
Different Dimension infinite Cheats (Anime)

Character travelling through different dimensions. Season 1; Anime. Witness the rise of Eero in the Dimensions of Famous anime, movies and novels. 1st Dimension; Dragon Ball 2nd Dimension; Danmachi 3rd Dimension; Overlord 4th Dimension; Naruto 5th Dimension; One Piece Stay tuned for Eero most excited journey, Chapter Release - Schedule, 5 - 10 Chapter's each Week. ... patreon.com/ChaosGray Join me on Patreon for advance chapter's, Voting, Opinions and much more.

Chaos_Gray · アニメ·コミックス
247 Chs

Chapter 18 Visiting

Then he appeared beside his home,

Looking around, walked inside the home and appeared on the second floor. Feeding the two little guys, he started setting up a seperate area on the second floor, merged and adjusted all the machines and tools he brought from the market. After a while, looking at the adjusted machines around, he nodded satisfied.

"Well, let's start on the anti-gravity theory. Anyway, anti-gravity is already used inside the hovercars and other flying vehicles. It's nothing difficult, but increasing the gravity simulation will be a challenge, also I have to create a device, which can adjust it's attraction in order to effect my outrageous stats." Eero muttered thoughtfully.

After opening the two anti-gravity engines he brought, then modifying them after understanding the mechanism, after a few months of routine training inside the domain few days passed outside,

(Time Domain: It slows the time inside the domain at 32 fold, Eero have 32 seconds inside the domain while only one second passed outside, which gives him 32 fold more time for extra curricular activities, like studying, researching and training.)

(In the future the domain will increase along with more and more time he will have for activities.)

He studied and researching, a small 10x10 meter flat gravity device was manufactured.

"I hope it works."

Eero plugged the power, visibly nothing happened; just an indicator with numbers lit up on the small screen, showing 2 F.

Eero appeared and stood up above the plate surface; instantly the device was adjusted to his mass and force, he suddenly felt extreme pressure, felt his attributes and strength reduced to 50%. A smile appeared on his face.

Raised his hand, clenched his fist; more gravity effect, more suppressed his strength would be, just like now the 2-fold means double gravity, his 450 attributes reduced to 225.

It's because the device below can adjust to his 450 stats and then attract him at double force to reduce his attributes by half, it's different from conventional gravity machines our there.

If he increases the gravity to 4-fold, then his attributes will further suppress 25% at 112.5. At 8-fold gravity it will reduce 12.5% to 66.25.

Although it will not return to zero because of mass, but 8-fold gravity and a heavy load kit of 100 kg will increase his physical attributes training by leap and bound.

"But for now, I can only manufacture an 8-fold gravity machine with available materials. After a few days, I will visit the west city, and then I will be able to increase it hundreds of times," Eero muttered thinking about Capsule Corp and other latest tech companies in west city.

Eero then started training above the gravity plate he manufactured. After exercising for a while, he felt extremely tired, as if lifting mountains on his back. He then closed the gravity machine, walked downstairs, started eating a nutritious dinner, and then went to sleep.

The next morning,

"Today is a holiday. I should visit Mount Paozu and meet those main characters," Eero muttered thoughtfully, looking at the peaceful scenery around.

"Also, after just a little training on the gravity plate, as expected, my attributes increased a lot compared to a few days ago. Also, because of Ki unlocking, my strength increase became extremely fast." Looking at his status panel,

[Status Panel]

Name: Eero

Level: 3

Ki Power Level: 4800

Body: 480

- Strength: 160

- Agility: 160

- Stamina: 160

Soul: 480

- Wisdom: 160

- Spirit: 160

- Will: 160

"What does this level mean? It seems the next four levels are at 1000 attributes," Eero thought. He then stood up, ate breakfast, and fed the little pets. He appeared outside the house, spread his domain, and instantly his domain shrouded a 32-kilometer area.

Feeling the 32-kilometer range shrouded in his domain, Eero smiled happily. Due to awakening Ki, his senses increased by leaps and bounds, and along with it, his domain also increased.

Time domain now depends on his senses, Ki and Stamina, and the range of the domain increased, which started consuming his Ki along with stamina. However, it didn't affect him much; he already has a lot of stamina and Ki, so he can use it for hours.

Eero increased his movement and then flew toward Mount Paozu using the Ki flying technique. His normal speed is around 160 meters per second, but after using the domain, it increased by 32 times to 5120 meters or 5 km/second. Mount Paozu is 1000 km away, and it took him a few minutes to reach the vicinity of Mount Paozu.

Inside Mount Paozu, Gohan and Goten were sitting inside the house talking with their mother, Chi-Chi, while eating breakfast.

"Huh?" Gohan flinched raised his head, stood up with a smile and walked toward outside his house.

"Gohan, where are you going in the middle of breakfast?" Chi-Chi spoke with a throbbing vein on her forehead.

Goten was also curious, looking at Gohan back.

"Mother, it's my school friend. He is coming to our house," Gohan spoke with a smile while scratching his head.

Chi-Chi was surprised. "What? Your school friend? You were talking about."

"Brother said he is strong. I will fight him," six-year-old Goten spoke with a looking-forward expression.

Both Gohan and Goten appeared outside. At first glance, they saw Eero far away, walking toward their house and looking around.

Eero was looking at the surrounding scenery thoughtfully. 'This Mount Paozu is really dangerous, as shown in the anime. There are huge animals and beasts, especially those dinosaurs, centipedes, crocodiles, and snakes enriching the mountains, I saw on the way.'

"Eero, here," listening to his name, Eero glanced forward at Gohan waving his hand at him. Also, his little brother, Goten, was standing beside him. Eero smiled and walked toward them.

"Is this your little brother?" Eero asked, glancing at Goten curiously.

"Yes, he is my little brother, Goten, six years old," Gohan replied with a smile and then invited him inside.

Eero nodded and walked inside, looking at Chi-Chi standing in the lounge. Eero greeted her politely with a smile. "Hello, I am Eero, Gohan's school friend. Here, I have brought some gifts for you. I don't like to visit friends' homes empty-handed."

Gohan and Goten's expressions froze. 'This guy was surely empty-handed. Where did this package pop up from?' Both were curious.

Chi-Chi was surprised, grabbing the package and looking at the perfume and lady skincare products inside. She became extremely happy.

"Eero, such a nice name. Sit down, please. Please consider it as your home," Chi-Chi replied enthusiastically, letting Eero sit down on the chair.

Gohan and Goten were petrified. 'Is this our mother?' Thinking of the always angry and horrible expressions of their mother, such a contrast is unacceptable. 'What did this guy gift?' Both glanced at Eero curiously and in admiration.