


Altar Cleos and Balon Stone walked in the thick snow of the Cold Forest of Yetis. They followed the trial of destruction that was left behind.

They found dead horses and men laying cold on the snow. The ground had been damaged and the trees destroyed.

"They had alotta fun here...." Altar mumbled, looking at all the destruction with no interest.

Balon frowned in pity but said nothing. His face showed that he'd seen images like these before.

"Lets go" Balon said, leading them deeper into the forest.

They came across the Prince and Orb, worn out and wounded. A Rogue member layed on the snow.

"Is he dead?" Altar said.

"Great, you're alive" Morgan said sarcastically.

Orb went towered over the unconscious criminal. "He's still alive." He said, "we'll deal with him in Krest"

"Well thats two down..." Balon said.

"You took care of Gage?" Morgan asked.

"Aye" Balon said, "he's dead. What of the other two?"

"Ivy and the remaining men went after them" Morgan said.

"Are there even men left?" Altar said, "there was a whole red carpet made of 'em that led us here"

"Two" Morgan said, "excluding my cousin"

'These guys are that strong huh?' Altar thought.

Morgan used is ice powers freezing Taurus's limbs to the snow.

"Lets go after the twins" Morgan announced.

They ran south through the forest getting closer to the giant wall of the Boarders the a bright light caught they're attention on thei direction that they were headed.

"Its coming from ahead" Morgan gasped.

"Obviously," Altar rolled his eyes.

"Could they have used the sword?" Orb said." This is bad"

When they reached the battlefield they found the twins up against the Huntsman captain and two men. The ground had been left with thick long line that looked unreal. Altar saw the female twin holding the spear with both hands with a sinister look.

Morgan went to his cousin, "Dont tell me that spear did this."

"Unfortunately cousin..." said Ivy.

"The rumors about this baby are true" Mary said excitedly. "All this power....its like, its like i feel it running inside me!"

"Dont go all crazy now" Logan said, "make this quick, we have to go"

"You're not going anywhere!" Orb announced.

"Oh yeah?" Mary said with a crooked smile. Before she swung the spear, she said, "Wait a minute, wheres Taurus"

"Dead" Morgan said coldly, "And so will you be."

Ivy took the chance while Mary was distracted and closed the gap between them, appeared before her with a side kick. Mary staggered back blocking with the spear. Ivy went with his blade swinging it. Mary deflected the attacks clumsily with the spear and saw an opening moving the captain back with a front kick. When she was about to swing the spear a devastating blow, Balon summoned an earh wall on her path, knocking her off balance, then she hopped back.

"Not bad" Mary said, almost enjoying the battle.

"Mary" Logan said.

He was in a hurry unlike Mary who felt the thrill of battle.

"You're such a killjoy Logan" said Mary "I wanted to play with them for a while....but a oh well"

"Here it comes..." Morgan said clutching on his wound.

Logan got ready and began flinching as Mary licked her lips in excitement pulling the spear back for a swing. The spear glowed in her hands in a purple black color.

When she was about to swing, a man appeared infront of Mary facing the Hunstmen.

Mary paused and looked puzzled.

"I thought it would be you guys" the man said.

"Oh....its you" Logan said with a less surprised reaction.

The rest of them looked at the man blankly.


"Was that teleportation?" Orb said.

"I....I dont know" said Ivy.

The only person Morgan could think of with a teleportation technique was the Prince of Dorne apparently. But he doubted a prince would be in league with mere criminals like the Rogues.

"Who are you?" Morgan demanded.

The man wore a mask, a long black coat and a hoody. He concealed his body parts and his hands with gloves.

"Who am i?" The masked man echoed, "Who i am is irrelevant, Prince of Winter. Now why dont you take the remaining men you have left and go back home before you get hurt"

"How dare you!" Morgan yelled.

Altar giggled slapping Balon on the shoulder, "I like this guy"

The man said to the twins, "You did a good job.....outstanding if i had to be honest, i didnt know you'd really be able to steal the Legendary Spear of Kurai. Truly commendable."

Morgan studied the man who had just appeared on the scene. He's stealthiness and calmness was alarming to the Prince, almost like he knew something they did not.

'It must be him' Morgan thought carefully.

He remembered his hypothesis about the Rogues having an outside member that more-or-less controls that. That had to be the guy. Now they just had to find out who he was behind that mask.

'If he sent them to do this then he must be bad news' Morgan thought. They had to eliminate him on the spot.

