
Different country different rules? JJK x SL

A 20 year old man got tranmigrated into jjk world after he died drowning in sea. His new name Osutin Hikari, turned out he started his journey form jjk plasma vessel arc as Riko childhood friends. watch no... let read his journey together.. Anime world 1. jujutsu Kaisen 2. Solo leveling two for now you can recommend but not on big scale anime just some slice of Life anime...

Abyss_Light · アニメ·コミックス
35 Chs

Chapter 30- background scene


Words counted-- 1500


(Jujutsu High)

In Yaga office both Gojo Satoru and Geto sugaru stand infront of Yaga after returning from Hokaido.

"So, why did you call us, Sensei?" Gojo asked, irritation evident in his voice after the events in Hokkaido.

Yaga was surprised by Gojo's attitude but shrugged it off. "It's about a mission. Both of you, or one of you, can go—it's your choice."

"What mission?" Geto asked, seeking more details.

"It's about a village. There have been complaints about two cursed children. I want you to investigate," Yaga replied.

"Hmm, then Geto can handle it," Gojo said. If the mission had involved a special grade curse, he would have volunteered. But it was not, so he figured Geto could manage it.

"As for me, I have other plans," Gojo said with a smirk. "I'm going to burn down Hikari. Let's see if he can survive this," he laughed, convinced his plan was flawless.

Both Geto and Yaga ignored Gojo's chilling remark, but they silently prayed for Hakari to survive.

"Sensei, I'll get going now," Geto said to Yaga, his voice steady.

"Okay then. Here are the papers regarding the mission," Yaga replied, handing him the documents.

Geto took the papers, giving a quick nod. "Thank you. I'll be back soon." He turned to leave, his pace determined as he headed out.

"Good luck then," Yaga called after him.

"Good luck, Suguru," Gojo added, a smile playing on his lips.

"Thank you," Geto replied, and then he was gone.

"I'll be leaving as well," Gojo said to Yaga, following Geto out of the office.

Yaga nodded, watching the backs of his students as they left.

Scene 1: Gojo Searches for Riko

As Gojo wandered the hallways, his mind on finding Riko, he hummed a little tune. "Now where's Riko-chan? Lalala..." he sang, jumping around playfully.

"Gojo-san!" a voice called out from behind. He turned to see Haibara approaching.

"Oh, Haibara! Have you seen Riko-chan around?" Gojo asked, eyes bright with curiosity.

"Riko? I guess she's with Shoko-senpai," Haibara replied.

"Oh, is that so? Thank you!" Gojo said, dialing Shoko's number. After a few rings, she picked up.

"Ah, Shoko, is Riko with you?" Gojo asked.

"Yes, I'm teaching her reverse curse technique now. Do you have business with her?" Shoko responded.

Gojo thought for a moment. If he went to meet Riko just to tell her about Hakari dating Sumiko, he'd become their target of wrath. "No, it's nothing important. I just wanted to inform her that Sumiko and Hakari will be late by two days," he answered.

"Do they have some unfinished business?" Shoko asked, trying to sound casual but inadvertently setting up a future headache for herself.

"Oh, they told me they were going on a date in Hokkaido. I don't know much beyond that," Gojo said nonchalantly.

There was a sudden clatter from the other end of the line. "Are you okay, Shoko? Be careful. Okay then, I'll hurry up. Bye!" Gojo hung up, smirking to himself.

"Haha, now Shoko will tell Riko. Once Riko knows Sumiko and Hakari are dating, it'll be a real shura field. Let's see how you handle this, Hakari. Hehe..."

"Gojo-senpai?" Haibara interrupted his thoughts.

"Oh, Haibara! Want some coffee? Let's go, my treat!" Gojo said, dragging Haibara along.

Scene 2: Shoko and Riko

In Shoko's lab, Riko was eerily quiet, cleaning up fallen utensils and some surgical tools. Shoko sighed. She had been about to teach Riko about surgical instruments when Gojo's call came in, and the news about Hakari and Sumiko had visibly affected Riko.

"Riko, are you alright?" Shoko asked, kneeling to help pick up the items.

Riko remained silent, focusing on her task. Shoko sighed internally. She knew how much Riko adored Hakari. The girl often talked about her feelings during their late-night chats.

"Riko-chan," Shoko said gently, sitting beside her. "Don't think too much about it. Didn't Sumiko say she didn't like him that much? You can confirm things when they come back. When Hakari returns, you should confess. If you wait too long, someone else might take him away."

Riko looked up at Shoko, eyes filled with determination. "Are you included, Shoko-senpai?"

