
Different Dimension infinite Cheats

Character travelling through different dimensions. Season 1; Anime. Witness the rise of Eero in the Dimensions of Famous anime, movies and novels. 1st Dimension; Dragon Ball 2nd Dimension; Danmachi 3rd Dimension; Overlord 4th Dimension; Naruto Stay tuned for Eero most excited journey, Chapter Release - Schedule, 5 - 10 Chapter's each Week. ... patreon.com/ChaosGray Join me on Patreon for advance chapter's, Voting, Opinions and much more.

Chaos_Gray · アニメ·コミックス
211 Chs

Chapter 210 Enemy of All

Jiraiya hurriedly patted his own pig-like face, felt the waves of pain, and his expression sank. He shouted angrily, "Bastard Uchiha kid, you ruined my handsome face."

Looking at the surroundings, Aoi is nowhere to be found. Then his expression became solemn: 'A strange power involving time, and six-year-old elite Jonin, who can deal against this,'

Aoi appeared in the organization branch, and after giving his code name as a passcode, he submitted the target head and received the amount with a new target. Also, his rank was increased to A-level killer because of the Konoha village rogue identity.

Aoi also felt a lot of predatory gazes falling on him inside the organization, but he didn't care. After confirming the target details, he left the organization.

A few days passed.

Jiraiya returned to the village and directly informed the village about the encounter that happened with Aoi. He also told them about his details.

Both Danzo and Sarutobi expressions were gloomy to extreme; they felt absurd; a small kid played with them while staying under their noses; Uchiha was on top of that.

Sarutobi didn't care about consequences; even ignoring Jiraiya's reminder, he increased the rogue rank of Aoi to S level, released the information about Aoi he received, and even wrote an extra line that Aoi has the same pupil's as Madara Uchiha.

Inside the dark base of Konoha,

Danze glanced at the updated information on Aoi that was released by the Sarutobi: 'This old guy wants to use the other villages against this kid; this idea is not bad. It's a pity a Mangekyō Sharingan slipped out of my grasp, damn uchiha.' clenched his fist with a cold expression on his face,

Instantly, another announcement spread through the world, which shook all five great villages.

Different villages gave different opinions, while the rock and mist village sent some forces to find and hunt Aoi at all costs. Both of these villages detest the Uchiha the most.

Somewhere in the valley, Itachi was standing on a stone. Kisame, a shark-like ninja, walked and appeared beside him, then spoke playfully, "Itachi, your Uchiha has produced another ninja with the same eyes as you; it's that kid who became rogue before."

Itachi's eyebrow raised, he was surprised a little, then became thoughtful, his brow furrowed, and he said, "Let's go."

"Do you want to meet him?" Kisame asked curiously,

Itachi shook his head thoughtfully and replied, "Not now; we will encounter him on the way to our next target," then walked away thinking, 'How did he survive in the first place?'

Kisame raised his brow intriguingly, then followed him; both walked outside the valley.

The land of fire,

Valley of Death,

Aoi was sitting above the statue of Madara, looking at the crossing bridge far away. He is now disguised as a young boy about twelve years old from the village of the grass, and he is waiting for the grass team to replace them for the Genin examination.

Finally, after waiting for a while, he saw a team crossing the bridge: a middle-aged ninja with two young boys and a red-haired girl. Looking at the small girl with red hair, a smile appeared on Aoi's face: 'Uzumaki Karin.'

Instantly, Karin sensed something. Her face changed; she glanced in the direction of the valley, her body frozen, and she started trembling constantly. Fear shrouded her senses.

Her companion became alert, looking at her, then glanced around vigilantly, seeing no one around. They turned and glanced at her angrily and asked, "What happened?"

Karin glanced at them nervously, then said, "Someone is coming."

"Who?" The grass ninja became more impatient and alert and started looking around.


Instantly, a step sounded from behind them. They turned around, looking at Aoi standing beside Kirin, looking at his face and the grass ninja band on his forehead. "You are not from the grass village." The leader among them asked,

The next moment their faces changed, they hurriedly shouted fearfully, noticing the hand sign of Aoi, "Run away."

Scortch Limit!!! Big Scortchball

A huge, bright red flame ball appeared and engulfed all three of them without waiting for them to react. Then the flame dissipated, leaving flying ash scattered in the air.

"Don't kill me. Don't kill me, please." Karin hurriedly sat down on the ground and started crying and begging.

Aoi speechlessly glanced at her, then said, "Don't worry, I will not kill you."

Karin was startled, raised her tearful face, looked at him nervously, and hopefully,

Aoi nodded, looking at her. A smile appeared on his face.

Wood Limit! Wood clone!!

Another two wooden clones appeared beside Aoi and changed into the appearance of the two grass ninjas he just killed. "Let's go; we have to participate in the chunin exam. You understand what you will do next," Aoi said playfully.

Karin was startled, then gulped, looking at Aoi and his clones. She nodded hurriedly, understanding the assignment, then replied timidly, "You will be my new teammate."

"Very good; it seems you are smarter than I thought." Aoi praised her, patted her head, and then walked forward. Karin touched her own head, glanced at his back confusedly, and then she also followed silently.

After a while,

Aoi and Karin walked toward the Konoha village gate along with the clone team. After registering their identities, the guards were surprised to see Karin because of her Uzumaki clan identity, but they didn't say anything in return and let them pass inside.

'It's the third time I am leaving the village and returning.' Aoi thought speechlessly,

"Uno, where are we going next?" Karin's voice sounded beside him.

"Of course, go and stay inside the hotel rooms allotted to our team." Aoi replied,

Karin nodded, then both appeared inside the building, registering their identities and taking the keys to the rooms allotted to them. Aoi and his clone settled inside, along with Karin.

"Well, next it's time to kill the most hateful enemy of all creatures, Shimura Danzo." Aoi muttered thoughtfully,

Sorry for the delay, a lot of things happened...

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