Pop brought us up it was always for freaks and weirdos." I gave a slight cringe as I didn't want to hurt him.

"Do you think you would enjoy being tied down?"

I shook my head after a moment's thought. "I'm not sure."

He gave a slight shrug. "Would a man telling you..." his voice changed to a commanding tone. "open your mouth. I'm going to cum on your face." turn you on?"

I think what he said shocked me so much that my mouth opened on its own. I shook my head a little. "...I'm not sure."

He squinted as if he was trying to read my mind. "You're not sure... or you're too embarrassed to admit it."

I shook my head again. "I don't know."

"Even though you opened your mouth like I told you to?"

I smiled. "No. I was gasping from shock."

"Hm." he nodded. "...Rub your pussy." he said in that commanding tone.

"Fuck you."

"...Do it!"

"You say that one more time and I'll drag you out this car by your fucking hair just before I..."

He was waving his hands in surrender and smiling. "OK. OK. Let's get some clarification here." he was still smiling. "I'm trying to find out if you enjoy being a sub or not. I suspect you do..." I frowned at him. "But to find out for sure I need you to play along for the next fifteen minutes."

"This traffic jam may not last that long." Just then the truck behind us turned off it's engine. We both looked at the truck.

"Yeah, we got time." he said when we looked back at each other. "For the next..." he glanced at the truck behind us again. "twenty minutes I need you to obey every command I give you." I gave an uncomfortable cringe. "Look, you're still the scary person in this car. Unless you enjoy it, you are NOT going to do anything you don't want to do. Remember my example of the Green beret? ...By the way, don't try to just jump in there if he didn't invite you to the party."

I laughed and shook my head again. "I don't know..."

He smiled again. "...But you're getting excited by the idea, aren't you?"

"...And what do I get out of this... experiment?"

"Well... if it turns out you like it. You'll probably cum really hard." he said

"Uh huh." I was skeptical. "And what do you get out of it?"

He unbuckled his seatbelt and lifted the two armrests between us. He leaned across me and unbuckled my belt as well before whispering in my ear, "I get to make my big sister begg." He pulled away a few inches from me just in time to see me lick my lips.

"Take off your panties." he commanded.

Even after talking about it I was still pretty surprised by the order. I fumbled with my sundress a little but I could already tell I was getting moist from his tone.

"Do not make me tell you twice." he commanded.

I slowly started to lift the hem of my dress out of the way. when I looked down to see what I was doing. No sooner had I done that than I felt his hand on my cheek forcing me to turn my head and look at him.

"You keep your eyes on me until I say otherwise."

My mouth was getting dry. "OK."

He shook his head. "Yes - Sir."

I couldn't help but smile at that. This was Carl. My kid brother. I wanted to laugh but his gaze didn't falter... He wasn't joking. He wasn't a kid anymore. He was no longer "cute." He was handsome... and strong. I swallowed. "Yes, sir,"

I finished removing my underwear and sat back up. My hands were shaking. "Pull your dress up." My heart seemed like it wanted to come through my chest, it was beating so fast. I obeyed. He placed his hand on my right thigh and rubbed with his thumb. "Spread your legs."

I gave a small laugh. "Carl..." I smiled. "This is getting a little weird... I'm not sure I..." I was shaking my head.

He sat silent watching me until I stopped talking. "...Spread your legs." I started to look away when I felt his left hand gently grip my hair in the back. He slowly forced me to look at him again. He didn't say anything else until I let out a small whimper and spread my legs open as far as I could. "Rub your pussy."

I was nervous so when I slid my left hand between my legs I found I was not sopping wet. But I was wet enough to know the bastard had been right. I was enjoying this. I began to rub myself. Very quickly it became very pleasant. My pace increased and I closed my eyes.

"Open your eyes, slut."

I moaned as I obeyed him. "Yes, sir." I whined

He removed his hand from my thigh to take the spaghetti strap off my right shoulder. Pulling it below my breast until I had to pull my right arm out of it. He placed my right hand on his crotch. Then reached across to lower the other strap as low as it would go without disturbing my frigging hand. I rubbed the length of his cock through his jeans. Oh, thank God! He was huge.

"Don't you cum on me, slut." he said just before he leaned across and sucked on my left nipple. I let out a moan that was almost a yell. He let go of the nipple long enough to repeat, "Don't you cum, slut." Then leaned back and took my nipple into his mouth again. This was becoming too much. He changed to my right breast as he rubbed my left breast with his free hand and flicked the nipple. I backed off on how hard I was strumming my twat because I was about to pop, orders or no. I'm not sure if he knew somehow but he leaned away from my breast.

"Get your hand out of the way."

I was afraid of what he would do next and I hesitated with my hand sitting motionless covering my slit. I could feel his right hand next to it. My hesitation lasted longer than he wanted so he grabbed my hand and all but threw it to the other side of my left thigh. Then he drove in with two fingers. He curled them around my pubic bone and instantly hit my spot. I howled like a dog. My back arched away from the seat and I couldn't think.

He used my hair to force me to look at him again. "You like that, slut?!"

He was rubbing my clitoris with his thumb. "YES - SIR!" I yelled in a pained voice.

His fingers were attacking my g-spot and his fucking thumb wouldn't stop moving. He pulled my face right to his until our noses were touching. "Don't you cum!" I whined out a scream. "Don't cum!" I could feel tears starting to form as I screamed incoherent gibberish. My left hand had found it's way to grip his right forearm.

"Please, sir... Please..."

"Don't do it."

"Please, sir... I'll be such a good little slut for you." I begged. "I'll be your good little slut." I kissed him. I whined into his mouth. "I'll do anything you want, sir." I stuck my tongue in his mouth.

His tongue wrestled with mine for a moment before he pulled back. "You may cum now."