Shoko panicked slightly. "No, no! That's not what I meant! You see…"

"Hehe, I'm just joking, Shoko-senpai. But I will confess when he returns. Even if he's dating Sumiko-chan, I want to at least tell him how I feel, even if I get rejected."

Shoko smiled, ruffling Riko's hair. "You're becoming more mature… unlike me. You have guts."

"Wait, senpai, do you have someone you like?" Riko asked, curiosity piqued.

"Maybe, but he doesn't look at me that way, so I gave up," Shoko replied, a bit wistfully.

Riko thought for a moment, then her eyes widened. "Ah, is it Gojo-senpai? Now I get it! He's always with Geto-senpai, so you feel lonely. I didn't notice before, but Gojo-senpai is always with Geto-senpai… Wait, don't tell me they're lovers…"

Shoko burst out laughing. "Phuwaaaaa! What kind of conclusion is that? Haha! I'm sorry, but my tummy hurts from laughing! Maybe they are, who knows?"

Shoko's laughter echoed through the room. She thought to herself, at least Gojo deserves this misunderstanding for the headache of information he dropped on her.

"Sorry, Suguru," she mentally apologized to Geto for dragging him into Gojo's mess.

Scene 1: Shoko and Riko's Chat

Shoko chuckled, wiping away a tear from laughing so hard. "I haven't laughed like this in a while, Riko-chan. Should we go for a drink?"

Riko looked a bit hesitant. "What about my training, Shoko-senpai?"

"We can continue it later. Let's go out and relax a bit," Shoko insisted.

After cleaning up the mess, they left the lab, leaving the half-dissected frog behind. They headed to a nearby café, enjoying a break from their intense training sessions. The café was cozy, filled with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and baked goods.

"So, Riko-chan, how are you feeling now?" Shoko asked as they settled into their seats.

Riko sighed. "A bit better, I guess. But I'm still worried about Hakari and Sumiko. What if they really are dating?"

Shoko smiled reassuringly. "You never know until you ask. Sometimes, things aren't as they seem. And even if they are dating, that doesn't mean you should give up. You need to be true to your feelings."

Riko nodded thoughtfully. "I suppose you're right, senpai. I need to muster up the courage to talk to Hakari when he gets back."

"That's the spirit!" Shoko cheered. "And hey, who knows? Maybe he feels the same way about you."

Scene 2: Geto's Mission

As evening turned to night, Geto found himself facing a group of elderly villagers. Their faces were etched with fear and anger.

"They are cursed!" one elderly man shouted, his voice trembling with emotion. "Because of them, my daughter died!"

"They kill everyone they touch! Please, Sorcerer, kill these filthy creatures!" another elderly woman added, her voice cracking.

Geto stood silently, observing the pitiful scene before him. Two small girls were held in a cell by the villagers, and cursed spirits roamed around them. He felt a surge of anger and frustration at the villagers' ignorance.

He sighed, trying to keep his composure. "What are you talking about? These kids are not the cause," he wanted to roar, but he held himself back.

"Please, will you stop shouting at me?" Geto asked, his voice firm.

Hearing him, the old folks stopped arguing and listened, their eyes filled with desperation.

"I'm taking the kids with me. Any more complaints?" Geto asked, his gaze unwavering.

"But Sorcerer, they are cursed…" one of the elders began.

"Who is the sorcerer here, you or me?" Geto snapped, his patience wearing thin. He was beginning to question the necessity of protecting such ignorant people.

"You are," replied the frightened elder, his voice barely a whisper.

"Then I am taking them with me," Geto said decisively. He broke the lock on the cell and approached the children. "Kids, would you like to come with this big brother?" he asked gently, trying to reassure them.

The two girls looked at each other, their eyes reflecting a mix of hope and fear. They nodded, trusting in the kind sorcerer who had come to their rescue.

With their confirmation, Geto picked up the children and left the village. As he walked away, he exorcised the cursed spirits that had been plaguing the village, dealing with the root problem.

Scene 3: Gojo's Coffee Treat

Meanwhile, Gojo and Haibara were enjoying their coffee. The café was bustling with people, and the atmosphere was lively. Gojo was in high spirits, having successfully stirred up some chaos with his earlier call.

"Gojo-senpai, do you think it was wise to tell Shoko-senpai about Sumiko and Hakari's date?" Haibara asked, sipping his coffee.

Gojo laughed. "Oh, it's all in good fun. Besides, it's not like they will kill each other. They're friends, they hang out together. But adding a little drama never hurt anyone, right?"

Haibara shook his head, smiling. "You're really causing a ruckus, aren't you sempai?"