The Spear of Kurai was too dangerous to be used anyone, the Lords of the Krest had said. Apparently the Spear is a cursed weapon embedded with Dark Energy that was sealed within it after Kurai triumphed in her battle with one of the Ten Black Spirits. As the story goes, she defeated another Black Spirit with the spear embedded with Shadow Energy.

When she died, her weapon was kept sacred and hidden because of the unstable Shadow Energy it contained. Throughout the years thr spear was later seen as myth because nobody ever saw it again.....until this day.

"So much for peace in our time" Morgan mumbled.

Captain Orb got angry and pulled out hus blade the charged at the masked man.

"Orb wait...." Morgan yelled but it was too late.

Orb was blinded with rage and launched an attack with his longsword. The man quickly pulled out a scroll and threw it on the snow, stepped on it then jumped back, then suddenly Orb was caught with an energy beam from the ground that restricted his movements.

"A scroll...?" Balon said surprised.

"What of it?" Altar said.

"Scrolls are items that seal magic" said Balon, "Often used to store magic so that it can be used later. They are normally weapons for mages."

Altar looked at the masked man with a confused gaze, "So this guys a mage?"

"Which also explains how he used a teleportation technique" Balon said.

The scroll was steaming on the snow, the man picked it up and rolled it putting away. Then he pulled out another one, looking at the Rogues. "You've completed your end of the deal, I'll complete mine"

The man turned back to the Hunstmen and looked at Altar then dropped the scroll slapped his palms together. A blinding bright light shot from the scroll then covered the whole scene.


When Altar opened his violet eyes, he found himself laying on a mat on concrete in what appeared to be a tent. His head was spinning, one of the Hunstmen men layed unconscious next to him.

"This is back at the Castle" Altar realised.

Diego and Marissa appeared.

"You're alright?" Diego looked devastated giving him a glass of water.

"Yeah, are you?" Altar said.

"You should really stop getting me worried like that Altar" Diego said.

"Life and all its complications My Princess" said the boy patting Diegos head, "How did i get here? What happened to the rest of the guys?"

"My father sent out reinforcements and appeared you guys were lading in the forest unconscious" Marissa said.

"So they got away huh...." Altar said, disappointed.

"Yes" Balon entered the tent. "They outmaneuvered us, it seems. The guy was a mage, his spells were unexpected."

"You can say that again" Altar said, "Orb went back to his superiors to report what happened. Morgans doing the same."

"Yeah" Altar couldnt help but feel alittle down about them losing the sword. He'd even lost the the twin swords Princess Kyley had got customly made for him a year ago.

He remembered their last moments together before he left.

"I cant stay here" Altar had said.

"Do you really have to go?" Kyley was sad that day because she knew she'd be left alone without Altar. Karl had already left, and Montero had died.

"Staying here wont get me anywhere" Altar said, I need a life Kyley. This just isnt it for me"

"You could always work here as a knight. With your skill-"

"I dont see myself joining the Legion working with my parents" said Altar, "Lets alone working for your mom."

Altar didnt like the Queen of Dragon Isle. Nobody did.

"I knew i couldn't convince you" said Kyley, But i had to try."

Altar giggled. "Im sorry. I will come back though."

"I always knew a day like this would come where you'd decide to leave and travel the world" said Kyley, "So i made you these just in case. I never thought I'd give them to you so soon"

Kyley gave Altar short twin-swords sheathed in a black and white pouch.

"If you ever break them I'll break you" Kyley gave a cute yet sinister smile.

Altar let out a sigh and as Balon helped him up. 'Not going back to Dragon Isle anytime soon'.

"I hear you lost your swords" Diego said.

'Gimme a break', thought depressed on the fact but instead he said, "Actually they broke"

"Well i hope you're not thinking of taking mine because i just got used to it" Diego protested

"Oh is that a fact" Altar giggled.

"The ship has been finished by the way" said Marissa.

"Really?" Balon said.

"Great, we can leave tomorrow" Altar yourned, "I'm surprised we havent frozen to death here."

"We can leave in two days" Balon said, "The seas will be kinder then."

"You just want to drink" Altar said.

"The only alternative way for healing" Balon said, leaving the tent.

Two days later they were ready to set sail. They had packed all their belongings that they've got from the Frosts family on to the ship. The king had insisted on a few of his Huntsmen join them on their journey and to steer the ship for them.

