
Different country different rules? JJK x SL

A 20 year old man got tranmigrated into jjk world after he died drowning in sea. His new name Osutin Hikari, turned out he started his journey form jjk plasma vessel arc as Riko childhood friends. watch no... let read his journey together.. Anime world 1. jujutsu Kaisen 2. Solo leveling two for now you can recommend but not on big scale anime just some slice of Life anime...

Abyss_Light · アニメ·コミックス
35 Chs

chapter 31 Nightmares.


Words counted-- 1500


As Hikari stood trembling in front of Sukuna, the sheer presence of the cursed king making his skin crawl. The memory of Gojo being cut, countless lives being lost in the Shibuya incident.

And his own helplessness played on a loop in his mind. His tears had dried long ago, replaced by a heavy weight of guilt and sorrow.

"This is all my fault," he muttered to himself. "If I had taken things seriously, if I had seen this as more than just a simple anime..."

His students, his friends, his colleagues—one by one, they had fallen in front of him. Despite his power, he had failed to perfect it, and now he was on his knees, consumed by regret and self-loathing.

"What a useless power I have," he sighed, longing for someone like Jin-Woo to come and save the day. But realizing the futility of such wishes, he bit his tongue. "Even now, I'm still relying on others. When will I mature? This is the reality I need to face." He sob.

He took a deep breath, grounding himself in the devastated surroundings of Shibuya—collapsed buildings, destroyed vehicles, and the bodies of his fallen comrades. Standing tall, he faced Sukuna.

Sukuna sneered. "Ha, I thought you'd still be crying. What did you say before when that kid asked! if you'd win?

Remember? It was kind of funny. 'Nah, we will win,' ha! What a joke."

He gave a mocking laugh. "I'm giving you another chance. You strike first. After all, you made me laugh, telling me the joke of the century."

Hikari tightened his grip, feeling the weight of Sukuna's words. And remembering the past. 'Yes, I said that. Yes, I am a wimp. I thought I was the main character. I thought I could do anything with my power, but I was wrong. Power without control is nothing.'

' If I had been more mature and trained alongside others i would have seen this day,' He sighs in his mind.

But he stood resolute. "I did say that, Sukuna. And you're right—I am a wimp, a coward, an ignorant bastard. I don't deserve the respect of my students. But one thing is for sure—I will kill you."

Emotions erupted within him, his eyes bloodshot. "Sumiko is still fighting even after losing her brother. And Riko is helping Shoko with the wounded people. Why should I be idle?"

Summoning his strength, Hikari created thousands of swords behind him, sending them towards Sukuna direction.

Sukuna effortlessly destroyed the swords, By releasing flames from his finger instantly melting them.

As the smoke went off a boulder dropped from above, but he cut it into millions of pieces with ease. As the cubes fell, they compressed into needles, Infused with poisonous cursed it flies towards him, but Uraume intervened, freezing them.

"Are you okay, Sukuna-sama?" Uraume asked, showing concerned in her voice.

"Yes, I am fine. There was no need for you to intervene," Sukuna replied, disappointment lacing his tone. "If I were at a disadvantage, I wouldn't mind some extra help. But here, I am in control."

"But Sukuna-sama, this man's technique is dangerous... I have researched on him before." Reply uraume looking down at hikari.

"I know. If he were a suitable vessel, I would have chosen him over Megumi's body. His concept of creation is a powerful tenique, but what a letdown, giving such power to a useless man."

Ignoring Sukuna's and Uraume's words, Hikari focused on his abilities. 'Yes, my ability is broken,' he thought. 'When I came to this world and was offered one wish, I chose some godlike power, But I only got the concept of creation."

He knew his ability was powerful, but it required meticulous control. If he had trained relentlessly, he would be able to control a bit of its full potential but due to his previous nature.

Now his nose and ears were bleeding from the strain. It is not that he didn't train at all but due to his craziness now he is suffering.

