


Balon Stone knocked out the knights on the quarterdeck then ran to Morgan who was steering anxiously. The Huntsmen were doing their best to defend the Prince, and Diego held her own with the crew. Balon had to admit that she had improved in her combat training. Apparently she trained with the Huntsmen back in the Land of Winter when Altar and Balon werent available. That was when she stopped being scared of them, Balon now saw the fruits of that persistence.

The ship was sailing further south west away from Dorne. One of the Dornish ships were still persistent next to them then crashed into them. More ships were closing in from a distance. When he looked down at the maindeck where Altar was fighting Karl Smith, the Prince of Dorne had also appeared on the scene.

It wasnt looking so good anymore, Balon realised. The prince found him standing on the sterncastle, and stared at him.

"Karl, you take care of that brat" Daerason turned to Balon, "that ones mine."

Before Balon could think of something, Daerason appeared above him with his teleportation landing on him with his feet on his chest, crashing through the deck and into the captains cabin below the quarterdeck. Balon crashed through the wooden boxes and tables with his back.

The prince stood a few feet away, they were alone in the dark cabin, brightened by the light coming through the hold Daerason made on the wooden ceiling.

Balon recovered to his feet. It was the second time they caught him off guard, he let out a sigh.

"There you are" said the Prince, "I remember you"

"Do you now...?" Balon said.

He noticed that Daerason stood next in front of a cart full of wine and ale, their stock for the traveling. It was surprisingly undamaged, that made Balon even happier.

"Careful with our liquor there" Balon said

Daerason looked at the cart and smurked.

"Time for alittle payback from the last time we met," said Daerason, drawing his sword from his sheath slowly...then he stopped, seeing Balon unarmed made him sheath his blade back in. He smiled and held out both his fists.

'Okay?' Balon thought, 'if thats how he wants it.'

Balon went for the prince, missing his face with two fists. Daerason slid under third first then deflected the forth with his arms moving Balon back.

Balon went on the offensive move again, Daerason blocked his fist then tried to land his own, Balon quickly evaded staggering back. Daerason went with a fist which Balon countered, grabbed the Prince's arm attempting to twist it and break it.

When he pulled the arm, Daerason countered allowing himself to be snatched, then flung his body, grabbing Balons neck with he's legs then brought him down with him, tossing him rapidly on the wooden ground.

Daerason recovered faster, he went for Balon while he was still down to stomp him, but the Earth warrior rolled away then to his feet.

Daerason jumped at him with a punch, missing him, knocking a hole on the wall next to Balons head.

Balon gave him a headbutt then smashed Daerasons face on the wall with his hand while turning. Balon had him pinned on the wall, and landed two perfect punches on his face.

Daerason moved his head away on the third one, and evaded the rest. Balon hit three holes on the ship wall but he didnt care. He was feeling the moment, he couldnt lose this fight, he told himself.

'I have to wrap this up' he thought, he couldn't use his Earth powers in a wooden ship in the middle of the ocean. Hand to hand combat was his only bet. Prince Daerason was surprisingly good at close combat, Balon realized.

When Balon went for his fourth fist, Daerason just disappeared. "What the...?" Balon gasped.

Daerason appeared behind him with a kick that sent him stagging forward. Before Balon could recover, Daerason appeared in front of him with another one that sent him through the cabin wall and into the sea.

Daerason stood there and watched him sink, from the cabin hole. He whiped his nose and spat blood in the sea, then he left. Daerason came back kicking out the box of liquor into the sea.

'That asshole' Balon thought while sinking.

The Dornish ship that was next to them had knights jumping aboard their ship over powering them. Captain Morgan Frost forced to fight awell, the Huntmen couldn't keep their formation. They fought scattered along the ship with Diego. Altar had his hands busy with Karl.

Balon sunk then reached the bottom of the ocean. He felt alittle dizzy, like his consciousness was fading away. He then suddenly had a memory of his deceased mother and father....the he woke up. He summoned a giant golem from the Earth then swam back up with amazing speed, destroying the Dornish ship next to them completely.

Balon stood on the golems shoulder whilst it was gliding in the air. Suddenly from the sky, a giant palm made of black sand appeared heading directly at him like a slap.

"Shit" Balon jumped from the Golem before it got crushed into pieces of rocks and rubble. Balon crashed on the ship, then found King Dorian in the sky, standing on a tile of black sand.


Xavier and Kevin had taken to the sky, making their way to the Cold Sea to rescue their captured team members. From the eyes of Xavier, Isiah saw the battle that took place place in the sea. From the shores of Dorne, all they could see was smoke from the ships.

"Its pretty intense there", said Dove who was with Isiah and Nia.

"Hope they don't get dragged into this fight" said Isiah

"The lengths the Dornish would go to just detain one one" said Nia.