As soon as he said it my body curled forward around his arm as I all but pissed in my car. Wave after wave of orgasms rushed through me. My legs tried to close and reopen around his hand several times while my grip on his arm dug in. I kept shaking and shimmying in my seat as the orgasms wouldn't stop. It took me a moment to realize his hand was still working me over. I forced myself to sit back in my seat and regain eye contact with him. He smiled a confident, cocky son of bitch kind of smile before slowing his hand down. All I could do was quiver and watch the smug fucker while praying he was about to stop completely. He pushed one more through me. I managed to keep my eyes on him as I came this time. That seemed to please him as he slowly removed his hand from my exhausted pussy. He lifted his hand and rubbed my juices into each breast.

He had moved his left hand to where he could rub my cheek with his thumb. He leaned in close again. "Now, how was that?" I couldn't answer. I still had a few tremors rushing through me every few minutes. "I would 'think' that shows you - very - much - enjoy being a submissive. Hm?"

I nodded as he kissed me. "Thank you." I whispered.

He smiled. "You don't have to thank me, slut." I felt confused. "You said you would do anything I wanted." His smile had a touch of malice. It took me a moment but I nodded. "Good... Take my cock out." With his last command given he settled back in his seat and lowered the backrest all the way down.

I could say "no." I thought. I was more than capable. I could claim that my hand moved on it's own but I knew it didn't. I watched as my hand reached over to rub the impressive erection in his jeans. I could call him a sick fuck and hit him. Fuck, his cock is so hard. There are hundreds of things I could do or say to get out of this. But then... I realized I'd been staring at his hard-on since he lay back on the seat. I unbuckled his belt and released the button of his jeans. As I lowered the zipper of his fly the sound made my mouth water. I knew the asshole was going to make me suck his dick. I also knew that if he didn't, I was going to stuff it in my mouth as quick as I could. I didn't give a shit what was or wasn't submissive as I removed the thing from his pants. I stroked his thick ten inches of beautiful cock. I licked my lips and leaned in to engulf the head in my mouth. I heard a moan escape my brother as I began to suck on him. I pushed down as far as I could but I could only get about four inches of him into my mouth before hitting my gag reflex.

"Very good. We need to get you used to deep-throating me so keep pushing to your gag point." he said as he placed both hands on the back of my head.

I drove down again and tried not to gag but it happened anyway.

"Try not to think about it. Keep going."

I had tears forming because of the gagging but I kept trying. "You're such a good little slut. I'm so pleased with you." he said as he stroked my cheek with one hand and forced me back down with the other. I kept bobbing up and down on him until he started forcing me down and holding me at that gag point. I hated it but I kept trying because he kept praising my efforts. "Such a good slut. You're doing so well. Look, you've gained another inch." and so on. I was trying hard not to puke on him when I realized I was wet again. Whether from his praise or sucking my brother's cock, I'm not sure.

After several minutes of this he pulled out of my mouth and turned his back the door. Once he was set he pulled me into his seat so that my back rested against the bottom of his seat. It was awkward. He was using the seat to brace his legs against the bottom of the dash. While he used his left hand to brace himself against the reclined seat back. He grabbed my hair with his right hand and slid his dick back between my lips. Once his cock was back in my mouth he used his grip on my hair to fuck my mouth for a several minutes. I looked up at him. Watching his face. I could taste the pre-cum beginning to flow from him and his face was becoming tight. I knew it wouldn't be long.

Suddenly he slipped his cock from my mouth and began to stroke it over me. "Open your mouth." he commanded.

Unlike last time I opened my mouth wide and closed my eyes. I heard him yell when he climaxed just before the first jet struck me in the forehead. He came again on my cheek, in my mouth, then the other cheek almost up my nose. It was obvious to me that he was trying to cover my face in his jizz. Eventually, I felt him rest the tip of his dick on my mouth and I knew he was finally spent. He had missed my eyes so I could open them and watch his face as I sucked the cum from his cock. When it was empty I reached up and used it to push his seed into my mouth. I savored the taste of him for a few moments.

I heard him let out a satisfied sigh when the thought appeared, 'I have to get back into my seat'. I got back to my seat and stared at the steering wheel as Carl put his dick away and raised the back of his seat. I realized my tits were still hanging out. I pulled the straps of my sundress back into place and reached down to grab my panties and put them back on. I started to shake as I slid them back into place. I checked the mirror and saw that I looked like a glazed donut. I rubbed my arms. Carl had re-buckled his seat belt. After watching me for a moment he reached over to me. I'm wasn't sure why at the time but I punched him in the arm. Hard.

"Ow! Fuck, Heidi!"

"You stupid... " I punched him three more times. "motherfucker!"

"Ow! Would you stop punching me you violent bitch!?" he said as he grabbed my wrists.

"Why would you do that!?" I struggled with him to get my hands free.

"Calm - down!"

I stopped struggling but began to cry. "What were you thinking?"

Carl sighed again, pulled me close and held me in a hug. "I was thinking that I love you and that you needed it." After a few minutes I pulled away enough to look at him. Then he kissed me. When he broke the kiss we just sat there and stared at each other for a few more moments. "I get that you're feeling guilty and don't know how to express that, so you default to anger." he smiled while I gave a small laugh. "But this will get better." I nodded in reply. "You needed it. I - definitely - needed it. So we took care of it. OK?"

I let out a sigh. "Yeah."

He pulled me close and gave me a deep sensual kiss before asking. "Are you alright?"

I nodded. "Yeah."

"Good." He kissed me again. "Because when we get home I'm bending you over your bed and spanking your ass red." I was stunned as I felt him squeeze my left breast. "Just before I sodomize you, of course."

I licked my lips as a small thrill worked its way down my spine.