"Thank you for all you've done for us, Your Grace" Diego bowed her head to the royal Frost family. They stood at the docks, some of the Huntsmen were still loading a few things on the ship

The King was present with his wife Queen Zaakirah, his Marissa and his two wards Aries and Aquarius. Captain Ivy was also present among them.

"It was a pleasure having you" the Queen said hugging her with Marissa.

"Do drop by sometime" Marissa said.

"I definitely will" Diego promised.

Balon Stone and Altar shook hands with the King and Ivy Frost.

"Take are and be safe out there" Ivy told them.

Aquarius went to Diego and gave her a necklace, "This is a gift from me to you"

"Oh...thank you" said Diego, glaring at the the red ruby on it, "Its beautiful."

"Not only that, it belonged to my grandma" she said, "She said she used to wear it when she'd lose control. I hope it'll be of use to you....since...you know."

Diego nodded and hugged her.

Marissa approached Altar and hugged him. Then she said, "I got you something"

Two maidens came carrying a longsword. In a silvery blue pouch.

Altar didnt know what to say, "Woaw......thanks so much" he pulled the sword halfway from the sheath studying it wit amazement.

"The swords name is Ice, its enchamted with Frost magic that freezes anything it touches when you call out its name" Marissa explained.

"Everybody ready to go?" Morgan passed them holding luggage.

"Wait what?" Altars mood changed instantly, closing the sword.

"I bid you farewell son" The king said waving with the Frost family.

"Guys whats happening here? Where is this guy going?"

Balon and Diego exchanged looks.

Balons said "You dont know? Morgan is going to be the captain of the ship"

Morgan towered over Altar and said, "Its Captain Morgan to you, insect"

"This must be a dream. A very bad dream" Altar cried.


"They're leaving. Finally" Jewel Sparrow said.

They hid in a nearby bush with their presence undetected.

Jewel had been complaining ever since that came to The Land Of Winter on their spying mission. He hated the place because of its cold weather. Robin would just ignore Jewel cries because Jewel was a man like himself. Lianna yelled at him all the time.

"Stop being a baby a grow a pair. Captain isnt crying about the cold. Right Captain?"

Lianna had an obvious crush on Robin, but he ignored it for some reason.

Robin just let out a sigh. Raven was the quiet one, she was always observant, and was the smarter one in the crew. For the mission they were called The Watchers.

The Watchers were there when the fugetives of Dorne fought with the Hunstmen against the Rogues, hiding in the shadows as birds. Raven had stayed back close to the Winter Kingdom to keep an eye of the Princess of Theronia along with Lianna.

Their enchanted necklaces had been activated throughout their whole misson allowing the Dornish and Isiah Stronghold to see what was happening.

Amanda Winfield, called The Dove, used her special ability to communicate talk to them from time to time while she was in Dorne.

"Mission report?" The Dove's voice came through to the four of them.

"They're leaving" said Robin, "King Christyl Frost built them a ship, and they'll be sailing south on the Cold Sea"

"I see" said The Dove. " I'll inform the old man"

"Isn't he with you?"

"No, he's at the New Nest" Amanda said

"The New Nest?" Raven echoed

"Thats what he's calling No Mans Land now" the Dove giggled. " So majestic"

"The land or the name?" Lianna said.

"Both" Dove replied, "You should hurry up and come see it."

"Yeah we'll be back soon" Robin assured.

"Is Jewel still alive?" Amanda said laughing

"Barely" Lianna said.

"Gotta go" Dove said, "I'll pass the messages to Isiah."

They watched the ship sail into the Cold Sea. "I guess we gotta go back home" Robin announced.

"No way im flying back into the Winter Land. Bloody cold there" Jewel said.

"Stop nagging" Lianna said, "Theres no other way"

"Well we can fly over the Cold sea" said Robin, "Atleast from there we can see the sun".

Robin had to admit that he also didnt like the idea of flying back over the wall the same route they came. "Lets go".

The Watchers took on their bird transformations and took to the skies.

North of the Cold Sea was the Black Hole where the waters fell endlessly. It was said that that hole was made in the battle of Kurai and one of the Black Spirits. It had become a canyon for many years in the sea, a hole that never filled. Ships werent able to sail North of the Cold Sea anymore because of the Black Hole that endlessly sucked in water like a vacuum. It was only logical for the Princess of Theronia and her crew to sail south between Dorne and Devil Isle.

The Black Hole was a beautiful yet dangerous sight to see, Robin felt safer at that distance.

The Watchers found themselves gliding over the ship with a few birds that flew south.