Then Isiah remembered that the primary target was the Princess of Theronia.

"There must be something really special about her" suggested Dove.

She didnt look special to Isiah who had pictures of their bounties. What Isiah was sure of was that they would definitely be captured by the looks of it.

Xaviers eyes showed them the battle at sea once he was close enough. They saw the Winter Ship damaged and out numbers by three more Dornish ships that were approaching it. Isiah realised that that was probably half of Dornes army at sea. Which made Isiah curious and convinced that there was something about Diego.

Isiah head started to tingle then he asked for a glass of water. A servant come in with the glass and gave it to the lord. Isiah clutched on his head drinking the water then groaned.

"Isiah, are you okay?" Nia ssid

"Yes, just a headache" said Isiah.

He sat on his bed with the crystal ball on his lap. He closed his eyes and took deep breaths, then stange images popped in his mind that appeared in the forms of flashbacks.

He saw himself as a child running through the City of Lightning Land playing with his old friend Eric Storm who was still a prince back then. Lady Nia was still just a crush at the time, and his father ruled the Nest back in Dorne.

"My childhood memories?" Isiah realised, then his head tingled again.

He saw images of Eric Storm and his wife crying, holding the body of one of their daughters and the Land of Lightning was in flames and ruins. Isiah saw the battle of No Mans Land when the Dornish slaughtered all the minotaurs. He saw King Dornian at sea towering over the ship of Winter Land with his black Sand around him waiting for an attack.

"That power" said Dorian, "shall be mine."

Isiahs mind was scrambling everything up, it didnt make sense to Isiah. He saw Princess Diego Reed screaming under the dark sky and the moon with the Dornish all around her. Dorian had towered over her with his son and ruins everywhere. The wall of Dorne was destroyed and the Dornish castle damaged.

"Do it!" Dorian called and mages appeared around Diego.

"Do it!" Isiah saw Dorian back at sea watching

Diego who looked like she was transforming. Her body had purple smoke steaming out of her and her face had blue cracks. It didnt look like the harmless Diego he saw on the bounty pictures anymore.

"You will see me again" a picture of a lady with her back turned suddenly appeared faintly in Isiah mind. The woman slighly turned her head back to look at Isiah then walked away. All Isiah could see was her green eyes. The same green eyes he saw in his dream earlier.

Isiah snapped back to reality then started panting.

"My Lord" said Dove looking at him blankly. "Are you sure you're okay?"

Isiah looked at her speechless. Dove added, "You're sweating"

Isiah felt his face which was wet with sweat. 'Whats happening to me?' He looked at his palms. Nia came with a towel and gently wiped the sweat off her husband.

Isiah looked back at the crysal ball, King Dorian had arrived on the scene and stood on a floating tile over the Winter ship, "That power" he said, ""shall be mine"

Isiah gasped. It was exactly how he saw it. 'Are these visions?' He thought.

Xavier and Kevin found The Watchers tied on the ship bowsprit crying for help. Kevin and Hawk rescued them in the heat of battle.


She pulled her sword out a Dornish knight and looked at the sky. King Dornian had appeared. Everyone paused at the sight of him. Altars fight with with Karl on the main deck had halted, Balon was on the maindeck aswell. She stood on the sterncastle close to Morgan and the few huntsmen left. Daerason had vanished.

"So thats king Dorian Sande" Morgan said. "What else can go wrong?"

Diego was speechless, she was just angry. Dorians eyes found her, "There you are."

Diego stood her ground holding her sword and showed no fear. Dorian ignored everyone else and pointed his palm at her. His black sand stretched out to her like arms. Diego dived away, evading capture. Dorians sand left holes on their ship, and this time it was sinking slowly. Three Dornish ships arrived and the men that invaded their ship jumped back to theirs.

'They're retreating...' Diego thought.

Some of Dornish men were still escaping, Diego looked around at his crew members. Karl sheathed his sword then withdrew from the battle. Dorian attacked Altar and Balon, his sand knocked holes on the ships front then the maindeck cracked. When Altar and Balon tried to run to the other side of the ship to Diego, the ship tore into two.

Four mages appeared floating in the air behind king Dorian. Diego recognized them.

"The sealing team" she said.

Altar and Balon ran to the ships mast forecastle deck which was now pointing upwards. The mages flew to Altar and Balon then floated in a line in front of them pointing out their palms.

"Shit" Altar said, "they wanna get rid of us first". An island was in view behind them, soon they would have no choice.

"Disintegrate!" The mages yelled and a red laser beam made of their concentration energy shot out and merged, heading for Cleos and Balon.

Altar stood there and blew out his ball of flame from his mouth to match the laser beam. Balon dived into the sea when Altar was overpowered in a giant explosion.

Diego witnessed his two companions being swallowed by the explosion. Morgan didnt have a plan anymore, they had to improvise.