On his way whenever he saw a breathing person he teleported them to safety, helping half-dead sorcerers—to be recovered by uttering the concept costing him a lot of mental stain.

But all of this was his way of proving he wasn't useless.

As his mental health was deteriorating he muttered,"I need to kill Sukuna in one shot or trap him until I can recover my strength," he thought. Dividing his focus, he began to create a concept of the prison realm, aiming to trap Sukuna.

He knew that prision realm is strong as it can seal anything and anyone, the only reason gojo was able to get out was due to the similarity of his tenique and the prison realm function.

But using it to seal Sukuna would take 3 to 4 minutes but will Sukuna stay still..

Thinking of this hikari change the concept of prision realm, with master ball. If the prison realm touches Sukuna then it is 100 percent win only if it touches and only 5 seconds for Sukuna to be sealed.

Sukuna was having fun, not taking Hikari seriously. He had watched him for years, believing him to be no real threat.

But Hikari was determined. He created a full counter, wanting to engage in a physical fight. Creating the concept of master ball and prison realm he went for a fist fight.

Using the ground, he launched himself at Sukuna, throwing a punch.

"Ha, now a physical fight? Then let me join in too," Sukuna said, a wicked grin spreading across his face.

The streets of Shibuya were in ruins, debris scattered everywhere, with the occasional burst of flames flickering in the twilight. Amidst this chaos, Hikari faced Sukuna, his resolve unwavering despite the overwhelming odds.

Using the momentum, Hikari threw a punch, aiming directly at Sukuna. With a swift movement, Sukuna caught Hikari's fist with his left hand.

"Hard!!" Hikari thought. It felt like hitting a solid wall.

Hikari tried to follow up with a kick, but Sukuna anticipated the move, chopping his other hand downward. Instead of dodging, Hikari let Sukuna hit his leg.


As the attack connected, Sukuna's hand shattered upon impact.

"If I didn't have Full Counter, my leg would have been gone with that attack," Hikari mused. Sukuna threw Hikari into a nearby building, causing debris to scatter.

Spitting out blood, Hikari thought, "I forgot Full Counter won't always work here. I need some defense."

"Hmm, I surely did hit you, but my arm is gone," Sukuna pondered, regenerating his missing arm. He watched as Hikari slowly emerged from the rubble.

"Is it only my attack, or are there other factors at play? Let's see then," Sukuna laughed, launching a barrage of slashes.

Boom* Boom *Boom*

Several invisible slashes dissected the building, but from the smoke, the slashes returned with double the force towards Sukuna.

"So you return my attack with double the force? What an interesting technique," Sukuna remarked.

Hikari saw Sukuna analyzing the situation. "Don't ignore me?" he shouted. As he sends a car flying with telekinesis

Suddenly, a car came flying toward Sukuna. "Fool, do you think this can scratch me?" Sukuna sneered, slashing the car apart. But Hikari took advantage of the distraction, leaping from above with his hands joined to slam down on Sukuna.

Using his momentum, Hikari threw a punch from above, aiming directly at Sukuna. Sensing the danger, Sukuna hurriedly dodged, and within a second, Hikari's fist missed its target, heading straight for the ground.

As his fist was about to touch the earth, Hikari stopped it in mid-air, not wanting to destroy the planet. Even so, the impact alone caused a magnitude 9.0 earthquake. The ground shook violently, buildings crumbled, and debris was flung into the air. Roads cracked open, creating deep fissures, and vehicles were tossed around like toys.

But the most profound effect was on the very fabric of space. The force of Hikari's halted punch caused the space around it to crack and fracture, creating a visual distortion that rippled outward.

"If I hadn't dodged, it would have blasted me apart," Sukuna thought, momentarily stunned by the sheer destructive power of Hikari's attack.

"Shit I was about to Destroy earth using whitebread power.... " Hikari fist were all broken as he only copy the vibration power as he didn't have much time to analize it.

Healing his hand, he looks at Sukuna ready to face him again, 'only 5 more minutes and I will be ready.


I kindda rushed it any error??