Diego didnt know what to do, Dorian had them where he wanted them. She didnt have an powers to shoot a projectile at him, the king kept his distance.

"We must abandon the ship" Morgan ordered.

Dorians sand went for the piece of the ship that was still afloat and destroyed it completely seconds after Diego dived in the sea. Her crew was scattered the in the water with the few dead bodies. The Dornish ships kept their distance sailing away.

Diego sank into the water with her sword sheathed. She saw the Black Spirit swimming to her giggling. The Black Spirit approached Diego and gently touched her cheeks while she sank upside down.

"I guess your crew didnt think of a plan for when the ship sinks" said the Spirit.

"Help me" said Diego.

"Now why would I do that?" the Spirit said.

"You saved me the last time" said Diego.

"The last time you granted me access to your body" said the Spirit. "Submit to me again child"

Diego didnt want to but she didnt have a choice. "Will you protect my friends?"

"You have friends?" the Spirit mocked. Then she laughed. "I have one condition though."

"Tell me" said Diego.

"You'll complete a task for me"

"Which is?"

"I'll tell you when the time is right" said the Spirit. "Do you agree with this pact, child?"

Diego didnt have time to still contemplate about it. She hesitated but nodded in agreement. She was desperate.

"Good. Now purge on your enemies " said the Spirit then she gave Diego a deep kiss on the lips.


Dorian stood on his magical black sand scanning the sea. The enemy ship was complete annihilated, pieces of it was scattered all over the sea and the bodies of Dornishmen and Huntsmen. There were about six Dornish ships left sailing. His mages scanned the sea looking for Diego.

The mages found Diego trying to pull herself on a piece of their ship that floated and slowly approached her. When Dorian looked closer, Diego was emitting purple energy like she steam. Before Dorian could think of anything, Diego grabbed one of the mages by the face and flew with them, smashing their head in the nearest Dornish ship then she paused.

The Dornish men aboard looked at her frightened. Diego turned her head at them like a zombie and grinned. Her eyes had went from a sky blue to a blood red. Her lips had turned black and her hands and face had hints of black subtances that slowly took over her body.

"Shadow Energy" Dorian said in amazement. Diego slowly rose up and stood on the ships deck looking at the Dornishmen who were slowly backing away with their weapons drawn. She looked at her left palm and studied it while a ball of purple energy manifested. Diego looked back at them and a few men jumped off the ship.

She closed her palm and the whole ship went out in an explosion. She then floated, her feet almost touching the water.

The three remaining mages led by Lady Lane appeared above Diego aiming at her with their palms. "Disintegrate!" They yelled then the laser beam fired straight at the Pnevma, taking her out in an explosion.

'Did they get her' thought the king. When the smoke cleared, Diego was till standing on solid air with both her hands out laughing. She looked around found the Earth Triber and the Prince of winter floating on a piece of the ship. The boy Altar Cleos was also with them, unconscious.

Diego looked at them and they were a attacked by a furious wind that forced a giant wave to wash them away to the direction of the Island in range. Diego looked back at the three mages then went for them.

Dorian intervened and went to defend them. When Diego was in range, a purple ball out of shadow energy manifested from her chest. Dorian made it in time and blocked the blast with his sand, defending the mages. In the smoke, the mages escaped and Dorian was was falling into the sea until his sand saved him. The king landed on the sand and used it as a surfboard. Diego shot out more shadow energy projectiles at Dorian who was surfing the air evading being hit. Diego was acting like the monster the Dornish heard rumors about. She was now only acting impulse and fuelled by destruction. Her blast caused violent waves in the sea and some ships were caught.

"Withdraw!" Dorian ordered the remaining ships. He looked and found that there were only three left, sailing back to Dorne. The situation was not what they expected, it escalated fast.

Dorian would tell that Diego was slowly losing control. She had lost sight of her objective, more energy balls appeared around her then they scattered into the sea, destroying anything in their way.

Capturing her alive was harder than he thought, she had to be knocked out unconscious or be worned out out for their spell to work, but knocking her out seemed to be impossible. Diego was too overpowered, she didnt know what to do with it all so she destroyed everything, losing sight of King Dorian. The king tried to devise a plan with the mages behind him.

"Shes too strong" said Lady Lane. "We must retreat, sir"

Dorian said nothing, Lady Lane was right. Diego was just causing havoc and her defense was impenetrable.

Suddenly a green light shot from her chest. It came from the necklace she wore, the light shot out arms that grabbed Diego's libs and body. Diego cried out trying to fight but she couldn't.

The mages saw a chance to knock her unconscious then they flew to her and pointed their palms at her once more.

"Disintegrate!" They called, knocking Diego with a direct hit. The blast travelled with her into the sea then went out in a big explosion.